Пример #1
from math import sqrt

import ROOT
import Styles
import argparse
from prettifyFunctions import *
import ratios

# To use user defined help message, sys.arv has to be sent to python and not
# to TApplication.
ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True


def rebin2D(oldHist, xList, yList):
    """Rebins a TH2F.
	oldHist: input TH2F
	xList: list which mark the bin edges of the new xaxis
	yList: list which mark the bin edges of the new yaxis
    import ROOT
    import array
    newHist = ROOT.TH2F( oldHist.GetName()+randomName(), "%s;%s;%s"%(oldHist.GetTitle(),oldHist.GetXaxis().GetTitle(),oldHist.GetYaxis().GetTitle()), \
      len(xList)-1, array.array('d', xList), \
      len(yList)-1, array.array('d', yList) )
    for i in range(oldHist.GetNbinsX() + 2):
        for j in range(oldHist.GetNbinsY() + 2):
		print "%.2f standard deviations between theory and measurement"%Compare_val(xs,err_xs_stat,err_xs_sys, theo[1][i], theo[2][i])

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
	from argparse import ArgumentParser
	parser = ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument("-m", "--mcfile", dest="mcfile", default="mc_all_new.root/MCTree", help="MC file path")
	parser.add_argument("-d", "--datafile", dest="datafile", default="d0_new.root/MessTree", help="Data file path")
	parser.add_argument("-c", "--cut", dest="cut", default="met > 30 && el_et > 30", help="Cuts applied to all structures" )
	parser.add_argument("--save", action="store_true", default=False, help="Plots are not drawn, but saved as pdf")
	parser.add_argument("-p", "--plots", dest="plots", default= "mwt")
	parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default = False)

	opts = parser.parse_args()
	import Styles # official cms style
	style = Styles.tdrStyle()
	mcTree = readTree( opts.mcfile )
	dataTree = readTree( opts.datafile )

	# set cut for el_et !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! overwrites all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	if opts.plots == "el_et":
		opts.cut = opts.cut + ' && mwt/el_et>1.9'

	m, e_m,e_m_sys = getMass( dataTree, mcTree, opts.cut, opts.save, opts.plots, opts.quiet )
	sin2_wein,err_sin2_wein_stat,err_sin2_wein_sys = getWeinberg( m, e_m ,e_m_sys)
	gamma,err_gamma_stat,err_gamma_sys = getWidth(m, e_m, e_m_sys )

	print "Mass: %.2f \pm %.2f/ (stat.) \pm %.2f (sys.) GeV"%(m, e_m,e_m_sys)
	if not opts.quiet:
		xs,err_xs_stat,err_xs_sys = getXs(dataTree,mcTree,opts.plots,opts.cut)
Пример #3
#! /usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ROOT
import argparse
import ConfigParser
import os.path
import Styles

axisConf = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

integratedLuminosity = 19.3 #fb

def readTree( filename, treename = "susyTree" ):
	filename: name of file containing the tree
	treename: name of the tree
	returns: TTree Object
	if not os.path.isfile(filename):
		print( "File %s does not exist"%filename)
	tree = ROOT.TChain( treename )
	tree.AddFile( filename )
	return tree

def createHistoFromTree2D(tree, variable, weight="", nBin=50):
	tree: tree to create histo from
	variable: variable to plot (must be a branch of the tree)