Пример #1
def load_ji():

	ji13r = h5py.File('../../PaperRunaway/ji_radial_profile_SPHERE.hdf5', 'r')
	ji13 = {"r": np.array(ji13r["r"]),
			"omega": np.array(ji13r["omega"]),
			"temp": np.array(ji13r["temp"]),
			"dens": np.array(ji13r["dens"])}

	mystar = sms.mhs_steve(0., 1e8, mintemp=3e7, stop_mindenserr=1e0, dontintegrate=True)
	ji13["eint"] = np.zeros(len(ji13["r"]))
	ji13["edeg"] = np.zeros(len(ji13["r"]))
	ji13["press"] = np.zeros(len(ji13["r"]))
	ji13["ent"] = np.zeros(len(ji13["r"]))
	for i in range(len(ji13["r"])):
		ji13["press"][i], ji13["ent"][i] = mystar.getpress_rhoT(ji13["dens"][i], ji13["temp"][i])
		ji13["eint"][i], ji13["edeg"][i], dummy = mystar.gethelmeos_energies(ji13["dens"][i], ji13["temp"][i])

	ji13["m"] = 4.*np.pi*scipyinteg.cumtrapz(ji13["r"]**2*ji13["dens"], x=ji13["r"], initial=0.)

	ji13["m_privcom"] = 1.0675 # From Ji, private communication, of all mass below r = 1.5e9 cm

	return ji13
Пример #2
def make_runaway_steve(starmass=1.2*1.9891e33, mymag=False, omega=0., omega_run_rat=0.8, S_arr=10**np.arange(7.5,8.2,0.25), 
						mlt_coeff="phil", uvs_k=3, uvs_s=None,
						mintemp=1e5, S_old=False, mass_tol=1e-6, P_end_ratio=1e-8, 
						densest=False, stop_mindenserr=1e-10, L_tol=1e-6, keepstars=False, 
						omega_crit_tol=1e-3, omega_warn=10., de_err_tol=[1e6, 1e7], verbose=True):
	"""Obtains runaway of a star of some given mass, magnetic field, and rotation.  Outputs an object (usually several hundred megs large) that includes run inputs as "run_inputs", as well as all stellar output curves (hence its size) under "stars".

	starmass : wanted mass
	mymag : magnetic profile object.  Defaults to false, meaning no magnetic field.
	omega : rigid rotation angular velocity.  Defaults to 0 (non-rotating).  If < 0, attempts to estimate break-up omega with self.getomegamax(), if >= 0, uses user defined value.
	S_arr : list of central entropy values in the runaway track
	mintemp : temperature floor, effectively switches from adiabatic to isothermal profile if reached
	S_old : if True, uses the S_old function of StarModSteve to prevent entropy from decreasing below previously calculated entropy curve (which should not occur in a runaway and leads to unphysical "right hooks" in runaway rho-T diagrams).
	mlt_coeff : ["phil", "wwk", "kippw", "steve"]
		Sets mixing length theory coefficients for calculating velocity 
		and superadiabatic temperature gradients.  "phil" is the standard 
		faire coefficients suggested by Phil Chang; "wwk" is back-derived 
		from Woosley, Wunch and Kuhlen 2004; "kippw" is from 
		Kippenhahn & Wieigert (identical to Cox & Giuli); "steve" 
		is from Stevenson 1979.  Since Stevenson's rotational and magnetic
		corrections to convection are expressed as ratios of velocity and
		temperature gradient, they can be used with any of these mlt_coeffs.
	uvs_k : degree of the smoothing spline in scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline.
		Must be <= 5; default is k=3.
	uvs_s : UnivariateSpline positive smoothing factor used to choose the
		number of knots.  Default is None.
	mass_tol : fractional tolerance between mass wanted and mass produced by self.getstarmodel()
	P_end_ratio : ratio of P/P_c at which to terminate stellar integration
	densest : central density initial estimate for self.getstarmodel()
	stop_mindenserr : density floor, below which integration is halted.
		Default is set to 1e-10 to prevent it from ever being reached.  
		Helmholtz sometimes has trouble below this 1e-8; try adjusting this
		value to eliminate inverter errors.
	L_tol : conservation of angular momentum error tolerance
	omega_crit_tol : when using mystar.getomegamax(), absolute error tolerance for maximum omega
	omega_warn : stop integration within mystar.getrotatingstarmodel() if self.omega approaches omega_warn*omega_crit estimate.  Defaults to 10 to prevent premature stoppage.
	de_err_tol : densities at which relaxed error tolerances kick in.
	verbose : report happenings within code

