def canny_edge_detector(input, source, e): # creating folders if not created previously if not os.path.exists(PATH): os.makedirs(PATH) if not os.path.exists(PATH + input): os.makedirs(PATH + input) Image_after_filter, H1, W1 = GuassianFilter.gaussian_filtering( source) # compute gaussian filter cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/gaussianblur.bmp", Image_after_filter) # save gaussian image. x, y = SobelOperator.sobel(Image_after_filter, H1, W1) # find horizontal gradient cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/horizontalgradient.bmp", x) # save horizontal gradient cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/verticalgradient.bmp", y) # save vertical gradient # compute gradient magnitude and angle gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle = Thresholding.compute_magnitude_angle( x, y) cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/gradientmagnitude.bmp", gradient_magnitude) # save gradient_magnitude # non maximuma supression on gradient magnitude. c = Thresholding.suppression(gradient_magnitude, gradient_angle) cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/nonmaximasuppression.bmp", c) e = Thresholding.doublethresholding(c, gradient_angle) cv2.imwrite(PATH + input + "/doublethresholding.bmp", e) # save after doublethresholding
def process_image(img): # Loader.print_image(img) # print("[DEBUG] Showing VISUAL denoising algorithm comparison") # denoising_comparison(img) # print("[DEBUG] Showing HISTOGRAM denoising algorithm comparison") # denoising_comparison(img, True) # DENOISING IMAGE denoised_img = smooth.median_filter(img, 9) denoised_img = smooth.median_filter(denoised_img, 7) # PRINT DENOISED IMAGE AND HISTOGRAM #Loader.print_image(denoised_img) # Loader.hist_and_cumsum(denoised_img) # thresholding_comparison(denoised_img) th_img = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(denoised_img, thresh.THRESH_TRIANGLE) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (15, 5)) stretched = cv2.morphologyEx(th_img, cv2.MORPH_ERODE, kernel) back, front = thresh.get_regions(denoised_img, stretched) # Loader.hist_compare([back, front], ["Back", "Front"]) #Loader.print_image(front) eq = Loader.equalization(front.astype("uint8")) eq = bright_and_contrast(eq, 2.8, 80) eq = smooth.gaussian(eq, 2.5) Loader.print_image(eq) # Loader.hist_and_cumsum(eq) # EDGE DETECTION #edgesFunctions(eq) # Comparison of different edge detection method edges = edg.laplacian_of_gaussian(eq, 2) Loader.print_image(edges) # Fill the cornea area with white pixels dilated = fill_cornea(edges) #Loader.print_image(dilated) #Calculate distances in the cornea-lens region #lineas = dw.find_vertical_lines(dilated) #diferencias,posiciones = dw.calculate_differences(lineas) #dw.draw_graph_distance(diferencias, posiciones) #output_image = dw.lines_image(lineas, img) # Surround the córnea area and lens edges with visible and thin line (i, contornos, jerarquia) = cv2.findContours(dilated, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = [] for c in contornos: if cv2.contourArea(c) < 1000: continue else: cnts.append(c) cv2.drawContours(img, cnts, -1, (0, 0, 255), 3) #Loader.print_image(img) return img
def __init__(self): """ Init Application""" self.mtx, self.dist = loadCoefficients() self.imgSize = (720, 1280) # Define 4 source points self.src = np.float32([[250, self.imgSize[0] - 25], [575, 460], [700, 460], [1150, self.imgSize[0] - 25]]) # Define 4 destination points self.dst = np.float32([[320, self.imgSize[0] - 25], [320, 0], [960, 0], [960, self.imgSize[0] - 25]]) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.undistort = undistortImage self.transform = warper self.laneLines = LaneLines() self.counter = 0
class FindLaneLines: """ This class is for parameter tunning. Attributes: ... """ def __init__(self): """ Init Application""" self.calibration = CameraCalibration('camera_cal', 9, 6) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines() def forward(self, img): out_img = np.copy(img) img = self.calibration.undistort(img) img = self.transform.forward(img) img = self.thresholding.forward(img) img = self.lanelines.forward(img) img = self.transform.backward(img) out_img = cv2.addWeighted(out_img, 1, img, 0.6, 0) out_img = self.lanelines.plot(out_img) return out_img def process_image(self, input_path, output_path): img = mpimg.imread(input_path) out_img = self.forward(img) mpimg.imsave(output_path, out_img) def process_video(self, input_path, output_path): clip = VideoFileClip(input_path) out_clip = clip.fl_image(self.forward) out_clip.write_videofile(output_path, audio=False)
