def read_aal_atlas(resample_to=None): """ Reads the AAL atlas [1]_. Parameters ---------- template : nib.Nifti1Image class instance, optional If provided, this is the template used and AAL atlas should be registered and aligned to this template .. [1] Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Landeau B, Papathanassiou D, Crivello F, Etard O, Delcroix N, Mazoyer B, Joliot M. (2002). Automated anatomical labeling of activations in SPM using a macroscopic anatomical parcellation of the MNI MRI single-subject brain. Neuroimage. 2002; 15(1):273-89. """ file_dict, folder = fetch_aal_atlas() out_dict = {} for f in file_dict: if f.endswith('.txt'): out_dict['labels'] = pd.read_csv(op.join(folder, f)) else: out_dict['atlas'] = nib.load(op.join(folder, f)) if resample_to is not None: data = out_dict['atlas'].get_fdata() oo = [] for ii in range(data.shape[-1]): oo.append( reg.resample(data[..., ii], resample_to, out_dict['atlas'].affine, resample_to.affine)) out_dict['atlas'] = nib.Nifti1Image(np.stack(oo, -1), resample_to.affine) return out_dict
def visualize_roi(roi, affine_or_mapping=None, static_img=None, roi_affine=None, static_affine=None, reg_template=None, scene=None, color=np.array([1, 0, 0]), opacity=1.0, inline=False, interact=False): """ Render a region of interest into a VTK viz as a volume """ if not isinstance(roi, np.ndarray): if isinstance(roi, str): roi = nib.load(roi).get_fdata() else: roi = roi.get_fdata() if affine_or_mapping is not None: if isinstance(affine_or_mapping, np.ndarray): # This is an affine: if (static_img is None or roi_affine is None or static_affine is None): raise ValueError( "If using an affine to transform an ROI, " "need to also specify all of the following", "inputs: `static_img`, `roi_affine`, ", "`static_affine`") roi = reg.resample(roi, static_img, roi_affine, static_affine) else: # Assume it is a mapping: if (isinstance(affine_or_mapping, str) or isinstance(affine_or_mapping, nib.Nifti1Image)): if reg_template is None or static_img is None: raise ValueError( "If using a mapping to transform an ROI, need to ", "also specify all of the following inputs: ", "`reg_template`, `static_img`") affine_or_mapping = reg.read_mapping(affine_or_mapping, static_img, reg_template) roi = auv.patch_up_roi( affine_or_mapping.transform_inverse( roi, interpolation='nearest')).astype(bool) if scene is None: scene = window.Scene() roi_actor = actor.contour_from_roi(roi, color=color, opacity=opacity) scene.add(roi_actor) if inline: tdir = tempfile.gettempdir() fname = op.join(tdir, "fig.png") window.snapshot(scene, fname=fname) display.display_png(display.Image(fname)) return _inline_interact(scene, inline, interact)
def _streamlines(row, wm_labels, odf_model="DTI", directions="det", n_seeds=2, random_seeds=False, force_recompute=False, wm_fa_thresh=0.2): """ wm_labels : list The values within the segmentation that are considered white matter. We will use this part of the image both to seed tracking (seeding throughout), and for stopping. """ streamlines_file = _get_fname( row, '%s_%s_streamlines.trk' % (odf_model, directions)) if not op.exists(streamlines_file) or force_recompute: if odf_model == "DTI": params_file = _dti(row) elif odf_model == "CSD": params_file = _csd(row) dwi_img = nib.load(row['dwi_file']) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data() if 'seg_file' in row.index: # If we found a white matter segmentation in the # expected location: seg_img = nib.load(row['seg_file']) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_data() # For different sets of labels, extract all the voxels that # have any of these values: wm_mask = np.sum( np.concatenate([(seg_data_orig == l)[..., None] for l in wm_labels], -1), -1) # Resample to DWI data: wm_mask = np.round( reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) else: # Otherwise, we'll identify the white matter based on FA: dti_fa = nib.load(_dti_fa(row)).get_data() wm_mask = dti_fa > wm_fa_thresh streamlines = aft.track(params_file, directions=directions, n_seeds=n_seeds, random_seeds=random_seeds, seed_mask=wm_mask, stop_mask=wm_mask) aus.write_trk(streamlines_file, dtu.move_streamlines(streamlines, np.linalg.inv(dwi_img.affine)), affine=dwi_img.affine) return streamlines_file
