class Main: __doc__ = "Manages the user inputs and everything related to what is " \ "shown to the user." def __init__(self): app_title() = True self.subject = Subject() # To prompt the user to choose from menu selection def get_user_choice(self): while user_menu() choice = int(input("Choice: ")) if choice not in range(1, 8): print('Wrong choice!') elif choice == 1: print("Show Schedule") elif choice == 2: print("Show Agenda") elif choice == 3: print("Add Homework/Quiz") elif choice == 4: print("Add Schedule") elif choice == 5: subject_id = input("Enter the Subject Id: ") self.subject.get_subject(subject_id) elif choice == 6: self.subject.add_subject() elif choice == 7: print("Thank you for using our Program!See you soon") break
def student_history_ranking(student_id: int) -> dict: result = {} result_chart = {} grades = StudentGrade.query.filter_by( student_ID=student_id, subject='理科').order_by(StudentGrade.test_time).all() test_names = [t.test_name for t in Test.query.order_by(Test.test_time).all()] print(test_names) for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(): result[subject] = [] for grade in grades: grade: StudentGrade result[subject].append(grade.__dict__[subject + '_ranking']) for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(): line = ( Line() .add_xaxis(test_names) .add_yaxis( '排名', result[subject], markline_opts=opts.MarkLineOpts(data=[opts.MarkLineItem(type_="average")]), ) .set_global_opts( title_opts=opts.TitleOpts( title=Subject.en2cn(subject) + '科历次成绩走势', subtitle='虚线为平均排名' ), ) ) result_chart[subject] = line return result_chart
def student_grade_compared(student_grade: StudentGrade) -> Bar: """ 生成该考生本次考试的成绩对比条形图。 :param student_grade:本次考试成绩StudentGrade对象 :return: bar:Bar对象 """ data = {'student_grade': [], 'average_grade': [], 'high_grade': []} subjects = Subject.subjects_by_grade(student_grade) for subject in subjects: data['student_grade'].append(student_grade.grade_dict()[subject]) data['average_grade'].append(TestAverageGrade.query.filter_by( subject='理科', test_time=student_grade.test_time).first() .grade_dict()[subject]) data['high_grade'].append(TestHighGrade.query.filter_by( subject='理科', test_time=student_grade.test_time).first() .grade_dict()[subject]) bar = ( Bar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)) .add_xaxis(subjects) .add_yaxis('本次成绩', data['student_grade']) .add_yaxis('平均分', data['average_grade']) .add_yaxis('高分线', data['high_grade']) .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts('成绩对比图')) ) return bar
def read_sub_file(): """Reads the custom_subjects.txt and generates a list of Subject objects of all subjects mentioned in the file. """ sub_week = [ [], # Monday [], # Tuesday [], # Wednesday [], # Thursday [], # Friday [], # Saturday [] ] # Sunday with open("custom_subjects.txt") as file: lines = file.readlines() day = 0 for line in lines: if line[0].isdigit(): day = int(line[0]) elif line[0] == '$': line_array = (line.replace("$", "").replace("<", "").replace(">", "").split("_")) sub_week[day].append( Subject( line_array[0], # name day_diff(day), # submit line_array[1], # time day_diff(int(line_array[2])), # next_paper line_array[3])) # link return sub_week
def main(): subjectApp = subInfo(0) subjectApp.MainLoop() pygame.init() screen = get_default_screen() screen.parameters.bgcolor = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) pygame.display.set_caption("Welcome to the Experiment") global dataList dataList = [] myList, justWords, followWords = bailey_shuffler.makeStroopList() print len(myList) print len(justWords) print len(followWords) for item in myList: showStimulus(screen, item[0][1], item[1]) #now we need to make a list of the words with some distractors global memoryList memoryList = bailey_shuffler.makeDistractorList(justWords, followWords) #now we launch our wx App memoryApp = memApp(0) memoryApp.MainLoop() myloader = Subject.SubLoader() sub = myloader.load() filename = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_stroop_data.pck")) textfile = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_stroop_data.txt")) f = open(filename, 'w') pickle.dump(dataList, f) f.close() f = open(textfile, 'w') for line in dataList: f.write(str(line)+ "\n") f.close() stroop_stats.addSubData(sub) #stroop_stats.writeAllSubjects() stroop_stats.addSubMemoryData(sub)
