def process_debrief_files(global_config, input_dir, recursive=True):

    # Initialize the database session connections
    issues_db_name  = global_config['issues_db_name'] + global_config['this_season']
    debrief_db_name = global_config['debriefs_db_name'] + global_config['this_season']
    debrief_session = DbSession.open_db_session(debrief_db_name)
    issues_session  = DbSession.open_db_session(issues_db_name)
    # Create the database if it doesn't already exist
    #if not os.path.exists('./' + db_name):    
    #   DebriefDataModel.create_db_tables(my_db)

    # The following regular expression will select all files that conform to 
    # the file naming format Debrief*.txt. Build a list of all datafiles that match
    # the naming format within the directory passed in via command line 
    # arguments.
    file_regex = re.compile('Debrief[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.txt')
    files = get_files(global_config, debrief_session, debrief_db_name, input_dir, file_regex, recursive)
    # Process data files
    for data_filename in files:
        print 'processing %s'%data_filename
            # Initialize the debrief_attributes dictionary in preparation for the
            # parsing of the data file
            debrief_attributes = {}
            # Parse the data file, storing all the information in the attributes
            # dictionary
            DebriefDataModel.addDebriefFromAttributes(debrief_session, debrief_attributes)
            # Also, extract the competition name, too, if it has been included in
            # the data file
            if debrief_attributes.has_key('Competition'):
                competition = debrief_attributes['Competition']
                issue_base_name = WebCommonUtils.split_comp_str(competition)[0]
                competition = global_config['this_competition'] + global_config['this_season']
                issue_base_name = global_config['this_competition']

                if competition == None:
                    raise Exception( 'Competition Not Specified!')
            # At competition, we will likely have multiple laptops manging the data, but we want
            # only one machine to be responsible for the issues database. In all likelihood,
            # that machine will be the one in the pits, or possibly the application running
            # in the cloud.
            if global_config['issues_db_master'] == 'Yes':
                match_id = debrief_attributes['Match']
                submitter = debrief_attributes['Scouter']
                timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
                subgroup = 'Unassigned'
                status = 'Open'
                owner = 'Unassigned'
                if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Summary') or debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Description'):
                    # look to see if there is already a debrief issue, and if so, do not attempt to create/update
                    # an issue, as there are already other issue files that would then conflict with this one
                    issue_key = 'Issue1'
                    if DebriefDataModel.getDebriefIssue(debrief_session, competition, match_id, issue_key) == None:
                        # if no summary is provided, then use the description as the summary. Likewise, if no description
                        # is provided then use the summary as the description. Keep in mind that we need at least the
                        # summary or description to be provided.
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Summary'):
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Summary']
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Description']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Description'):
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Description']
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Summary']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Priority'):
                            priority = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Priority']
                            priority = 'Priority_3'
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue1_Taskgroup'):
                            component = debrief_attributes['Issue1_Taskgroup']
                            component = ''
                        debrief_key = str(match_id) + '_' + issue_key
                        issue_id = IssueTrackerDataModel.getIssueId(issues_session, issue_base_name)
                        issue = IssueTrackerDataModel.addOrUpdateIssue(issues_session, issue_id, summary, status, priority, 
                                 subgroup, component, submitter, owner, description, timestamp, debrief_key)
                        if issue != None:
                            issue.create_file('./static/data/%s/ScoutingData' % competition)
                        DebriefDataModel.addOrUpdateDebriefIssue(debrief_session, match_id, competition, issue_id, issue_key)
                if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Summary') or debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Description'):
                    # look to see if there is already a debrief issue, and if so, do not attempt to create/update
                    # an issue, as there are already other issue files that would then conflict with this one
                    issue_key = 'Issue2'
                    if DebriefDataModel.getDebriefIssue(debrief_session, competition, match_id, issue_key) == None:
                        # if no summary is provided, then use the description as the summary. Likewise, if no description
                        # is provided then use the summary as the description. Keep in mind that we need at least the
                        # summary or description to be provided.
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Summary'):
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Summary']
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Description']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Description'):
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Description']
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Summary']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Priority'):
                            priority = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Priority']
                            priority = 'Priority_3'
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue2_Taskgroup'):
                            component = debrief_attributes['Issue2_Taskgroup']
                            component = ''

                        debrief_key = str(match_id) + '_' + issue_key
                        issue_id = IssueTrackerDataModel.getIssueId(issues_session, issue_base_name)
                        issue = IssueTrackerDataModel.addOrUpdateIssue(issues_session, issue_id, summary, status, priority, 
                                 subgroup, component, submitter, owner, description, timestamp, debrief_key)
                        if issue != None:
                            issue.create_file('./static/data/%s/ScoutingData' % competition)
                        DebriefDataModel.addOrUpdateDebriefIssue(debrief_session, match_id, competition, issue_id, issue_key)
                if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Summary') or debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Description'):
                    # look to see if there is already a debrief issue, and if so, do not attempt to create/update
                    # an issue, as there are already other issue files that would then conflict with this one
                    issue_key = 'Issue3'
                    if DebriefDataModel.getDebriefIssue(debrief_session, competition, match_id, issue_key) == None:
                        # if no summary is provided, then use the description as the summary. Likewise, if no description
                        # is provided then use the summary as the description. Keep in mind that we need at least the
                        # summary or description to be provided.
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Summary'):
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Summary']
                            summary = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Description']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Description'):
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Description']
                            description = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Summary']
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Priority'):
                            priority = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Priority']
                            priority = 'Priority_3'
                        if debrief_attributes.has_key('Issue3_Taskgroup'):
                            component = debrief_attributes['Issue3_Taskgroup']
                            component = ''

