Пример #1
    def weaponry_tick(self) -> str:
        # Do the hits for the current turn:
        results = ""
        for shot in self.planned_shots:
            (damaging, x, y) = shot
            hits = {}
            if damaging:
                hits = self.damaging(x, y)
                hits = self.nondamaging(x, y)
            direct_hits = list_to_and_separated(
                list(map(lambda entity: entity.name(), hits["direct"])))
            if direct_hits == "":
                direct_hits = "nobody"
            indirect_hits = list_to_and_separated(
                list(map(lambda entity: entity.name(), hits["indirect"])))
            if indirect_hits == "":
                indirect_hits = "nobody"
            damaging_str = "damaging" if damaging else "non-damaging"
            results += f"Shot {damaging_str} shot at ({x}, {y}) - directly hit {direct_hits}; indirectly hit {indirect_hits}.\n"
        self.planned_shots = []

        # Then recharge.
        weapons_power = self.sub.power.get_power("weapons")
        recharge = math.ceil(weapons_power / 2)
        old_charge = self.weapons_charge
        self.weapons_charge = min(weapons_power, old_charge + recharge)
        if old_charge != self.weapons_charge:
            return f"{results}Recharged weapons up to {self.weapons_charge} charge!"
        return results
Пример #2
 def offer_as_text(self, offer: Dict[str, int]) -> str:
     if len(offer) == 0:
         return "nothing"
     offer_list = []
     for item in offer:
         offer_list.append(f"{offer[item]}x {item.title()}")
     return list_to_and_separated(offer_list)
Пример #3
def draw_map(subs: List[Submarine], to_show: List[str],
             show_hidden: bool) -> Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
    Draws an ASCII version of the map.
    Also returns a JSON of additional information.
    `subs` is a list of submarines, which are marked 0-9 on the map.
    SUB_CHARS = [
        '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '+', '='
    map_string = ""
    map_json = []
    for y in range(Y_LIMIT):
        row = ""
        for x in range(X_LIMIT):
            square = get_square(x, y)
            if square is None:
                raise SquareOutOfBoundsError((x, y))
            tile_char = square.to_char(to_show, show_hidden,
                                       list(map(lambda sub: sub._name, subs)))
            tile_name = square.map_name(to_show, show_hidden,
                                        list(map(lambda sub: sub._name, subs)))
            if tile_name is not None:
                map_json.append({"x": x, "y": y, "name": tile_name})
            if "n" in to_show:
                npcs_in_square = filtered_npcs(lambda n: n.x == x and n.y == y)
                if len(npcs_in_square) > 0:
                    tile_char = "N"
                    npcs_str = list_to_and_separated(
                        list(map(lambda n: n.name(), npcs_in_square)))
                    map_json.append({"x": x, "y": y, "name": npcs_str})
            for i in range(len(subs)):
                (sx, sy) = subs[i].movement.get_position()
                if sx == x and sy == y:
                    tile_char = SUB_CHARS[i]
                    map_json.append({"x": x, "y": y, "name": subs[i].name()})
            row += tile_char
        map_string += row + "\n"
    return map_string, map_json
Пример #4
 def treasure_string(self) -> str:
     return list_to_and_separated(list(map(lambda t: t.title(), self.treasure)))
Пример #5
def printout_npc_types() -> DiscordAction:
    types = list_to_and_separated(get_npc_types())
    return Message(f"Possible NPC types: {types}.")