Пример #1
def tel():

    n = 250
    r = 0.5
    x0 = -0.25
    y0 = 1

    #    star = Trajectory.Star2D(n,5,r,x0,y0)
    circle = Trajectory.Circle2D(n, r, x0, y0, arclength=2 * np.pi)
    #    nPoly = Trajectory.nPoly2D(n,4,r,x0,y0)
    #    spiral = Trajectory.Spiral2D(n,0.6,0.1,x0,y0,6*np.pi)

    x_tel = circle.xtest

    pub = rospy.Publisher('teleop', numpy_msg(Floats), queue_size=10)
    pub2 = rospy.Publisher('point', Point, queue_size=10)

    R = 10
    #    R = rospy.get_param('~pub_rate')
    rate = rospy.Rate(R)

    i = 0
    N = len(x_tel)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if i > N - 1:
            i = 0

#        x = np.array(x_tel[i],dtype = np.float64)
#        x = np.array([float(x_tel[i,0]),float(x_tel[i,1]),float(0)])
#        x.astype(np.float64)
#        x = np.array([trans[0],trans[1]], dtype=numpy.float32)
#        pub.publish(x)

        newpoint = Point()
        newpoint.x = x_tel[i, 0]
        newpoint.y = x_tel[i, 1]
        newpoint.z = float(i)
        #        rospy.loginfo(newpoint)
        i += 1
Пример #2

"Test Settings"
n = 200 # number of points in trajetory
r =0.3 # radius of trajectory

YStart = np.column_stack(np.deg2rad([-30,45,30])) # initial joint position

#XStart  = robot.fkin(YStart) # initial taskspace position
XStart,_  = robot2D.fkin(YStart) # initial taskspace position

x0 = XStart[0][0]-r # trajectory x center 
y0 = XStart[0][1] # y trajectory y center

"Choose Which Test Trajectory"
Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Circle2D(n,r,x0,y0,arclength = 2*np.pi), robot2D)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.nPoly2D(n,4,r,x0,y0, arclength = -2*np.pi,flip =0), robot)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Rect2D(n, width = 1, height = 1), robot)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Star2D(n,5,r,x0,y0), robot)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Spiral2D(n,1,0.5,x0,y0,6*np.pi), robot)

workspace = Trajectory.Circle2D(n,np.sum(robot2D.dh_table[:,1]),0,0) # size of reachable workspace

X_test = Test.xtest

#Y_test = Test.ytest # if inverse kinematics is provided

njit = 25 #number of jittered data points
num_inducing = 10 # max number of induced/support points per model

" Initialize Local Models"
Пример #3
#YStart = rospy.get_param('~YStart')
#YStart = np.array(np.deg2rad(YStart)).reshape(1,2)
YStart = np.array(np.deg2rad([0, 45])).reshape(1, 2)

XStart = twolink.fkin(YStart)

#data = rospy.wait_for_message('experience',Point)
#XStart = np.array([data.x,data.y]).reshape(1,2)

x0 = XStart[0][0] - r
y0 = XStart[0][1]
#x0 = -0.25
#y0 = 1

#    star = Trajectory.Star2D(n,5,r,x0,y0)
circle = Trajectory.Circle2D(n, r, x0, y0, arclength=2 * np.pi)
#    nPoly = Trajectory.nPoly2D(n,4,r,x0,y0)
#    spiral = Trajectory.Spiral2D(n,0.6,0.1,x0,y0,6*np.pi)

x_tel = circle.xtest

def nextPoint(resp):

    i = resp.i % n

    x = x_tel[i, 0]
    y = x_tel[i, 1]
    z = float(resp.i)
    print([x, y])
    return x, y, z
Пример #4
XStart = twolink.fkin(YStart)
x0 = XStart[0][0] - r
y0 = XStart[0][1]

#x0 = -.25
#y0 = -1

#twolink = RobotModels.TwoLink2D(l1,l2)

#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Circle2D(n,r,x0,y0,arclength = 2*np.pi), twolink)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.nPoly2D(n,4,r,x0,y0), twolink)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Rect2D(n, width = 1, height = 1), twolink)
Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Star2D(n, 5, r, x0, y0), twolink)
#Test = TestTrajectory(Trajectory.Spiral2D(n,0.6,0.1,x0,y0,6*np.pi), twolink)

workspace = Trajectory.Circle2D(n, np.sum(Test.robot.Links), 0, 0)

X_test = Test.xtest
#Y_test = YStart
Y_test = Test.ytest

njit = 25
#[XI,YI] =  jitter(njit,Y_test[0],Test.robot)

num_inducing = 25
" Initialize Local Models"
local = LocalModels(num_inducing,