class ThreadSimu(threading.Thread):
    """dérivation d'un objet thread pour gérer la connexion avec un client"""

    def __init__(self):
        global M
        global Lock
        global LockEnd

        # init the server
        self.nbsRobots = 4
        self.listRobots = []
        # self.Command = command()
        self.listRobotsReels = []  # self.Command.ListRobots

        # Initialisation Simulation
        self.simu = SimulationControl(self.nbsRobots, 550, 20)
        self.alive = True

        # objet initialisant les threads des GPS
        self.MainThread = ThreadGPSAll(self.nbsRobots, Lock, LockEnd)

    def run(self):
        global M
        global Lock
        global LockEnd
        theta_i = 0  # initial angle of the ellipse
        l_i = 0.1  # initial major axis of the ellipse
        centre_i = np.array([[0], [0]])  # initial center of the ellipse
        k = 0  # start with position number 0
        tk = 0
        l_f, theta_f, centre_f = self.simu.param_ellipse(self.simu.objectifs, k)  # ellipse parameter to reach
        x0 = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
        X =, np.ones((1, self.simu.N)))  # position of the robots
        ListPWM = []
        # Init affichage
        vibes.newFigure("Simulation Gascogne avec Terrain de Foot")
        vibes.setFigureProperties({"x": 200, "y": 100, "width": 800, "height": 800})
        points = [
            [0, 0],
            [40.863285863772035, 4.2179290521889925],
            [37.32119551504729, 39.42228888720274],
            [-3.5161916106007993, 36.53818473871797],
        objectifs = [
            [0, 0],
            [40.863285863772035, 4.2179290521889925],
            [37.32119551504729, 39.42228888720274],
            [-3.5161916106007993, 36.53818473871797],
        vibes.drawLine(points)  # drawing of the coast
        vibes.drawLine(objectifs, "green")  # drawing of ellipse target bounds

        for i in range(0, self.nbsRobots):
            self.listRobots.append(Robot(-4.0, 45.0, 0.0, 0.0, i, "b", self.nbsRobots))

        for t in np.arange(0, self.simu.Tf, self.simu.dt):

            ## Récupère la postion des robots réels
            with Lock:
                M = self.MainThread.M
                Arr = M
            # time.sleep(self.simu.dt)

            ## Affichage des robot
            ref = [391039.7802301956, 5363846.097328593]
            vibes.drawLine(points, "black")
            vibes.drawLine(objectifs, "green")
            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                vibes.drawCircle(Arr[i, 3] - ref[0], Arr[i, 4] - ref[1], 0.5, "blue")

            ## mettre a jour coordonnées du robot
            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                # cas où x,y = lat,lon
                # self.listRobots[i].setNewState(np.array(Arr[i,0],Arr[i,1]),Arr[i,2])
                # cas où x,y = east,north
                self.listRobots[i].setNewState(np.array([Arr[i, 3], Arr[i, 4]]), Arr[i, 2])
                theta = self.listRobots[i].thetaMesure
                X[0, i] = Arr[i, 3]
                X[1, i] = Arr[i, 4]
                X[2, i] = Arr[i, 2] * np.cos(theta) + 1
                X[3, i] = Arr[i, 2] * np.sin(theta) + 1
                # Probleme probable ici car orientation de theta a revoir

            # calcule la consigne
            t, k, tk, theta_i, theta_f, l_i, l_f, centre_i, centre_f, positions, X, cons, dcons = self.simu.simuOneStep(
                t, k, tk, theta_i, theta_f, l_i, l_f, centre_i, centre_f, X
            # X correspond à la position théorique des robots, cons[-self.nbsRobots] correspond à la dernière consigne calculée pour les robots

            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                ## Reception consigne PWM
                PWMrobot = self.listRobots[i].regulate(
                    np.array([cons[i][0, 0], cons[i][1, 0]]), np.array([dcons[i][0, 0], dcons[i][1, 0]])


