def drawItem(self, x, y, name, group, **kw): # Get the item try: item = self.optionsDict[name] except KeyError: item = self.optionsDict[name] = Tk_VDB.getCanvasObject( self.Map, name, group) ## print "Item", name, item if item is None: # Item known to be invalid return # Convert the internal coords to screen locations coords = item[1] l = len(coords) / 2 coords = map( operator.add, (x, y) * l, map(operator.mul, (self.gridsize[0], self.gridsize[1] * 2.0 / 3.0) * l, coords)) # QUICK FIX FOR UBUNTU 15.10 # Author: vano101 freelancer if 'fill' in item[2]: if item[2]['fill'] == ' ' or item[2]['fill'] == '': item[2]['fill'] = '' dict = {} dict.update(item[2]) dict.update(kw) # Draw it return apply(item[0], tuple(coords), dict)
def drawItem(self, x, y, name, group, **kw): # Get the item try: item = self.optionsDict[name] except KeyError: item = self.optionsDict[name] = Tk_VDB.getCanvasObject( self.Map, name, group) ## print "Item", name, item if item is None: # Item known to be invalid return # Convert the internal coords to screen locations coords = item[1] l = len(coords)/2 coords = map(operator.add, (x, y)*l, map( operator.mul, (self.gridsize[0], self.gridsize[1]*2.0/3.0)*l, coords)) dict = {} dict.update(item[2]) dict.update(kw) # Draw it return apply(item[0], tuple(coords), dict)
def __init__(self): global viewer MapWin.viewer = CenWin.viewer = LoginWin.viewer = \ TeleWin.viewer = OutWin.viewer = \ viewer = self # Setup the balloon help. self.Balloon = Pmw.Balloon(Display) self.msgQueue = [] self.stsList = [] self.updateList = [] self.atPrompt = 0 self.Root = Display self.Root.title("Python/Tk Empire Interface") self.coord = Tkinter.StringVar() statusbar = Tkinter.Frame(self.Root, name="statusbar") statusbar.pack(side='bottom', anchor='s', fill='both') coordLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.Root, name="coord", textvariable=self.coord, width=20, relief="sunken") coordLabel.pack(in_=statusbar, fill='both', side='right') self.Balloon.bind(coordLabel, "Empire coordinates") self.queueStatus = LoginWin.QueueStatus(statusbar) self.Status = Tkinter.Entry(self.Root, name="status", relief='sunken') self.Status.pack(in_=statusbar, fill='both', expand=1) self.Status.bind('<Key-Return>', self.DoStatus) self.Status.insert(0, "Welcome to empire!") self.Status['state']='disabled' ## # Create a main PanedWidget with top and bottom panes. ## pane = Pmw.PanedWidget(self.Root, hull_width='7i', hull_height=800) ## pane.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both') mapframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.Root, name="mapframe", class_="Map") ## mapframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.Root, name="mapframe", class_="Map") ## mapframe.pack(in_=pane.add('top'), expand=1, fill='both') ## mapframe = Tkinter.Frame(pane.pane('top'), name="mapframe", class_="Map") ## mapframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both') ## mapframe = pane.add('mapframe') = MapWin.mapSubWin(mapframe) self.mapList = [] infoframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.Root, name="infoframe") infoframe.pack(side='left', fill='both') self.CmdPrompt = Tkinter.Label(self.Root, name="cmdprompt", anchor='ne') self.CmdPrompt.pack(in_=infoframe, side='bottom', anchor='s', fill='x') self.CmdPrompt.bind('<Configure>', (lambda e, cp=self.CmdPrompt: cp.configure({'wraplength': e.width}))) self.Balloon.bind(self.CmdPrompt, "Empire prompt") self.cen = CenWin.cenWin(infoframe) ioframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.Root, name="ioframe", class_="Censor") ## ioframe.pack(in_=pane.add('bottom', size=400), expand=1, fill='both') ## ioframe = Tkinter.Frame(pane.pane('bottom'), name="ioframe", ## class_="Censor") ## ioframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both') ## ioframe = pane.add('ioframe') self.Prompt = Tkinter.Entry(self.Root, name="prompt") self.Prompt.pack(in_=ioframe, side='bottom', anchor='s', fill='x') self.Prompt.bind('<Key-Return>', self.DoCmd) self.Prompt.bind('<Control-z>', self.DoCtld) self.Prompt.bind('<Up>', (lambda e, s=self: s.DoHistoryMove(1))) self.Prompt.bind('<Down>', (lambda e, s=self: s.DoHistoryMove(-1))) self.Prompt.focus() scrollY = Tkinter.Scrollbar(self.Root, name="ioscrollbar") scrollY.pack(in_=ioframe, side='right', anchor='e', fill='y') self.Output = MyText.MyText(self.Root, name="iobox", yscrollcommand=scrollY.set, next = self.Prompt) self.Output.setEditable(0) self.Output.pack(in_=ioframe, side='left', anchor='se', expand=1, fill='both') ## scrollY = Tkinter.Scrollbar(ioframe, name="ioscrollbar") ## scrollY.pack(side='right', anchor='e', fill='y') ## self.Output = Tkinter.Text(ioframe, name="iobox", state='disabled', ## yscrollcommand=scrollY.set) ## self.Output.pack(side='left', anchor='se', ## expand=1, fill='both') scrollY['command'] = self.Output.yview self.Output.bind('<Button-3>', self.DoLocateSector) self.Output.bind('<Configure>', (lambda e, s=self.Output: s.see('end'))) ## # Windows hack! ## bindFocus(self.Output) pane = Tk_Pane.paned(self.Root, mapframe, ioframe) self.Balloon.bind(pane.Grip, "Resize window") self.Root.bind('<Prior>', (lambda e, s=self.Output: s.yview('scroll', -1, 'page'))) self.Root.bind('<Next>', (lambda e, s=self.Output: s.yview('scroll', 1, 'page'))) self.Root.bind('<Tab>', (lambda e, s=self: s.insertText(s.cen.getKey()) or "break")) self.Root.bind('<Alt-Key>', self.DoAltHandler) # Establish default bindings for text prompts Tk_VDB.setTextOptions(self.Output, ('data', 'prompt', 'command', 'flush', 'subcommand', 'flash', 'inverse', 'error')) ## self.lwrite(('data', 'data'), "\n", ('prompt :', 'prompt'), ## ('command', 'command'), "\n", ## ('subprompt :', 'subprompt'), ## ('subcommand', 'subcommand'), "\n", ('flash', 'flash')) self.loginCallback = LoginWin.loginWin() self.telegramWindow = TeleWin.teleWin() self.Root.update_idletasks() self.Root.pack_propagate(0) infoframe.pack_propagate(0) InitFileHandler()