def cookieCutter(infill,contours): i = len(infill)-1 while i >= 0: #print(i,len(infill)) for contour in contours: for line in contour.lines: thing = infill[i] if thing.isMove: continue # print('index') # print(thing.index,i) coords = thing.lineIntersect2(line) if len(coords)!=0: if isinstance(thing,Line): x = coords[0] y = coords[1] replace1 = Line(thing.startPoint,Point(x,y,0,True),thing.index,thing.isExtruding) replace2 = Line(Point(x,y,0,True),thing.endPoint,thing.index,thing.isExtruding) del infill[i] infill.insert(i,replace2) infill.insert(i,replace1) if isinstance(thing,ArcLine): # print('is arc') if len(coords) == 2: # print('foolde dyou') #if np.arctan2((np.tan(coords[0][1])-np.tan(coords[1][1]))/(1+np.tan(coords[0][1])*np.tan(coords[1][1])),1)>0: replace1 = ArcLine(,thing.r,thing.theta1,coords[0][1],thing.index,thing.isExtruding) replace2 = ArcLine(,thing.r,coords[0][1],coords[1][1],thing.index,thing.isExtruding) replace3 = ArcLine(,thing.r,coords[1][1],thing.theta2,thing.index,thing.isExtruding) #else: # replace1 = ArcLine(,thing.r,thing.theta1,coords[0][1],thing.index+1,thing.isExtruding) # replace2 = ArcLine(,thing.r,coords[0][1],coords[1][1],thing.index+2,thing.isExtruding,True) # replace3 = ArcLine(,thing.r,coords[1][1],thing.theta2,thing.index+3,thing.isExtruding,True) del infill[i] infill.insert(i,replace3) infill.insert(i,replace2) infill.insert(i,replace1) else: replace1 = ArcLine(,thing.r,thing.theta1,coords[0][1],thing.index,thing.isExtruding) replace2 = ArcLine(,thing.r,coords[0][1],thing.theta2,thing.index,thing.isExtruding) del infill[i] infill.insert(i,replace2) infill.insert(i,replace1) # print('you fool') i -= 1 # maxlevel = 0 # contour_by_level = [] # for contour in contours: # if maxlevel<contour.level: # maxlevel = contour.level # for num in range(0,maxlevel+1): # contour_by_level.append([]) # print(len(contour_by_level)) # for contour in contours:# sort contours into lists according to level # contour_by_level[contour.level].append(contour) # for num in range(0,maxlevel+1): # for contour in contour_by_level[num]: # if num%2==0: # doExtrude = # doExtrude = False # for item in infill: # if item.alternate: # doExtrude = not doExtrude # item.isExtruding = doExtrude #print(item.isExtruding) for item in infill: if item.isMove: continue if isinstance(item,Line): midpoint = [(item.endPoint.X+item.startPoint.X)/2,(item.endPoint.Y+item.startPoint.Y)/2] elif isinstance(item,ArcLine): # if item.r>5: # print('here') midtheta = (item.theta1+item.theta2)/2 midpoint = [item.r*np.cos(midtheta),item.r*np.sin(midtheta)] maxLevel = 0 filled = False SlicerGeometries.findHoles(contours) for contour in contours: polygon = [] for line in contour.lines: polygon.append([line.startPoint.X,line.startPoint.Y]) path = mpltPath.Path(polygon) if (path.contains_point(midpoint)) and contour.level >= maxLevel: maxLevel = contour.level filled = True count = 0 if filled and maxLevel%2==0: item.isExtruding = True count += 1 elif filled: item.isExtruding = False
my_mesh.x = my_mesh.x*scale my_mesh.y = my_mesh.y*scale my_mesh.x += -25.6 my_mesh.y += -25.6 my_normals = my_mesh.normals v0 = my_mesh.v0 v1 = my_mesh.v1 v2 = my_mesh.v2 xlim = [-40,40] ylim = [-40,40] faces = [] for i in range(0,len(v0)): newFace = SlicerGeometries.Face(v0[i],v1[i],v2[i],my_normals[i]) faces.append(newFace) newLines = [] for face in faces: if face.isSliced(currentZ,zIncrement) == 1: newSliceLine = face.sliceLine(currentZ,zIncrement) newLines.append(newSliceLine) # elif face.isSliced(currentZ,zIncrement) == 2: # print('Has level face') if len(newLines) != 0: precontour = SlicerGeometries.preContour(newLines) contours = precontour.reorder() #else: # print('No non-filled contours')