            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                ## completer avec le code de commande robot
                # commande à utiliser pour normaliser la commande
                # appliquqe la commande trouvée
                # setPWM(PWM) :: append à la liste Pwnforw et Pwmturn les valeurs de PWM[0] et PWM[1]
                1 + 1


            with LockEnd:
                cont = self.alive
            if not cont:

        with Lock:
            M = []

    def stopT(self):
        with LockEnd:
            self.alive = False
class ThreadSimu(threading.Thread):
    '''dérivation d'un objet thread pour gérer la connexion avec un client'''
    def __init__(self):
        global M
        # init the server
        self.nbsRobots = 4
        self.listRobots = []
        self.Command,self.joystick,self.axes = initVarCommunication()
        self.listRobotsReels = [] #self.Command.ListRobots
        # Initialisation Simulation
        self.simu = SimulationControl(self.nbsRobots,550,10)
        self.alive = True
        # Init GPS
    def run(self):
        global M
        theta_i = 0 # initial angle of the ellipse
        l_i = 0.1 # initial major axis of the ellipse
        centre_i = np.array([[0],[0]]) # initial center of the ellipse
        k = 0 # start with position number 0
        tk = 0
        l_f,theta_f,centre_f = self.simu.param_ellipse(self.simu.objectifs,k) # ellipse parameter to reach
        x0 = np.array([[0],[0],[0],[1]])
        X =,np.ones((1,self.simu.N))) # position of the robots
        ListPWM = []
        # Init affichage
        vibes.newFigure('Simulation Gascogne avec Terrain de Foot')
        vibes.setFigureProperties({'x': 200, 'y': 100, 'width': 800, 'height': 800})
        points = [[0,0],[40.863285863772035, 4.2179290521889925],[37.32119551504729, 39.42228888720274],[-3.5161916106007993, 36.53818473871797]]
        objectifs = [[20.0,30.0],[20.01,10.0]]
        #objectifs = [[0,0],[40.863285863772035, 4.2179290521889925],[37.32119551504729, 39.42228888720274],[-3.5161916106007993, 36.53818473871797]]
        vibes.drawLine(points) # drawing of the coast
        vibes.drawLine(objectifs,'green')  # drawing of ellipse target bounds 

        for i in range(0,self.nbsRobots):
        # init the robot control    
        # self.Command.start()
        # beginning of the regulation
        for t in np.arange(0,self.simu.Tf,self.simu.dt):
            ## Récupère la postion des robots réels
            with Lock:
               M = returnAllLatLong(self.ser,self.nbsRobots)
               Arr = M.copy()
            # time.sleep(self.simu.dt)
            ## Affichage des robot
            ref = [391039.7802301956,  5363846.097328593]
            vibes.drawLine(points, 'black')
            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
            ## mettre a jour coordonnées du robot
            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                # cas où x,y = lat,lon
                # cas où x,y = east,north
                theta = self.listRobots[i].thetaMesure
                # Probleme probable ici car orientation de theta a revoir
            # calcule la consigne
            t,k,tk,theta_i,theta_f,l_i,l_f,centre_i,centre_f, positions, X ,cons,dcons = self.simu.simuOneStep(t,k,tk,theta_i,theta_f,l_i,l_f,centre_i,centre_f,X)
            # X correspond à la position théorique des robots, cons[-self.nbsRobots] correspond à la dernière consigne calculée pour les robots
            # print(" cons : ",cons)
            for i in range(self.nbsRobots):
                ## Reception consigne PWM
                # PWMrobot = self.listRobots[i].regulate(np.array([cons[i][0,0],cons[i][1,0]]),np.array([dcons[i][0,0],dcons[i][1,0]]))
                # ListPWM.append([np.int16(PWMrobot[0]),np.int16(PWMrobot[1])])

            # print(ListPWM)
            ## completer avec le code de commande robot
            # commande à utiliser pour normaliser la commande
            # appliquqe la commande trouvée
            # self.Command.setConsigne(ListPWM[0][0],ListPWM[0][1],ListPWM[1][0],ListPWM[1][1],ListPWM[2][0],ListPWM[2][1],ListPWM[3][0],ListPWM[3][1])
            with LockEnd:
              cont = self.alive
            if not cont:
        with Lock:
            M = []
    def stopT(self):
        with LockEnd:
          self.alive = False