def save_wm_mask(subject): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='cirrus') bucket = s3.Bucket('hcp-dki') path = '%s/%s_white_matter_mask.nii.gz' % (subject, subject) if not exists(path, bucket = setup_boto() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: try: dwi_file = op.join(tempdir, 'data.nii.gz') seg_file = op.join(tempdir, 'aparc+aseg.nii.gz') data_files = {} data_files[dwi_file] = \ 'HCP_900/%s/T1w/Diffusion/data.nii.gz' % subject data_files[seg_file] = \ 'HCP_900/%s/T1w/aparc+aseg.nii.gz' % subject for k in data_files.keys(): if not op.exists(k): bucket.download_file(data_files[k], k) seg_img = nib.load(seg_file) dwi_img = nib.load(dwi_file) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_data() # Corpus callosum labels: cc_mask = ((seg_data_orig == 251) | (seg_data_orig == 252) | (seg_data_orig == 253) | (seg_data_orig == 254) | (seg_data_orig == 255)) # Cerebral white matter in both hemispheres + corpus callosum wm_mask = ((seg_data_orig == 41) | (seg_data_orig == 2) | (cc_mask)) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data() resamp_wm = np.round(reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) wm_file = op.join(tempdir, 'wm.nii.gz'), dwi_img.affine), wm_file) boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='cirrus') s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.meta.client.upload_file( wm_file, 'hcp-dki', path) return subject, True except Exception as err: return subject, err.args else: return subject, True
def _resample_mask(mask_data, dwi_data, mask_affine, dwi_affine): ''' Helper function Resamples mask to dwi if necessary ''' mask_type = mask_data.dtype if ((dwi_data is not None) and (dwi_affine is not None) and (dwi_data[..., 0].shape != mask_data.shape)): return np.round( reg.resample(mask_data.astype(float), dwi_data[..., 0], mask_affine, dwi_affine)).astype(mask_type) else: return mask_data
def save_wm_mask(subject): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='cirrus') bucket = s3.Bucket('hcp-dki') path = '%s/%s_white_matter_mask.nii.gz' % (subject, subject) if not exists(path, bucket = setup_boto() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: try: dwi_file = op.join(tempdir, 'data.nii.gz') seg_file = op.join(tempdir, 'aparc+aseg.nii.gz') data_files = {} data_files[dwi_file] = \ 'HCP_900/%s/T1w/Diffusion/data.nii.gz' % subject data_files[seg_file] = \ 'HCP_900/%s/T1w/aparc+aseg.nii.gz' % subject for k in data_files.keys(): if not op.exists(k): bucket.download_file(data_files[k], k) seg_img = nib.load(seg_file) dwi_img = nib.load(dwi_file) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_data() # Corpus callosum labels: cc_mask = ((seg_data_orig == 251) | (seg_data_orig == 252) | (seg_data_orig == 253) | (seg_data_orig == 254) | (seg_data_orig == 255)) # Cerebral white matter in both hemispheres + corpus callosum wm_mask = ((seg_data_orig == 41) | (seg_data_orig == 2) | (cc_mask)) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data() resamp_wm = np.round( reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) wm_file = op.join(tempdir, 'wm.nii.gz') nib.Nifti1Image(resamp_wm.astype(int), dwi_img.affine), wm_file) boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name='cirrus') s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.meta.client.upload_file(wm_file, 'hcp-dki', path) return subject, True except Exception as err: return subject, err.args else: return subject, True