my_mesh.x = my_mesh.x * scale my_mesh.y = my_mesh.y * scale my_mesh.x += -25.6 my_mesh.y += -25.6 my_normals = my_mesh.normals v0 = my_mesh.v0 v1 = my_mesh.v1 v2 = my_mesh.v2 xlim = [-40, 40] ylim = [-40, 40] faces = [] for i in range(0, len(v0)): newFace = SlicerGeometries.Face(v0[i], v1[i], v2[i], my_normals[i]) faces.append(newFace) newLines = [] for face in faces: if face.isSliced(currentZ, zIncrement) == 1: newSliceLine = face.sliceLine(currentZ, zIncrement) newLines.append(newSliceLine) elif face.isSliced(currentZ, zIncrement) == 2: print('Has level face') if len(newLines) != 0: precontour = SlicerGeometries.preContour(newLines) contours = precontour.reorder() else: print('No non-filled contours')
#my_mesh.z -= 20 my_normals = my_mesh.normals v0 = my_mesh.v0 v1 = my_mesh.v1 v2 = my_mesh.v2 Zcoords = [] #for vector in v0: # Zcoords.append(v0[2]) # Zcoords.append(v1[2]) # Zcoords.append(v2[2]) #maxZ = max(Zcoords) #minZ = min(Zcoords) faces = [] for i in range(0, len(v0)): newFace = SlicerGeometries.Face(v0[i], v1[i], v2[i], my_normals[i]) faces.append(newFace) newLines = [] for face in faces: if face.isSliced(currentZ, zIncrement) == 1: newSliceLine = face.sliceLine(currentZ, zIncrement) newLines.append(newSliceLine) elif face.isSliced(currentZ, zIncrement) == 2: print('Has level face') if dontOrder == 1: X = [] Y = [] Z = [] U = [] V = []
def join(group1, group2, LINEWIDTH): joinlines = [] r1 = np.sqrt(group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X**2 + group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y**2) r2 = np.sqrt(group2.lines[0].startPoint.X**2 + group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y**2) theta1 = np.arctan2(group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y, group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X) theta2 = np.arctan2(group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y, group2.lines[0].startPoint.X) dr = r2 - r1 dot = (group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X * group2.lines[0].startPoint.X + group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y * group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y) d = dot / r1 / r2 if d >= 1: d = 1 dtheta = np.arccos(d) if Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X, group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point( group2.lines[0].startPoint.X - group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X, group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y - group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y, 0), 0, True).direction() < 0: dtheta = -dtheta if group1.lines[-1].direction() >= 0: if group2.lines[0].direction() >= 0: if dtheta != 0: B = dr / dtheta print("monkey") #direct r_a = r1 theta_a = theta1 totalAngle = 0 while totalAngle < np.abs(dtheta): dtheta_ = LINEWIDTH / np.sqrt(B**2 + r_a**2) theta_b = theta_a + dtheta_ r_b = B * dtheta_ + r_a print(r_b, r2) x_a = r_a * np.cos(theta_a) y_a = r_a * np.sin(theta_a) x_b = r_b * np.cos(theta_b) y_b = r_b * np.sin(theta_b) if r_b >= r2: joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) r_a = r_b theta_a = theta_b totalAngle += dtheta_ joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group2.lines[0].startPoint, group1.lines[0].index, False)) else: #go to end and pass again theta2_ = ( group1.lines[0].index + 1 ) * np.pi * 2 / n #sets spiral goal to dividing line towards CCW dot = (r2 * np.cos(theta2_) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X) + ( r2 * np.sin(theta2_) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y) d = dot / r1 / r2 if d >= 1: d = 1 dtheta = np.arccos(d) print(np.arccos(d)) if dtheta == 0.: print("got here") print(group1.lines[0].index) joinlines.append( Line( group1.lines[-1].endPoint, SlicerGeometries.Point(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_), 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) else: B = dr / dtheta r_a = r1 theta_a = theta1 totalAngle = 0 x_a, y_a, x_b, y_b = 0, 0, 0, 0 while totalAngle < np.abs(dtheta): dtheta_ = LINEWIDTH / np.sqrt(B**2 + r_a**2) theta_b = theta_a + dtheta_ r_b = B * dtheta_ + r_a #print(r_a,r_b,B) x_a = r_a * np.cos(theta_a) y_a = r_a * np.sin(theta_a) x_b = r_b * np.cos(theta_b) y_b = r_b * np.sin(theta_b) if r_b >= r2: joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) r_a = r_b theta_a = theta_b totalAngle += dtheta_ joinlines.append( Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_), 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) a = 1 - 0.1 / r2 print("making arc") ang_width = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - a**2), a) theta2_selftemp = np.arcsin( np.cos(theta2) * np.sin(theta2_) - np.sin(theta2) * np.cos(theta2_)) theta2_selftemp = (theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi - np.floor( theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi)) * 2 * np.pi if np.abs(theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi - round(theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi)) < 0.000001: theta2_selftemp = 0 print(theta2_selftemp) m = theta2_selftemp / ang_width m = int(np.ceil(m)) if m != 0: ang_width = -theta2_selftemp / m #negative to go in opposite direction of spiral arc just made print(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_)) for i in range(0, m): x1 = r2 * np.cos(theta2_ + i * ang_width) y1 = r2 * np.sin(theta2_ + i * ang_width) x2 = r2 * np.cos(theta2_ + (i + 1) * ang_width) y2 = r2 * np.sin(theta2_ + (i + 1) * ang_width) joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x1, y1, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x2, y2, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) print(joinlines[-1].endPoint.X, joinlines[-1].endPoint.Y) else: if group2.lines[0].direction() >= 0: #go to end and pass again theta2_ = ( group1.lines[0].index ) * np.pi * 2 / n #sets spiral goal to dividing line towards CW dot = (r2 * np.cos(theta2_) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X) + ( r2 * np.sin(theta2_) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y) d = dot / r1 / r2 if d >= 1: d = 1 dtheta = np.arccos(d) if dtheta == 0.: joinlines.append( Line( group1.lines[-1].endPoint, SlicerGeometries.Point(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_), 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) else: B = float(dr) / float(dtheta) r_a = r1 theta_a = theta1 totalAngle = 0 x_a, y_a, x_b, y_b = 0, 0, 0, 0 while totalAngle < np.abs(dtheta): dtheta_ = -LINEWIDTH / np.sqrt(B**2 + r_a**2) theta_b = theta_a + dtheta_ r_b = -B * dtheta_ + r_a print(r_a, r_b, B) print(dr, r1, r2) x_a = r_a * np.cos(theta_a) y_a = r_a * np.sin(theta_a) x_b = r_b * np.cos(theta_b) y_b = r_b * np.sin(theta_b) if r_b >= r2: joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) r_a = r_b theta_a = theta_b totalAngle -= dtheta_ joinlines.append( Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_), 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) a = 1 - 0.1 / r2 print("making arc") ang_width = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - a**2), a) theta2_selftemp = np.arcsin( np.cos(theta2) * np.sin(theta2_) - np.sin(theta2) * np.cos(theta2_)) # if theta2_selftemp<0: # theta2_selftemp += 2*np.pi # print(theta2_selftemp) # theta2_selftemp = (theta2_selftemp/2/np.pi-np.floor(theta2_selftemp/2/np.pi))*2*np.pi if np.abs(theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi - round(theta2_selftemp / 2 / np.pi)) < 0.000001: theta2_selftemp = 0 print(theta2_selftemp) m = theta2_selftemp / ang_width m = int(np.ceil(m)) if m != 0: ang_width = theta2_selftemp / m #positive to go in opposite direction of spiral arc just made print(r2 * np.cos(theta2_), r2 * np.sin(theta2_)) for i in range(0, m): x1 = r2 * np.cos(theta2_ + i * ang_width) y1 = r2 * np.sin(theta2_ + i * ang_width) x2 = r2 * np.cos(theta2_ + (i + 1) * ang_width) y2 = r2 * np.sin(theta2_ + (i + 1) * ang_width) joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x1, y1, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x2, y2, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) print(joinlines[-1].endPoint.X, joinlines[-1].endPoint.Y) else: #direct print("monkey") if dtheta != 0: B = dr / dtheta r_a = r1 print(B, r_a) theta_a = theta1 totalAngle = 0 while totalAngle < np.abs(dtheta): dtheta_ = -LINEWIDTH / np.sqrt(B**2 + r_a**2) theta_b = theta_a + dtheta_ r_b = B * dtheta_ + r_a x_a = r_a * np.cos(theta_a) y_a = r_a * np.sin(theta_a) x_b = r_b * np.cos(theta_b) y_b = r_b * np.sin(theta_b) if r_b >= r2: joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) r_a = r_b theta_a = theta_b totalAngle -= dtheta_ joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group2.lines[0].startPoint, group1.lines[0].index, False)) return joinlines
def makeSpiral(group1, group2, LINEWIDTH): joinlines = [] r1 = np.sqrt(group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X**2 + group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y**2) r2 = np.sqrt(group2.lines[0].startPoint.X**2 + group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y**2) theta1 = np.arctan2(group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y, group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X) theta2 = np.arctan2(group2.lines[0].startPoint.Y, group2.lines[0].startPoint.X) dtheta = np.arctan2( r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2) - r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2), r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2) + r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2)) if dtheta < 0: dtheta += 2 * np.pi dr = r2 - r1 theta2_ = (group1.lines[0].index ) * np.pi * 2 / n #sets spiral goal to dividing line towards CW dot = (r2 * np.cos(theta2) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.X) + ( r2 * np.sin(theta2) * group1.lines[-1].endPoint.Y) d = dot / r1 / r2 if d >= 1: d = 1 # dtheta = np.arccos(d) if dtheta == 0.: joinlines.append( Line( group1.lines[-1].endPoint, SlicerGeometries.Point(r2 * np.cos(theta2), r2 * np.sin(theta2), 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) else: B = float(dr) / float(dtheta) r_a = r1 theta_a = theta1 totalAngle = 0 x_a, y_a, x_b, y_b = 0, 0, 0, 0 while totalAngle < np.abs(dtheta): dtheta_ = LINEWIDTH / np.sqrt(B**2 + r_a**2) theta_b = theta_a + dtheta_ r_b = B * dtheta_ + r_a # print(r_a,r_b,B) # print(dr,r1,r2) x_a = r_a * np.cos(theta_a) y_a = r_a * np.sin(theta_a) x_b = r_b * np.cos(theta_b) y_b = r_b * np.sin(theta_b) if not ((r_b >= r2 and r_a <= r2) or (r_b <= r2 and r_a >= r2)): joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x_b, y_b, 0), group1.lines[0].index, False)) r_a = r_b theta_a = theta_b totalAngle += dtheta_ joinlines.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x_a, y_a, 0), group2.lines[0].startPoint, group1.lines[0].index, False)) return joinlines
def contourPath(contours, currentZ, LINEWIDTH, NOZZLEFRONT): buildpath = [] SlicerGeometries.findHoles(contours) newcontours = [] infillcontours = [] for i in range(0, len(contours)): contour = contours[i] vertices = [] new_lines = [] for line in contour.lines: vertices.append((line.startPoint.X, line.startPoint.Y)) vertices = tuple(vertices) # print(len(vertices)) pco = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() pco.AddPath(pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(vertices, 2**31), pyclipper.JT_MITER, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON) offset = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(LINEWIDTH / 2, 2**31) if contour.level % 2 == 0: new_vertices = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper( pco.Execute(-offset), 2**31) else: new_vertices = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper( pco.Execute(offset), 2**31) new_vertices = new_vertices[0] for i in range(0, len(new_vertices)): # print(len(new_vertices)) if i == len(new_vertices) - 1: new_lines.append( SlicerGeometries.SliceLine([[ new_vertices[len(new_vertices) - 1][0], new_vertices[len(new_vertices) - 1][1], currentZ ], [new_vertices[0][0], new_vertices[0][1], currentZ]], np.array([0, 0, 0]))) else: new_lines.append( SlicerGeometries.SliceLine( [[new_vertices[i][0], new_vertices[i][1], currentZ], [ new_vertices[i + 1][0], new_vertices[i + 1][1], currentZ ]], np.array([0, 0, 0]))) newcontours.append(SlicerGeometries.closedContour(new_lines, 1)) for contour in newcontours: for line in contour.lines: buildpath.append(Line(line.startPoint, line.endPoint, 0, True)) replace1 = [] replace2 = [] where = [] for i in range(0, len(buildpath)): line = buildpath[i] # print(line.startPoint.X,line.startPoint.Y,line.endPoint.X,line.endPoint.Y) for j in range(0, n): x = plateRad * np.cos((j + 1) * np.pi * 2 / n) y = plateRad * np.sin((j + 1) * np.pi * 2 / n) radial = SlicerGeometries.SliceLine([[0, 0, 0], [x, y, 0]], [0, 0, 0]) # print(radial.startPoint.X,radial.startPoint.Y,radial.endPoint.X,radial.endPoint.Y) a = radial.intersectsWith(line) if len(a) != 0: # print(line.startPoint.X,line.startPoint.Y,line.endPoint.X,line.endPoint.Y) # print(a) if j != n - 1: replace1.append( Line(line.startPoint, SlicerGeometries.Point(a[0], a[1], 0), j, True)) replace2.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(a[0], a[1], 0), line.endPoint, j + 1, True)) else: replace1.append( Line(line.startPoint, SlicerGeometries.Point(a[0], a[1], 0), j, True)) replace2.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(a[0], a[1], 0), line.endPoint, 0, True)) where.append(i) for g in range(len(where) - 1, -1, -1): i = where[g] del buildpath[i] buildpath.insert(i, replace1[g]) buildpath.insert(i + 1, replace2[g]) for line in buildpath: c = np.arctan2((line.startPoint.Y + line.endPoint.Y) / 2, (line.startPoint.X + line.endPoint.X) / 2) if c < 0: c += 2 * np.pi b = int(np.floor(c / (2 * np.pi / n))) # b = int(2*np.pi/np.arctan2(line.startPoint.Y,line.startPoint.X)) line.index = b nozzlelines = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] for line in buildpath: nozzlelines[line.index].append(line) nozzlegroups = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] CCW = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] CW = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, len(nozzlelines)): for line in nozzlelines[j]: if line.direction() < 0: CW[j].append(line) #separates CW lines else: CCW[j].append(line) #separates CCW lines for j in range(0, len(nozzlelines)): while len(CW[j]) != 0: max = CW[j][0] for line in CW[j]: if Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(line.startPoint.X, line.startPoint.Y, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(max.startPoint.X, max.startPoint.Y, 0), 0, True).direction() < 0: max = line currentCW = max currentListCW = [] currentListCW.append(max) CW[j].remove(max) found = True while found: found = False for line in CW[j]: if line.startPoint.isEqual(currentCW.endPoint): currentListCW.append(line) currentCW = line CW[j].remove(line) found = True break nozzlegroups[j].append(Group(currentListCW, j, 0)) for group in nozzlegroups[j]: group.lines.reverse() for line in group.lines: dummy = line.startPoint line.startPoint = line.endPoint line.endPoint = dummy while len(CCW[j]) != 0: min = CCW[j][0] for line in CCW[j]: if Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(min.startPoint.X, min.startPoint.Y, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(line.startPoint.X, line.startPoint.Y, 0), 0, True).direction() < 0: min = line currentCCW = min currentListCCW = [] currentListCCW.append(min) CCW[j].remove(min) found = True while found: found = False # print(np.arctan2(currentCCW.startPoint.Y,currentCCW.startPoint.X)) for line in CCW[j]: if line.startPoint.isEqual(currentCCW.endPoint): currentListCCW.append(line) currentCCW = line CCW[j].remove(line) found = True break nozzlegroups[j].append(Group(currentListCCW, j, 1)) # for j in range(0,len(nozzlelines)): # nozzle = nozzlelines[j] # currentList = [] # dir = 0 # for i in range(0,len(nozzle)): # line = nozzle[i] # a = np.array([line.startPoint.X,line.startPoint.Y,0]) # b = np.array([line.endPoint.X-line.startPoint.X,line.endPoint.Y-line.startPoint.Y,0]) # a = np.array([a[0].item(),a[1].item(),0]) # b = np.array([b[0].item(),b[1].item(),0]) # c = np.cross(a,b) # if c[2]>=0: # d=0 # else: # d=1 # if i != 0: # if not nozzle[i-1].endPoint.isEqual(nozzle[i].startPoint): # print(nozzle[i].endPoint.X-nozzle[i+1].startPoint.X) # # nozzlegroups[j].append(Group(currentList,j,dir)) # currentList = [] # f = np.arctan2(line.endPoint.Y,line.endPoint.X)/(2*np.pi/n) # if d!=dir and not np.abs(f-np.round(f))<0.000001:#if not ended at dividing radius # nozzlegroups[j].append(Group(currentList,j,dir)) # dir=d # currentList = [] # currentList.append(line) # i+=1 # nozzlegroups[j].append(Group(currentList,j,dir)) # finalpath = [[] for _ in range(0,n)] # for nozzle in nozzlegroups: # for i in range(len(nozzle)-1,-1,-1): # if len(nozzle[i].lines)==0: # del nozzle[i] # for j in range(0,n): # nozzle = nozzlegroups[j] # found = True # while(found): # found = False # for i in range(len(nozzle)-1,-1,-1): # others = copy.deepcopy(nozzle) # group = others.pop(i) # for other in others: # if group.dir == other.dir: # print(len(group.lines),len(other.lines)) # if group.lines[-1].endPoint.isEqual(other.lines[0].startPoint): # found = True # del nozzle[i] # nozzle.insert(i,Group(group.lines+other.lines,group.index,group.dir)) # for nozzle in nozzlegroups: # for group in nozzle: # for line in group.lines: # line.index = group.dir # r = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, n): nozzlegroups[j].sort(key=radius, reverse=True) maxgroups = 0 for j in range(0, n): if maxgroups < len(nozzlegroups[j]): maxgroups = len(nozzlegroups[j]) nozzlegroups2 = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, n): for i in range(0, maxgroups): if i < len(nozzlegroups[j]): nozzlegroups[j][i].index = ( nozzlegroups[j][i].index - i) % n #staggers groups by nozzle index nozzlepaths = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] for Index in range(0, n): #performing this searching for each nozzle in turn found = True while found: #will keep cycling through all sectors until there are no more lines left for that nozzle found = False for sector in range(0, n): #among geometric sectors of build area # print(found) minDist = 0 if len(nozzlegroups[sector]) == 0: continue groupchoice = Group([], Index, 0) for i in range(0, len(nozzlegroups[sector]) ): #finds best choice among groups for sector if (nozzlegroups[sector][i].index == Index): found = True x = nozzlegroups[sector][i].lines[0].startPoint.X y = nozzlegroups[sector][i].lines[0].startPoint.Y sectorangle = sector * 2 * np.pi / n r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) dist = np.sqrt((x - r * np.cos(sectorangle))**2 + (y - r * np.sin(sectorangle))**2) if len(groupchoice.lines) == 0: groupchoice = nozzlegroups[sector][i] if minDist > dist: minDist = dist groupchoice = nozzlegroups[sector][i] elif minDist == dist: Rchoice = np.sqrt( groupchoice.lines[0].startPoint.X**2 + groupchoice.lines[0].startPoint.Y**2) if Rchoice < r: groupchoice = nozzlegroups[sector][i] if len(groupchoice.lines) != 0: nozzlegroups[sector].remove(groupchoice) #once the choice is made nozzlepaths[Index].append(groupchoice) # print(len(nozzlepaths[Index])) # for nozzle in nozzlegroups: # print(len(nozzle)) # for r in