def __init__(self, master=None): """ Init Application""" super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.create_widgets() self.grid() self.filepath = "" self.image = None self.debug = True self.calibration = CameraCalibration('camera_cal', 9, 6) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines(debug=self.debug) self.vidcap = None self.frames = [] self.current_frameid = -1
def algomixerFunnel (algos, return_count, finalalgo, finalalgoDataframe, algoname='NewAlgo') : # myAlgos = [ search_RGB, search_SIFT_BF ] # algomixerFunnel (myAlgos) start = time.time() algoResults = [] algoTimes = [] for algo in algos: algoResult, algoTime = algo_selector (algo, return_count=return_count) algoResults.append(algoResult) algoTimes.append(algoTime) # generate candidates (short listing) filteredFeatureData = Thresholding.filter_candidates( algoResults, finalalgoDataframe) # run Final Algo (detection) imagepredictions,searchtimesift = algo_selector_final(finalalgo,filteredFeatureData,return_count=return_count) # generate algo uniques: apply threshold for each Result (imagematches) unique_final_list = [] for Result in algoResults : unique_final_list.append(Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(Result)) # print (unique_final_list) # MERGE OPEARATION FROM ALL RESULTS # algo uniques + final algo detections results final_algo_List = Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list(imagepredictions) toplist = unique_final_list.copy() # copy all commons from candidates threshold list to front (2 lists) toplist = [Thresholding.merge_results( toplist, False)] # Add final algo derivatives to toplist toplist.append(final_algo_List) # merge lists of algo results: HSV Thresh, RGB Thresh, SIFT toplist = Thresholding.merge_results( toplist, False) t = time.time() - start # find accuracy and append to dict a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 ) print ('index F_'+algoname+': ', ind) row_dict['acc_'+ algoname] = a row_dict['index_'+ algoname] = ind row_dict['Count_'+ algoname] = cnt row_dict['quality_'+ algoname] = d row_dict['time_'+ algoname] = t
def algomixerAppend(algos, return_count, algoname='NewAlgo', write=False): # myAlgos = [ search_RGB, search_SIFT_BF ] # algomixerFunnel (myAlgos) start = time.time() algoResults = [] algoTimes = [] for algo in algos: thisResult, thisTime = algo_selector(algo, return_count=return_count) algoResults.append(thisResult) algoTimes.append(thisTime) # generate algo uniques: apply threshold for each Result (imagematches) unique_final_list = [] for result in algoResults: if write: a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, result, ACCURRACY_RANGE) print(ind) unique_final_list.append(Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(result)) # MERGE OPEARATION FROM ALL RESULTS # algo uniques + final algo detections results toplist = unique_final_list.copy() # retaining all the individual results as well (P.S: note difference from algomixerFunnel) for result in algoResults: toplist.append(Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list(result)) # merge lists of algo results and remove duplicates order[[commons], [algo1], [algo2]...] toplist = Thresholding.merge_results(toplist, False) t = time.time() - start # find accuracy and append to dict # a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, ACCURRACY_RANGE) # print ('index F_'+algoname+': ', ind) # row_dict['acc_'+ algoname] = a # row_dict['index_'+ algoname] = ind # row_dict['Count_'+ algoname] = cnt # row_dict['quality_'+ algoname] = d # row_dict['time_'+ algoname] = t return toplist
