Пример #1
def ComputeCD0(Aircraft):
    error = 1
    while error > 10e-3:
        Sold = Aircraft.ParAnFP.S
        AnFP = Aircraft.ParAnFP

        AnFP.CD0 = CD0(Aircraft)[0]
        Aircraft.ParStruc.MTOW, Aircraft.ParStruc.FW, AnFP.S, AnFP.Thrust,\
        = WSandTW(False,Aircraft,ISA_model)

        AnFP.Sweep_25, AnFP.Sweep_LE, AnFP.Sweep_50, \
        AnFP.b, AnFP.taper, AnFP.c_r, AnFP.c_t,\
        AnFP.MAC,AnFP.y_MAC = Wing_Geo(Aircraft)

        error = abs((AnFP.S - Sold) / Sold)
    CD0_opt = AnFP.CD0
    return CD0_opt
def InitSizeSens(Plots, Which_plot, N_cont_lines, N_colours, X_steps, Y_steps):


    #original parameters
    A_org = SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A
    e_org = SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e
    Range_org = SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise
    hcruise_org = SensTestAc.ParAnFP.h_cruise
    payload_org = SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload
    CD0_org = SensTestAc.ParAnFP.CD0
    #wfratioclimb_org = SensTestAc.ParStruc.wfratioclimb

    #create lists, these are later used for plotting
    A_lst = np.linspace(5, 25, X_steps)
    e_lst = np.linspace(0.7, 1., Y_steps)
    Range_lst = np.linspace(1500000, 3000000, X_steps)
    hcruise_lst = np.linspace(15000, 23000, Y_steps)
    payload_lst = np.linspace(5000, 20000, X_steps)
    CD0_lst = np.linspace(0.01, 0.05, Y_steps)
    wfratioclimb_lst = np.linspace(0.7, 0.99, Y_steps)
    oewratio_lst = np.linspace(0.2, 0.7, X_steps)

    if Plots == True:
        #                           MTOW AND WF PLOTS
        #===============================FIRST PLOT=====================================
        #for the first plot (MTOW against A and e)
        if Which_plot == 1:
            #for Fuel Weight & MTOW versus Aspect ratio and Oswald factor

            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            MTOW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            wf_ratio_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in A_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                A = i
                for j in e_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    e = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A = A
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e = e
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    MTOW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[0]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    wf_ratio = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[1]

                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    MTOW_lst[index_y, index_x] = MTOW
                    wf_ratio_lst[index_y, index_x] = wf_ratio

            #reset to original values:
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A = A_org
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e = e_org

            Z = np.array(MTOW_lst)
            W = np.array(wf_ratio_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(e_lst, A_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('Oswald factor [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('Aspect ratio [-]')
            labels = ['MTOW [kg]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Fuel Weight[kg]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

#===============================SECOND PLOT====================================

#for the second plot (MTOW against Range and altitude)
        if Which_plot == 2:
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            MTOW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            wf_ratio_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in Range_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                Range = i
                for j in hcruise_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    hcruise = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.h_cruise = hcruise
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise = Range
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    MTOW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[0]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    wf_ratio = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[1]
                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    MTOW_lst[index_y, index_x] = MTOW
                    wf_ratio_lst[index_y, index_x] = wf_ratio

                    #reset to original values:
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.h_cruise = hcruise_org
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise = Range_org

            Z = np.array(MTOW_lst)
            W = np.array(wf_ratio_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(hcruise_lst, Range_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('altitude [m]')
            ax.set_ylabel('range [m]')
            labels = ['MTOW [kg]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Fuel Weight [kg]',
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')


#===============================THIRD PLOT====================================

        if Which_plot == 3:
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1

            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            MTOW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            wf_ratio_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in payload_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1

                payload = i
                for j in CD0_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    CD0 = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.CD0 = CD0
                    SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload = payload
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    MTOW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[0]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    wf_ratio = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[1]
                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    MTOW_lst[index_y, index_x] = MTOW
                    wf_ratio_lst[index_y, index_x] = wf_ratio

            #reset to original values
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.CD0 = CD0_org
            SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload = payload_org

            Z = np.array(MTOW_lst)
            W = np.array(wf_ratio_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(CD0_lst, payload_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('CD0 [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('payload mass [kg]')
            labels = ['MTOW [kg]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Fuel Weight[kg]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

#                               S AND TW PLOTS
#===============================FOURTH PLOT====================================

        if Which_plot == 4:
            #for Fuel Weight & MTOW versus Aspect ratio and Oswald factor
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            S_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            TW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in A_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                A = i
                for j in e_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    e = j
                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A = A
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e = e
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    S = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[2]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    TW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[3]

                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    S_lst[index_y, index_x] = S
                    TW_lst[index_y, index_x] = TW

            #reset to original values:
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A = A_org
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e = e_org

