Пример #1
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    return_list = [value]
    children = Sliding.children(HEIGHT, WIDTH, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
    for child in children:
        return_list.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, child), value[1]+1))
    return return_list
Пример #2
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    result = []
    if value[1] == level - 1:
        result = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
        for i in range(0, len(result)):
            result[i] = (Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, result[i]), level)
    return result
Пример #3
def bfs_map(value): #value is the (puzzle, level) tuple
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """ 
    lst = [(value)]
    if value[1] == level: 
        children = Sliding.children(WIDTH,HEIGHT,Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])) 
        for child in children:
            lst.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, child),level+1))    
        return lst
    return lst
Пример #4
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    if (value[1] != (level - 1)):
   	    return [value]
    	children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH,HEIGHT,value[0]))    
        childList = [value]
        for child in children:
        	childList.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH,HEIGHT,child), level))
        return childList
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    mapVal = []
    mapVal.append((value[0], value[1]))
    if value[1] == level:
        pos = Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
        for cpos in Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, pos):
            cpos2 = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, cpos)
    return mapVal
Пример #6
def bfs_map(value):
    items = []
    if value[1] < level: 
    if value[1] == level-1:
        children_board = Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
        children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, children_board)
        for child in children:
            items.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, child), value[1] + 1))
    return items
Пример #7
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    result = []
    if value[1] == level - 1:
        result = Sliding.children(
            WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
        for i in range(0, len(result)):
            result[i] = (Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                               result[i]), level)
    return result
Пример #8
def bfs_map(value):  #value is the (puzzle, level) tuple
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    lst = [(value)]
    if value[1] == level:
        children = Sliding.children(
            WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
        for child in children:
            lst.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                              child), level + 1))
        return lst
    return lst
Пример #9
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    if (value[1] != (level - 1)):
        return [value]
        children = Sliding.children(
            WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
        childList = [value]
        for child in children:
            childList.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                                    child), level))
        return childList
Пример #10
def bfs_map(arg):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    if arg[1] == level:
        children = Sliding.children(
            WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, arg[0]))
        toreturn = [arg]
        for position in children:
            toreturn.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                                   position), level + 1))
        return toreturn
        return [arg]
Пример #11
def bfs_map(value):
    Takes in a key, value pair of (board state, level), creates
    all of the children of that board state if is on the same level as the
    global level, and returns them in a list.
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    child_list = []
    #Check if we are at the right level, so then we can make children of only those boards
    if value[1] == level:
        temp = Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
        iter_list = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, temp)
        for child in iter_list:
            child_list += [(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH,HEIGHT, child), level + 1)]
    #Spark map only lets us return a list if we want multiple things.
    #Unlike Hadoop I believe which allows us to emit
    return child_list
Пример #12
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    prev = [(value[0], value[1])]
    if value[1] == level:
        #convert from int to board
        # do I save it, not sure? ask Manny , using hashID since it was declared down?
        hashID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, prev[0][0]) #value[0]
        currBoard = Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, hashID) # ask manny if this is the correct to call this method
        # also what would number be?
        children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, currBoard) # not sure value[0], currBoard
        #nextID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, children)
        curr = []
        for i in range(0, len(children)):
            curr.append((children[i], level+1))
        return prev + curr
    #nextID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, children[0]) #children[0]
    return prev
Пример #13
def solve_sliding_puzzle(master, output, height, width):
    Solves a sliding puzzle of the provided height and width.
     master: specifies master url for the spark context
     output: function that accepts string to write to the output file
     height: height of puzzle
     width: width of puzzle
    # Set up the spark context. Use this to create your RDD
    sc = SparkContext(master, "python")

    # Global constants that will be shared across all map and reduce instances.
    # You can also reference these in any helper functions you write.
    global HEIGHT, WIDTH, level

    # Initialize global constants
    level = 0 # this "constant" will change, but it remains constant for every MapReduce job