                        debrief_key = str(match_id) + '_' + issue_key
                        issue_id = IssueTrackerDataModel.getIssueId(issues_session, issue_base_name)
                        issue = IssueTrackerDataModel.addOrUpdateIssue(issues_session, issue_id, summary, status, priority, 
                                 subgroup, component, submitter, owner, description, timestamp, debrief_key)
                        if issue != None:
                            issue.create_file('./static/data/%s/ScoutingData' % competition)
                        DebriefDataModel.addOrUpdateDebriefIssue(debrief_session, match_id, competition, issue_id, issue_key)
        except Exception, e:
            # log the exception but continue processing other files
            log_exception(global_config['logger'], e)

        # add the file to the set of processed files so that we don't process it again. Do it outside the
        # try/except block so that we don't try to process a bogus file over and over again.       
        DebriefDataModel.addProcessedFile(debrief_session, data_filename)
Пример #2
 def processClientConnection( self, client_sock, client_info ):            
         print "Accepted connection from ", client_info
         files_received = 0
             while True:                  
                 msg_header, msg_body, content_type = self.read_request( client_sock )
                 if len(msg_header) == 0:
                 print "Message Header: %s" % msg_header
                 print "Message Body Length: %d" % len(msg_body)
                 msg_header_lines = msg_header.splitlines()
                 request_type, request_path = msg_header_lines[0].split(' ',1)
                 print "Request Type: %s" % request_type
                 print "Request Path: %s" % request_path
                 request_complete = False
                 # retrieve any params attached to the requested entity
                 params_offset = request_path.find('?')
                 if params_offset != -1:
                     request_params = request_path[params_offset:]
                     request_params = request_params.lstrip('?')
                     request_path = request_path[0:params_offset]
                 request_path = request_path.lstrip('/')
                 # if the requested path starts with 'static', then let's assume that
                 # the request knows the full path that it's looking for, otherwise, 
                 # we will prepend the path with the path to the data directory
                 if request_path.startswith('static'):
                     fullpath = './' + request_path
                     fullpath = './static/data/' + request_path
                 if request_type == "PUT":
                     # make sure that the destination directory exists
                     if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fullpath)):
                     response_code = FileSync.put_file(fullpath, content_type, msg_body)
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\r\n')
                     files_received += 1
                 elif request_type == "POST":
                     response_code = "400 Bad Request"
                     path_elems = request_path.split('/')
                     if len(path_elems) >= 2:
                         comp_season_list = WebCommonUtils.split_comp_str(path_elems[0])
                         if comp_season_list != None:
                             result = False
                             error = False
                             # for the sync of event and team data, the URI path is of the following
                             # format /Sync/<comp>/EventData/[TeamData/]. if just EventData is provided,
                             # then the event data is regenerated, if TeamData is provided, then both
                             # the event data and team data is regenerated
                             if len(path_elems) >= 2 and path_elems[1] == 'EventData':
                                 result = WebEventData.update_event_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == True:
                                     result = WebTeamData.update_team_event_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == True:
                                     result = WebAttributeDefinitions.update_event_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                                path_elems[1] )
                                 if result == False:
                                     error = True
                             if len(path_elems) >= 3 and path_elems[2] == 'TeamData' and error is False:
                                     team = path_elems[3]
                                     if team == '':
                                         team = None
                                     team = None
                                 result = WebTeamData.update_team_data_files( self.global_config,  
                                                                            path_elems[2], team )
                             if result == True:
                                 response_code = "200 OK"
                     client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + response_code + '\r\n')
                 elif request_type == "GET":
                     # Parse any params attached to this GET request
                     params = request_params.split(';')
                     for param in params:
                         # split the parameter into the tag and value
                         parsed_param = param.split('=')
                         tag = parsed_param[0]
                         value = parsed_param[1]
                         # process the parameter
                     # check to see if the requested path exists. We may need to handle that
                     # condition separately, treating non-existent directories as empty (as
                     # opposed to sending a 404 not found.
                     # TODO: update the client side to handle the 404 not found as an empty directory
                     #       and then update this block to send the 404 in all cases.
                     if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
                         if request_path[-1] == '/':
                             # if the requested path refers to a directory, let's return an empty
                             # response indicating that there are no files in that directory
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('Content-Length: 0\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\r\n\r\n')
                         request_complete = True
                     if not request_complete:
                         if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
                             file_list = FileSync.get_file_list(fullpath)
                             response_body = ''
                             for file_name in file_list:
                                 response_body += file_name + '\n'
                             client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                             client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                             client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                             response_body = FileSync.get_file(fullpath)
                             if response_body != '':
                                 client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '200 OK' + '\r\n')
                                 client_sock.send('Content-Length: %d\r\n' % len(response_body))
                                 client_sock.send(response_body + '\r\n')
                                 client_sock.send('HTTP/1.1 ' + '404 Not Found' + '\r\n\r\n')
                 print "Request Complete\n"
         except IOError:
         print "disconnected"