Пример #1
 def doChangeUser(self, principal_id, password):
     """Change a user's password
     if self._user_passwords.get(principal_id) is None:
         raise RuntimeError("User does not exist: %s" % principal_id)
     self._user_passwords[principal_id] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
     notify(CredentialsUpdated(self.getUserById(principal_id), password))
Пример #2
    def doChangeUser(self, principal_id, password):
        Update user's password date and store passwords history.
        user = api.user.get(username=principal_id)
        portal = api.portal.get()
        current_time = portal.ZopeTime()
        user.setMemberProperties({"password_date": current_time})

        # Remember passwords here
        max_history_pws = api.portal.get_registry_record(

        if max_history_pws == 0:
            # disabled, return here.

        enc_pw = password
        if not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc_pw):
            enc_pw = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(enc_pw)

        pw_history = list(user.getProperty("password_history", tuple()))
        if len(pw_history) > max_history_pws:
            # Truncate the history
            pw_history = pw_history[-max_history_pws:]

        user.setMemberProperties({"password_history": tuple(pw_history)})
Пример #3
    def setAttempt(self, login, password):
         Set counter to 1 or bump it when authentication failed, if previous failed 
         attempt was more than reset period time instead of bumping counter reset it to 1

        root = self.getRootPlugin()
        count, last, IP, reference = root._login_attempts.get(
            login, (0, None, '', None))

        if reference and AuthEncoding.pw_validate(reference, password):
            # don't count repeating same password
        if last:
            delta = DateTime().asdatetime() - last.asdatetime()
            if delta.seconds > self.getResetPeriod():
                # set counter to 1 instead of bumping, some sort of autoreset.
                count = 1
                count += 1

            count += 1
        IP = self.remote_ip()
        log.debug("user '%s' failed to login, attempt #%i %s last: %s", login,
                  count, IP, last)
        last = DateTime()
        reference = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        root._login_attempts[login] = (count, last, IP, reference)
Пример #4
def _createLDAPPassword(password, encoding='SHA'):
    """ Create a password string suitable for the userPassword attribute
    encoding = encoding.upper()

    if encoding in ('SSHA', 'SHA', 'CRYPT'):
        pwd_str = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, encoding)
    elif encoding == 'MD5':
        m = md5_new(password)
        pwd_str = '{MD5}' + base64.encodestring(m.digest())
    elif encoding == 'CLEAR':
        pwd_str = password
        pwd_str = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, 'SSHA')

    return pwd_str.strip()
    def doChangeUser(self, principal_id, password):
        Update user's password date and store passwords history.
        user = api.user.get(username=principal_id)
        portal = api.portal.get()
        current_time = portal.ZopeTime()
        user.setMemberProperties({'password_date': current_time})

        # Remember passwords here
        max_history_pws = api.portal.get_registry_record(

        if max_history_pws == 0:
            # disabled, return here.

        enc_pw = password
        if not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc_pw):
            enc_pw = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(enc_pw)

        pw_history = list(user.getProperty('password_history', tuple()))
        if len(pw_history) > max_history_pws:
            # Truncate the history
            pw_history = pw_history[-max_history_pws:]

        user.setMemberProperties({'password_history': tuple(pw_history)})
Пример #6
def _createLDAPPassword(password, encoding='SHA'):
    """ Create a password string suitable for the userPassword attribute
    encoding = encoding.upper()

    if encoding in ('SSHA', 'SHA', 'CRYPT'):
        pwd_str = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, encoding)
    elif encoding == 'MD5':
        m = md5_new(password)
        pwd_str = '{MD5}' + base64.encodestring(m.digest())
    elif encoding == 'CLEAR':
        pwd_str = password
        pwd_str = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, 'SSHA')

    return pwd_str.strip()
Пример #7
    def updateUserPassword( self, user_id, password ):

        if self._user_passwords.get( user_id ) is None:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid user ID: %s' % user_id

        if password:
            digested = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt( password )
            self._user_passwords[ user_id ] = digested
Пример #8
 def password(self, password):
     # When editing, the password field is empty in the browser; do
     # not do anything then.
     if password is not None:
         self.context.password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(
Пример #9
 def testBlankPassword(self):
     pw = ''
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
Пример #10
 def testBlankPassword(self):
     pw = ''
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
Пример #11
 def setPasswordForUser(self, login, password):
     """Add password to the list of previously used passwords for a user.
     hashes = self._user_passwords.get(login, [])
     hash = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
     self._user_passwords[login] = hashes
     log.info("Password '%s' for user '%s' stored" % (password, login))
Пример #12
    def updateUserPassword(self, user_id, password):

