Пример #1
def FireEmblem(screen):
    inGame = True
    nbSave = 0
    state = ["Title", "Scene1", 1]
    characters = []
    while inGame:
        if state[0] == "Dialogue":
            state = DialogueScene.Dialogue(screen, state[1], state[2])
        elif state[0] == "Battle":
            infosBattle = utils.loadBattle(state[1], nbSave)
            endBattle = Battle.battle(screen, infosBattle[0], infosBattle[1],
                                      infosBattle[2], infosBattle[3])
            state = endBattle[0]
            characters = endBattle[1]
            if state[0] not in ["Quit", "Title"]:
                utils.save("auto", state[0], state[1], state[2],
                           pygame.Surface((600, 600)), characters)
        elif state[0] == "Title":
            state = TitleScreen.TitleScreen(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Load":
            state = LoadMenu.loadMenu(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Save":
            state = SaveMenu.SaveMenu(screen, state[1], state[2], state[3],
                                      state[4], characters)
        elif state[0] == "Options":
            state = Options.Options(screen)
        elif state[0] == "Quit":
            inGame = False
Пример #2
def RunningTheLoop(Loop):
    NextLocation = False
    if Loop == 'Ocean':
        NextLocation = OceanOverworld.OceanOverworldFunc(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'Island':
        NextLocation = ExploreIsland.IslandExploration(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'Title':
        NextLocation = TitleScreen.TitleScreen(True)
        return NextLocation
    if Loop == 'EXIT':
Пример #3
def main():
    # Array of scenes that shall be passed to the director
    scenes = []
    # The "Director" of the game. It takes in the array of scenes and holds most of the "background" data for the game
    dire = Director(scenes)
    # The Scenes of the game. They all take the director object as an argument
    titlescr = TitleScreen(dire)
    onep = EdiblesOnePlayer(dire)
    twop = EdiblesTwoPlayer(dire)
    config = Config(dire)
    # Here the scenes are being appended to the end of the array

    # Changes/Sets the first scene of the game to be the Title Screen.
    # Starts the game loop
Пример #4
 def create_title_screen(self):
     title_screen = TitleScreen.TitleScreen()
     title_stage = Stage(self.game_engine)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self):
        pygame.init()  #start up pygame
        self.window = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (640, 790))  #set window size to 512, 512
        pygame.display.set_caption("Search")  #title window
        pygame.key.set_repeat(1, 80)
        import objects

        self.all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.all_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_tiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.inventoryWindow = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #create a sprite group for the inventory window
        self.doors = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that Horace can walk through
        self.inactive_doors = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #make sprite group for this room's doors that are closed so that they will change appearance but still be drawn (removing them
        #from self.active_doors won't actually cause them to disappear)
        self.status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.entities = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_props = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_message_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group(
        )  #sprite group to hold active message boxes
        self.active_option_boxes = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemies = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.title_screen = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.minimap_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.active_ground_items = pygame.sprite.Group()

        self.message_box_active = False  #check if there are active message boxes

        self.active_battle = pygame.sprite.Group()
        self.active_enemy_status_bar = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #for prop in objects.cave_plants:
        #    self.props.add(prop)

        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        apple = item(
            self, 91, 91, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
            'Here is an unnecessarily long description of an apple. It is entirely to test the function of the textWrapper class',
            True, 'common', 1)
        apple2 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'Another apple', True, 'common', 1)
        apple3 = item(self, 64, 64, "img/items/misc/apple_2.png", 'Apple', 2,
                      'A third apple', True, 'common', 1)

        broken_gauntlets_statreq = {"STR": 1, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_cuirass_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_gauntlets_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        broken_cuirass_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 2, "DARK": 3, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        broken_greaves_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_greaves_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 0, "DARK": 0, "FIRE": 0, "ICE": 0}

        cracked_helmet_elembonus = {
            "LIGHT": 12,
            "DARK": 0,
            "FIRE": 0,
            "ICE": 0

        cracked_helmet_statreq = {"STR": 0, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        self.broken_gauntlets = Armor(self, "Broken gauntlets", 64, 64, 2,
                                      "Plate", broken_gauntlets_elembonus,
                                      broken_gauntlets_statreq, "arms",
                                      "broken", "gauntlets", 10,
                                      "A pair of broken gauntlets")

        self.broken_cuirass = Armor(self, "Broken cuirass", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    broken_cuirass_statreq, "torso", "broken",
                                    "cuirass", 6, "A broken cuirass.")

