def first_fighter():
    See which of two fighters go first by comparing random roll numbers.

    Simulates rolling a die for each character and compares the two values.  The player with the higher
    die roll goes first.
    :Postcondition: Returns a string that can be used in conditional statements in the combat_round function
    to determine the next step in the battle, specifically which fighter goes first.
    :return: A string.
    # See who goes first by rolling a die.
    input("Press enter to roll to see who goes " "first.")
    opponent1_roll = roll_die(1, 20)
    print("Player rolled", opponent1_roll)
    opponent2_initial_roll = roll_die(1, 20)
    print("Enemy rolled", opponent2_initial_roll)
    step = 1
    if opponent1_roll == opponent2_initial_roll:
        print("Tie! Roll again!")
    elif opponent1_roll > opponent2_initial_roll:
        print("Player goes first!!!")
        step = "player first attack"
        print("Enemy goes first!!")
        step = "enemy first attack"
    return step
def player_deal_damage(enemy_stats: dict, enemy_name: str):
    Determine how much damage the player inflicts on the enemy.

    :param enemy_stats: An dictionary
    :param enemy_name: A string.
    :postcondition: Will reduce the enemy's health by a certain amount if the player successfully hits.
    input("Roll to see how much damage you do.")
    damage_inflicted = roll_die(1, 5)

    # Subtract the damage from the enemy's initial health to get their remaining health.
    enemy_stats["Health"] -= damage_inflicted

    # If their remaining health is above zero,
    # They survive and now it is their turn.
    if enemy_stats["Health"] > 0:
        print(f"The {enemy_name} lost {damage_inflicted} HP!!")
        step = "enemy retaliates"

        # If their health reaches zero they are dead and the battle is over.
        print(f"You kill the {enemy_name}!")
        step = "over"
    return step
def player_deal_damage2(enemy_stats: dict, enemy_name: str):
    Decide how much damage the player's attack does.

    Randomly chooses an integer from one to five and subtracts that amount from the enemy's health stat.
    :param enemy_stats: A dictionary with a 'Health' key.
    This function returns what the next step.
    :param enemy_name: A string
    :postcondition: a string saying the round is over.
    :return: a string.
    input("Roll to see how much damage you do.")
    damage_inflicted = roll_die(1, 10)

    # Subtract the damage from the enemy's initial health to get their remaining health.
    enemy_stats["Health"] -= damage_inflicted

    # If their remaining health is above zero,
    # They survive and now it is their turn.
    if enemy_stats["Health"] > 0:
        print(f"The {enemy_name} lost {damage_inflicted} HP!!")
        step = 1
        return step

        # If their health reaches zero they are dead and the battle is over.
        print(f"You kill the {enemy_name}.")
        step = "over"
        return step
def enemy_deal_damage2(your_stats: dict, enemy_name: str):
    Decide how much damage the enemy attack does.

    Randomly chooses an integer from one to five and subtracts that amount from the player's health stat.
    :param your_stats: A dictionary with a 'Health' key.
    This function returns what the next step.
    :param enemy_name: A string
    :postcondition: a string saying the round is over.
    :return: a string.
    damage_inflicted = roll_die(1, 5)
    your_stats["Health"][1] = (your_stats["Health"][1] - damage_inflicted)

    # If your remaining health is above zero, state how much health was lost
    # Now it's your turn.
    if your_stats["Health"][1] > 0:
        print("You lost " + str(damage_inflicted) +
              " HP!!\nYou stumble back, dazed.")
        step = 1

    # If your health reaches zero, you are dead and the round is over.
        print(f"The {enemy_name} kills you.")
        step = "over"
    return step
def flee(player: dict, enemy: str):
    Describes the player running away from the enemy.

    There is a 10% chance the enemy will attack the player and inflict damage if the player tries to flee.
    :param player: a dictionary.
    :param enemy: a string.
    :precondition player: must have the key "Health" attached to a list of at least two integers as a key, value pair.
    :precondition enemy: must be a string.
    print("You decide to flee")

    # There's a 10% chance the enemy will hit you when you run away.
    enemy_attack = roll_die(1, 10)
    if enemy_attack == 1:
        damage = (roll_die(1, 4))
        player["Health"][1] -= damage
        print(f"The {enemy} strikes you as you flee.  You lost {damage} HP!")
        print("The enemy tries to strike you, but you get away!")
def enemy_appear():
    Cause an enemy to appear 25% of the time this function is called.

    :postcondition: returns True if an enemy appears and False if the enemy does not.
    :return: a boolean.
    enemy_appearance = roll_die(1, 4)
    if enemy_appearance == 1:
        return True
        return False
 def test_roll_die_lowerbound(self):
     value = roll_die(3, 6)
     self.assertTrue(value >= 3)
 def test_roll_die_upper_bound(self):
     value = roll_die(3, 6)
     self.assertTrue(value <= 18)
 def test_roll_die_negative(self):
     self.assertEqual(0, roll_die(-3, -2))
 def test_roll_die_zero(self):
     self.assertEqual(0, roll_die(0, 0))