        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is None:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid user ID: %s' % user_id

        if password:
            digested = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
            self._user_passwords[user_id] = digested
Пример #13
 def password(self, password):
     # When editing, the password field is empty in the browser; do
     # not do anything then.
     if password is not None:
         self.context.password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(
Пример #14
 def testGoodPassword(self):
     pw = 'good_password'
     assert len(AuthEncoding.listSchemes()) > 0  # At least one must exist!
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(pw)
Пример #15
 def testGoodPassword(self):
     pw = 'good_password'
     assert len(AuthEncoding.listSchemes()) > 0  # At least one must exist!
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(pw)
    def _pw_encrypt(self, password):
        """Returns the AuthEncoding encrypted password

        If 'password' is already encrypted, it is returned
        as is and not encrypted again.
        if AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password):
            return password
        return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
Пример #17
    def _pw_encrypt(self, password):
        """Returns the AuthEncoding encrypted password

        If 'password' is already encrypted, it is returned
        as is and not encrypted again.
        if AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password):
            return password
        return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
Пример #18
    def addUser( self, user_id, login_name, password ):

        if self._user_passwords.get( user_id ) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id

        if self._login_to_userid.get( login_name ) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name

        self._user_passwords[ user_id ] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt( password )
        self._login_to_userid[ login_name ] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[ user_id ] = login_name
Пример #19
    def addUser(self, user_id, login_name, password):

        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id

        if self._login_to_userid.get(login_name) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name

        self._user_passwords[user_id] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        self._login_to_userid[login_name] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[user_id] = login_name
Пример #20
 def testLongPassword(self):
     pw = 'Pw' * 2000
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
         if id != 'CRYPT':
             # crypt truncates passwords and would fail these tests.
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[:-2])
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[2:])
Пример #21
 def testBadPasword(self):
     pw = 'OK_pa55w0rd \n'
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         if id != 'CRYPT':
             # crypt truncates passwords and would fail this test.
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[:-1])
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[1:])
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
Пример #22
 def testLongPassword(self):
     pw = 'Pw' * 2000
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
         if id != 'CRYPT':
             # crypt truncates passwords and would fail these tests.
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[:-2])
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[2:])
Пример #23
 def testBadPasword(self):
     pw = 'OK_pa55w0rd \n'
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         if id != 'CRYPT':
             # crypt truncates passwords and would fail this test.
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[:-1])
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[1:])
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
Пример #24
    def updateUserPassword(self, user_id, login_name, password):

        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is None:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid user ID: %s' % user_id

        old_login_name = self._userid_to_login[user_id]

        if old_login_name != login_name:
            del self._login_to_userid[old_login_name]
            self._login_to_userid[login_name] = user_id
            self._userid_to_login[user_id] = login_name

        if password:
            digested = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
            self._user_passwords[user_id] = digested
Пример #25
    def addUser( self, user_id, login_name, password ):

        if self._user_passwords.get( user_id ) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id

        if self._login_to_userid.get( login_name ) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name

        self._user_passwords[ user_id ] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt( password )
        self._login_to_userid[ login_name ] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[ user_id ] = login_name

        # enumerateUsers return value has changed
        view_name = createViewName('enumerateUsers')
Пример #26
    def updateUserPassword( self, user_id, login_name, password ):

        if self._user_passwords.get( user_id ) is None:
            raise KeyError, 'Invalid user ID: %s' % user_id

        old_login_name = self._userid_to_login[ user_id ]

        if old_login_name != login_name:
            del self._login_to_userid[ old_login_name ]
            self._login_to_userid[ login_name ] = user_id
            self._userid_to_login[ user_id ] = login_name

        if password:
            digested = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt( password )
            self._user_passwords[ user_id ] = digested
Пример #27
    def setAttempt(self, login, password):
        "increment attempt count and record date stamp last attempt and IP"

        root = self.getRootPlugin()
        count, last, IP, reference = root._login_attempts.get(login, (0, None, '', None))

        if reference and AuthEncoding.pw_validate(reference, password):
            return  # we don't count repeating same password in case its correct
            count += 1
        IP = self.remote_ip()
        log.info("user '%s' attempt #%i %s last: %s", login, count, IP, last)
        last = DateTime()
        reference = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        root._login_attempts[login] = (count, last, IP, reference)
Пример #28
    def addUser(self, user_id, login_name, password):

        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id

        if self._login_to_userid.get(login_name) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name

        self._user_passwords[user_id] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        self._login_to_userid[login_name] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[user_id] = login_name

