from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox # Tkinter GUI creating library from PIL import ImageTk, Image # from photo image library import Tkinter image and image manipulation from pygame import mixer # Import pygame mixer library to play audio import json # library to decode json into python dictionary from random import randint, shuffle # Library to produce random integers and shuffle lists # Library to create system dialogs root = Tk() # Set root to main tkinter window root.minsize(width=666, height=666) # Specify minimum size for root window root.title("Revision") # Set the title at top of the window sound = True # Variable to allow the user to disable sound def get_questions(json_file): file_open = open(json_file) # Opens specified JSON file for reading json_raw = # Reads JSON file as a string json_data = json.loads(json_raw) # Decodes JSON data as a python dictionary from a string
from tkinter import * t = Tk() import math import locale import tkinter as Tk t.minsize(850, 600) def login(): f4= Frame(bg="black"), y=0, width=600, height=600) f3 = Frame(bg="pink"), y=0, width=750, height=600) u = Label(f3, text="LOGIN", bg="sky blue", fg="black"), y=30) u1 = Label(f3, text="User Name", bg="black", fg="white"), y=90) e1 = Entry(f3, font=("", 12)), y=90, width=120) u2 = Label(f3, text="Password", bg="black", fg="white"), y=130) e1 = Entry(f3, font=("", 12),show="*"), y=130, width=120) b3 = Button(f3, text="Login", command=calculator), y=190, width=100, height=40)