Пример #1
    def _install_addon_remote(self):
        Install an addon from a remote/web repository
        xbmc.log("_install_addon_remote", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        status = "OK"
        installMgr = InstallMgr()

        #TODO: solve encoding pb on name

        addonName = unicode(self.parameters[PARAM_ADDON_NAME],
                            'ISO 8859-1',
        addonId = '%s' % self.parameters[PARAM_ADDON_ID]
        addonUrl = self.parameters[PARAM_URL].replace(' ', '%20')
        addonFormat = self.parameters[PARAM_TYPE]
        repoId = self.parameters[PARAM_REPO_ID]
        dataDir = self.parameters[PARAM_DATADIR].replace(
            ' ', '%20')  #self.repoList[repoId]['datadir']

        if (xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(addonName, __language__(30050), "", "")):

            # Check if we install repo
            if "None" != repoId:
                # Retrieve addon info from persitence
                pdr = PersistentDataRetriever(
                    os.path.join(DIR_CACHE, repoId + ".txt"))
                addonDic = pdr.get_data()
                requiredLibs = addonDic[addonId]['required_lib']
                status = installMgr._getAddonRequiredLibs(requiredLibs, repoId)

            if status == "OK":
                # TODO: check repo ID
                status, itemName, destination, addonInstaller = installMgr.install_from_repo(
                    addonName, addonUrl, addonFormat, dataDir)
                # The install of required addons was not full
                itemName = addonDic[addonId]["name"]
                destination = None
                addonInstaller = None

            # Check if install went well
            status, destination = installMgr.check_install(
                status, itemName, destination, addonInstaller)

            if status == "OK":  # and "None" != repoId:
                saveLocalAddonInfo(repoId, destination, addonInstaller)

                # Check is addon is a module and if it was part of the missing modules list
                if "None" != repoId:
                    installedModuleItem = addonDic[addonId]
                    if TYPE_ADDON_MODULE == installedModuleItem["type"]:
                        # We just installed successfully a module
                        # Check if it was part of the missing modules list and remove it if it is the case

        return status
    def _install_addon_remote( self ):
        Install an addon from a remote/web repository
        xbmc.log("_install_addon_remote", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
        status = "OK"
        installMgr = InstallMgr()

        #TODO: solve encoding pb on name

        addonName = unicode( self.parameters[ PARAM_ADDON_NAME ] , 'ISO 8859-1', errors='ignore' )
        addonId = '%s'%self.parameters[ PARAM_ADDON_ID ]
        addonUrl = self.parameters[ PARAM_URL ].replace( ' ', '%20' )
        addonFormat = self.parameters[ PARAM_TYPE ]
        repoId = self.parameters[ PARAM_REPO_ID ]
        dataDir = self.parameters[ PARAM_DATADIR ].replace( ' ', '%20' ) #self.repoList[repoId]['datadir']

        if ( xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( addonName, __language__( 30050 ), "", "" ) ):

            # Check if we install repo
            if "None" != repoId:
                # Retrieve addon info from persitence
                pdr = PersistentDataRetriever( os.path.join( DIR_CACHE, repoId + ".txt" ) )
                addonDic = pdr.get_data()
                requiredLibs = addonDic[addonId]['required_lib']
                status = installMgr._getAddonRequiredLibs( requiredLibs, repoId )

            if status == "OK":
                # TODO: check repo ID
                status, itemName, destination, addonInstaller = installMgr.install_from_repo( addonName, addonUrl, addonFormat, dataDir )
                # The install of required addons was not full
                itemName       = addonDic[addonId]["name"]
                destination    = None
                addonInstaller = None

            # Check if install went well
            status, destination = installMgr.check_install(status, itemName, destination, addonInstaller)

            if status == "OK": # and "None" != repoId:
                saveLocalAddonInfo(repoId, destination, addonInstaller)

                # Check is addon is a module and if it was part of the missing modules list
                if "None" != repoId:
                    installedModuleItem = addonDic[addonId]
                    if TYPE_ADDON_MODULE == installedModuleItem["type"]:
                        # We just installed successfully a module
                        # Check if it was part of the missing modules list and remove it if it is the case

        return status
Пример #3
    def _getAddonRequiredLibs ( self, addonIdList, repoId = None):
        Display the addons to install for a repository
        status = "OK"

        # List of repositories we will look in order to find the required modules
        repoList = [ getInstalledAddonInfo( os.path.join( DIR_ADDON_REPO, REPO_ID_XBMC4XBOX) ) ]
        if repoId:
            repoList.extend( [ getInstalledAddonInfo( os.path.join( DIR_ADDON_REPO, repoId) ) ] )
        repoList.extend( [ getInstalledAddonInfo( os.path.join( DIR_ADDON_REPO, REPO_ID_XBMC) ) ] )

