Пример #1
class Board:
    # rCount = roomba count, sCount = spike roomba count
    def __init__(self, width, height, rCount, sCount):
        self.width = width      # width of board in meters
        self.height = height    # width of board in meters
        self.rC = []            # roomba list
        self.srC = []           # spike roomba list
        self.boardTime = TimeMultiplier(1)
        pixelspermeter = 30     # number of pixels per meter
        theta = 2*pi/rCount
        boardCenter = (width/2)*pixelspermeter+25
        for x in range(rCount): # initialize roombas
            pos = Vector(boardCenter + 30*sin(theta*x), boardCenter + 30*cos(theta*x), 0)                   # put roombas in diagonal
            vel = Vector(sin(theta*x)/3, cos(theta*x)/3, 0)                # random velocities (magnitude 1 m/s)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 9.0/2)                   # creating circle object for roomba
            rLine = Line(Point(pos.x,pos.y), Point(pos.x+vel.x*50, pos.y+vel.y*50)) # velcoity vector line
            self.rC.append(Roomba(pos, vel, rCircle, rLine, self.boardTime))       # add new Roomba object to list
        for i in range(sCount): # initialize spike roombas at theta = 0, pi/2, pi, and 3pi/2
            pos = Vector(30 * width / 2 + 25 + cos(i*pi/2) * 5 * 30,30 * height / 2 + 25 + sin(i*pi/2) * 5 * 30, 0) 
            vel = Vector(-sin(i*pi/2)/3, cos(i*pi/2)/3, 0)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 9.0/2)                   # creating spike roomba circle object
            self.srC.append(Spike(pos, vel, rCircle, i, self.boardTime))   # add new Spike object to list
        self.rCsrC = self.rC + self.srC

        #UAV initialization
        pos = Vector(boardCenter,boardCenter,0)
        vel = Vector(0,0,0)
        rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x,pos.y), 6.0)
        maxSpeed = 2            # in m/s
        self.uav = UAV(pos, vel, rCircle, maxSpeed, self.boardTime, self.rC, self.srC)       

    # Draws the board and roombas                
    def draw(self):  
        pixelspermeter = 30                         # number of pixels per meter
        self.pxwidth = self.width*pixelspermeter    # pixel width of active board - the 30 is completely arbitrary
        self.pxheight = self.height*pixelspermeter  # pixel height of active board 
        buff = 50                                   # buffer around board
        self.win = GraphWin("My Board", self.pxwidth+buff, self.pxheight+buff, False)   # creating a board w/ a 25 pixel buffer on each side
        # Four corner points
        upperleft = Point(buff/2, buff/2)
        upperright = Point(buff/2+self.pxwidth, buff/2)
        lowerright = Point(buff/2+self.pxwidth, buff/2 + self.pxheight)
        lowerleft = Point(buff/2, buff/2 + self.pxheight)  
        # entire boundary
        boundary = Rectangle(upperleft, lowerright)   # boundary of the grid
        boundary.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 255, 255)) # white boundary
        # grid 
        blockwidth = pixelspermeter
        blockheight = pixelspermeter
        vertarray = [Line(Point(buff/2+i*blockwidth, buff/2), Point(buff/2+i*blockwidth, buff/2+self.pxheight)) for i in range(self.width)]     # vertical lines    
        horizarray = [Line(Point(buff/2, buff/2+j*blockheight), Point(buff/2+self.pxwidth, buff/2+j*blockheight)) for j in range(self.height)]  # horizontal lines
        linearray = vertarray + horizarray  # all lines
        for line in linearray:              # color each line black
            line.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 255, 255))
        # upper green line
        topline = Line(upperleft, upperright)
        topline.setOutline(color_rgb(0, 255, 0))
        # lower red line 
        botline = Line(lowerleft, lowerright)
        botline.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 0, 0))

        # draw the boundary and all lines
        for line in linearray:   # draw grid lines
        for r in self.rC:   # draw roombas
            r.circle.setFill(color_rgb(0, 0, 0))

            print r.velVect
        for r in self.srC:  # draw spike roombas

        # draw UAV

        self.win.setBackground(color_rgb(150, 150, 150))   # grey background
        #self.win.getMouse() # pause for click in self.window

    # Collision check: if distance between roomba centers is less than a threshold, they've collided
    # 1 for collision, 0 for no collision
    def collision(self, r, otherPos):
        threshold = 64
        x = r.pos.x + r.vel.x*12
        y = r.pos.y + r.vel.y*12
        dx = x - otherPos.x
        dy = y - otherPos.y
        if threshold > dx*dx + dy*dy:
            return True
            return False

