Пример #1
def add_npc(npctype: str, x: int, y: int, sub: Optional[str]):
    if not in_world(x, y):
        return "Cannot place an NPC outside of the map."
    if npctype in npc_types:
        id = len(npcs)
        new_npc = npc_types[npctype](id, x, y)
        if sub is not None:
        return f"Created NPC #{id} of type {npctype.title()}!"
    return "That NPC type does not exist."
Пример #2
def zoom_in(x: int, y: int, loop) -> DiscordAction:
    if in_world(x, y):
        report = f"Report for square **({x}, {y})**\n"
        # since in_world => get_square : Cell (not None)
        report += get_square(x, y).square_status() + "\n\n"  # type: ignore
        # See if any subs are here, and if so print their status.
        subs_in_square = filtered_teams(
            lambda sub: sub.movement.x == x and sub.movement.y == y)
        for sub in subs_in_square:
            report += sub.status_message(loop) + "\n\n"
        return Message(report)
    return Message("Chosen square is outside the world boundaries!")
Пример #3
def add_npc(npctype: str, x: int, y: int, sub: Optional[str]):
    if not in_world(x, y):
        return "Cannot place an NPC outside of the map."
    if npctype in npc_types:
        global npc_max_id
        id = npc_max_id
        npc_max_id += 1
        new_npc = npc_types[npctype](id, x, y)
        if sub is not None:
        npcs[id] = new_npc
        return f"Created NPC #{id} of type {npctype.title()}!"
    return "That NPC type does not exist."
Пример #4
 async def move(self) -> str:
     motion = directions[self.direction]
     new_x = self.x + motion[0]
     new_y = self.y + motion[1]
     if not in_world(new_x, new_y):
         # Crashed into the boundaries of the world, whoops.
         return f"Your submarine reached the boundaries of the world, so was pushed back (now facing **{self.direction.upper()}**) and did not move this turn!"
     message, obstacle = get_square(new_x, new_y).on_entry(self.sub)
     if obstacle:
         return message
     self.x = new_x
     self.y = new_y
     return message
Пример #5
 def prepare_shot(self, damaging: bool, x: int, y: int) -> str:
     if not in_world(x, y):
         return "Coordinate outside of world."
     if diagonal_distance(self.sub.movement.get_position(),
                          (x, y)) > self.range:
         return "Coordinate outside of range."
     if damaging and self.weapons_charge >= 2:
         self.planned_shots.append((True, x, y))
         self.weapons_charge -= 2
         return f"Damaging shot fired at ({x}, {y})!"
     if (not damaging) and self.weapons_charge >= 1:
         self.planned_shots.append((False, x, y))
         self.weapons_charge -= 1
         return f"Non-damaging shot fired at ({x}, {y})!"
     return "Not enough charge to use that."
Пример #6
 def set_position(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
     if in_world(x, y):
         self.x = x
         self.y = y
         return True
     return False