def test_avg_grade_compare(test_time: int) -> dict: """ :param test_time: :return: charts:{subject:chart,,,} example:{'english':chart1,'chinese':chart2,,,} """ result = {} avg_grades = ClassAverageGrade.query.filter_by( test_time=test_time, subject='理科').order_by(ClassAverageGrade.class_index).all() test_avg_grade = TestAverageGrade.query.filter_by(test_time=test_time, subject='理科').first() for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(): avg = test_avg_grade.grade_dict()[subject] chart = (Bar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts( theme=ThemeType.VINTAGE)).add_xaxis([ '{}班'.format(i + 1) for i in range(17) ]).add_yaxis( '平均分', [round(ag.grade_dict()[subject], 1) for ag in avg_grades], yaxis_index=0).add_yaxis( '平均分差', [ round(ag.grade_dict()[subject] - avg, 1) for ag in avg_grades ], yaxis_index=1, ).set_global_opts( yaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(name='均分', axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts( formatter='{value}分')), xaxis_opts=opts.AxisOpts(axisline_opts=opts.AxisLineOpts( on_zero_axis_index=1)), datazoom_opts=[ opts.DataZoomOpts(type_='slider', range_start=5, range_end=55), opts.DataZoomOpts(type_='inside') ], title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title='各班{}均分对比图'.format( Subject.en2cn(subject)))).extend_axis( yaxis=opts.AxisOpts(name='均分差', axislabel_opts=opts.LabelOpts( formatter='{value}分')))) result[subject] = chart return result
def GenerateExaminationPaper(): examinationQuestions = [] subjects = [] questionsPerSubject = 30 mathematics = Subject.Subject("mathematics") subjects.append(mathematics) physics = Subject.Subject("physics") subjects.append(physics) chemistry = Subject.Subject("chemistry") subjects.append(chemistry) mathematicsQuestions = GenerateSubjectPaper(mathematics, questionsPerSubject) physicsQuestions = GenerateSubjectPaper(physics, questionsPerSubject) chemistryQuestions = GenerateSubjectPaper(chemistry, questionsPerSubject) examinationQuestions.extend(mathematicsQuestions) examinationQuestions.extend(physicsQuestions) examinationQuestions.extend(chemistryQuestions) return examinationQuestions, subjects
def cmd_subject_add( self, item, args, rawline ): """-n <name> -s <shortcut>|-i||add a new subject. Argument -n is to pass a name and -s to pass a shortcut and -i for interactive mode""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = "subject add", description = self.cmd_subject_add.__doc__.split( "||" )[1] ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--name", help = "set the name of the new subject" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--shortcut", help = "set the shortcut of the new subject" ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--interactive", action = "store_true", help = "use the interactive mode" ) try: parsed_args = parser.parse_args( args.split( " " )) name = "" shortcut = "" save = True if parsed_args.interactive: try: while name == "": name = input( "Name: " ) while shortcut == "": shortcut = input( "Shortcut: " ) save = input( "Do you want to save ([y]/n)? " ) save = (save == "y" or save == "") except KeyboardInterrupt: save = False print( "" ) # To break down prompt to a new line elif is not None and != "" and parsed_args.shortcut is not None and parsed_args.shortcut != "": name = shortcut = parsed_args.shortcut else: save = False if save: subject = Subject( self._connection ) subject.Name = name subject.Shortcut = shortcut if subject.Insert( ): cf.out.bold_green( "Subject with name `{} ({})` has been successfully saved!".format( name, shortcut )) cf.out.white( "If you want to link this subject with the current term you have to execute `subject link`" ) self._UpdateCDCommand( ) else: cf.out.bold_red( "An error occured during the insert action of subject with name `{}`".format( name )) elif is None or == "" or parsed_args.shortcut is None or parsed_args.shortcut == "": cf.out.bold_red( "You have to pass a name with -n and a shortcut with -s to save a subject else you can choose -i for interactive mode" ) except SystemExit: # Do not exit cli if an error occured in parse_args pass