	# Save a few details about the magnetic field (though we'll need better records for the actual paper)
		mymagsave = np.array([float(mymag.fBfld_r(0)), float(mymag.fBfld_r(2e8))])
		if verbose:
			print "Magnetic field not found!  Hopefully this is what you wanted."
		mymagsave = False

	r_in = {"mass": starmass, 
			"magprofile": mymagsave, 
			"omega": omega, 
			"omega_run_rat": omega_run_rat, 
			"S_arr": S_arr, 
			"mintemp": mintemp,  
			"S_old": S_old, 
			"mlt_coeff": mlt_coeff,
			"composition": "CO",
			"tog_coul": True,
			"P_end_ratio": P_end_ratio, 
			"ps_eostol": 1e-8, 
			"fakeouterpoint": False, 
			"stop_invertererr": True, 
			"stop_mrat": 2., 
			"stop_positivepgrad": True, 
			"stop_mindenserr": stop_mindenserr, 
			"densest": densest, 
			"mass_tol": mass_tol,
			"L_tol": L_tol, 
			"omega_crit_tol": omega_crit_tol, 
			"omega_warn": omega_warn,
			"lowerr_tol": de_err_tol[0],
			"mederr_tol": de_err_tol[1],
			"uvs_k": uvs_k,
			"uvs_s": uvs_s}

	if (omega != 0) or mymag:
		print "*************You want to make an MHD/rotating star; let's first try making a stationary pure hydro star!************"
		mymagzero = magprof.magprofile(None, None, None, None, blankfunc=True)
		hstar = Star.mhs_steve(r_in["mass"], False, magprofile=mymagzero, omega=0., temp_c=5e6, 
							mintemp=r_in["mintemp"], composition=r_in["composition"], togglecoulomb=r_in["tog_coul"], 
							mlt_coeff=r_in["mlt_coeff"], P_end_ratio=r_in["P_end_ratio"], 
							ps_eostol=r_in["ps_eostol"], fakeouterpoint=r_in["fakeouterpoint"], 
							stop_invertererr=r_in["stop_invertererr"], stop_mrat=r_in["stop_mrat"], 
							stop_positivepgrad=r_in["stop_positivepgrad"], stop_mindenserr=r_in["stop_mindenserr"], 
							densest=r_in["densest"], mass_tol=r_in["mass_tol"], L_tol=r_in["L_tol"], 
							omega_crit_tol=r_in["omega_crit_tol"], nreps=100, verbose=verbose)

	print "*************Okay, let's make a low-temperature (MHD/rotating) star************"
	#Rest after this is identical to function call above
	mystar = Star.mhs_steve(r_in["mass"], False, magprofile=mymag, omega=r_in["omega"], temp_c=5e6,
							mintemp=r_in["mintemp"], composition=r_in["composition"], togglecoulomb=r_in["tog_coul"], 
							mlt_coeff=r_in["mlt_coeff"], P_end_ratio=r_in["P_end_ratio"], 
							ps_eostol=r_in["ps_eostol"], fakeouterpoint=r_in["fakeouterpoint"], 
							stop_invertererr=r_in["stop_invertererr"], stop_mrat=r_in["stop_mrat"], 
							stop_positivepgrad=r_in["stop_positivepgrad"], stop_mindenserr=r_in["stop_mindenserr"], 
							densest=r_in["densest"], mass_tol=r_in["mass_tol"], L_tol=r_in["L_tol"], 
							omega_crit_tol=r_in["omega_crit_tol"], nreps=100, verbose=verbose)

