def qr_decode( element=None, image_filepath=None, parse_url=""): from APIManagement import Request, RequestMode try: if element: element.get_screenshot_as_file("temp_code.png") filepath = "temp_code.png" elif image_filepath: filepath = image_filepath else: print "No input value" return False req = Request(base_url=parse_url, method="POST", mode=RequestMode.multi_form, upload_files={"f": filepath}) req.send() if element: os.remove(filepath) if req.result["status"] == "200": return req.result["data"] else: print "QRDecode Server Error: %s" % req.result["data"] except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Decode QRCode meets error %s" % str(e)
def qr_decode_deprecated(element=None, image_filepath=None, parse_url=""): from APIManagement import Request, RequestMode try: if element: element.get_screenshot_as_file("temp_code.png") filepath = "temp_code.png" elif image_filepath: filepath = image_filepath else: print "No input value" return False req = Request(base_url=parse_url, method="POST", mode=RequestMode.multi_form, upload_files={"f": filepath}) req.send() data = req.result["data"].split('<pre style="margin:0">') if element: os.remove(filepath) return data[-1].split("</pre>")[0] except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Decode QRCode meets error %s" % str(e) return False
def copy_image(self, suitename, image_name, baseline_paths, output_paths, ci_link): image_path = Utils.get_filestr(baseline_paths, image_name) if ci_link: ci_basefile = ci_link + "/" + suitename + "/" + image_name api = Request(method="GET", base_url=ci_basefile) resp = api.send() if resp.result["status"] != "200": raise Exception("picture %s cannot be downloaded" % ci_basefile) f = open(image_path, "wb") f.write(resp.result["data"]) f.close() else: new_image_path = Utils.get_filestr(output_paths, image_name) Utils.copy_to_file(new_image_path, image_path)
def qr_decode_deprecated(element=None, image_filepath=None, parse_url=""): from APIManagement import Request,RequestMode try: if element: element.get_screenshot_as_file("temp_code.png") filepath = "temp_code.png" elif image_filepath: filepath = image_filepath else: print "No input value" return False req = Request(base_url=parse_url, method="POST", mode=RequestMode.multi_form, upload_files={"f":filepath}) req.send() data = req.result["data"].split('<pre style="margin:0">') if element: os.remove(filepath) return data[-1].split("</pre>")[0] except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Decode QRCode meets error %s" % str(e) return False
def qr_decode(element=None, image_filepath=None, parse_url=""): from APIManagement import Request,RequestMode try: if element: element.get_screenshot_as_file("temp_code.png") filepath = "temp_code.png" elif image_filepath: filepath = image_filepath else: print "No input value" return False req = Request(base_url=parse_url, method="POST", mode=RequestMode.multi_form, upload_files={"f":filepath}) req.send() if element: os.remove(filepath) if req.result["status"] == "200": return req.result["data"] else: print "QRDecode Server Error: %s" % req.result["data"] except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Decode QRCode meets error %s" % str(e)
def GET(self): self.get_request() rawdata = web.input() os.chdir(Server.workdirectory) try: data = Utils.get_dict_from_json( self.request["parameters"] = {"data": str(data)} suitename = data["suite_name"] svnflag = True if data.get("svnlink") and data.get("comment") else False if not svnflag and data.get("ci_link"): return self.message_helper("Please input svn link and comment", "200 OK") baseline_paths = os.path.split(os.path.join(data["baseline_path"].replace("\\\\", "\\"), suitename)) output_paths = os.path.split(os.path.join(data["output_path"].replace("\\\\", "\\"), suitename)) helper = SSHHelper("localhost") if not data.get("ci_link"): ci_link = None baseline_path = Utils.get_filestr(baseline_paths) os.chdir(baseline_path) if svnflag: result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("svn revert -R . --no-auth-cache"), shell=True, printcmd=False ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn revert failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("svn up . --no-auth-cache"), shell=True, printcmd=False ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn update failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") else: ci_link = data["ci_link"] job_name = ci_link.split("/")[-3] work_path = os.path.join(Server.workdirectory, job_name) baseline_path = os.path.join(work_path, os.path.split(data["baseline_path"].replace("\\\\", "\\"))[-1]) if os.path.exists(baseline_path): os.chdir(baseline_path) result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("svn up . --no-auth-cache"), shell=True, printcmd=False ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn update failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") else: if not os.path.exists(work_path): os.mkdir(work_path) os.chdir(work_path) result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("svn co %s --no-auth-cache" % data["svnlink"]), shell=True, printcmd=False, ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn checkout failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") os.chdir(baseline_path) baseline_paths = os.path.split(os.path.join(baseline_path, suitename)) base_filename = suitename + ".base" baseline_caselist = Utils.get_json_from_file(baseline_paths, base_filename) if not ci_link: output_caselist = Utils.get_json_from_file(output_paths, base_filename) else: ci_basefile = ci_link + "/" + suitename + "/" + base_filename api = Request(method="GET", base_url=ci_basefile) resp = api.send() if resp.result["status"] != "200": return self.message_helper("Invalid CI link %s" % ci_basefile, "200 OK") output_caselist = resp.result["data"] for baseline in data["baseline"]: casename, assertionname = baseline.split("/") if type(output_caselist[casename][assertionname]) == dict and output_caselist[casename][ assertionname ].get("image_type"): image_name = ( output_caselist[casename][assertionname]["image_name"] + "." + output_caselist[casename][assertionname]["image_type"] ) self.copy_image(suitename, image_name, baseline_paths, output_paths, ci_link) if not baseline_caselist.get(casename): baseline_caselist[casename] = {} baseline_caselist[casename][assertionname] = output_caselist[casename][assertionname] Utils.dump_dict_to_file(baseline_caselist, baseline_paths, base_filename) web.ctx.headers = [("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")] if svnflag: result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("svn add . --no-auth-cache --force"), shell=True, printcmd=False ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn add failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") result = helper.exe_cmd( self.generate_svn_command("""svn ci . -m "%s" --no-auth-cache""" % data["comment"]), shell=True, printcmd=False, ) if result.code != 0: return self.message_helper("svn checkin failed %s" % result.stderr, "200 OK") return self.message_helper("Update Successful in svn", "200 OK") else: return self.message_helper("Update Successful in local without checkin", "200 OK") except Exception: info = sys.exc_info() err = [] for filename, lineno, function, text in traceback.extract_tb(info[2]): err.append(filename + "line:" + str(lineno) + "in" + str(function)) err.append(str(text)) traceback.print_exc() return self.message_helper( "Problem on updating code logic:\n %s" % "\n".join(err), "500 Internal Server Error" )