Пример #1
def vote(vote_id, vote_type):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Posts", identifier="id", value=vote_id)
    if vote_type == -1:
        DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Posts SET dislikes=dislikes+1, points=points-1 where id = %s", (vote_id,))
        DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Posts SET likes=likes+1, points=points+1  where id = %s", (vote_id,))
    return details(details_id=vote_id, related=[])
Пример #2
def remove_restore(thread_id, status):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=thread_id)
    DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Threads SET isDeleted = %s WHERE id = %s", (status, thread_id, ))

    response = {
        "thread": thread_id
    return response
Пример #3
def open_close_thread(id, isClosed):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=id)
    DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Threads SET isClosed = %s WHERE id = %s", (isClosed, id, ))

    response = {
        "thread": id

    return response
Пример #4
def vote(id, vote):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=id)

    if vote == -1:
        DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Threads SET dislikes=dislikes+1, points=points-1 where id = %s", (id, ))
        DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Threads SET likes=likes+1, points=points+1  where id = %s", (id, ))

    return details(id=id, related=[])
Пример #5
def remove_follow(email1, email2):
    follows = DBconnect.select_query(
        'SELECT id FROM Followers WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, )

    if len(follows) != 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('DELETE FROM Followers WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, ))
        raise Exception("No such following")

    return users.details(email1)
Пример #6
def save_forum(name, short_name, user):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=user)
    forum = DBconnect.select_query(
        'select id, name, short_name, user FROM Forums WHERE short_name = %s', (short_name, )
    if len(forum) == 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('INSERT INTO Forums (name, short_name, user) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)',
                               (name, short_name, user, ))
        forum = DBconnect.select_query(
            'select id, name, short_name, user FROM Forums WHERE short_name = %s', (short_name, )
    return forum_description(forum)
Пример #7
def remove_subscription(email, thread_id):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=thread_id)
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=email)
    subscription = DBconnect.select_query(
        'select thread, user FROM Subscriptions WHERE user = %s AND thread = %s', (email, thread_id, )
    if len(subscription) == 0:
        raise Exception("user " + email + " does not subscribe thread #" + str(thread_id))
    DBconnect.update_query('DELETE FROM Subscriptions WHERE user = %s AND thread = %s', (email, thread_id, ))

    response = {
        "thread": subscription[0][0],
        "user": subscription[0][1]
    return response
Пример #8
def add_follow(email1, email2):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=email1)
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=email2)

    if email1 == email2:
        raise Exception("User with email=" + email1 + " can't follow himself")

    follows = DBconnect.select_query(
        'SELECT id FROM Followers WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, )

    if len(follows) == 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('INSERT INTO Followers (follower, followee) VALUES (%s, %s)', (email1, email2, ))

    user = users.details(email1)
    return user
Пример #9
def save_subscription(email, thread_id):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=thread_id)
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=email)
    subscription = DBconnect.select_query(
        'select thread, user FROM Subscriptions WHERE user = %s AND thread = %s', (email, thread_id, )
    if len(subscription) == 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('INSERT INTO Subscriptions (thread, user) VALUES (%s, %s)', (thread_id, email, ))
        subscription = DBconnect.select_query(
            'select thread, user FROM Subscriptions WHERE user = %s AND thread = %s', (email, thread_id, )

    response = {
        "thread": subscription[0][0],
        "user": subscription[0][1]
    return response
Пример #10
def save_user(email, username, about, name, optional):
    isAnonymous = 0
    if "isAnonymous" in optional:
        isAnonymous = optional["isAnonymous"]
        user = DBconnect.select_query('select email, about, isAnonymous, id, name, username FROM Users WHERE email = %s',
                           (email, ))
        if len(user) == 0:
                'INSERT INTO Users (email, about, name, username, isAnonymous) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                (email, about, name, username, isAnonymous, ))
        user = DBconnect.select_query('select email, about, isAnonymous, id, name, username FROM Users WHERE email = %s',
                           (email, ))
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(e.message)

    return user_format(user)
Пример #11
def save_thread(forum, title, isClosed, user, date, message, slug, optional):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=user)
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Forums", identifier="short_name", value=forum)

    isDeleted = 0
    if "isDeleted" in optional:
        isDeleted = optional["isDeleted"]
    thread = DBconnect.select_query(
        'select date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts '
        'FROM Threads WHERE slug = %s', (slug, )
    if len(thread) == 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('INSERT INTO Threads (forum, title, isClosed, user, date, message, slug, isDeleted) '
                               'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                               (forum, title, isClosed, user, date, message, slug, isDeleted, ))
        thread = DBconnect.select_query(
            'select date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts '
            'FROM Threads WHERE slug = %s', (slug, )
    thread = thread[0]
    response = {
        'date': str(thread[0]),
        'forum': thread[1],
        'id': thread[2],
        'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
        'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
        'message': thread[5],
        'slug': thread[6],
        'title': thread[7],
        'user': thread[8],
        'dislikes': thread[9],
        'likes': thread[10],
        'points': thread[11],
        'posts': thread[12],

    # Delete few extra elements
    del response["dislikes"]
    del response["likes"]
    del response["points"]
    del response["posts"]

    return response
Пример #12
def update_user(email, about, name):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Users", identifier="email", value=email)
    DBconnect.update_query('UPDATE Users SET email = %s, about = %s, name = %s WHERE email = %s',
                           (email, about, name, email, ))
    return details(email)
Пример #13
def update_thread(id, slug, message):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Threads", identifier="id", value=id)
    DBconnect.update_query('UPDATE Threads SET slug = %s, message = %s WHERE id = %s', (slug, message, id, ))

    return details(id=id, related=[])
Пример #14
def update(update_id, message):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Posts", identifier="id", value=update_id)
    DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Posts SET message = %s WHERE id = %s", (message, update_id))
    return details(details_id=update_id, related=[])
Пример #15
def remove_restore(post_id, status):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="Posts", identifier="id", value=post_id)
    DBconnect.update_query("UPDATE Posts SET isDeleted = %s WHERE Posts.id = %s", (status, post_id))
    return {"post": post_id}