def construct_system_test(construct_system): labDemo = APS('new_data.npy', testing = 'Test', ms = True) labDemo.generate_raw_signal([1.2,3.6]) _, separated = labDemo.post_processing(labDemo.rawSignal) labDemo.identify_offsets(separated) labDemo.signal_to_distances(((1.2)**2+(3.6)**2)**0.5/340.29) distances = labDemo.distancesPost[:4] TDOA = labDemo.offsets_to_tdoas() v = labDemo.V_AIR speakers = labDemo.beaconsLocation # Plot the linear relationship of the microphone and speakers. isac=1; #index of the beacon to be sacrificed A, b = construct_system(speakers,TDOA,labDemo.V_AIR) for i in range(len(b)): print ("Row %d: %.f should equal %.f"%(i, A[i][0] * 1.2 + A[i][1] * 3.6, b[i]))
def test_loc(least_squares, construct_system, x_pos, y_pos, inten, debug=False): labDemo = APS('new_data.npy', testing = 'Test', ms = True) labDemo.generate_raw_signal([x_pos, y_pos]) raw_signal = labDemo.add_random_noise(inten) _, avgs = labDemo.post_processing(labDemo.rawSignal) labDemo.identify_offsets(avgs) labDemo.signal_to_distances(((1.2)**2+(3.6)**2)**0.5/340.29) distances = labDemo.distancesPost[:4] TDOA = labDemo.offsets_to_tdoas() v = labDemo.V_AIR speakers = labDemo.beaconsLocation # Construct system of equations A, b = construct_system(speakers, TDOA, labDemo.V_AIR) # Calculate least squares solution pos = labDemo.calculate_position(least_squares, construct_system, speakers, TDOA) if debug: # Plot the averaged output for each beacon plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) for i in range(len(avgs)): plt.subplot(3,2,i+1) plt.plot(avgs[i]) plt.title("Beacon %d"%i) plt.tight_layout() # Plot the averaged output for each beacon centered about beacon0 plt.figure(figsize=(16,4)) peak = labDemo.identify_peak(avgs[0]) for i in range(len(avgs)): plt.plot(np.roll(avgs[i], len(avgs[0]) // 2 - peak), label="{0}".format(i)) plt.title("Beacons Detected") plt.legend() print( "Offsets (samples): %s"%str(labDemo.offsetsPost)) print( "Times (s): [%s]\n"%", ".join(["%0.6f" % t for t in TDOA])) print( "Constructing system...") print( "Verifying system using known position...") for i in range(len(b)): print( "Row %d: %.f should equal %.f"%(i, A[i][0] * x_pos + A[i][1] * y_pos, b[i])) print( "\nCalculating least squares estimate...") print("Expected: (%.3f, %.3f); got (%.3f, %.3f)\n"%(x_pos, y_pos, pos[0], pos[1]))
def plot_speakers_demo(): # Plot the speakers plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) labDemo = APS('new_data.npy', testing = 'Test', ms = True) labDemo.generate_raw_signal([1.2,3.6]) _, separated = labDemo.post_processing(labDemo.rawSignal) labDemo.identify_offsets(separated) labDemo.signal_to_distances(((1.2)**2+(3.6)**2)**0.5/340.29) distances = labDemo.distancesPost[:4] TDOA = labDemo.offsets_to_tdoas() v = labDemo.V_AIR # Plot the linear relationship of the microphone and speakers. isac=1; #index of the beacon to be sacrificed speakers = labDemo.beaconsLocation helper = lambda i: float(speakers[i][0]**2+speakers[i][1]**2)/(v*TDOA[i])-float(speakers[isac][0]**2+speakers[isac][1]**2)/(v*TDOA[isac]) helperx = lambda i: float(speakers[i][0]*2)/(v*TDOA[i])-float(speakers[isac][0]*2)/(v*TDOA[isac]) helpery = lambda i: float(speakers[i][1]*2)/(v*TDOA[i])-float(speakers[isac][1]*2)/(v*TDOA[isac]) x = np.linspace(-9, 9, 1000) y1,y2,y3 = [],[],[] if isac!=1: y1 = [((helper(1)-helper(isac))-v*(TDOA[1]-TDOA[isac])-helperx(1)*xi)/helpery(1) for xi in x] if isac!=2: y2 = [((helper(2)-helper(isac))-v*(TDOA[2]-TDOA[isac])-helperx(2)*xi)/helpery(2) for xi in x] if isac!=3: y3 = [((helper(3)-helper(isac))-v*(TDOA[3]-TDOA[isac])-helperx(3)*xi)/helpery(3) for xi in x] # You can calculate and plot the equations for the other 2 speakers here. if isac!=1: plt.plot(x, y1, label='Equation for beacon 1', color='g') if isac!=2: plt.plot(x, y2, label='Equation for beacon 2', color='c') if isac!=3: plt.plot(x, y3, label='Equation for beacon 3', color='y') plt.legend() labDemo.plot_speakers(plt, labDemo.beaconsLocation[:4], distances) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 1)) plt.xlim(-9, 11) plt.ylim(-6, 6)
