def show_map(self): """ Print a user sensable view of the object map """ if not self.vTree: self._build_vTree() utils.print_array(self.obj_map)
def inspect(self, filter='dict'): """ print object info """ print "[44mOBJECT >>>[m" if filter == 'full': index = {} for key in dir(self): key_type = type(eval("self.%s" % key)) try: index[key_type][key] = eval("self.%s" % key) except: index[key_type] = {key: eval("self.%s" % key)} utils.print_array(index) return 1 else: index = {} for key in dir(self): key_type = type(eval("self.%s" % key)) if key_type in [dict, str] and key != "__dict__": try: index[key_type][key] = eval("self.%s" % key) except: index[key_type] = {key: eval("self.%s" % key)} utils.print_array(index) return 1
# first create the workspace parent = '/stonefs%d/%s' % (partition, project) self._create_node(parent, 'WORKSPACE', library) def create_subfolder(self, partition, project, library, subfolder): """ + nodeID => /stonefs7/proj07/WT_LIB01/MEDIA_LIBRARY/dir01 + type => LIBRARY """ parent = '/stonefs%d/%s/%s/MEDIA_LIBRARY' % (partition, project, library) self._create_node(parent, 'LIBRARY', subfolder) if __name__ == '__main__': w = Wiretap('flame02') print_array( w._get_children('stonefs4/13E542-Nike_Id/kevins/MEDIA_LIBRARY')) # print_array(w._get_children('stonefs4/workspace_test/workspace3/MEDIA_LIBRARY')) # w.create_subfolder(1,'2013_2_53_proj01','hacker','Default Library') # NOTES: Creating a project is still pretty straight forward # Creating a shared library is weird though. You create # a 'workspace' which is what a shared library really is. # w.create_project(7,'proj07') # w.create_shared_library(7,'proj07','WT_LIB02') # w.create_subfolder(7,'proj07','WT_LIB02','sf02') # w.create_subfolder(7,'proj07','WT_LIB02','sf03') # w.create_subfolder(7,'proj07','WT_LIB02','sf04') # w.create_subfolder(7,'proj07','WT_LIB02','sf05') # w.create_user(5,'wt_user01') # w.create_desktop(7,'proj07','workspace','Desktop')
def show(self, **kwargs): """ Print a user sensable view of the vTree """ self._build_vTree(**kwargs) utils.print_array(self.vTree)
def tina_listcart(self, label): obj = TinaListCart(label) print_array(
def tina_cart_control(self, **kwargs): obj = TinaCartControl(**kwargs) print_array(
def tina_find(self, **kwargs): obj = TinaFind(**kwargs) print_array(