def _streamlines(row, wm_labels, odf_model="DTI", directions="det", force_recompute=False): """ wm_labels : list The values within the segmentation that are considered white matter. We will use this part of the image both to seed tracking (seeding throughout), and for stopping. """ streamlines_file = _get_fname( row, '%s_%s_streamlines.trk' % (odf_model, directions)) if not op.exists(streamlines_file) or force_recompute: if odf_model == "DTI": params_file = _dti(row) else: raise (NotImplementedError) seg_img = nib.load(row['seg_file']) dwi_img = nib.load(row['dwi_file']) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_data() # For different sets of labels, extract all the voxels that have any # of these values: wm_mask = np.sum( np.concatenate([(seg_data_orig == l)[..., None] for l in wm_labels], -1), -1) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data() resamp_wm = np.round( reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) streamlines = aft.track(params_file, directions='det', seeds=2, seed_mask=resamp_wm, stop_mask=resamp_wm) aus.write_trk(streamlines_file, streamlines, affine=row['dwi_affine']) return streamlines_file
def read_callosum_templates(resample_to=False): """Load AFQ callosum templates from file Returns ------- dict with: keys: names of template ROIs and values: nibabel Nifti1Image objects from each of the ROI nifti files. """ files, folder = fetch_callosum_templates() template_dict = {} for f in files: img = nib.load(op.join(folder, f)) if resample_to: if isinstance(resample_to, str): resample_to = nib.load(resample_to) img = nib.Nifti1Image( reg.resample(img.get_fdata(), resample_to, img.affine, resample_to.affine), resample_to.affine) template_dict[f.split('.')[0]] = img return template_dict
def _streamlines(row, wm_labels, odf_model="DTI", directions="det", force_recompute=False): """ wm_labels : list The values within the segmentation that are considered white matter. We will use this part of the image both to seed tracking (seeding throughout), and for stopping. """ streamlines_file = _get_fname(row, '%s_%s_streamlines.trk' % (odf_model, directions)) if not op.exists(streamlines_file) or force_recompute: if odf_model == "DTI": params_file = _dti(row) else: raise(NotImplementedError) seg_img = nib.load(row['seg_file']) dwi_img = nib.load(row['dwi_file']) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_data() # For different sets of labels, extract all the voxels that have any # of these values: wm_mask = np.sum(np.concatenate([(seg_data_orig == l)[..., None] for l in wm_labels], -1), -1) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_data() resamp_wm = np.round(reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) streamlines = aft.track(params_file, directions='det', seeds=2, seed_mask=resamp_wm, stop_mask=resamp_wm) aus.write_trk(streamlines_file, streamlines, affine=row['dwi_affine']) return streamlines_file
def _wm_mask(self, row, wm_fa_thresh=0.2): wm_mask_file = self._get_fname(row, '_wm_mask.nii.gz') if self.force_recompute or not op.exists(wm_mask_file): dwi_img = nib.load(row['dwi_file']) dwi_data = dwi_img.get_fdata() if 'seg_file' in row.index: # If we found a white matter segmentation in the # expected location: seg_img = nib.load(row['seg_file']) seg_data_orig = seg_img.get_fdata() # For different sets of labels, extract all the voxels that # have any of these values: wm_mask = np.sum( np.concatenate([(seg_data_orig == l)[..., None] for l in self.wm_labels], -1), -1) # Resample to DWI data: wm_mask = np.round( reg.resample(wm_mask, dwi_data[..., 0], seg_img.affine, dwi_img.affine)).astype(int) meta = dict(source=row['seg_file'], wm_labels=self.wm_labels) else: # Otherwise, we'll identify the white matter based on FA: fa_fname = self._dti_fa(row) dti_fa = nib.load(fa_fname).get_fdata() wm_mask = dti_fa > wm_fa_thresh meta = dict(source=fa_fname, fa_threshold=wm_fa_thresh) # Dilate to be sure to reach the gray matter: wm_mask = binary_dilation(wm_mask) > 0, row['dwi_affine']), wm_mask_file) meta_fname = self._get_fname(row, '_wm_mask.json') afd.write_json(meta_fname, meta) return wm_mask_file