def test_total_table_data(test_time: int): test = Test.query.filter_by(test_time=test_time).first() grades = StudentGrade.query.filter_by(test_time=test_time, subject='理科').all() result = {'code': 0, 'msg': '', 'data': [{} for _ in range(11)]} test_avg_grade = TestAverageGrade.query.filter_by(test_time=test_time, subject='理科').first() for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(): scores = [grade.grade_dict()[subject] for grade in grades] result['data'][0][subject] = Subject.subject_full_grade(subject) result['data'][1][subject] = len(test.student_grades) result['data'][2][subject] = test_avg_grade.grade_dict()[subject] result['data'][3][subject] = 'To be developed' result['data'][4][subject] = 'To be developed' result['data'][5][subject] = np.max(scores) result['data'][6][subject] = np.min(scores) result['data'][7][subject] = np.std(scores).round(1) result['data'][8][subject] = '{}%'.format((GradeRanking.grade_rate( scores, Subject.subject_full_grade(subject) * 0.9) * 100).__round__(1)) result['data'][9][subject] = '{}%'.format((GradeRanking.grade_rate( scores, Subject.subject_full_grade(subject) * 0.8) * 100).__round__(1)) result['data'][10][subject] = '{}%'.format((GradeRanking.grade_rate( scores, Subject.subject_full_grade(subject) * 0.6) * 100).__round__(1)) result['data'][0]['key'] = '卷面分' result['data'][1]['key'] = '参考人数' result['data'][2]['key'] = '年级平均分' result['data'][3]['key'] = '普通班平均分' result['data'][4]['key'] = '实验班平均分' result['data'][5]['key'] = '最高分' result['data'][6]['key'] = '最低分' result['data'][7]['key'] = '标准差' result['data'][8]['key'] = '优秀率' result['data'][9]['key'] = '良好率' result['data'][10]['key'] = '及格率' return json.dumps(result)
def loadFromFile(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) file = open(name) input = splitted = str.split(input, '\n') for entry in splitted: entrySplitted = str.split(entry, ', ') if len(entrySplitted) == 1: continue surname = entrySplitted[0] name = entrySplitted[1] student = Student(name, surname) subentries = entrySplitted[2:] for sub in subentries: subentrySplitted = str.split(sub, ' ') subject = Subject(subentrySplitted[0]) for grade in subentrySplitted[1:]: subject.AddGrade(float(grade)) student.AddSubject(subject) self.listOfStudents.append(student) file.close()
def test_grade_distributed(test_time: int) -> list: grades = StudentGrade.query.filter_by(test_time=test_time, subject='理科').all() result = [{} for _ in range(15)] for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(False): scores = [grade.grade_dict()[subject] for grade in grades] for i in range(15): result[14 - i][subject] = len( [_ for _ in scores if i * 10 < _ < i * 10 + 10]) for i in range(15): result[14 - i]['key'] = '{}分—{}分段'.format(i * 10, i * 10 + 10) return result
def analysis_test(): for test in Test.query.all(): for subject_class in ['文科', '理科']: average_grade = TestAverageGrade(test) average_grade.subject = subject_class high_grade = TestHighGrade(test) high_grade.subject = subject_class db.session.add(average_grade) db.session.add(high_grade) grades = StudentGrade.query.filter_by( subject=subject_class, test_time=test.test_time).all() if subject_class == '文科': subjects = Subject.wen_all_subject(True) else: subjects = Subject.li_all_subject(True) for subject in subjects: grade_array = np.array( [g.grade_dict()[subject] for g in grades]) average_grade.set_grade( subject, float(round(np.average(grade_array), 2))) average_grade.set_ranking( subject, grade2ranking(test, int(np.average(grade_array)), subject=subject, subject_type=subject_class)) high_grade.set_grade( subject, float(round(np.percentile(grade_array, high_line), 2))) high_grade.set_ranking( subject, grade2ranking(test, int(np.percentile(grade_array, high_line)), subject=subject, subject_type=subject_class)) db.session.commit()
def onOK(self, event): if self.male.GetValue(): sex = 2 else: sex = 1 if self.left.GetValue(): hand = 1 else: hand = 2 sub = Subject.Subject(self.number.GetValue(), sex, hand) self.Destroy()