class FindLaneLines: """ This class is for parameter tunning. Attributes: ... """ def __init__(self): """ Init Application""" self.mtx, self.dist = loadCoefficients() self.imgSize = (720, 1280) # Define 4 source points self.src = np.float32([[250, self.imgSize[0] - 25], [575, 460], [700, 460], [1150, self.imgSize[0] - 25]]) # Define 4 destination points self.dst = np.float32([[320, self.imgSize[0] - 25], [320, 0], [960, 0], [960, self.imgSize[0] - 25]]) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.undistort = undistortImage self.transform = warper self.laneLines = LaneLines() self.counter = 0 def runPipeline(self, img): out_img = np.copy(img) img_undist = self.undistort(img, self.mtx, self.dist) #cv2.imwrite('output_images/undistorted.jpg', img_undist) img = #cv2.imwrite('output_images/thresholded.jpg', img) binaryWarped, M, invM = self.transform(img, self.src, self.dst) if self.counter == 0 or (self.counter >= 100 and self.counter % 100 == 0): imgname = 'output_images/binary' + str(self.counter) + 'warped.jpg' cv2.imwrite(imgname, binaryWarped) self.laneLines.fit_polynomial(binaryWarped) if self.laneLines.leftLine.detected and self.laneLines.rightLine.detected: self.laneLines.measure_curvature_real(binaryWarped) out_img = self.laneLines.drawLane(img_undist, binaryWarped, invM) #cv2.imwrite('output_images/drawlanes.jpg', out_img) out_img = self.laneLines.drawData(out_img) self.counter += 1 return out_img def processImage(self, input_path, output_path): img = cv2.imread(input_path) out_img = self.runPipeline(img) cv2.imwrite(output_path, out_img) def processVideo(self, input_path, output_path): clip = VideoFileClip(input_path) out_clip = clip.fl_image(self.runPipeline) out_clip.write_videofile(output_path, audio=False)
def thresholding_comparison(img): #Thresholding algoritms precalculation for comparison triangle = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_TRIANGLE) mean = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_MEAN) otsu = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_OTSU) yen = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_YEN) minimum = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_MIMIMUM) isodata = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_ISODATA) # li = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(img, thresh.THRESH_LI) thresholded_imgs = [img, triangle, mean, otsu, yen, minimum, isodata] thresholded_titles = [ "Original", "Triangle", "Mean", "Otsu", "Yen", "Minimum", "Isodata" ] Loader.hist_compare(thresholded_imgs, thresholded_titles)
def search_AlgoA ( candidates=100, verbose=False ): toplist = [] start = time.time() # run RGB imagematchesrgb , searchtimergb = ImageSearch_Algo_RGB.RGB_SEARCH_TREE (myRGBtree, mydataRGB, q_path, returnCount=candidates) # run HSV imagematcheshsv , searchtimehsv = ImageSearch_Algo_HSV.HSV_SEARCH_TREE ( myHSVtree, mydataHSV, q_path, returnCount=candidates) # create shortlist for SIFT filteredSIFTData = Thresholding.filter_sift_candidates( [imagematcheshsv, imagematchesrgb], mydataSIFT) # run SIFT imagepredictions , searchtimesift = ImageSearch_Algo_SIFT.SIFT_SEARCH_BF(filteredSIFTData, q_path, sift_features_limit=100 , lowe_ratio=LOWE_RATIO, predictions_count=SIFT_PREDICTIONS_COUNT) # threshold RGB final_RGB_List = Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(imagematchesrgb) # thresold HSV final_HSV_List = Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(imagematcheshsv) # MERGE OPEARATION FROM ALL RESULTS # SIFT LIST final_SIFT_List = Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list(imagepredictions) # merge lists of algo results: HSV Thresh, RGB Thresh, SIFT toplist = Thresholding.merge_results([final_HSV_List, final_RGB_List, final_SIFT_List], False) # find accuracy and append to dict a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, 20 ) t = time.time() - start row_dict['acc_algo_A'] = a row_dict['index_algo_A'] = ind row_dict['Count_algo_A'] = cnt row_dict['quality_algo_A'] = d row_dict['time_algo_A'] = t # run if verbose enabled; DEBUGGING if verbose: print ('index FINAL AlgoA: ', ind) # append SIFT Results a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagepredictions, 20 ) print ('SIFT-A Accuracy =', a, '%', '| Quality:', d ) print ('SIFT-A Count', cnt, ' | position', ind) row_dict['acc_Algo_A_SIFT'] = a row_dict['index_Algo_A_SIFT'] = ind row_dict['Count_Algo_A_SIFT'] = cnt row_dict['quality_Algo_A_SIFT'] = d # row_dict['time_Algo_A_SIFT'] = searchtime # get current accurracy of RGB a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagematchesrgb, 20) print ('index RGB : ', ind) # get thresholded accurracy of RGB a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, final_RGB_List, 20 ) print ('index RGB Th:', ind) # update candidates RGB row_dict['index_Algo_A_cRGB'] = ind # get current accurracy for HSV a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagematcheshsv, 20) print ('index HSV : ', ind) # get thresholded accurracy for HSV a ,d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, final_HSV_List, 20 ) print ('index HSV Th: ', ind) # update candidates row_dict['index_Algo_A_cHSV'] = ind return imagepredictions, t