        # Check if required lib already exist - we do an additional check later for non script modules once we have the module name from the addons repo
        addonIdCheck = []
        for requiredlib in addonIdCheck:
            localLibVersion = isLibInstalled( requiredlib['id'] )
            if localLibVersion:
                xbmc.log("Requested %s version %s - found version %s" % (requiredlib['id'], requiredlib["version"], localLibVersion), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                if versionsCmp( localLibVersion, requiredlib["version"] ) >= 0:

                    installPath = get_install_path( TYPE_ADDON_MODULE )
                    fileMgr().deleteDir( os.path.join( installPath, requiredlib['id'] ) )

        if len(addonIdList) == 0:
            xbmc.log("No required libs", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
            return "OK"

        # Parse each repository in the list and try to find in it the required module
        if len(addonIdList) > 0:
            allLibsFound = False
            for repoInfo in repoList:
                # Retrieving addons.xml from remote repository
                xmlInfofPath = os.path.join( DIR_CACHE, repoInfo [ "id" ] + ".xml")
                if fileOlderThan(xmlInfofPath, 60 * 30):
                    data = readURL( repoInfo [ "repo_url" ], save=True, localPath=xmlInfofPath )

                if ( os.path.exists( xmlInfofPath ) ):
                        xmlData = open( os.path.join( xmlInfofPath ), "r" )
                        listAddonsXml = ListItemFromXML(xmlData)

                    keepParsingCurrentRepo = True
                    while (keepParsingCurrentRepo):
                        item = listAddonsXml.getNextItem()
                        if item:
                            if len(addonIdList) > 0:
                                for lib in addonIdList:
                                    if lib["id"] == item['id']:
                                        localLibVersion = isLibInstalled( item['id'], item['type'], item['name'] )
                                        if localLibVersion:
                                            xbmc.log("Requested %s version %s - found version %s" % (requiredlib['id'], requiredlib["version"], localLibVersion), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                                            if versionsCmp( localLibVersion, lib["version"] ) >= 0:
                                                name = item['name']
                                                if item['type'] == TYPE_ADDON_MODULE:
                                                    name = item['id']
                                                installPath = get_install_path( item['type'] )
                                                fileMgr().deleteDir( os.path.join( installPath, name ) )

                                        endRepoChar = "/"
                                        if repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ].endswith( "/" ):
                                            endRepoChar = ""

                                        if repoInfo [ "repo_format" ] ==  'zip':
                                            downloadUrl = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/' + item["id"]  + '-' + item["version"] + ".zip").replace(' ', '%20')
                                            changelog   = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/' + "changelog" + '-' + item["version"] + ".txt").replace(' ', '%20')
                                            iconimage   = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/' + "icon.png").replace(' ', '%20')
                                            downloadUrl = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/').replace(' ', '%20')
                                            changelog   = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/' + "changelog" + ".txt").replace(' ', '%20')
                                            iconimage   = (repoInfo [ "repo_datadir" ] + endRepoChar + item["id"] + '/' + "icon.png").replace(' ', '%20')
                                        item["ImageUrl"] = iconimage
                                        item["changelog"] = changelog

                                        xbmc.log("Download URL: %s" % (downloadUrl), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

                                        # Install lib
                                        installMgr = InstallMgr()
                                        status, itemName, destination, addonInstaller = installMgr.install_from_repo( item['name'].encode('utf8'), downloadUrl, repoInfo[ "repo_format" ], repoInfo[ "repo_datadir" ] )
                                        if status == "OK":
                                            status, destination = addonInstaller.installItem()
                                            if status == "OK":
                                                saveLocalAddonInfo(repoInfo[ "id" ], destination, addonInstaller)
                                            # recursively install further dependencies
                                            requiredLibs = addonInstaller.itemInfo[ "required_lib" ]
                                            if len(requiredLibs) > 0:
                                                status = self._getAddonRequiredLibs ( addonInstaller.itemInfo[ "required_lib" ], repoInfo[ "id" ] )
                                                if status != "OK":
                                                    return status
                                            # Notify user it is impossible to install the current kib and check if he want to continue
                                            if not xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( item['name'].encode('utf8'), __language__( 30070 ), __language__( 30071 ), __language__( 30072 ) ):
                                                keepParsingCurrentRepo = False
                                                allLibsFound = True
                                                status = "CANCELED"
                                                xbmc.log("User cancelled due to error of a lib install", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                                                # User wants to continue
                                                status = "OK"
                                        # Module installed or already installed - Remove it for the list of libs to install
                                # No lib to find remaining
                                keepParsingCurrentRepo = False
                                allLibsFound = True
                            keepParsingCurrentRepo = False
                if not allLibsFound:
                    # all libs found, no need to go to parse next repo
            if len(addonIdList) > 0:
                xbmc.log("Not all required lib has been installed", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)

                if not xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno( lib['id'], __language__( 30070 ), __language__( 30071 ), __language__( 30072 ) ):
                    xbmc.log("User cancelled due to error of a lib install", xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
                    allLibsFound = True
                    status = "CANCELED"
                    # User wants to continue

                    # Update list of module which fail to install

                    status = "OK"

        return status#, itemName, destination, addonInstaller