def addSubject(self, behaviorToAssign = None): """ Adds a new subject to this layer. @param Behavior behaviorToAssign : The behavior that should be assigned to the subject. @return Subject : @author """ if((behaviorToAssign is not None) and (not isinstance(behaviorToAssign, Behavior))): raise Exception("'BehaviorToAssign' must be of type Behavior!") if(behaviorToAssign is None): behaviorToAssign = self.addBehavior() newSubject = Subject(self.modelManager, behavior=behaviorToAssign) self.hasModelComponent.append(newSubject) return newSubject
def student_grade_radar(student_grade: StudentGrade) -> Radar: """ 生成该考生本次考试的排名雷达图。 :param student_grade: 本次考试成绩StudentGrade对象 :return: radar: Radar图表 """ subjects = Subject.subjects_by_grade(student_grade) data = {'student_ranking': [], 'average_ranking': [], 'high_ranking': []} for subject in subjects: data['student_ranking'].append( GradeRanking.grade2ranking( student_grade.test, student_grade.grade_dict()[subject], subject, student_grade.subject)) data['average_ranking'].append(TestAverageGrade.query.filter_by( subject='理科', test_time=student_grade.test_time).first() .__dict__[subject + '_ranking']) data['high_ranking'].append(TestHighGrade.query.filter_by( subject='理科', test_time=student_grade.test_time).first() .__dict__[subject + '_ranking']) radar = ( Radar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(bg_color='#fef8ef')) .add_schema( schema=[ opts.RadarIndicatorItem( name=subject, color='#778899', max_=max( data['student_ranking'] + data['average_ranking'] + data['high_ranking']) + 50 ) for subject in subjects ], textstyle_opts=opts.TextStyleOpts(font_size=18) ) .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts('名次雷达图'), ) .set_series_opts() .add('本次排名', [data['student_ranking']], color='#d7ab82', linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(width=2.5), label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True, font_size=14), tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(is_show=False)) .add('平均排名', [data['average_ranking']], color='#919e8b', linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(width=2.5), label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True, font_size=14), tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(is_show=False)) .add('高分线排名', [data['high_ranking']], color='#d87c7c', linestyle_opts=opts.LineStyleOpts(width=2.5), label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True, font_size=14), tooltip_opts=opts.TooltipOpts(is_show=False)) ) return radar
def main(): subjectApp = subInfo(0) subjectApp.MainLoop() pygame.init() screen = get_default_screen() screen.parameters.bgcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) pygame.display.set_caption("Welcome to the Experiment") global dataList dataList = [] myList, justWords, followWords = bailey_shuffler.makeClassicStroop() print len(myList) print len(justWords) print len(followWords) for item in myList: showStimulus(screen, item[0], item[1]) myloader = Subject.SubLoader() sub = myloader.load() filename = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_color_data.pck")) textfile = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_color_data.txt")) f = open(filename, 'w') pickle.dump(dataList, f) f.close() f = open(textfile, 'w') for line in dataList: f.write(str(line) + "\n") f.close() stroop_stats.addSubColorData(sub)
async def addData(message: types.Message): data = message.text[5:].split(' ') task = "" for word in data: if word != data[0]: task += word + " " if not data or not task: await message.answer("Incorrect input for /add command, use /help") else: subject = Subject.Subject(data[0], None, task, None) try: Storage.AddSub(, subject) await message.answer("your task was inserted\n\n" + task + "\nfor subject: " + data[0]) except AppExceptions.Not_Enough_Data as error: print(error) print("Incorrect input for /add command, use /help") except Exception as e: print(e) print("Error can not insert your data")