    # the primary method for running the simulation
    def run(self):
        lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
        while len(self.srC) > 0:   # while there are still roombas left, keep running
            timeInterval = self.boardTime.getTime()-lastTime
            lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
            for r in self.rC:
                if r.d == 1:        # if the roomba is dead, remove it
            if self.uav.d == 1:     # remove dead UAV

            cDetect = []                    # list of roombas pairs
            for x in range(len(self.rCsrC)):   # generates all possible unique pairs of roombas
                d = range(x, len(self.rCsrC))
                e = [d.pop(0)] * len(d)
                cDetect = cDetect + zip(e, d)
            for x in cDetect:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[0]], self.rCsrC[x[1]].pos): # if there is a collision, reverse directions of both roombas
                    if self.rCsrC[x[0]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[x[0]].turning == False:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[1]], self.rCsrC[x[0]].pos):
                    if self.rCsrC[x[1]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[x[1]].turning == False:
            for r in self.rCsrC :  # draw updated roombas
                # moves roombas with move function - uses less processing time
                #r.circle.move(timeInterval*r.vel.x*30, timeInterval*r.vel.y*30)
                # moves roombas by drawing and undrawing - laggy
                if r in self.rC:

                #Point(r.pos.x,r.pos.y).draw(self.win)   # traces roomba path - laggy
            # draw updated UAV
            #self.uav.circle.move(timeInterval*self.uav.vel.x*30, timeInterval*self.uav.vel.y*30)

        self.stop()                 # quit the simulation

    def stop(self):
Пример #2
class Board:
    # rCount = roomba count, sCount = spike roomba count
    def __init__(self, width, height, rData, sData):
        self.width = width      # width of board in meters
        self.height = height    # width of board in meters
        self.rC = []            # roomba list
        self.srC = []           # spike roomba list
        pixelspermeter = 30     # number of pixels per meter
        theta = 2*pi/rCount
        boardCenter = (width/2)*pixelspermeter+25
        for x in range(rCount): # initialize roombas
            pos = Vector(boardCenter + 30*sin(theta*x), boardCenter + 30*cos(theta*x), 0)                   # put roombas in diagonal
            vel = Vector(sin(theta*x)/3, cos(theta*x)/3, 0)                # random velocities (magnitude 1 m/s)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 9.0/2)                   # creating circle object for roomba
            rLine = Line(Point(pos.x,pos.y), Point(pos.x+vel.x*50, pos.y+vel.y*50)) # velcoity vector line
            self.rC.append(uavRoomba(pos, vel, rCircle, rLine, self.boardTime))       # add new Roomba object to list
        for i in range(sCount): # initialize spike roombas at theta = 0, pi/2, pi, and 3pi/2
            pos = Vector(30 * width / 2 + 25 + cos(i*pi/2) * 5 * 30,30 * height / 2 + 25 + sin(i*pi/2) * 5 * 30, 0) 
            vel = Vector(-sin(i*pi/2)/3, cos(i*pi/2)/3, 0)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 9.0/2)                   # creating spike roomba circle object
            self.srC.append(uavSpike(pos, vel, rCircle, i, self.boardTime))   # add new Spike object to list
        self.rCsrC = self.rC + self.srC

        #UAV initialization
        pos = Vector(boardCenter,boardCenter,0)
        vel = Vector(0,0,0)
        rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x,pos.y), 6.0)
        maxSpeed = 2            # in m/s
        self.uav = UAV(pos, vel, rCircle, maxSpeed, self.boardTime, self.rC, self.srC)       


    # Collision check: if distance between roomba centers is less than a threshold, they've collided
    # 1 for collision, 0 for no collision
    def collision(self, r, otherPos):
        threshold = 64
        x = r.pos.x + r.vel.x*12
        y = r.pos.y + r.vel.y*12
        dx = x - otherPos.x
        dy = y - otherPos.y
        if threshold > dx*dx + dy*dy:
            return True
            return False