def segment_afq(self, tg=None): """ Assign streamlines to bundles using the waypoint ROI approach Parameters ---------- tg : StatefulTractogram class instance """ if tg is None: tg = else: = tg # For expedience, we approximate each streamline as a 100 point curve: fgarray = np.array(_resample_tg(tg, 100)) # comment _aNNe # in general, this might cause errors: # if rois were traversed by streamlines in just a few voxels # and if streamlines were so long or resolution so high # that one hundredth of a streamline length was more than a voxel, # then the contact check below (closest distance streamline to ROI < voxel width) can fail when resampling to 100 points # To be cartain that the resampling does not cause problems, # the number of resamplign points has to be larger than the length of the streamline in voxels in native space! # end comment n_streamlines = fgarray.shape[0] streamlines_in_bundles = np.zeros( (n_streamlines, len(self.bundle_dict))) min_dist_coords = np.zeros((n_streamlines, len(self.bundle_dict), 2), dtype=int) self.fiber_groups = {} if self.return_idx: out_idx = np.arange(n_streamlines, dtype=int) if self.filter_by_endpoints: aal_atlas = afd.read_aal_atlas()['atlas'].get_fdata() # This atlas is not yet aligned to template space resample_to = self.reg_template if isinstance(resample_to, str): resample_to = nib.load(resample_to) allVolumes = [] # aal atlas and more has mutiple volumes to represent overlapping areas separately # move through all volumes, register them to the template # put them together # safe with affine of the template # this puts aal atlas in the sam espace as template before it is warped to native space _aNNe for ii in range(aal_atlas.get_fdata().shape[-1]): vol = aal_atlas.get_fdata() vol = vol[..., ii] trafo = reg.resample( vol, # moving (according to reg.resample) resample_to, # static aal_atlas.affine, # moving affine resample_to.affine) # static affine allVolumes.append(np.asarray(trafo)) aal_atlas = np.stack(allVolumes, axis=3) aal_atlas = nib.Nifti1Image(aal_atlas, resample_to.affine) ################for debugging: save AAL Atlas after registering to template ############ # path_for_debugging = '/debugpath/' #,debugpath+'AAL_registered_to_template.nii.gz') ######################################################################################### # We need to calculate the size of a voxel, so we can transform # from mm to voxel units: R = self.img_affine[0:3, 0:3] vox_dim = np.mean(np.diag(np.linalg.cholesky( dist_to_aal = self.dist_to_aal / vox_dim"Assigning Streamlines to Bundles") # Tolerance is set to the square of the distance to the corner # because we are using the squared Euclidean distance in calls to # `cdist` to make those calls faster. tol = dts.dist_to_corner(self.img_affine)**2 for bundle_idx, bundle in enumerate(self.bundle_dict):"Finding Streamlines for {bundle}") warped_prob_map, include_roi, exclude_roi = \ self._get_bundle_info(bundle_idx, bundle) ########for debugging: save the warped probability map that is actually used in segment_afq() ########## # path_for_debugging = '/debugpath/' #, # self.img_affine), # debugpath+'warpedprobmap_'+bundle+'as_used.nii.gz') ############################################################################################ fiber_probabilities = dts.values_from_volume( warped_prob_map, fgarray, np.eye(4)) fiber_probabilities = np.mean(fiber_probabilities, -1) idx_above_prob = np.where( fiber_probabilities > self.prob_threshold)"{len(idx_above_prob[0])} streamlines exceed" " the probability threshold.")) crosses_midline = self.bundle_dict[bundle]['cross_midline'] for sl_idx in tqdm(idx_above_prob[0]): sl = tg.streamlines[sl_idx] if fiber_probabilities[sl_idx] > self.prob_threshold: if crosses_midline is not None: if self.crosses[sl_idx]: # This means that the streamline does # cross the midline: if crosses_midline: # This is what we want, keep going pass else: # This is not what we want, # skip to next streamline continue is_close, dist = \ self._check_sl_with_inclusion(sl, include_roi, tol) if is_close: is_far = \ self._check_sl_with_exclusion(sl, exclude_roi, tol) if is_far: min_dist_coords[sl_idx, bundle_idx, 0] =\ np.argmin(dist[0], 0)[0] min_dist_coords[sl_idx, bundle_idx, 1] =\ np.argmin(dist[1], 0)[0] streamlines_in_bundles[sl_idx, bundle_idx] =\ fiber_probabilities[sl_idx] (f"{np.sum(streamlines_in_bundles[:, bundle_idx] > 0)} " "streamlines selected with waypoint ROIs")) # Eliminate any fibers not selected using the plane ROIs: possible_fibers = np.sum(streamlines_in_bundles, -1) > 0 tg = StatefulTractogram(tg.streamlines[possible_fibers], self.img, Space.VOX) if self.return_idx: out_idx = out_idx[possible_fibers] streamlines_in_bundles = streamlines_in_bundles[possible_fibers] min_dist_coords = min_dist_coords[possible_fibers] bundle_choice = np.argmax(streamlines_in_bundles, -1) # We do another round through, so that we can orient all the # streamlines within a bundle in the same orientation with respect to # the ROIs. This order is ARBITRARY but CONSISTENT (going from ROI0 # to ROI1)."Re-orienting streamlines to consistent directions") for bundle_idx, bundle in enumerate(self.bundle_dict):"Processing {bundle}") select_idx = np.where(bundle_choice == bundle_idx) if len(select_idx[0]) == 0: # There's nothing here, set and move to the next bundle: self._return_empty(bundle) continue # Use a list here, because ArraySequence doesn't support item # assignment: select_sl = list(tg.streamlines[select_idx]) # Sub-sample min_dist_coords: min_dist_coords_bundle = min_dist_coords[select_idx] for idx in range(len(select_sl)): min0 = min_dist_coords_bundle[idx, bundle_idx, 0] min1 = min_dist_coords_bundle[idx, bundle_idx, 1] if min0 > min1: select_sl[idx] = select_sl[idx][::-1] # Set this to StatefulTractogram object for filtering/output: select_sl = StatefulTractogram(select_sl, self.img, Space.VOX) if self.filter_by_endpoints:"Filtering by endpoints") # Create binary masks and warp these into subject's DWI space: aal_targets = afd.bundles_to_aal([bundle], atlas=aal_atlas)[0] aal_idx = [] for targ in aal_targets: if targ is not None: aal_roi = np.zeros(aal_atlas.shape[:3]) aal_roi[targ[:, 0], targ[:, 1], targ[:, 2]] = 1 warped_roi = self.mapping.transform_inverse( aal_roi, interpolation='nearest') aal_idx.append(np.array(np.where(warped_roi > 0)).T) else: aal_idx.append(None)"Before filtering " f"{len(select_sl)} streamlines") new_select_sl = clean_by_endpoints(select_sl.streamlines, aal_idx[0], aal_idx[1], tol=dist_to_aal, return_idx=self.return_idx) # Generate immediately: new_select_sl = list(new_select_sl) # We need to check this again: if len(new_select_sl) == 0: # There's nothing here, set and move to the next bundle: self._return_empty(bundle) continue if self.return_idx: temp_select_sl = [] temp_select_idx = np.empty(len(new_select_sl), int) for ii, ss in enumerate(new_select_sl): temp_select_sl.append(ss[0]) temp_select_idx[ii] = ss[1] select_idx = select_idx[0][temp_select_idx] new_select_sl = temp_select_sl select_sl = StatefulTractogram(new_select_sl, self.img, Space.RASMM)"After filtering " f"{len(select_sl)} streamlines") if self.return_idx: self.fiber_groups[bundle] = {} self.fiber_groups[bundle]['sl'] = select_sl self.fiber_groups[bundle]['idx'] = out_idx[select_idx] else: self.fiber_groups[bundle] = select_sl return self.fiber_groups