def readFromFile(filename): book = xw.Book(filename) sht = book.sheets[0].range('A1').expand().value sht = [list(map(str, row)) for row in sht] teachers = [] subjects = [] app = for i in range(1, len(sht)): teachers.append( Teacher(int(float(sht[i][0])), list(map(int, sht[i][1].split(';'))), list(map(int, sht[i][2].split(';'))), int(float(sht[i][3])))) sht = book.sheets[1].range('A1').expand().value for i in range(1, len(sht)): subjects.append( Subject(int(float(sht[i][0])), sht[i][1], int(float(sht[i][2])))) app.quit() return (teachers, subjects)
def readFromFile(filename): book = xw.load_workbook('data.xlsx', data_only=True) sht = book.worksheets[0] # sht = [list(map(str,row)) for row in sht] teachers = [] subjects = [] # app = for i in range(2, 15): teachers.append( Teacher(int(float(sht[i][0].value)), list(map(int, sht[i][1].value.split(';'))), list(map(int, sht[i][2].value.split(';'))), int(float(sht[i][3].value)))) sht = book.worksheets[1] for i in range(2, 15): subjects.append( Subject(int(float(sht[i][0].value)), sht[i][1].value, int(float(sht[i][2].value)))) return (teachers, subjects)
def student_grade_analysis_table_data(grade_id: int): result = {'code': 0, 'msg': '', 'data': [{} for _ in range(7)]} grade = StudentGrade.query.filter_by(ID=grade_id).first() test_avg_grade = TestAverageGrade.query.filter_by( test_time=grade.test_time, subject='理科').first() test_high_grade = TestHighGrade.query.filter_by(test_time=grade.test_time, subject='理科').first() class_grade = ClassAverageGrade.query.filter_by( test_time=grade.test_time, class_index=grade.class_index, ).first() for subject in Subject.li_all_subject(): result['data'][0][subject] = grade.grade_dict()[subject] result['data'][1][subject] = class_grade.grade_dict()[subject] result['data'][2][ subject] = GradeRanking.grade2ranking_with_grade_for_class( grade_id, subject) result['data'][3][subject] = test_avg_grade.grade_dict()[subject] result['data'][4][subject] = GradeRanking.grade2ranking_with_grade( grade_id, subject) result['data'][5][subject] = 'To be developed' result['data'][6][subject] = test_high_grade.grade_dict()[subject] result['data'][0]['key'] = '分数' result['data'][1]['key'] = '班级平均分' result['data'][2]['key'] = '班级名次' result['data'][3]['key'] = '年级平均分' result['data'][4]['key'] = '年级名次' result['data'][5]['key'] = '进退步' result['data'][6]['key'] = '重点线' return json.dumps(result)
def MenuSubject(): while True: print("\t\t\t Subject Record Management\n") print("==========================================================") print("1. Add Subject Record") print("2. Search Subject Record") print("3. Delete Subject Record") print("4. Update Subject Record") print("5. Return to Main Menu") print("==========================================================") choice = int(input("Enter Choice between 1 to 5 ------> : ")) if choice == 1: Subject.insertSubject() elif choice == 2: Subject.SearchSubject() elif choice == 3: Subject.deleteSubject() elif choice == 4: Subject.UpdateSubject() elif choice == 5: return else: print("Wrong Choice.....Enter Your Choice again") x = input("Enter any key to continue")
def subject(self, name): if name not in self._subjects: self._subjects[name] = Subject() return self._subjects[name]
def makeList(self): #make the list of words with radio buttons to go in the scroll window if self.dWords: try: x = 10 - len(self.Quiz) except: x = 10 self.Quiz = [] if len(self.dWords) >= x: myWords = self.dWords[:x] del self.dWords[:x] else: myWords = self.dWords del self.dWords[:] self.doneButton.SetLabel('Done') #Quiz will be a list of the button groups that make up a question - which is itself a list #each question entry will contain a list containing the label and the radio button options for word in myWords: question = [] wordlabel = wx.StaticText(self.sw, -1, word) #wordSizer.Add(wordlabel, 1) question.append(wordlabel) for a in self.answers: id = self.words.index(word) * len(self.answers) + a[0] - 1 button = wx.CheckBox(self.sw, id, a[1]) button.SetValue(0) #wordSizer.Add(button) question.append(button) self.Quiz.append(question) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.onCheck) try: self.mainSizer.Remove(1) except: pass wordSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(len(self.Quiz), len(self.answers)+1, 10, 10) for question in self.Quiz: for button in question: wordSizer.Add(button) self.mainSizer.Insert(1, wordSizer) return wordSizer, wordSizer.GetMinSize() else: myloader = Subject.SubLoader() sub = myloader.load() filename = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_memory.pck")) textfile = os.path.join(sub.path, ( + "_memory.txt")) f = open(filename, 'w') pickle.dump(self.answerList, f) f.close() f = open(textfile, 'w') for item in self.answerList: f.write(str(item) + "\n") f.close() self.Destroy()