def algomixerFunnel(algos, return_count, finalalgo, finalalgoDataframe, algoname='NewAlgo', write=False): ''' algos [list]: list of candidare algos return_count (int) : number of candidates to be generated finalalgo (str) : list of candidare algos finalalgoDataframe (pd.Dataframe): dataframe of the finalAlgo to be filtered and used algoname (str) : 'column name of datframe for the final reported accuracy, time etc. write (bool): True / False -> whether to report funnel accurracy, time before merge with thresholded candidates ''' # myAlgos = [ search_RGB, search_SIFT_BF ] # algomixerFunnel (myAlgos) start = time.time() algoResults = [] algoTimes = [] for algo in algos: algoResult, algoTime = algo_selector(algo, return_count=return_count) algoResults.append(algoResult) algoTimes.append(algoTime) # generate candidates (short listing) filteredFeatureData = Thresholding.filter_candidates( algoResults, finalalgoDataframe) # run Final Algo (detection) imagepredictions, searchtimesift = algo_selector_final( finalalgo, filteredFeatureData, return_count=return_count) if write: # find accuracy and append to dict a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_matches(q_path, imagepredictions, ACCURRACY_RANGE) t = time.time() - start row_dict['acc_' + algoname + '_BM'] = a row_dict['index_' + algoname + '_BM'] = ind row_dict['Count_' + algoname + '_BM'] = cnt row_dict['quality_' + algoname + '_BM'] = d row_dict['time_' + algoname + '_BM'] = t # generate algo uniques: apply threshold for each Result (imagematches) unique_final_list = [] for Result in algoResults: unique_final_list.append(Thresholding.autothreshold_knee(Result)) # print (unique_final_list) # MERGE OPEARATION FROM ALL RESULTS # algo uniques + final algo detections results final_algo_List = Thresholding.imagepredictions_to_list( imagepredictions) toplist = unique_final_list.copy() # copy all commons from candidates threshold list to front (2 lists) toplist = [Thresholding.merge_results(toplist, False)] # Add final algo derivatives to toplist toplist.append(final_algo_List) # merge lists of algo results: HSV Thresh, RGB Thresh, SIFT toplist = Thresholding.merge_results(toplist, False) t = time.time() - start # find accuracy and append to dict a, d, ind, cnt = accuracy.accuracy_from_list(q_path, toplist, ACCURRACY_RANGE) # print ('index F_'+algoname+': ', ind) row_dict['acc_' + algoname] = a row_dict['index_' + algoname] = ind row_dict['Count_' + algoname] = cnt row_dict['quality_' + algoname] = d row_dict['time_' + algoname] = t
def __init__(self): """ Init Application""" self.calibration = CameraCalibration('camera_cal', 9, 6) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines()
print("[DEBUG] Load image from local sources") # img = Loader.load_image("test/th.jpeg") # Loader.print_image(stretched) # Loader.print_image(smoothed_thresholded) # Loader.print_image(front) for i in np.arange(1, 13): img = Loader.load_image("im" + i.__str__() + ".jpeg") print("Loaded image " + "im" + i.__str__() + ".jpeg") # DENOISING IMAGE denoised_img = smooth.median_filter(img, 9) denoised_img = smooth.median_filter(denoised_img, 7) # thresholding_comparison(denoised_img) th_img = thresh.apply_thresholding_algorithm(denoised_img, thresh.THRESH_TRIANGLE) #Suavizamos los bordes marcados por la segmentacion kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (15, 5)) stretched = cv2.morphologyEx(th_img, cv2.MORPH_ERODE, kernel) smoothed_thresholded = smooth.max_filter(stretched, 5) #Obtenemos las areas correspondientes a la imagen original, despues del segmentado back, front = thresh.get_regions(denoised_img, stretched) IMAGE_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION = define_image_properties( smoothed_thresholded) if IMAGE_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION == "A": # RESOLUTION 1 print("Executing custom resolution, mode 1") # EDGE DETECTION #eq = Loader.equalization(front.astype("uint8")) eq = Loader.bright_and_contrast(front.astype("uint8"), 1.0, 20)
def load_parameters(self): load_params() self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines(debug=self.debug)