range(0,len(nozzle)): # nozzle[r].index = r # nozzlegroups = nozzlegroups2 for nozzle in nozzlepaths: for group in nozzle: for line in group.lines: line.index = group.index lengths = [0 for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, n): for group in nozzlepaths[j]: lengths[j] += len(group.lines) # print("lines per nozzle") # print(lengths[j]) # for nozzle in nozzlegroups: # for r in range(0,len(nozzle)): # group = nozzle[r] # for line in group.lines: # line.index = r finalpath = [[] for _ in range(0, n)] ang_tracking = [0 for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, n): for s in range(0, len(nozzlepaths[j])): group = nozzlepaths[j][s] if s == 0: w = np.arctan2(group.lines[0].startPoint.Y, group.lines[0].startPoint.X) r1 = np.sqrt(group.lines[0].startPoint.X**2 + group.lines[0].startPoint.Y**2) if w < 0: w += 2 * np.pi v = 2 * np.pi / n * group.index if w < 0: w += 2 * np.pi if np.abs(w / 2 / np.pi - np.round(w / 2 / np.pi)) < 0.000001: w = 0 if not np.abs( w - v ) < 0.00001: #if line does not come from radial border # print("adjf") # print(group.index) a = 1 - 0.1 / r1 ang_width = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - a**2), a) if ang_width < 0: ang_width += 2 * np.pi theta2_selftemp = np.arctan2( np.cos(v) * np.sin(w) - np.sin(v) * np.cos(w), np.cos(v) * np.cos(w) + np.sin(v) * np.sin(w)) # theta2_selftemp = (theta2_selftemp/2/np.pi-np.floor(theta2_selftemp/2/np.pi))*2*np.pi if theta2_selftemp < 0: theta2_selftemp += 2 * np.pi m = theta2_selftemp / ang_width m = int(np.ceil(m)) # print(theta2_selftemp) if m != 0: ang_width = theta2_selftemp / m #positive to join to group in CCW direction prepath = [] for i in range(0, m): x1 = r1 * np.cos(v + i * ang_width) y1 = r1 * np.sin(v + i * ang_width) x2 = r1 * np.cos(v + (i + 1) * ang_width) y2 = r1 * np.sin(v + (i + 1) * ang_width) prepath.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x1, y1, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x2, y2, 0), group.lines[0].index, False)) finalpath[j] = prepath + finalpath[j] for line in group.lines: finalpath[j].append(line) if s < len(nozzlepaths[j]) - 1: # print("called") # print(len(nozzlepaths[j])) # finalpath[j].append(Line(nozzlepaths[j][s].lines[-1].endPoint,nozzlepaths[j][s+1].lines[0].startPoint,j,False)) spiral = makeSpiral(nozzlepaths[j][s], nozzlepaths[j][s + 1], LINEWIDTH) finalpath[j] = finalpath[j] + spiral finalpath[j].insert( 0, Line( SlicerGeometries.Point(plateRad * np.cos(j * 2 * np.pi / n), plateRad * np.sin(j * 2 * np.pi / n), 0), finalpath[j][0].startPoint, j, False)) for j in range(0, n): a = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(finalpath[j])) finalpath[j] = a for j in range(0, n): x1 = finalpath[j][0].startPoint.X y1 = finalpath[j][0].startPoint.Y x2 = finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.X y2 = finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.Y r1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2) r2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2) theta1 = np.arctan2(y1, x1) theta2 = np.arctan2(y2, x2) dtheta = np.arctan2( r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2) - r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2), r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2) + r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2)) if dtheta < 0: dtheta += 2 * np.pi ang_tracking[ j] = 2 * np.pi - dtheta #gives angle needed to complete another loop # print("angles") # print(dtheta) #now to track looping counts: loops = [0 for _ in range(0, n)] for j in range(0, n): radial = SlicerGeometries.SliceLine( [[0, 0, 0], [ plateRad * np.cos(j * 2 * np.pi / n), plateRad * np.sin(j * 2 * np.pi / n), 0 ]], [0, 0, 0]) for i in range( 2, len(finalpath[j]) ): #skip first two lines since they intersect with the radius by design line = finalpath[j][i] x1 = line.startPoint.X