def hyperbola_demo_1(): # Assume we already know the time of arrival of the first beacon, which is R0/(speed_of_sound) labDemo = APS('new_data.npy', testing = 'Test', ms = True) labDemo.generate_raw_signal([1.2,3.6]) _, separated = labDemo.post_processing(labDemo.rawSignal) labDemo.identify_offsets(separated) labDemo.signal_to_distances(((1.2)**2+(3.6)**2)**0.5/340.29) distances = labDemo.distancesPost[:4] print("The distances are: " + str(distances)) TDOA = labDemo.offsets_to_tdoas() plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) dist=np.multiply(340.29,TDOA) colors = ['r', 'g', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'b', 'k'] for i in range(3): hyp=labDemo.draw_hyperbola(labDemo.beaconsLocation[i+1], labDemo.beaconsLocation[0], dist[i+1]) #Draw hyperbola plt.plot(hyp[:,0], hyp[:,1], color=colors[i+1], label='Hyperbola for beacon '+str(i+1), linestyle='--') labDemo.plot_speakers(plt, labDemo.beaconsLocation[:4], distances) plt.xlim(-9, 18) plt.ylim(-6, 6) plt.legend()
import math import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # from IPython.html.widgets import * from IPython.html.widgets import interact #from ipywidgets import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt from random import random import import scipy.signal from APS import APS Lab = APS('new_data.npy', testing = 'Test', ms = True) ######### # APS 1 # ######### def cross_correlation(stationary_signal, sliding_signal): """Compute the cross_correlation of two given signals Args: stationary_signal (np.array): input signal 1 sliding_signal (np.array): input signal 2 Returns: cross_correlation (np.array): cross-correlation of stationary_signal and sliding_signal
from APS import APS from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pandas as pd import numpy as np import mysql.connector ## Cell one, Make table PRX = APS(abbrev='prx') PRX.indexVolumes() #Get total number of issues PRX.indexIssues(verbose=True, skip=3) #Unused test parameters: print('link current issue:', print('link volume 3 issue 2:',, iss=4)) print('total number of volumes:', PRX.nVolumes) print('total number of issues:', PRX.nIssues) #Scraping to PD Dataframe #-----------------STATUS: Part way------------------------------------------# #Create data frame containing the links to all articles #vi = np.array(range(PRX.nVolumes)) + 1 #volume index #ni = np.array(range(PRX.nIssues)) + 1 #issue index vol_iss = { 'Vol': list(reversed([ *PRX.volumes, ])), 'Iss': [] } for v in vol_iss['Vol']:
from APS import APS import pandas as pd PRX = APS(abbrev='prx') PRX.indexVolumes() PRX.indexIssues(verbose=True, skip=3) print('link current issue:', print('link volume 3 issue 2:',, iss=4)) print('total number of volumes:', PRX.nVolumes) print('total number of issues:', PRX.nIssues) #%% vol_iss = { 'Vol': list(reversed([ *PRX.volumes, ])), 'Iss': [], 'Yr': [] } for v in vol_iss['Vol']: #Print number of issues in each volume PRX.indexIssues(All=False, num=int(v)) ni = PRX.volumes[v].nIssues vol_iss['Iss'].append(ni) print('Volume: {}, Issues: {}'.format(v, ni)) for i in range(1, ni + 1): print(, iss=i)) r = PRX.monthRange(v, i) #Append to year column