def test_get_built_in_query_results_polling_command(mocker): """ Given: - A user arguments. When: - Calling get_built_in_query_results_polling_command function. Then: - Ensure start_xql_query_polling_command function was called with the right query and argument. """ args = { 'endpoint_id': '123456,654321', 'file_sha256': 'abcde,edcba,p1p2p3', 'extra_fields': 'EXTRA1, EXTRA2', 'limit': '400', 'tenants': "tenantID,tenantID", 'time_frame': '7 days' } res = mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.start_xql_query_polling_command') mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-file-event-query') XQLQueryingEngine.get_built_in_query_results_polling_command(CLIENT, args) assert res.call_args.args[1]['query'] == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("123456","654321") and event_type = FILE and action_file_sha256 in ("abcde","edcba","p1p2p3")| fields agent_hostname, agent_ip_addresses, agent_id, action_file_path, action_file_sha256, actor_process_file_create_time, EXTRA1, EXTRA2 | limit 400''' assert res.call_args.args[1]['tenants'] == ["tenantID", "tenantID"] assert res.call_args.args[1]['time_frame'] == '7 days'
def test_get_xql_query_results_polling_command_pending(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a pending status. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct and the scheduled_command is set properly. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' mock_response = { 'status': 'PENDING', 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': None } mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, None)) mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.is_demisto_version_ge', return_value=True) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.ScheduledCommand', return_value=None) command_results = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results_polling_command( CLIENT, {'query': query}) assert command_results.readable_output == 'Query is still running, it may take a little while...' assert command_results.outputs == { 'status': 'PENDING', 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': None, 'query_name': '' }
def test_get_xql_query_results_success_under_1000(mocker): """ Given: - a query ID which has 1 result. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results function. Then: - Ensure the results were retrieved properly. """ args = { 'query_id': 'query_id_mock', 'time_frame': '1 year' } mock_response = { 'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_cost': { "376699223": 0.0031591666666666665 }, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': { 'data': [{'x': 'test1'}] } } mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_xql_query_results', return_value=mock_response) response, file_data = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results(CLIENT, args=args) assert response == {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': [{'x': 'test1'}], 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'} assert file_data is None
def test_start_xql_query_polling_not_supported(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a pending status. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function but polling is not supported. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' mock_response = {'status': 'PENDING', 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': None} mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'start_xql_query', return_value='1234') mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, None)) mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.is_demisto_version_ge', return_value=False) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') command_results = XQLQueryingEngine.start_xql_query_polling_command(CLIENT, {'query': query, 'query_name': 'mock_name'}) assert command_results.outputs == {'status': 'PENDING', 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': None, 'query_name': 'mock_name'}
def test_get_xql_query_results_clear_integration_context_on_success(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a successful status and the number of results is under 1000. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function. Then: - Ensure the integration context was cleared. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' mock_response = {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': [{'x': 'test1', 'y': None}], 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'} mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, None)) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') command_results = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results_polling_command(CLIENT, {'query': query}) assert command_results.outputs == {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_name': '', 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': [{'x': 'test1'}]} assert '| query_id_mock | 1 | MOCK_QUERY | 376699223: 0.0031591666666666665 | 1000.0 | SUCCESS |' in \ command_results.readable_output assert 'y' in command_results.raw_response['results'][0]
def test_start_xql_query_invalid(mocker): """ Given: - An invalid query to search. When: - Calling start_xql_query function. Then: - Ensure an error is returned. """ args = {'query': 'test_query // Some Note', 'time_frame': '1 year'} mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'start_xql_query', return_value='execution_id') with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc: XQLQueryingEngine.start_xql_query(CLIENT, args=args) assert str(exc.value) == 'Please remove notes (//) from query'
def test_get_xql_query_results_polling_command_success_more_than_1000(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a successful status and the number of results is more than 1000. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' mock_response = {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': {'stream_id': 'test_stream_id'}, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'} mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, 'File Data')) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.fileResult', return_value={'Contents': '', 'ContentsFormat': 'text', 'Type': 3, 'File': 'results.gz', 'FileID': '12345'}) results = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results_polling_command(CLIENT, {'query': query}) assert results[0] == {'Contents': '', 'ContentsFormat': 'text', 'Type': 3, 'File': 'results.gz', 'FileID': '12345'} command_result = results[1] assert command_result.outputs == {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_name': '', 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': {'stream_id': 'test_stream_id'}, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'}