    # The solution configuration for this sliding puzzle. You will begin exploring the tree from this node
    sol = Sliding.solution(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

    myRdd = sc.parallelize([(sol, level)]) # myRdd = [(('A', 'B', 'C', '-'), 0)]
    myRdd = myRdd.flatMap(bfs_flat_map).reduceByKey(bfs_reduce)
    prev_num = 0
    pos_num = myRdd.count()

    while prev_num != pos_num:
        prev_num = pos_num
        myRdd = myRdd.flatMap(bfs_flat_map)
        if level%4==0:
            myRdd = myRdd.partitionBy(16)
        myRdd = myRdd.reduceByKey(bfs_reduce)
        pos_num = myRdd.count()

    # myRdd = myRdd.map(lambda a: (a[1], a[0])).sortByKey().collect() # myRdd becomes a list
    # for each in myRdd:
    #     output(str(each[0]) + " " + str(each[1]))
    myRdd = myRdd.map(lambda a: (Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, a[1]), a[0])).sortByKey()
def bfs_map(value):
    value: Taken an element from RDD
    bfs_map function only applies children() to each element at the last level in RDD;
    return :If an element is not at the last level, then it will be put
    in an empty list and return;
    return :If an element is at the last level, then its children and 
    the element will be put into an empty list and return;
    lst = []
    value = (Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH,HEIGHT,value[0]), value[1])
    if (value[1] < level):
        return lst
    children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
    for each in children:
        lst.append(((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, tuple(each))), value[1]+1))
    return lst
Пример #15
def bfs_map(value):
    Takes in a key, value pair of (board state, level), creates
    all of the children of that board state if is on the same level as the
    global level, and returns them in a list.
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    child_list = []
    #Check if we are at the right level, so then we can make children of only those boards
    if value[1] == level:
        temp = Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
        iter_list = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, temp)
        for child in iter_list:
            child_list += [(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                                  child), level + 1)]
    #Spark map only lets us return a list if we want multiple things.
    #Unlike Hadoop I believe which allows us to emit
    return child_list
Пример #16
def bfs_flat_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    # childrenLst=[]    
    # childrenLst.append(value)
    # for child in Sliding.children(WIDTH,HEIGHT,Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])):
    #     pair=[]
    #     pair.append(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, child))
    #     pair.append(level)     
    #     childrenLst.append(tuple(pair))
    # return childrenLst

    childrenLst = []
    childrenLst.append((value[0], value[1]))
    if(value[1] == level - 1):
        for child in Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH,HEIGHT, value[0])):
            childrenLst.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH,HEIGHT,child), value[1]+1))
    return childrenLst 
Пример #17
def solve_sliding_puzzle(master, output, height, width):
    Solves a sliding puzzle of the provided height and width.
     master: specifies master url for the spark context
     output: function that accepts string to write to the output file
     height: height of puzzle
     width: width of puzzle
    # Set up the spark context. Use this to create your RDD
    sc = SparkContext(master, "python")

    # Global constants that will be shared across all map and reduce instances.
    # You can also reference these in any helper functions you write.
    global HEIGHT, WIDTH, level

    # Initialize global constants
    HEIGHT = height
    WIDTH = width
    level = 0  # this "constant" will change, but it remains constant for every MapReduce job

    # The solution configuration for this sliding puzzle. You will begin exploring the tree from this node
    sol = Sliding.solution(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    myRdd = sc.parallelize([(sol, level)
                            ])  # myRdd = [(('A', 'B', 'C', '-'), 0)]
    myRdd = myRdd.flatMap(bfs_flat_map).reduceByKey(bfs_reduce)
    prev_num = 0
    pos_num = myRdd.count()