            Z = np.array(S_lst)
            W = np.array(TW_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(e_lst, A_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('Oswald factor [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('Aspect ratio [-]')
            labels = ['Wing surface [m2]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Thrust [N]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

        if Which_plot == 5:
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            S_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            TW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in Range_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                Range = i
                for j in hcruise_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    hcruise = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.h_cruise = hcruise
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise = Range
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    S = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[2]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    TW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[3]
                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    S_lst[index_y, index_x] = S
                    TW_lst[index_y, index_x] = TW

            #reset to org values
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.h_cruise = hcruise_org
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise = Range_org

            Z = np.array(S_lst)
            W = np.array(TW_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(hcruise_lst, Range_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('altitude [m]')
            ax.set_ylabel('range [m]')
            labels = ['Wing surface [m2]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Thrust [N]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

        if Which_plot == 6:
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1

            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            S_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            TW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in payload_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1

                payload = i
                for j in CD0_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    CD0 = j
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.CD0 = CD0
                    SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload = payload
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    S = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[2]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    TW = WSandTW(
                        False, SensTestAc,
                        ISA_model)[3]  #append values to the appropriate lists
                    S_lst[index_y, index_x] = S
                    TW_lst[index_y, index_x] = TW

            #reset to org values
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.CD0 = CD0_org
            SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload = payload_org

            Z = np.array(S_lst)
            W = np.array(TW_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(CD0_lst, payload_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
        '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('CD0 [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('payload mass [kg]')
            labels = ['Wing surface [m2]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Thrust [N]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

# =============================================================================
#                           RESERVE CONFIGURATION
        if Which_plot == 7:
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            MTOW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            wf_ratio_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in payload_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                payload = i
                for j in oewratio_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    OEWratio = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParStruc.OEWratio = OEWratio
                    SensTestAc.ParPayload.m_payload = payload
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    MTOW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[2]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    wf_ratio = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[3]
                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    MTOW_lst[index_y, index_x] = MTOW
                    wf_ratio_lst[index_y, index_x] = wf_ratio

                    #reset to original values:
            #SensTestAc.ParStruc = wfratioclimb_org
            SensTestAc.ParAnFP.s_cruise = Range_org

            Z = np.array(MTOW_lst)
            W = np.array(wf_ratio_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(oewratio_lst, payload_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X,Y,Z,N_cont_lines,colors =['#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF',\
       '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF','#000000','#000000','#000000','#000000'])
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='gray')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('OEW/MTOW [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('payload mass [kg]')
            labels = ['Wing surface [m^2]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Thrust [N]', labelpad=-40, y=1.05, rotation=0)
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')

    return (0)
Пример #3
def test_WSandTW():
    out = WSandTW(False, Conv,ISA_model)
    assert (np.isclose(out[0],Conv.ParStruc.MTOW))
Пример #4
def InitSizeSens(Plots, Which_plot, N_cont_lines, N_colours, X_steps, Y_steps):



    #create lists, these are later used for plotting
    A_lst = np.linspace(5, 25, X_steps)
    e_lst = np.linspace(0.5, 1., Y_steps)
    Range_lst = np.linspace(1000000, 4000000, X_steps)
    hcruise_lst = np.linspace(10000, 23000, Y_steps)
    payload_lst = np.linspace(5000, 20000, X_steps)
    CD0_lst = np.linspace(0.01, 0.05, Y_steps)


    if Plots == True:

        #                           MTOW AND WF PLOTS
        #===============================FIRST PLOT=====================================
        #for the first plot (MTOW against A and e)
        if Which_plot == 1:
            #for Fuel Weight & MTOW versus Aspect ratio and Oswald factor
            # =============================================================================
            #             Range = par.get('s_cruise')
            #             hcruise = par.get('h_cruise')
            #             CD0 = par.get('C_D_0_conv')
            #             payload = par.get('m_payload')
            # =============================================================================
            #generate index for first loop
            index_y = -1
            #initialise 2d arrays for plotting values
            MTOW_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            wf_ratio_lst = np.zeros((X_steps, Y_steps))
            for i in A_lst:
                #generate index for second loop
                index_x = -1
                index_y = index_y + 1
                A = i
                for j in e_lst:
                    index_x = index_x + 1
                    e = j

                    #adjust A and e
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.A = A
                    SensTestAc.ParAnFP.e = e
                    #determine MTOW and wf for this aspect ratio
                    MTOW = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[0]
                    #MTOW = WSandTW(aero, struct)
                    wf_ratio = WSandTW(False, SensTestAc, ISA_model)[1]

                    #append values to the appropriate lists
                    MTOW_lst[index_y, index_x] = MTOW
                    wf_ratio_lst[index_y, index_x] = wf_ratio

            Z = np.array(MTOW_lst)
            W = np.array(wf_ratio_lst)
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(e_lst, A_lst)
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            CS = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, N_cont_lines, colors='k')
            firstplot = ax.contourf(X, Y, W, N_colours, cmap='jet')
            #labels and axes and stuff
            cbar = fig.colorbar(firstplot, orientation="vertical", pad=0.2)
            ax.set_xlabel('Oswald factor [-]')
            ax.set_ylabel('Aspect ratio [-]')
            labels = ['MTOW [kg]']
            #for final version, set manual = True
            ax.clabel(CS, fontsize=9, inline=1, manual=False)
            cbar.set_label('Fuel Weight/MTOW',
            plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Пример #5
Conv.ParAnFP.e = 0.85
Conv.ParAnFP.CD0 = 0.02
Conv.ParAnFP.M_cruise = 0.7
Conv.ParAnFP.Mdd = 0.7