def test_get_xql_quota_command(mocker): """ Given: - A client object. When: - Calling get_xql_quota_command function. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct. """ mock_response = { "reply": { "license_quota": 1000, "additional_purchased_quota": 0, "used_quota": 0.0 } } mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_xql_quota', return_value=mock_response) response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_quota_command(CLIENT, {}) assert '|Additional Purchased Quota|License Quota|Used Quota|' in response.readable_output assert response.outputs == { 'license_quota': 1000, 'additional_purchased_quota': 0, 'used_quota': 0.0 }
def test_format_results_do_not_remove_empty_fields(): """ Given: - A list to format with remove_empty_fields flag turned off. When: - Calling format_results function. Then: - Ensure the list was formatted properly. """ list_to_format = [{ 'h': 4 }, { 'x': 1, 'e': None, 'y': 'FALSE', 'z': { 'w': 'NULL', 'x': None, }, 's': { 'a': 5, 'b': None, 'c': { 'time': 1629619736000, 'd': 3, 'v': 'TRUE' } } }] expected = [{ 'h': 4 }, { 'x': 1, 'e': None, 'y': False, 'z': { 'w': None, 'x': None, }, 's': { 'a': 5, 'b': None, 'c': { 'time': '2021-08-22T08:08:56.000Z', 'd': 3, 'v': True } } }] response = XQLQueryingEngine.format_results(list_to_format, remove_empty_fields=False) assert expected == response
def test_wrap_list_items_in_double_quotes(input_arg, expected): """ Given: - A string list to format. When: - Calling format_arg function. Then: - Ensure the returned string is correct. """ response = XQLQueryingEngine.wrap_list_items_in_double_quotes(input_arg) assert response == expected
def test_convert_timeframe_string_to_json(time_to_convert, expected): """ Given: - A relative time or time range to convert. When: - Calling convert_timeframe_string_to_json function. Then: - Ensure the returned timestamp is correct. """ response = XQLQueryingEngine.convert_timeframe_string_to_json(time_to_convert=time_to_convert) assert response == expected
def test_get_query_result_stream(mocker): """ Given: - a stream_id. When: - Calling get_query_result_stream function. Then: - Ensure the results were retrieved properly. """ stream_id = 'mock_stream_id' mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_query_result_stream', return_value='Raw Data') response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_query_result_stream(CLIENT, stream_id=stream_id) assert response == 'Raw Data'
def test_start_xql_query_valid(mocker): """ Given: - A valid query to search. When: - Calling start_xql_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned execution_id is correct. """ args = {'query': 'test_query', 'time_frame': '1 year'} mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'start_xql_query', return_value='execution_id') response = XQLQueryingEngine.start_xql_query(CLIENT, args=args) assert response == 'execution_id'
def test_get_xql_query_results_polling_command_success_more_than_1000_results_parse_to_context(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a successful status and the number of results is more than 1000. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function with 'parse_result_file_to_context' argument set to True. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct. - Ensure the results were parsed to context instead of being extracted to a file. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' mock_response = {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': {'stream_id': 'test_stream_id'}, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'} # The results that should be parsed to context instead of being extracted to a file: expected_results_in_context = [ {"_time": "2021-10-14 03:59:09.793 UTC", "event_id": "123", "_vendor": "PANW", "_product": "XDR agent", "insert_timestamp": "2021-10-14 04:02:12.883114 UTC"}, {"_time": "2021-10-14 03:59:09.809 UTC", "event_id": "234", "_vendor": "PANW", "_product": "XDR agent", "insert_timestamp": "2021-10-14 04:02:12.883114 UTC"}, {"_time": "2021-10-14 04:00:27.78 UTC", "event_id": "456", "_vendor": "PANW", "_product": "XDR agent", "insert_timestamp": "2021-10-14 04:04:34.332563 UTC"}, {"_time": "2021-10-14 04:00:27.797 UTC", "event_id": "567", "_vendor": "PANW", "_product": "XDR agent", "insert_timestamp": "2021-10-14 04:04:34.332563 UTC"} ] # Creates the mocked data which returns from 'XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results' command: mock_file_data = b'' for item in expected_results_in_context: mock_file_data += json.dumps(item).encode('utf-8') mock_file_data += b'\n' compressed_mock_file_data = gzip.compress(mock_file_data) mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, compressed_mock_file_data)) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') results = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results_polling_command(CLIENT, {'query': query, 'parse_result_file_to_context': True}) assert results.outputs.get('results', []) == expected_results_in_context, \ 'There might be a problem in parsing the results into the context' assert results.outputs == {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_name': '', 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': expected_results_in_context, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'}
def test_convert_relative_time_to_milliseconds(time_to_convert, expected): """ Given: - A relative time to convert. When: - Calling convert_relative_time_to_milliseconds function. Then: - Ensure the returned timestamp is correct. """ response = XQLQueryingEngine.convert_relative_time_to_milliseconds( time_to_convert=time_to_convert) assert response == expected
def test_get_registry_query(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and reg_key_name list (as a string). When: - Calling get_registry_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = {'reg_key_name': 'testARG1,testARG2'} response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_registry_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = REGISTRY and
def test_get_dll_module_query(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and loaded_module_sha256 list (as a string). When: - Calling get_dll_module_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = {'loaded_module_sha256': 'testSHA1,testSHA2'} response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_dll_module_query( endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = LOAD_IMAGE and