    while prev_num != pos_num:
        level += 1
        prev_num = pos_num
        myRdd = myRdd.flatMap(bfs_flat_map)
        if level % 4 == 0:
            myRdd = myRdd.partitionBy(16)
        myRdd = myRdd.reduceByKey(bfs_reduce)
        pos_num = myRdd.count()
    # myRdd = myRdd.map(lambda a: (a[1], a[0])).sortByKey().collect() # myRdd becomes a list
    # for each in myRdd:
    #     output(str(each[0]) + " " + str(each[1]))
    myRdd = myRdd.map(lambda a: (Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, a[1]), a[
def bfs_map(value):
    value: Taken an element from RDD
    bfs_map function only applies children() to each element at the last level in RDD;
    return :If an element is not at the last level, then it will be put
    in an empty list and return;
    return :If an element is at the last level, then its children and 
    the element will be put into an empty list and return;
    lst = []
    value = (Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]), value[1])
    if (value[1] < level):
        return lst
    children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])
    for each in children:
        lst.append(((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                           tuple(each))), value[1] + 1))
    return lst
Пример #19
def bfs_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    prev = [(value[0], value[1])]
    if value[1] == level:
        #convert from int to board
        # do I save it, not sure? ask Manny , using hashID since it was declared down?
        hashID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, prev[0][0])  #value[0]
        currBoard = Sliding.hash_to_board(
            WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            hashID)  # ask manny if this is the correct to call this method
        # also what would number be?
        children = Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                    currBoard)  # not sure value[0], currBoard
        #nextID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, children)
        curr = []
        for i in range(0, len(children)):
            curr.append((children[i], level + 1))
        return prev + curr
    #nextID = Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, children[0]) #children[0]
    return prev
Пример #20
def bfs_flat_map(value):
    """ YOUR CODE HERE """
    # childrenLst=[]
    # childrenLst.append(value)
    # for child in Sliding.children(WIDTH,HEIGHT,Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])):
    #     pair=[]
    #     pair.append(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, child))
    #     pair.append(level)
    #     childrenLst.append(tuple(pair))

    # return childrenLst

    childrenLst = []
    childrenLst.append((value[0], value[1]))
    if (value[1] == level - 1):
        for child in Sliding.children(
                WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0])):
            childrenLst.append((Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT,
                                                      child), value[1] + 1))
    return childrenLst
Пример #21
def solve_puzzle(master, output, height, width, slaves):
    global HEIGHT, WIDTH, level
    level = 0

    sc = SparkContext(master, "python")

    sol = Sliding.solution(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    frontierRDD = sc.parallelize([(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, sol), 0)])
    boardsRDD = sc.parallelize([(Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, sol), 0)])
    #while frontierRDD.count() != 0:
    while True:
        level += 1
        # get all frontier nodes as a flattened list of ONLY (key), NOT (key, value)
        frontierRDD = frontierRDD.flatMap(lambda v: Sliding.children(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, v[0])))
        # add new (chilq, level) pairs to all boards
        boardsRDD = boardsRDD + frontierRDD.map(lambda v: (Sliding.board_to_hash(WIDTH, HEIGHT, v), level))
        #boardsRDD = boardsRDD.partitionBy(8, partitionFunc)
        # only keep board seen at lowest level
        boardsRDD = boardsRDD.reduceByKey(lambda v1, v2: min(v1, v2))

        # frontier is only the boards that have the current level
        frontierRDD = boardsRDD.filter(lambda v: v[1] == level)

        # magic voodoo that it doesn't work without
        boardsRDD = boardsRDD.partitionBy(slaves, lambda v: v)
        frontierRDD = frontierRDD.partitionBy(slaves, lambda v: v)
        if level % 4 == 0 and frontierRDD.count() == 0:

def revert_back(value):
    return str(value[1]) + " " + str(
        Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))
Пример #23
def get_board(state):
    """Abstraction for obtaining the board of a
    state representation
    return Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, state[0])
Пример #24
def get_board(state):
    """Abstraction for obtaining the board of a
    state representation
    return Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, state[0])
	def hash_to_board(state):
		return Sliding.hash_to_board(width, height, state)
def revert_back(value):
    return str(value[1]) + " " + str(Sliding.hash_to_board(WIDTH, HEIGHT, value[0]))