def test_next(self): """ @note tests next function """ # init values dut = waves() sample = 1 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = -20 highVal = 20 dutyCycle = 0.5 # init wave self.assertTrue(dut.set(wave="trapezoid", ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, dutyCycle=dutyCycle)) # iterate and check cnt = 0 for i in range(0, 2*int((period / sample))-1): # calc next step val = # check waveform if ( 0 <= cnt <= 899 ): self.assertEqual(val['grad'], 0) self.assertEqual(val['val'], highVal) elif ( 900 <= cnt <= 1799 ): self.assertEqual(val['grad'], 0) self.assertEqual(val['val'], lowVal) # help counter for segment diviation cnt += 1 if ( cnt > int((period / sample))-1 ): cnt = 0 # check iterator self.assertEqual(dut.iterator, cnt)
def test_sine(self): """ @note tests sine function """ # some preparation sample = 2 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = 0 highVal = 20 ampVal = (highVal - lowVal) / 2 ofsVal = ampVal + lowVal # init sine dut = waves() (iter, wave) = dut.sine(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, initVal=ampVal, pSlope=True) self.assertDictEqual(wave, {'x': {'ts': sample, 'tp': period, 'n': period/sample}, 'y': {'ofs': ofsVal, 'amp': ampVal}}) self.assertEqual(iter, 0 * (period / sample)) # check sine for i in range(0, int((period / sample))-1): self.assertEqual(iter, i) # iterator needs to incremented by one (iter, newVal) = dut.sine(descr=(iter,wave)) # update wave # check only in 90 degree grid to numeric resolution if ( i == int(0 * (period / sample)) ): self.assertEqual(round(newVal['val'], 10), ampVal) # round to numeric noise, 10digits self.assertEqual(round(newVal['grad'], 10), round(ampVal*2*math.pi*sample/period, 10)) # highest slew rate elif ( i == int(0.25 * (period / sample)) ): self.assertEqual(round(newVal['val'], 10), highVal) self.assertEqual(round(newVal['grad'], 10), float(0)) # round to numeric noise, 10digits elif ( i == int(0.5 * (period / sample)) ): self.assertEqual(round(newVal['val'], 10), ampVal) # round to numeric noise, 10digits self.assertEqual(round(newVal['grad'], 10), round(-ampVal*2*math.pi*sample/period, 10)) # highest slew rate elif ( i == int(0.75 * (period / sample)) ): self.assertEqual(round(newVal['val'], 10), lowVal) self.assertEqual(round(newVal['grad'], 10), float(0)) # round to numeric noise, 10digits
def test_divide(self): """ @note tests zero divide divider function """ myWaves = waves() # create class self.assertEqual(myWaves.divide(dividend=1, divisor=2), 0.5) # normal devision self.assertTrue(float('inf') == myWaves.divide(dividend=1, divisor=0)) # check divide by zero self.assertTrue(float('-inf') == myWaves.divide(dividend=-1, divisor=0)) # self.assertTrue(math.isnan(myWaves.divide(dividend=0, divisor=0))) #
def test_sine_exception(self): """ @note tests sine init functionality """ # create test class dut = waves() # unexpected argument with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.sine(foo=5) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unknown optional argument 'foo'")
def test_next_exception(self): """ @note tests next function exception handling """ # init values dut = waves() # unsupported waveform with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Uninitialized waveform")
def test_set(self): """ @note tests set function """ # init values dut = waves() sample = 1 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = -20 highVal = 20 # init wave & check self.assertTrue(dut.set(wave="sine", ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal)) self.assertDictEqual(dut.waveDescr, {'x': {'ts': sample, 'tp': period, 'n': period/sample}, 'y': {'ofs': (highVal+lowVal)/2, 'amp': (highVal-lowVal)/2}}) self.assertTrue("sine" == dut.waveArgs['wave'])
def test_set_exception(self): """ @note tests exception handling of set function """ # init values dut = waves() # unsupported waveform with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.set(wave="foo") self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unsupported waveform 'foo' requested") # too less args with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.set(wave="trapezoid") self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Provided arguments does not unambiguously describe the waveform")
def test_trapezoid_exception(self): """ @note tests exception handling of trapezoid function """ # create test class dut = waves() # unexpected argument with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.trapezoid(foo=5) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Unknown optional argument 'foo'") # exception: rise/fall time larger then period with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.trapezoid(tp=5, tr=4, tf=2) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Rise + Fall time is larger then period, minimal period length is 6s") # exception: unambiguously waveform with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: dut.trapezoid() self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Provided arguments does not unambiguously describe the waveform")