x2 = line.endPoint.X y1 = line.startPoint.Y y2 = line.endPoint.Y r1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2) r2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2) theta1 = np.arctan2(y1, x1) theta2 = np.arctan2(y2, x2) dtheta = np.arctan2( r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2) - r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2), r1 * np.cos(theta1) * r2 * np.cos(theta2) + r1 * np.sin(theta1) * r2 * np.sin(theta2)) if not np.abs(dtheta) < 0.000001: if radial.intersectsWith(line): if not radial.intersectsWith(finalpath[j][i - 1]): #this check is to prevent double-counting when the radius intersects with a vertex between two lines loops[j] += 1 else: continue #if line is radial, skip it loopMax = np.max(loops) + 1 # print("bloop") # for nozzle in nozzlepaths: # print(len(nozzle)) for i in range(0, len(contours)): contour = contours[i] vertices = [] new_lines = [] for line in contour.lines: vertices.append((line.startPoint.X, line.startPoint.Y)) vertices = tuple(vertices) # print(len(vertices)) pco = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() pco.AddPath(pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(vertices, 2**31), pyclipper.JT_MITER, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON) offset = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(LINEWIDTH, 2**31) if contour.level % 2 == 0: new_vertices = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper( pco.Execute(-offset), 2**31) else: new_vertices = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper( pco.Execute(offset), 2**31) new_vertices = new_vertices[0] for i in range(0, len(new_vertices)): # print(len(new_vertices)) if i == len(new_vertices) - 1: new_lines.append( SlicerGeometries.SliceLine([[ new_vertices[len(new_vertices) - 1][0], new_vertices[len(new_vertices) - 1][1], currentZ ], [new_vertices[0][0], new_vertices[0][1], currentZ]], np.array([0, 0, 0]))) else: new_lines.append( SlicerGeometries.SliceLine( [[new_vertices[i][0], new_vertices[i][1], currentZ], [ new_vertices[i + 1][0], new_vertices[i + 1][1], currentZ ]], np.array([0, 0, 0]))) infillcontours.append(SlicerGeometries.closedContour(new_lines, 1)) infill_path = Infill.infill(infillcontours, 'solid', LINEWIDTH, n, NOZZLEFRONT) Infill.cookieCutter(infill_path, infillcontours) print("how long do cookies take") # cookies take a while, look into this infills = [[]] * n for line in infill_path: infills[line.index].append(line) for j in range(0, n): r1 = np.sqrt(finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.X**2 + finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.Y**2) v = np.arctan2(finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.Y, finalpath[j][-1].endPoint.X) if v < 0: v += 2 * np.pi a = 1 - 0.1 / r1 ang_width = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(1 - a**2), a) if ang_width < 0: ang_width += 2 * np.pi theta2_selftemp = ang_tracking[j] + (loopMax - loops[j]) * 2 * np.pi if theta2_selftemp < 0: theta2_selftemp += 2 * np.pi m = theta2_selftemp / ang_width m = int(np.ceil(m)) # print(theta2_selftemp) if m != 0: ang_width = theta2_selftemp / m #positive to join to group in CCW direction # print("ang width") # print(ang_width) postpath = [] for i in range(0, m): r2 = r1 + (plateRad - r1) / m x1 = r1 * np.cos(v + i * ang_width) y1 = r1 * np.sin(v + i * ang_width) x2 = r2 * np.cos(v + (i + 1) * ang_width) y2 = r2 * np.sin(v + (i + 1) * ang_width) r1 = r2 postpath.append( Line(SlicerGeometries.Point(x1, y1, 0), SlicerGeometries.Point(x2, y2, 0), j, False)) # print("postpaths") # print(len(postpath)) postpath.append( Line(postpath[-1].endPoint, infills[j][0].startPoint, j, False)) finalpath[j] = finalpath[j] + postpath for j in range(0, n): finalpath[j] = finalpath[j] + infills[j] # print("infills") # print(len(infills[j])) return finalpath