def track(params_file, directions="det", max_angle=30., sphere=None, seed_mask=None, seed_threshold=0, n_seeds=1, random_seeds=False, rng_seed=None, stop_mask=None, stop_threshold=0, step_size=0.5, min_length=10, max_length=1000, odf_model="DTI", tracker="local"): """ Tractography Parameters ---------- params_file : str, nibabel img. Full path to a nifti file containing CSD spherical harmonic coefficients, or nibabel img with model params. directions : str How tracking directions are determined. One of: {"det" | "prob"} max_angle : float, optional. The maximum turning angle in each step. Default: 30 sphere : Sphere object, optional. The discretization of direction getting. default: seed_mask : array, optional. Float or binary mask describing the ROI within which we seed for tracking. Default to the entire volume (all ones). seed_threshold : float, optional. A value of the seed_mask below which tracking is terminated. Default to 0. n_seeds : int or 2D array, optional. The seeding density: if this is an int, it is is how many seeds in each voxel on each dimension (for example, 2 => [2, 2, 2]). If this is a 2D array, these are the coordinates of the seeds. Unless random_seeds is set to True, in which case this is the total number of random seeds to generate within the mask. random_seeds : bool Whether to generate a total of n_seeds random seeds in the mask. Default: False. rng_seed : int random seed used to generate random seeds if random_seeds is set to True. Default: None stop_mask : array or str, optional. If array: A float or binary mask that determines a stopping criterion (e.g. FA). If tuple: it contains a sequence that is interpreted as: (pve_wm, pve_gm, pve_csf), each item of which is either a string (full path) or a nibabel img to be used in particle filtering tractography. A tuple is required if tracker is set to "pft". Defaults to no stopping (all ones). stop_threshold : float or tuple, optional. If float, this a value of the stop_mask below which tracking is terminated (and stop_mask has to be an array). If str, "CMC" for Continuous Map Criterion [Girard2014]_. "ACT" for Anatomically-constrained tractography [Smith2012]_. A string is required if the tracker is set to "pft". Defaults to 0 (this means that if no stop_mask is passed, we will stop only at the edge of the image). step_size : float, optional. The size (in mm) of a step of tractography. Default: 1.0 min_length: int, optional The miminal length (mm) in a streamline. Default: 10 max_length: int, optional The miminal length (mm) in a streamline. Default: 1000 odf_model : str, optional One of {"DTI", "CSD", "DKI", "MSMT"}. Defaults to use "DTI" tracker : str, optional Which strategy to use in tracking. This can be the standard local tracking ("local") or Particle Filtering Tracking ([Girard2014]_). One of {"local", "pft"}. Default: "local" Returns ------- list of streamlines () References ---------- .. [Girard2014] Girard, G., Whittingstall, K., Deriche, R., & Descoteaux, M. Towards quantitative connectivity analysis: reducing tractography biases. NeuroImage, 98, 266-278, 2014. """ logger = logging.getLogger('AFQ.tractography')"Loading Image...") if isinstance(params_file, str): params_img = nib.load(params_file) else: params_img = params_file model_params = params_img.get_fdata() affine = params_img.affine odf_model = odf_model.upper() directions = directions.lower()"Generating