    # the primary method for running the simulation
    def run(self):
        lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
        while len(self.srC) > 0:   # while there are still roombas left, keep running
            timeInterval = self.boardTime.getTime()-lastTime
            lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
            for r in self.rC:
                if r.d == 1:        # if the roomba is dead, remove it
            if self.uav.d == 1:     # remove dead UAV

            cDetect = []                    # list of roombas pairs
            for x in range(len(self.rCsrC)):   # generates all possible unique pairs of roombas
                d = range(x, len(self.rCsrC))
                e = [d.pop(0)] * len(d)
                cDetect = cDetect + zip(e, d)
            for x in cDetect:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[0]], self.rCsrC[x[1]].pos): # if there is a collision, reverse directions of both roombas
                    if self.rCsrC[x[0]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[x[0]].turning == False:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[1]], self.rCsrC[x[0]].pos):
                    if self.rCsrC[x[1]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[x[1]].turning == False:
            for r in self.rCsrC :  # draw updated roombas
                # moves roombas with move function - uses less processing time
                #r.circle.move(timeInterval*r.vel.x*30, timeInterval*r.vel.y*30)
                # moves roombas by drawing and undrawing - laggy
                if r in self.rC:

                #Point(r.pos.x,r.pos.y).draw(self.win)   # traces roomba path - laggy
            # draw updated UAV
            #self.uav.circle.move(timeInterval*self.uav.vel.x*30, timeInterval*self.uav.vel.y*30)

        self.stop()                 # quit the simulation

    def stop(self):
Пример #3
class Board:
    # rCount = roomba count, sCount = spike roomba count
    def __init__(self, width, height, rCount, sCount):
        self.width = width  # width of board in meters
        self.height = height  # width of board in meters
        self.rC = []  # roomba list
        self.srC = []  # spike roomba list
        self.boardTime = TimeMultiplier(1)
        pixelspermeter = 30  # number of pixels per meter
        theta = 2 * pi / rCount
        boardCenter = (width / 2) * pixelspermeter + 25
        for x in range(rCount):  # initialize roombas
            pos = Vector(boardCenter + 30 * sin(theta * x),
                         boardCenter + 30 * cos(theta * x),
                         0)  # put roombas in diagonal
            vel = Vector(sin(theta * x) / 3,
                         cos(theta * x) / 3,
                         0)  # random velocities (magnitude 1 m/s)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                             9.0 / 2)  # creating circle object for roomba
            rLine = Line(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                         Point(pos.x + vel.x * 50,
                               pos.y + vel.y * 50))  # velcoity vector line
                Roomba(pos, vel, rCircle, rLine,
                       self.boardTime))  # add new Roomba object to list
        for i in range(
        ):  # initialize spike roombas at theta = 0, pi/2, pi, and 3pi/2
            pos = Vector(30 * width / 2 + 25 + cos(i * pi / 2) * 5 * 30,
                         30 * height / 2 + 25 + sin(i * pi / 2) * 5 * 30, 0)
            vel = Vector(-sin(i * pi / 2) / 3, cos(i * pi / 2) / 3, 0)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                             9.0 / 2)  # creating spike roomba circle object
                Spike(pos, vel, rCircle, i,
                      self.boardTime))  # add new Spike object to list
        self.rCsrC = self.rC + self.srC

        #UAV initialization
        pos = Vector(boardCenter, boardCenter, 0)
        vel = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 6.0)
        maxSpeed = 2  # in m/s
        self.uav = UAV(pos, vel, rCircle, maxSpeed, self.boardTime, self.rC,

    # Draws the board and roombas
    def draw(self):
        pixelspermeter = 30  # number of pixels per meter
        self.pxwidth = self.width * pixelspermeter  # pixel width of active board - the 30 is completely arbitrary
        self.pxheight = self.height * pixelspermeter  # pixel height of active board
        buff = 50  # buffer around board
        self.win = GraphWin(
            "My Board", self.pxwidth + buff, self.pxheight + buff,
            False)  # creating a board w/ a 25 pixel buffer on each side

        # Four corner points
        upperleft = Point(buff / 2, buff / 2)
        upperright = Point(buff / 2 + self.pxwidth, buff / 2)
        lowerright = Point(buff / 2 + self.pxwidth, buff / 2 + self.pxheight)
        lowerleft = Point(buff / 2, buff / 2 + self.pxheight)

        # entire boundary
        boundary = Rectangle(upperleft, lowerright)  # boundary of the grid
        boundary.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 255, 255))  # white boundary