def __init__(self): app_title() = True self.subject = Subject()
def __init__(self, kor=0, eng=0, math=0): #디폴트값을 0으로 지정시, 클래스를 불러들일 때 점수를 입력을 하지 않는 상황에서도 실행되게 해줌 self.seq = 0 self.title="" self.reg_date = "" self.__subject = sb.Subject(kor, eng, math)
def __init__(self): self.mat = MatFile() self.subject = Subject() self.signal = SignalUtils() self.subject_name = ""
class Data: def __init__(self): self.mat = MatFile() self.subject = Subject() self.signal = SignalUtils() self.subject_name = "" def processMat(self, data_file, is_train, contest): print(data_file) self.mat.readMat(data_file, contest) = data_file self.mat.sampling_rate = 400 if contest == 1: = self.signal.resample(, 400) = self.signal.butterWorthBandpassFilter(, band=[0.1, 180], frequency=400) mat_list = self.mat.getDataList(time_length=self.mat.time_length) list_length = mat_list.shape[0] sizex, sizey = mat_list[0].data.shape matBagX = numpy.zeros((list_length, sizex, sizey)) matBagY = [] for i in range(0, list_length): matBagX[i, :, :] = mat_list[i].data if is_train: matBagY.append(self.mat.getMatLabel()) else: matBagY.append("/")[-1]) return matBagX, matBagY def processMatList(self, mat_list, contest, sequence=0, is_train=True): dim0 = len(mat_list) assert dim0 != 0 X, Y = self.processMat(mat_list[0], is_train, contest) xdim0, xdim1, xdim2 = X.shape dim0 = dim0 * xdim0 data_x = numpy.zeros((dim0, xdim1, xdim2)) data_y = [] data_x[0:xdim0, :, :] = X data_y += Y for i in range(1, len(mat_list)): tmp_x, tmp_y = self.processMat(mat_list[i], is_train, contest) data_x[i * xdim0:(i + 1) * xdim0, :, :] = tmp_x data_y += tmp_y if contest == 2: data_x = numpy.transpose(data_x, (0, 2, 1)) return data_x, data_y def processSubject(self, subject, is_train, contest, split_number=1, sequence=0): data_list = None if is_train: data_list = self.subject.getTrainFileList(contest=contest, name=subject) else: data_list = self.subject.getTestFileList(contest=contest, name=subject) if contest == 1: if subject.find("Dog") != -1: index = subject.find("Dog") self.subject_name = subject[index:index + len("Dog") + 2] else: index = subject.find("Patient") self.subject_name = subject[index:index + len("Patient") + 2] amount = None if len(data_list) % split_number == 0: amount = int(len(data_list) / split_number) else: amount = int(len(data_list) / split_number + 1) for i in range(split_number): if i == sequence: return self.processMatList(data_list[i * amount:(i + 1) * amount], contest=contest, sequence=sequence, is_train=is_train)
import Observer import Subject if __name__ == "__main__": weather_data = Subject.WeatherData() current_display = Observer.CurrentConditionsDisplay() statistics_display = Observer.StatisticsDisplay() forecast_display = Observer.ForecastDisplay() print('---- Push mode ----') weather_data.registerPushObserver(current_display) weather_data.registerPushObserver(statistics_display) weather_data.registerPushObserver(forecast_display) weather_data.simulateChange(80, 65, 30.4) weather_data.simulateChange(82, 70, 29.2) weather_data.simulateChange(78, 90, 29.2) weather_data.removePushObserver(current_display) weather_data.removePushObserver(statistics_display) weather_data.removePushObserver(forecast_display) print('---- Pull mode ----') weather_data.registerPullObserver(current_display) weather_data.registerPullObserver(statistics_display) weather_data.registerPullObserver(forecast_display) weather_data.simulateChange(80, 65, 30.4) weather_data.simulateChange(82, 70, 29.2) weather_data.simulateChange(78, 90, 29.2) weather_data.removePullObserver(current_display)
def get_subj(num): """Returns the subject object associated with num.""" path = "data/subj" + str(num) + ".json" return Subject(path)