        # enumerateUsers return value has changed
        view_name = createViewName('enumerateUsers')
Пример #29
 def testLongPassword(self):
     pw = 'Pw' * 2000
     for id in AuthEncoding.listSchemes():
         enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, id)
         assert enc != pw
         assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, enc)
         assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, 'xxx')
         if id not in ('CRYPT', 'BCRYPT'):
             # crypt truncates passwords and would fail these tests.
             # bcrypt works with password inputs where len(pw) <= 50
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[:-2]), (
                 '%r Failed: %s %s' % (id, enc, pw[:-2])
             assert not AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, pw[2:])
Пример #30
    def setAttempt(self, login, password):
        "increment attempt count and record date stamp last attempt and IP"

        root = self.getRootPlugin()
        count, last, IP, reference = root._login_attempts.get(
            login, (0, None, '', None))

        if reference and AuthEncoding.pw_validate(reference, password):
            # we don't count repeating same password in case its correct
        if last and ((DateTime() - last) * 24) > self.getResetPeriod():
            # set count to 1 following login attempt after reset period
            count = 1
            count += 1
        IP = self.remote_ip()
        log.info("user '%s' attempt #%i %s last: %s", login, count, IP, last)
        last = DateTime()
        reference = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        root._login_attempts[login] = (count, last, IP, reference)
Пример #31
    def setAttempt(self, login, password):
        "increment attempt count and record date stamp last attempt and IP"

        # TODO: why are the login attempts stored in the root? The usernames aren't unique in the root.

        root = self.getRootPlugin()
        count, last, IP, reference = root._login_attempts.get(
            login, (0, None, '', None))

        if reference and AuthEncoding.pw_validate(reference, password):
            # we don't count repeating same password in case its correct
        if last and ((DateTime() - last) * 24) > self.getResetPeriod():
            # set count to 1 following login attempt after reset period
            count = 1
            count += 1
        IP = self.remote_ip()
        log.info("user '%s' attempt #%i %s last: %s", login, count, IP, last)
        last = DateTime()
        reference = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        root._login_attempts[login] = (count, last, IP, reference)
Пример #32
    def addUser(self, user_id, login_name, password):
        """Original ZODBUserManager.addUser, modified to check if
        incoming password is already encypted.

        This support clean migration from default user source.
        Should go into PAS.
        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is not None:
            raise KeyError('Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id)

        if self._login_to_userid.get(login_name) is not None:
            raise KeyError('Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name)

        if not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password):
            password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        self._user_passwords[user_id] = password
        self._login_to_userid[login_name] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[user_id] = login_name

        # enumerateUsers return value has changed
        view_name = createViewName('enumerateUsers')
Пример #33
    def addUser(self, user_id, login_name, password):
        """Original ZODBUserManager.addUser, modified to check if
        incoming password is already encypted.

        This support clean migration from default user source.
        Should go into PAS.
        if self._user_passwords.get(user_id) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate user ID: %s' % user_id

        if self._login_to_userid.get(login_name) is not None:
            raise KeyError, 'Duplicate login name: %s' % login_name

        if not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password):
            password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
        self._user_passwords[ user_id ] = password
        self._login_to_userid[ login_name ] = user_id
        self._userid_to_login[ user_id ] = login_name

        # enumerateUsers return value has changed
        view_name = createViewName('enumerateUsers')
Пример #34
 def _legacy_set_password(self, member, password):
     from AccessControl import AuthEncoding
     # Default AuthEncoding 'encryption' uses SSHA
     member.password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
 def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
     # we need to override the default, because if we encrypt with SSHA
     # we have trouble when we do the wire protocol
     upw = to_unicode_or_bust(pw)
     utf8pw = upw.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
     return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(utf8pw, 'SHA')
Пример #36
 def _legacy_set_password(self, member, password):
     from AccessControl import AuthEncoding
     # Default AuthEncoding 'encryption' uses SSHA
     member.password = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
Пример #37
 def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
     return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, 'SSHA')
Пример #38
 def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
     # we need to override the default, because if we encrypt with SSHA
     # we have trouble when we do the wire protocol
     upw = to_unicode_or_bust(pw)
     utf8pw = upw.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
     return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(utf8pw, 'SHA')
Пример #39
 def test_argon_is_used_by_default(self):
     encrypted = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt('foobar')
     self.assertTrue('{argon2}' in encrypted)
     self.assertTrue(AuthEncoding.pw_validate(encrypted, 'foobar'))
Пример #40
 def doChangeUser(self, principal_id, password):
     """Change a user's password
     if self._user_passwords.get(principal_id) is None:
         raise RuntimeError, "User does not exist: %s" % principal_id
     self._user_passwords[principal_id] = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
Пример #41
 def _encryptPassword(self, pw):
     return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(pw, 'SSHA')