def test_get_event_log_query(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and get_event_log list (as a string). When: - Calling get_event_log_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = {'event_id': '1234,4321'} response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_event_log_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = EVENT_LOG and
def test_get_dns_query_no_external_domain_arg(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and dns_query list (as a string). When: - Calling get_dns_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = { 'dns_query': 'testARG3,testARG4', } response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_dns_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter (agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = STORY) and
def test_get_network_connection_query_only_remote_ip(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and remote_ip_list (as a string). When: - Calling get_network_connection_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = { 'remote_ip': ',', } response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_network_connection_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = STORY
def test_get_file_dropper_query_no_file_path_arg(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and file_sha256 list (as a string). When: - Calling get_file_dropper_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = { 'file_sha256': 'testARG3,testARG4', } response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_file_dropper_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter (agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = FILE and event_sub_type in (
def test_get_process_causality_network_activity_query(): """ Given: - ENDPOINT_IDS and process_causality_id list (as a string). When: - Calling get_process_causality_network_activity_query function. Then: - Ensure the returned query is correct. """ args = { 'process_causality_id': 'testARG1,testARG2', } response = XQLQueryingEngine.get_process_causality_network_activity_query(endpoint_ids=ENDPOINT_IDS, args=args) assert response == '''dataset = xdr_data | filter agent_id in ("test1","test2") and event_type = NETWORK
def test_get_xql_query_results_success_more_than_1000(mocker): """ Given: - a query ID which has more than 1000 results. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results function. Then: - Ensure the results were retrieved properly and a stream ID was returned. """ args = {'query_id': 'query_id_mock', 'time_frame': '1 year'} mock_response = { 'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_cost': { "376699223": 0.0031591666666666665 }, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': { "stream_id": "test_stream_id" } } mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_xql_query_results', return_value=mock_response) mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_query_result_stream', return_value='FILE DATA') response, file_data = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results(CLIENT, args=args) assert response == { 'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1500, 'query_cost': { '376699223': 0.0031591666666666665 }, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': { 'stream_id': 'test_stream_id' }, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock' } assert file_data == 'FILE DATA'
def test_start_xql_query_polling_command(mocker): """ Given: - A query that has a successful status and the number of results is under 1000. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results_polling_command function. Then: - Ensure returned command results are correct and integration_context was cleared. """ query = 'MOCK_QUERY' context = { 'mock_id': { 'query': 'mock_query', 'time_frame': '3 days', 'command_name': 'previous command', 'query_name': 'mock_name', } } set_integration_context(context) mock_response = {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'results': [{'x': 'test1', 'y': None}], 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock'} mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'start_xql_query', return_value='1234') mocker.patch('XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results', return_value=(mock_response, None)) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'command', return_value='xdr-xql-generic-query') mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'getIntegrationContext', side_effect=get_integration_context) mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'setIntegrationContext', side_effect=set_integration_context) command_results = XQLQueryingEngine.start_xql_query_polling_command(CLIENT, {'query': query, 'query_name': 'mock_name'}) assert command_results.outputs == {'status': 'SUCCESS', 'number_of_results': 1, 'query_name': 'mock_name', 'query_cost': {'376699223': 0.0031591666666666665}, 'remaining_quota': 1000.0, 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': [{'x': 'test1'}]} assert '| query_id_mock | 1 | MOCK_QUERY | 376699223: 0.0031591666666666665 | mock_name | 1000.0 | SUCCESS |' in \ command_results.readable_output assert 'y' in command_results.raw_response['results'][0] assert get_integration_context() == context
def test_get_xql_query_results_pending(mocker): """ Given: - a query ID which will cause a pending status. When: - Calling get_xql_query_results function. Then: - Ensure the results were retrieved properly. """ args = {'query_id': 'query_id_mock', 'time_frame': '1 year'} mock_response = {"status": "PENDING"} mocker.patch.object(CLIENT, 'get_xql_query_results', return_value=mock_response) response, _ = XQLQueryingEngine.get_xql_query_results(CLIENT, args=args) assert response == { 'status': 'PENDING', 'execution_id': 'query_id_mock', 'results': None }
import gzip import json import io from freezegun import freeze_time import XQLQueryingEngine import pytest from CommonServerPython import * CLIENT = XQLQueryingEngine.Client(base_url='some_mock_url', verify=False) ENDPOINT_IDS = '"test1","test2"' INTEGRATION_CONTEXT = {} def util_load_json(path): with, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return json.loads( def get_integration_context(): return INTEGRATION_CONTEXT def set_integration_context(integration_context): global INTEGRATION_CONTEXT INTEGRATION_CONTEXT = integration_context # =========================================== TEST Built-In Queries helpers ===========================================# @pytest.mark.parametrize(