        # grid
        blockwidth = pixelspermeter
        blockheight = pixelspermeter
        vertarray = [
            Line(Point(buff / 2 + i * blockwidth, buff / 2),
                 Point(buff / 2 + i * blockwidth, buff / 2 + self.pxheight))
            for i in range(self.width)
        ]  # vertical lines
        horizarray = [
            Line(Point(buff / 2, buff / 2 + j * blockheight),
                 Point(buff / 2 + self.pxwidth, buff / 2 + j * blockheight))
            for j in range(self.height)
        ]  # horizontal lines
        linearray = vertarray + horizarray  # all lines
        for line in linearray:  # color each line black
            line.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 255, 255))

        # upper green line
        topline = Line(upperleft, upperright)
        topline.setOutline(color_rgb(0, 255, 0))

        # lower red line
        botline = Line(lowerleft, lowerright)
        botline.setOutline(color_rgb(255, 0, 0))

        # draw the boundary and all lines
        for line in linearray:  # draw grid lines

        for r in self.rC:  # draw roombas
            r.circle.setFill(color_rgb(0, 0, 0))

            print r.velVect

        for r in self.srC:  # draw spike roombas
            r.circle.setFill(color_rgb(0, 0, 150))

        # draw UAV
        self.uav.circle.setFill(color_rgb(150, 23, 189))

        self.win.setBackground(color_rgb(150, 150, 150))  # grey background
        #self.win.getMouse() # pause for click in self.window

    # Collision check: if distance between roomba centers is less than a threshold, they've collided
    # 1 for collision, 0 for no collision
    def collision(self, r, otherPos):
        threshold = 64
        x = r.pos.x + r.vel.x * 12
        y = r.pos.y + r.vel.y * 12
        dx = x - otherPos.x
        dy = y - otherPos.y
        if threshold > dx * dx + dy * dy:
            return True
            return False

    # the primary method for running the simulation
    def run(self):
        lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
        while len(self.srC
                  ) > 0:  # while there are still roombas left, keep running
            timeInterval = self.boardTime.getTime() - lastTime
            lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()

            for r in self.rC:
                if r.d == 1:  # if the roomba is dead, remove it
            if self.uav.d == 1:  # remove dead UAV

            cDetect = []  # list of roombas pairs
            for x in range(len(self.rCsrC)
                           ):  # generates all possible unique pairs of roombas
                d = range(x, len(self.rCsrC))
                e = [d.pop(0)] * len(d)
                cDetect = cDetect + zip(e, d)
            for x in cDetect:
                if self.collision(
                        self.rCsrC[x[0]], self.rCsrC[x[1]].pos
                ):  # if there is a collision, reverse directions of both roombas
                    if self.rCsrC[x[0]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[
                            x[0]].turning == False:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[1]], self.rCsrC[x[0]].pos):
                    if self.rCsrC[x[1]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[
                            x[1]].turning == False:
            for r in self.rCsrC:  # draw updated roombas
                # moves roombas with move function - uses less processing time
                #r.circle.move(timeInterval*r.vel.x*30, timeInterval*r.vel.y*30)

                # moves roombas by drawing and undrawing - laggy
                if r in self.rC:

                #Point(r.pos.x,r.pos.y).draw(self.win)   # traces roomba path - laggy

            # draw updated UAV
            #self.uav.circle.move(timeInterval*self.uav.vel.x*30, timeInterval*self.uav.vel.y*30)



        self.stop()  # quit the simulation

    def stop(self):
    X = np.zeros((int((T - t0) / h) + 1,2))
    Psi = np.zeros((int((T - t0) / h) + 1,2))
    t = np.zeros(int((T - t0) / h) + 1)
    u = np.zeros(int((T - t0) / h) + 1)
    gamma = 0
    i = 0
    gamma = -np.pi / 2
    for s in np.arange(t0, T + h, h):
        #if s < T/2:
        #    gamma = gamma - 2.0 * np.pi * h / T
        #    gamma = gamma + 2.0 * np.pi * h / T
        gamma = gamma + 2.0 * np.pi * h / T
        t[i] = s
        x = uav.step(gamma)
        #u[i] = uav.u(x)
        X[i] = x
        Psi[i] = [np.cos(gamma), np.sin(gamma)]
        #X[i] = (XT-X0) * h/T * i
        #Psi[i] = [np.cos(gamma), np.sin(gamma)]
        i = i + 1