class Application(tk.Frame): """ This class is for parameter tunning. Attributes: ... """ def __init__(self, master=None): """ Init Application""" super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.create_widgets() self.grid() self.filepath = "" self.image = None self.debug = True self.calibration = CameraCalibration('camera_cal', 9, 6) self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines(debug=self.debug) self.vidcap = None self.frames = [] self.current_frameid = -1 def create_widgets(self): self.winfo_toplevel().title("Parameter Tuning") self.hi_there = tk.Button(self, text="Load image", command=self.load_image) self.hi_there.grid(row=1) self.textbox = tk.Entry(self) self.textbox.insert(0, 'test_images/project_video_frame_1048.jpg') self.textbox.grid(row=0) = tk.Button(self, text="Save params", command=self.save_parameters) self.load = tk.Button(self, text="Load params", command=self.load_parameters) self.load.grid(row=3) self.quit = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", fg="red", command=self.master.destroy) self.quit.grid(row=5) self.process_image_button = tk.Button(self, text="Process image", command=self.process_image) self.process_image_button.grid(row=1, column=1) self.process_video_button = tk.Button(self, text="Process video", command=self.process_video) self.process_video_button.grid(row=1, column=2) self.frame_textbox = tk.Entry(self) self.frame_textbox.grid(row=0, column=1) self.get_frame_button = tk.Button(self, text="Get frame from video", command=self.get_frame) self.get_frame_button.grid(row=2, column=1) self.save_frame_button = tk.Button(self, text="Save frame from video", command=self.save_frame) self.save_frame_button.grid(row=3, column=1) self.debug_button = tk.Button(self, text="Debug ON", command=self.toggle_debug) self.debug_button.grid(row=1, column=3) def load_image(self): self.current_frameid = -1 self.filepath = self.textbox.get() self.image = cv2.imread(self.filepath) img = self.image cv2.imshow("original", img) self.thresholding.display(img) img = self.thresholding.forward(img) self.transform.display(img) img = self.transform.forward(img) self.lanelines.display(img) def forward(self, img): out_img = np.copy(img) img = self.calibration.undistort(img) img = self.thresholding.forward(img) img2 = np.dstack((img, img, img)) img = self.transform.forward(img) img = self.lanelines.forward(img) img3 = img img = self.transform.backward(img) out_img = cv2.addWeighted(out_img, 1, img, 0.3, 0) out_img = self.lanelines.plot(out_img) if self.debug and self.current_frameid >= 0: cv2.putText(out_img, str(self.current_frameid), org=(700, 100), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=2) self.current_frameid += 1 return out_img def process_image(self): self.current_frameid = -1 img = cv2.imread(self.textbox.get()) out_img = self.forward(img) cv2.imshow("output", out_img) def process_video(self): self.current_frameid = 0 self.filepath = self.textbox.get() clip = VideoFileClip(self.filepath) out_clip = clip.fl_image(self.forward) out_clip.write_videofile("output_videos/" + self.filepath, audio=False) def get_frame(self): path = self.textbox.get() frame_id = int(self.frame_textbox.get()) if (path != self.filepath) or (self.vidcap is None): self.vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(path) self.filepath = path self.frames = [] if len(self.frames) > frame_id: cv2.imshow("Frame {}".format(frame_id), self.frames[frame_id]) return success, image = while success: self.frames.append(image) if len(self.frames) > frame_id: cv2.imshow("Frame {}".format(frame_id), self.frames[frame_id]) return success, image = def save_frame(self): path = self.textbox.get() frame_id = int(self.frame_textbox.get()) l = path.rfind('/') + 1 r = path.find('.') output_path = "test_images/" + path[l:r] + "_frame_{}.jpg".format( frame_id) self.get_frame() cv2.imwrite(output_path, self.frames[frame_id]) def toggle_debug(self): self.debug = not self.debug if self.debug: self.debug_button.config(text="Debug ON") else: self.debug_button.config(text="Debug OFF") self.lanelines.debug = self.debug def save_parameters(self): self.thresholding.save_parameters() save_params() def load_parameters(self): load_params() self.thresholding = Thresholding() self.transform = PerspectiveTransformation() self.lanelines = LaneLines(debug=self.debug)