	if r_in["omega"] < 0:
		print "FOUND critical Omega = {0:.3e}!  We'll use {1:.3e} of this value for the runaway.".format(mystar.omega, r_in["omega_run_rat"])
		r_in["omega_crit_foundinfirststep"] = mystar.omega
		mystar.omega *= r_in["omega_run_rat"]

		mystar.getstarmodel(densest=0.9*mystar.data["rho"][0], P_end_ratio=r_in["P_end_ratio"], ps_eostol=r_in["ps_eostol"])

	if r_in["omega"]:
		if mystar.omega > mystar.getcritrot(max(mystar.data["M"]), mystar.data["R"][-1]):
			print "WARNING: exceeding estimated critical rotation!  Consider restarting this run."
		r_in["L_original"] = mystar.getmomentofinertia(mystar.data["R"], mystar.data["rho"])[-1]*mystar.omega
		mystar.L_want = r_in["L_original"]			# Store initial angular momentum for future use.

	out_dict = {"temp_c": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"dens_c": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"omega": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"B_c": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"S_c": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"R": np.zeros(len(S_arr)+1),
		"stars": []}

	if "R_nuc" not in mystar.data.keys():	# Obtain timescale info if it's not already printed.

	out_dict["run_inputs"] = r_in
	if r_in["omega"] < 0:
		out_dict["omega_crit"] = r_in["omega_crit_foundinfirststep"]
	out_dict["S_c"][0] = mystar.data["Sgas"][0]
	out_dict["temp_c"][0] = mystar.data["T"][0]
	out_dict["dens_c"][0] = mystar.data["rho"][0]
	out_dict["omega"][0] = mystar.omega
	out_dict["B_c"][0] = np.mean(mystar.data["B"][:10])
	out_dict["R"][0] = mystar.data["R"][-1]
	if keepstars:

	# Obtain tau_cc = tau_neutrino equality line
	td = rtc.timescale_data(max_axes=[1e12,1e12])
	if r_in["S_old"]:
		ignition_line_f = td.get_tauneunuc_line()

	for i in range(len(r_in["S_arr"])):

		print "*************Star #{0:d}, entropy = {1:.3f}************".format(i, r_in["S_arr"][i])

		# If we turn on S_old and, during the previous step, we passed the ignition line, start recording old entropy profiles
		# and passing them on to the next star.
		if r_in["S_old"] and mystar.data["T"][0] > ignition_line_f(mystar.data["rho"][0]):
#			print "Using previous entropy profile"
#			if r_in["rezero_Sold"]:				# Bomb-proofing to keep extremely low entropy values from messing up integration
#				mystar.data["Sgas"][mystar.data["Sgas"] < 0.] = 0.
			myS_old = Star.sprof.entropy_profile(mystar.data["M"], mystar.data["Sgas"], mystar.data["v_conv_st"], spline_k=r_in["uvs_k"], spline_s=r_in["uvs_s"])
			mystar.S_old = myS_old.S_old
			mystar.dS_old = myS_old.dS_old
			mystar.vconv_Sold = myS_old.vconv_Sold
		outerr_code = obtain_model(mystar, i, r_in, omega_warn=r_in["omega_warn"], verbose=verbose)

		if outerr_code:
			print "===== RUNAWAY.PY REPORTS OUTERR: ", outerr_code, "for star", i, "so will stop model making! ====="

		if "R_nuc" not in mystar.data.keys():	# Obtain timescale info if it's not already printed.
		out_dict["S_c"][i+1] = mystar.data["Sgas"][0]
		out_dict["temp_c"][i+1] = mystar.data["T"][0]
		out_dict["dens_c"][i+1] = mystar.data["rho"][0]
		out_dict["omega"][i+1] = mystar.omega
		out_dict["B_c"][i+1] = np.mean(mystar.data["B"][:10])
		out_dict["R"][i+1] = mystar.data["R"][-1]
		if keepstars:

	return out_dict