        self.broken_greaves = Armor(self, "Broken greaves", 64, 64, 2, "Plate",
                                    broken_greaves_statreq, "legs", "broken",
                                    "greaves", 8, "A pair of broken greaves.")

        self.cracked_helmet = Armor(self, "Cracked helmet", 64, 64, 3, "Plate",
                                    cracked_helmet_statreq, "head", "broken",
                                    "helmet", 8, "A cracked helmet.")

        broken_sword_statreq = {"STR": 2, "DEX": 0, "AGL": 0, "INT": 0}

        broken_sword_elembonus = {"LIGHT": 5}

        self.broken_sword = Weapon(
            self, "Broken sword", 64, 64, "Straight sword", "right", "medium",
            "piercing", 8, 8, broken_sword_elembonus, broken_sword_statreq,
            None, None, "broken_sword", 15,
            "Horace's guardsman's sword. Mostly ornamental, its blade is now broken in two by falling rubble."

        inventory = [
            apple, apple2, apple3, self.broken_gauntlets, self.broken_cuirass,
            self.broken_greaves, self.cracked_helmet, self.broken_sword
        ]  #create very basic inventory array

        self.player = Player(self, 64, 64, inventory, 50, 50, 20, 20, 3, 5, 5,
                             3, 5, None, None, None, None, None, None)

        goblin_targetable_areas = [
            "Target: head", "Target: arms", "Target: legs", "Target: torso"

        self.goblin = Enemy(self, self.player, 384, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                            3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        self.goblin_2 = Enemy(self, self.player, 256, 384, 2, "Goblin", 20, 20,
                              3, None, None, None, None, "Beast", "goblin",

        room_1_enemies = [self.goblin, self.goblin_2]

        self.rightDoor = Door(
            self, 9, 4, "right", True, "img/tile/chasm/chasm_door_right.png",
        )  #initialize doors. There will be only four doors, each representing a cardinal direction. A room can have 1-4 doors.
        self.leftDoor = Door(self, 0, 4, "left", True,
        self.forwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 0, "forward", True,
        self.backwardDoor = Door(self, 4, 9, "backward", True,

        self.display_inventory = False  #flag to check whether the inventory window is open or not

        self.z1r1 = Room(
            self, "base", [self.backwardDoor], "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png",
            "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01_full.png", objects.props_z1r1,
        )  #initialize some basic rooms, each with a different background image to tell them apart.
        #enter a list of doors to represent the doors of the room.
        self.z2r2 = Room(self, "base",
                         [self.backwardDoor, self.forwardDoor, self.rightDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r2, [])
        self.z3r3 = Room(self, "base", [self.forwardDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r3, [])
        self.z4r4 = Room(self, "base", [self.leftDoor],
                         objects.props_z1r4, [])

        self.ZONE1 = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z1r1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z2r2, self.z4r4, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, self.z3r3, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

        self.battle = False

        self.titlescreen = TitleScreen(self, 0, 0)

        self.clock_group = pygame.sprite.Group()

        #create a 2D array of rooms to represent this zone.

        #self.currentLocation =

        #self.z1r1 = Room(self, "base", "door", "img/tile/chasm/chasm_01.png") #create a new Room object (see assets.py)
        #for x in range(0, 8):
        #    for y in range(0, 8):
        #        self.active_tiles.add(self.z1r1.tiles[x][y])
        #fill the active_tiles sprite group with the tiles from the room object

        #create some random items

        #messages = ["Yes", "No", None, None]
        #dialogBox = optionBox(self, 64, 512, self.player, messages, "Will you accept the blessing?")


        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        self.prevKey = None

        self.minimap = Minimap(self, 500, 500, "minimap", self.player)
Пример #6
import TitleScreen as titlescreen

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = titlescreen.TitleScreen()