def SetQueries(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    plLogger = PLLogger.GetLogger("methodology")

    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    exp_pktloss = apd.get_exp_pktloss()
    exp_avgjitter = apd.get_exp_avgjitter()
    exp_maxjitter = apd.get_exp_maxjitter()
    exp_avglatency = apd.get_exp_avglatency()
    exp_maxlatency = apd.get_exp_maxlatency()
    exp_maxoop = apd.get_exp_maxoop()
    exp_maxlatepkt = apd.get_exp_maxlatepkt()

    for cmd in tagged_object_list:
        if cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyDbQueryCommand'):
            is_passthru = tagname.find('Block') == -1
            display_name = 'Verifying Pass Through Traffic Processing' \
                if is_passthru else 'Verifying Blocking Traffic Processing'
            pass_verdict = 'The DUT properly processed all pass through traffic.' \
                if is_passthru else 'The DUT properly processed all blocking traffic.'
            fail_verdict = 'The DUT failed to process some pass through traffic.' \
                if is_passthru else 'The DUT failed to process some blocking traffic.'

            cmd.Set('SqlQuery', get_query(is_passthru))
            cmd.Set('DisplayName', display_name)
            cmd.Set('PassedVerdictExplanation', pass_verdict)
            cmd.Set('FailedVerdictExplanation', fail_verdict)
            cmd.Set('ApplyVerdictToSummary', True)
            cmd.Set('OperationType', 'EQUAL')
            cmd.Set('RowCount', 0L)

        elif cmd.IsTypeOf(PKG + '.VerifyMultipleDbQueryCommand'):
            q_list = []
            display_name_list = []
            pass_list = []
            fail_list = []

            display_name_list.append("RFC4689 Mean Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " us.")
            fail_list.append("RFC4689 Mean FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avgjitter) + " us.")
            q = '''
 ROUND(AvgJitter,3) AS 'Mean FDV (us)', '%1' AS 'Mean FDV Threshold (us)',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE ROUND(AvgJitter,3) > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_avgjitter))

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Delay Variation (FDV) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FDV is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " us.")
            fail_list.append("Max FDV exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxjitter) + " us.")
            q = '''
 ROUND(MaxJitter,3) AS 'Max FDV (us)', '%1' AS 'Max FDV Threshold (us)',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE ROUND(MaxJitter,3) > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_maxjitter))

            display_name_list.append("Mean Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results")
            pass_list.append("Mean FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " us.")
            fail_list.append("Mean FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_avglatency) + " us.")
            q = '''
 ROUND(AvgLatency,3) AS 'Mean FTD (us)', '%1' AS 'Mean FTD Threshold (us)',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE ROUND(AvgLatency,3) > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_avglatency))

            display_name_list.append("Max Frame Transfer Delay (FTD) Results")
            pass_list.append("Max FTD is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " us.")
            fail_list.append("Max FTD exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatency) + " us.")
            q = '''
 ROUND(MaxLatency,3) AS 'Max FTD (us)', '%1' AS 'Max FTD Threshold (us)',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE ROUND(MaxLatency,3) > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_maxlatency))

            display_name_list.append("Frame Loss (FL) Results")
            pass_list.append("Frame Loss Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Frame Loss Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_pktloss) + ".")
            q = '''
 Tx.FrameCount - Rx.FrameCount As 'FL Count', '%1' AS 'FL Count Threshold',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE Tx.FrameCount - Rx.FrameCount > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_pktloss))

            display_name_list.append("Out of Order Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Out of Order Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxoop) + ".")
            q = '''
 OutSeqFrameCount AS 'Out of Order Frame Count', '%1' AS 'Out of Order Frame Count Threshold',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE OutSeqFrameCount > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_maxoop))

            display_name_list.append("Late Frame Results")
            pass_list.append("Late Frame Count is within the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            fail_list.append("Late Frame Count exceeded the configured threshold of " +
                             str(exp_maxlatepkt) + ".")
            q = '''
 LateFrameCount AS 'Late Frame Count', '%1' AS 'Late Frame Count Threshold',
 Sb.FixedFrameLength AS 'Frame Size (bytes)',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%dstMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%srcMac' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC MAC',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourceAddr' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC IP',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%destPort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'DST PORT',
 MAX(CASE WHEN Rm.OffsetReference LIKE '%sourcePort' THEN Rm.Data ELSE NULL END) AS 'SRC PORT'
FROM StreamBlock AS Sb
 JOIN RxEotStreamResults AS Rx ON Rx.ParentStreamBlock = Sb.Handle
 JOIN TxEotStreamResults AS Tx ON Tx.StreamId = Rx.Comp32
 JOIN RangeModifier AS Rm ON Rm.ParentHnd = Sb.Handle
 JOIN RelationTable AS Rt ON Rt.SourceHnd = Rm.ParentHnd
 WHERE LateFrameCount > %1
 GROUP BY Rm.ParentHnd
'''.replace('%1', str(exp_maxlatepkt))

            cmd.SetCollection('DisplayNameList', display_name_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('PassedVerdictExplanationList', pass_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('FailedVerdictExplanationList', fail_list)
            cmd.SetCollection('SqlQueryList', q_list)
            # cmd.Set('UseMultipleResultsDatabases', False)
            return 'Unexpected command "' + cmd.GetType() + '" was tagged for SQL query setup.'
    return ''
def SetExpAvgJitter(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    return ''
def SetExpAvgLatency(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    return ''
def SetExpMaxOutOfSeq(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    return ''
def SetExpMaxLatePacket(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    return ''
def SetExpPacketLoss(tagname, tagged_object_list, params):
    apd = AclPerformanceData()
    return ''