def test_sine_init(self): """ @note tests sine init functionality """ # some preparation sample = 2 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = -20 highVal = 20 # create class dut = waves() # Init with max amp, phase=90deg (iter, wave) = dut.sine(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, initVal=20, pSlope=True) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['tp'], period) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['ts'], sample) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['amp'], 20) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['ofs'], 0) self.assertEqual(iter, 1/4 * (period / sample)) # Init with min amp, phase=270deg (iter, wave) = dut.sine(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, initVal=-20, pSlope=True) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['tp'], period) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['ts'], sample) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['amp'], 20) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['ofs'], 0) self.assertEqual(iter, 3/4 * (period / sample)) # Init with middle value, phase=0deg (iter, wave) = dut.sine(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, initVal=0, pSlope=True) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['tp'], period) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['ts'], sample) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['amp'], 20) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['ofs'], 0) self.assertEqual(iter, 0 * (period / sample)) # Init with middle value, phase=180deg (iter, wave) = dut.sine(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, initVal=0, pSlope=False) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['tp'], period) self.assertEqual(wave['x']['ts'], sample) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['amp'], 20) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['ofs'], 0) self.assertEqual(iter, 1/2 * (period / sample))
def test_trapezoid_init(self): """ @note tests trapezoid init functionality """ # init values dut = waves() sample = 2 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = -20 highVal = 20 initVal = 0 # init & check (iter, wave) = dut.trapezoid(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, dutyCycle=0.5, initVal=initVal, tr=period/4, tf=period/4) self.assertEqual(iter, round(1/8*(period/sample))) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['rise']['start'], 0) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['rise']['stop'], round(1/4*(period/sample))-1) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['high']['start'], round(1/4*(period/sample))) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['high']['stop'], round(2/4*(period/sample))-1) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['fall']['start'], round(2/4*(period/sample))) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['fall']['stop'], round(3/4*(period/sample))-1) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['low']['start'], round(3/4*(period/sample))) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['low']['stop'], round(4/4*(period/sample))-1)
def test_trapezoid(self): """ @note tests trapezoid function """ # init values dut = waves() sample = 2 # sample time in seconds, every two seconds a new sample point period = 1800 # period in seconds lowVal = -20 highVal = 20 (iter, wave) = dut.trapezoid(ts=sample, tp=period, lowVal=lowVal, highVal=highVal, dutyCycle=0.5, tr=(highVal-lowVal)*sample, tf=(highVal-lowVal)*sample) # check waveform init self.assertEqual(iter, 0) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['rise']['start'], 0) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['rise']['stop'], 39) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['high']['start'], 40) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['high']['stop'], 449) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['fall']['start'], 450) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['fall']['stop'], 489) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['low']['start'], 490) self.assertEqual(wave['y']['low']['stop'], 899) # calculate full period for i in range(0, int((period / sample))-1): self.assertEqual(iter, i) # iterator needs to incremented by one (iter, newVal) = dut.trapezoid(descr=(iter,wave)) # update wave if ( 0 <= i <= 39 ): self.assertEqual(newVal['grad'], 0.5) self.assertEqual(newVal['val'], lowVal+i) elif ( 40 <= i <= 449 ): self.assertEqual(newVal['grad'], 0) self.assertEqual(newVal['val'], highVal) elif ( 450 <= i <= 489 ): self.assertEqual(newVal['grad'], -0.5) self.assertEqual(newVal['val'], highVal-(i-450)) elif ( 490 <= i <= 899 ): self.assertEqual(newVal['grad'], 0) self.assertEqual(newVal['val'], lowVal)