Пример #1
def Init_IOPi(): 
    global sensorbus    
    global buttonbus
    i2c_helper = ABEHelpers()
    i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus()
    sensorbus = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20) 
    # set both rows of pins to input mode
    sensorbus.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
    sensorbus.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF)
    #setup interrupts on bus 2, port 1
    buttonbus = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21)
    # Set all pins on the bus to be inputs with internal pull-ups enabled.
    buttonbus.set_port_pullups(1, 0xFF)
    buttonbus.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF)
    # Inverting the ports will allow a button connected to ground to register as 1 or on.
    buttonbus.invert_port(1, 0xFF)  # invert port 1 so a button press will register as 1
    # Set the interrupt polarity to be active low and mirroring enabled, so
    # INT A and INT B go low when an interrupt is triggered
    # Set the interrupts default value to 0 so it will trigger when any of the pins on the bus change to 1
    buttonbus.set_interrupt_defaults(1, 0x00)
    # Set the interrupt type to be 0xFF for port B so an interrupt is
    # fired when the pin matches the default value
    buttonbus.set_interrupt_type(1, 0xFF)
    # Enable interrupts for all pins on the port
    buttonbus.set_interrupt_on_port(1, 0xFF)
    # reset the interrups on the IO Pi bus 

    # Set up GPIO 23 as an input. The pull-up resistor is disabled as the level shifter will act as a pull-up. 
    GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_OFF)
    # when a falling edge is detected on GPIO pin 23 the function button_pressed will be run  
    GPIO.add_event_detect(23, GPIO.FALLING, callback=hwbutton_pressed) 
Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses, you will need to
change the addresses if you have changed the jumpers on the IO Pi
i2c_helper = ABEHelpers()
i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus()

# create two instances of the IoPi class called bus1 and bus2 and set the default i2c addresses

bus1 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20) # bus 1 will be inputs
bus2 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21) # bus 2 will be outputs

# Each bus is divided up two 8 bit ports.  Port 0 controls pins 1 to 8, Port 1 controls pins 9 to 16.
# We will read the inputs on pin 1 of bus 1 so set port 0 to be inputs and
# enable the internal pull-up resistors
bus1.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
bus1.set_port_pullups(0, 0xFF)

# We will write to the output pin 1 on bus 2 so set port 0 to be outputs and
# turn off the pins on port 0
bus2.set_port_direction(0, 0x00)
bus2.write_port(0, 0x00)

while True:

    # read pin 1 on bus 1.  If pin 1 is high set the output on bus 2 pin 1 to high, otherwise set it to low.
    # connect pin 1 on bus 1 to ground to see the output on bus 2 pin 1 change state.
    if (bus1.read_pin(1) == 1):
        bus2.write_pin(1, 1)
Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses and set the
output of bank 1 on IC1 to the input of bank 1 on IC2
from ABE_helpers import ABEHelpers
from ABE_IoPi import IoPi
import time

i2c_helper = ABEHelpers()
newbus = i2c_helper.get_smbus()

bus1 = IoPi(newbus, 0x20)
bus2 = IoPi(newbus, 0x21)

# Set all pins on bus 2 to be inputs with internal pull-ups disabled.

bus2.set_port_pullups(0, 0x00)
bus2.set_port_pullups(1, 0x00)
bus2.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
bus2.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF)

# Set the interrupt polarity to be active high and mirroring disabled, so
# pins 1 to 8 trigger INT A and pins 9 to 16 trigger INT B

# Set the interrupts default value to trigger when 5V is applied to pins 1
# and 16
bus2.set_interrupt_defaults(0, 0x01)
bus2.set_interrupt_defaults(0, 0x80)

# Set the interrupt type to be 1 for ports A and B so an interrupt is
Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses, you will need to
change the addresses if you have changed the jumpers on the IO Pi
i2c_helper = ABEHelpers()
i2c_bus = i2c_helper.get_smbus()

# create two instances of the IoPi class called bus1 and bus2 and set the default i2c addresses

bus1 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x20)  # bus 1 will be inputs
bus2 = IoPi(i2c_bus, 0x21)  # bus 2 will be outputs

# Each bus is divided up two 8 bit ports.  Port 0 controls pins 1 to 8, Port 1 controls pins 9 to 16.
# We will read the inputs on pin 1 of bus 1 so set port 0 to be inputs and
# enable the internal pull-up resistors
bus1.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
bus1.set_port_pullups(0, 0xFF)

# We will write to the output pin 1 on bus 2 so set port 0 to be outputs and
# turn off the pins on port 0
bus2.set_port_direction(0, 0x00)
bus2.write_port(0, 0x00)

while True:

    # read pin 1 on bus 1.  If pin 1 is high set the output on bus 2 pin 1 to high, otherwise set it to low.
    # connect pin 1 on bus 1 to ground to see the output on bus 2 pin 1 change state.
    if (bus1.read_pin(1) == 1):

        bus2.write_pin(1, 1)
        bus2.write_pin(1, 0)
Initialise the IOPi device using the default addresses and set the
output of bank 1 on IC1 to the input of bank 1 on IC2
from ABE_helpers import ABEHelpers
from ABE_IoPi import IoPi
import time

i2c_helper = ABEHelpers()
newbus = i2c_helper.get_smbus()

bus1 = IoPi(newbus, 0x20)
bus2 = IoPi(newbus, 0x21)

# Set all pins on bus 2 to be inputs with internal pull-ups disabled.

bus2.set_port_pullups(0, 0x00)
bus2.set_port_pullups(1, 0x00)
bus2.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
bus2.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF)

# Set the interrupt polarity to be active high and mirroring disabled, so
# pins 1 to 8 trigger INT A and pins 9 to 16 trigger INT B

# Set the interrupts default value to trigger when 5V is applied to pins 1
# and 16
bus2.set_interrupt_defaults(0, 0x01)
bus2.set_interrupt_defaults(0, 0x80)

# Set the interrupt type to be 1 for ports A and B so an interrupt is
Пример #6
# ledbus.set_pin_direction(8, 0)  # set pin 8 as an ou tput

# ledbus.write_pin(8, 0)  # turn off pin 8

# print "turn off pin 8"

# sensorbus.set_pin_pullup(1, 1)  # enable the internal pull-up resistor on pin 1

# sensorbus.invert_pin(1, 1)  # invert pin 1 so a button press will register as 1

# sensorbus.set_port_direction(0, 0xFF)
# sensorbus.set_port_pullups(0, 0xFF)
# sensorbus.invert_port(0, 0xFF)

sensorbus.set_port_direction(1, 0xFF)
sensorbus.set_port_pullups(1, 0xFF)
sensorbus.invert_port(1, 0xFF)

print "start"
vold = 99
while True:
    v = sensorbus.read_port(1)
    # print v
    if v != vold:
        print v
        # print "CCC"
        vold = v
    # if sensorbus.read_pin(1) == 1:  # check to see if the button is pressed
        # print 'button pressed'  # print a message to the screen
        # # ledbus.write_pin(8, 1)  # turn on the led on pin 8