Seeds...") if isinstance(n_seeds, int): if seed_mask is None: seed_mask = np.ones(params_img.shape[:3]) elif seed_mask.dtype != 'bool': seed_mask = seed_mask > seed_threshold if random_seeds: seeds = dtu.random_seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, seeds_count=n_seeds, seed_count_per_voxel=False, affine=affine, random_seed=rng_seed) else: seeds = dtu.seeds_from_mask(seed_mask, density=n_seeds, affine=affine) else: # If user provided an array, we'll use n_seeds as the seeds: seeds = n_seeds if sphere is None: sphere = dpd.default_sphere"Getting Directions...") if directions == "det": dg = DeterministicMaximumDirectionGetter elif directions == "prob": dg = ProbabilisticDirectionGetter if odf_model == "DTI" or odf_model == "DKI": evals = model_params[..., :3] evecs = model_params[..., 3:12].reshape(params_img.shape[:3] + (3, 3)) odf = tensor_odf(evals, evecs, sphere) dg = dg.from_pmf(odf, max_angle=max_angle, sphere=sphere) elif odf_model == "CSD" or "MSMT": dg = dg.from_shcoeff(model_params, max_angle=max_angle, sphere=sphere) if tracker == "local": if stop_mask is None: stop_mask = np.ones(params_img.shape[:3]) if stop_mask.dtype == 'bool': stopping_criterion = ThresholdStoppingCriterion(stop_mask, 0.5) else: stopping_criterion = ThresholdStoppingCriterion( stop_mask, stop_threshold) my_tracker = VerboseLocalTracking elif tracker == "pft": if not isinstance(stop_threshold, str): raise RuntimeError( "You are using PFT tracking, but did not provide a string ", "'stop_threshold' input. ", "Possible inputs are: 'CMC' or 'ACT'") if not (isinstance(stop_mask, Iterable) and len(stop_mask) == 3): raise RuntimeError( "You are using PFT tracking, but did not provide a length " "3 iterable for `stop_mask`. " "Expected a (pve_wm, pve_gm, pve_csf) tuple.") pves = [] pve_imgs = [] vox_sizes = [] for ii, pve in enumerate(stop_mask): if isinstance(pve, str): img = nib.load(pve) else: img = pve pve_imgs.append(img) pves.append(pve_imgs[-1].get_fdata()) average_voxel_size = np.mean(vox_sizes) pve_wm_img, pve_gm_img, pve_csf_img = pve_imgs pve_wm_data, pve_gm_data, pve_csf_data = pves pve_wm_data = reg.resample(pve_wm_data, model_params[..., 0], pve_wm_img.affine, params_img.affine) pve_gm_data = reg.resample(pve_gm_data, model_params[..., 0], pve_gm_img.affine, params_img.affine) pve_csf_data = reg.resample(pve_csf_data, model_params[..., 0], pve_csf_img.affine, params_img.affine) vox_sizes.append(np.mean(params_img.header.get_zooms()[:3])) my_tracker = VerboseParticleFilteringTracking if stop_threshold == "CMC": stopping_criterion = CmcStoppingCriterion.from_pve( pve_wm_data, pve_gm_data, pve_csf_data, step_size=step_size, average_voxel_size=average_voxel_size) elif stop_threshold == "ACT": stopping_criterion = ActStoppingCriterion.from_pve( pve_wm_data, pve_gm_data, pve_csf_data)"Tracking...") return _tracking(my_tracker, seeds, dg, stopping_criterion, params_img, step_size=step_size, min_length=min_length, max_length=max_length, random_seed=rng_seed)
for bundle in bundles: for idx, roi in enumerate(bundles[bundle]['ROIs']): warped_roi = transform_inverse_roi(roi, mapping, bundle_name=bundle) print(roi), img.affine), op.join(working_dir, f"{bundle}_{idx+1}.nii.gz")) # Add voxels that aren't there yet: if bundles[bundle]['rules'][idx]: seed_roi = np.logical_or(seed_roi, warped_roi) for ii, pp in enumerate(endpoint_spec[bundle].keys()): roi = endpoint_spec[bundle][pp] roi = reg.resample(roi.get_fdata(), MNI_T1w_img, roi.affine, MNI_T1w_img.affine) warped_roi = transform_inverse_roi(roi, mapping, bundle_name=bundle), img.affine), op.join(working_dir, f"{bundle}_{pp}.nii.gz")), img.affine), op.join(working_dir, 'seed_roi.nii.gz')) sft = aft.track(sh_coeff, seed_mask=seed_roi, n_seeds=5, tracker="pft",