#    XT = X[-1]

    def dFdX(t, X,kappa):
        return target.dnu(t,X) * np.log(1 + channel.l(X) * uav.u(t,X)) + target.nu(t,X) * (channel.dl(X) * uav.u(t,X) + channel.l(X) * target.dnu(t,X)) / (1 + channel.l(X) * uav.u(t,X)) - kappa * uav.du(t,X)

    def dXdPsi(Psi,V):
Пример #5
class Board:
    # rCount = roomba count, sCount = spike roomba count
    def __init__(self, width, height, rData, sData):
        self.width = width  # width of board in meters
        self.height = height  # width of board in meters
        self.rC = []  # roomba list
        self.srC = []  # spike roomba list
        pixelspermeter = 30  # number of pixels per meter
        theta = 2 * pi / rCount
        boardCenter = (width / 2) * pixelspermeter + 25
        for x in range(rCount):  # initialize roombas
            pos = Vector(boardCenter + 30 * sin(theta * x),
                         boardCenter + 30 * cos(theta * x),
                         0)  # put roombas in diagonal
            vel = Vector(sin(theta * x) / 3,
                         cos(theta * x) / 3,
                         0)  # random velocities (magnitude 1 m/s)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                             9.0 / 2)  # creating circle object for roomba
            rLine = Line(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                         Point(pos.x + vel.x * 50,
                               pos.y + vel.y * 50))  # velcoity vector line
                uavRoomba(pos, vel, rCircle, rLine,
                          self.boardTime))  # add new Roomba object to list
        for i in range(
        ):  # initialize spike roombas at theta = 0, pi/2, pi, and 3pi/2
            pos = Vector(30 * width / 2 + 25 + cos(i * pi / 2) * 5 * 30,
                         30 * height / 2 + 25 + sin(i * pi / 2) * 5 * 30, 0)
            vel = Vector(-sin(i * pi / 2) / 3, cos(i * pi / 2) / 3, 0)
            rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y),
                             9.0 / 2)  # creating spike roomba circle object
                uavSpike(pos, vel, rCircle, i,
                         self.boardTime))  # add new Spike object to list
        self.rCsrC = self.rC + self.srC

        #UAV initialization
        pos = Vector(boardCenter, boardCenter, 0)
        vel = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        rCircle = Circle(Point(pos.x, pos.y), 6.0)
        maxSpeed = 2  # in m/s
        self.uav = UAV(pos, vel, rCircle, maxSpeed, self.boardTime, self.rC,

    # Collision check: if distance between roomba centers is less than a threshold, they've collided
    # 1 for collision, 0 for no collision
    def collision(self, r, otherPos):
        threshold = 64
        x = r.pos.x + r.vel.x * 12
        y = r.pos.y + r.vel.y * 12
        dx = x - otherPos.x
        dy = y - otherPos.y
        if threshold > dx * dx + dy * dy:
            return True
            return False

    # the primary method for running the simulation
    def run(self):
        lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()
        while len(self.srC
                  ) > 0:  # while there are still roombas left, keep running
            timeInterval = self.boardTime.getTime() - lastTime
            lastTime = self.boardTime.getTime()

            for r in self.rC:
                if r.d == 1:  # if the roomba is dead, remove it
            if self.uav.d == 1:  # remove dead UAV

            cDetect = []  # list of roombas pairs
            for x in range(len(self.rCsrC)
                           ):  # generates all possible unique pairs of roombas
                d = range(x, len(self.rCsrC))
                e = [d.pop(0)] * len(d)
                cDetect = cDetect + zip(e, d)
            for x in cDetect:
                if self.collision(
                        self.rCsrC[x[0]], self.rCsrC[x[1]].pos
                ):  # if there is a collision, reverse directions of both roombas
                    if self.rCsrC[x[0]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[
                            x[0]].turning == False:
                if self.collision(self.rCsrC[x[1]], self.rCsrC[x[0]].pos):
                    if self.rCsrC[x[1]] in self.rC and self.rCsrC[
                            x[1]].turning == False:
            for r in self.rCsrC:  # draw updated roombas
                # moves roombas with move function - uses less processing time
                #r.circle.move(timeInterval*r.vel.x*30, timeInterval*r.vel.y*30)

                # moves roombas by drawing and undrawing - laggy
                if r in self.rC:

                #Point(r.pos.x,r.pos.y).draw(self.win)   # traces roomba path - laggy

            # draw updated UAV
            #self.uav.circle.move(timeInterval*self.uav.vel.x*30, timeInterval*self.uav.vel.y*30)



        self.stop()  # quit the simulation

    def stop(self):