#parameters from functions

#ANFP parameters
Conv.ParAnFP.s_cruise = CruiseRange(Conv)
Conv.ParAnFP.t_cruise = CruiseTime(Conv, ISA_model)
Conv.ParAnFP.V_cruise = Conv.ParAnFP.Get_V_cruise()
Conv.ParPayload.disperRatePerTime = (Conv.ParPayload.m_sulphur
Conv.ParAnFP.S = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)[2]
Conv.ParAnFP.TtoW = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)[3]

#structures parameters
Conv.ParStruc.MTOW = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)[0]
Conv.ParStruc.FW = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)[1]


# ===============================CONFIGURATION 2===============================
#Other configuration example:
BWB = Aircraft()
Пример #6
def ClassIAircraft():
    #Parameters not determined from functionss
    Conv.ParAnFP.A = 14.38
    Conv.ParAnFP.CD0 = 0.015
    Conv.ParAnFP.e = 0.85
    Conv.ParAnFP.M_cruise = 0.7
    Conv.ParAnFP.Mdd = 0.7
    Conv.ParAnFP.T_to = 200000
    #Parameters useful to class II estimation
    Conv.ParAnFP.n_engines = 2  #Number of wing mounted engines
    Conv.ParAnFP.wm_un = 0  #Undercarriage in the wing on (1) or off (0)
    #Conv.ParAnFP.CD0 = 0.008
    Conv.ParAnFP.We = 2484  #[kg] weight per engine

    #parameters from functions

    ##ANFP parameters
    Conv.ParAnFP.s_cruise = CruiseRange(Conv)
    Conv.ParAnFP.t_cruise = CruiseTime(Conv, ISA_model)
    Conv.ParAnFP.V_cruise = Conv.ParAnFP.Get_V_cruise()
    Conv.ParPayload.disperRatePerTime = (Conv.ParPayload.m_payload /
    Conv.ParAnFP.Extrarange = 500 * 10**3  #[m]

    Conv.ParStruc.MTOW, Conv.ParStruc.FW, Conv.ParAnFP.S, Conv.ParAnFP.Thrust, Conv.ParAnFP.TtoW, Conv.ParAnFP.WS, \
                        Conv.ParAnFP.dclimbcruise, Conv.ParAnFP.tclimbcruise, Conv.ParAnFP.TWactcruise  = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)

    Conv.ParStruc.wfratio = Conv.ParStruc.FW / Conv.ParStruc.MTOW
Пример #7
#Conv.ParAnFP.CD0 = 0.008
Conv.ParAnFP.We = 2484  #[kg] weight per engine

#parameters from functions

##ANFP parameters
Conv.ParAnFP.s_cruise = CruiseRange(Conv)
Conv.ParAnFP.t_cruise = CruiseTime(Conv, ISA_model)
Conv.ParAnFP.V_cruise = Conv.ParAnFP.Get_V_cruise()
Conv.ParPayload.disperRatePerTime = (Conv.ParPayload.m_payload /
Conv.ParAnFP.Extrarange = 500 * 10**3  #[m]

Conv.ParStruc.MTOW, Conv.ParStruc.FW, Conv.ParAnFP.S, Conv.ParAnFP.Thrust, Conv.ParAnFP.TtoW, Conv.ParAnFP.WS, \
                    Conv.ParAnFP.dclimbcruise, Conv.ParAnFP.tclimbcruise  = WSandTW(False,Conv,ISA_model)[:-1]

#Geometry: Sweep 0.25, le, 0.50 in radians, Span in meters, taper ratio, root, tip , MAC in meters
Conv.ParAnFP.Sweep_25, Conv.ParAnFP.Sweep_LE, Conv.ParAnFP.Sweep_50, Conv.ParAnFP.b,Conv.ParAnFP.taper,\
Conv.ParAnFP.c_r, Conv.ParAnFP.c_t, Conv.ParAnFP.MAC, Conv.ParAnFP.y_MAC = Wing_Geo(Conv)

#Airfoil parameters
# =============================================================================
# Conv.ParAnFP.cl_alpha = Airfoil(Conv)[0] #clalpha [/deg]
# Conv.ParAnFP.cl_max = Airfoil(Conv)[1] #maximum lift coefficient of airfoil [-]
# Conv.ParAnFP.tc = Airfoil(Conv)[2] #thickness to chord ratio [-]
# Conv.ParAnFP.CD0_airfoil = Airfoil(Conv)[3] #zero-lift drag [-]
# =============================================================================

Conv.ParAnFP.cl_alpha, Conv.ParAnFP.cl_max, Conv.ParAnFP.tc, Conv.ParAnFP.Cd0, Conv.ParAnFP.cm_0 = Airfoil(