Пример #1
    def run_dnaml(self,
        """Run dnaml. Arguments are:
           seq_align: the input nt sequences (MultipleSequenceAlignment)
           ptree: phylogenetic tree (Bio.Phylo)
           seqpattern: A list of sequence number directives, in the format accepted by Alignment.set_position_numbers
           wdir: the name of a directory that run_paml should use. This must exist already.
           rep: a function that takes a string as an argument. This will be called should an error or warning be
                necessary (may be called multiple times in one invocation).
           tag: an optional tag to prefix filenames with

           Sequences in seq_align must be the same length, must start on a codon boundary, and be an integral number
           of codons in length. The first sequence must be the ancestral sequence or outgroup. Exactly he same sequence
           names must occur in the alignment and the tree. Sequence name format is pretty flexible (sequences are
           mapped to names acceptable to PAML and remapped after PAML has run).
        root_id = seq_align[0].id

        # Translate clade names to something safe
        namedict = {}
        serial = 1

        for seq in seq_align:
            namedict[seq.id] = "N%09d" % serial
            seq.id = namedict[seq.id]
            serial += 1

        qtree = copy.deepcopy(ptree)

        for clade in qtree.get_terminals():
            if clade.name and clade.name in namedict:
                clade.name = namedict[clade.name]

        # Root the tree on the first record

        first = "N%09d" % 1

            raise ValueError("Error: root sequence not found in tree.")

            inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in namedict.items()}

                        wdir + "/" + "input_treefile.new",
            raise ValueError(
                "Error rooting trees: check for corrupt tree file or duplicated sequences."

        # Write the sequences, in PHYLIP format (real PHYLIP format, as used by PHYLIP!)

        with open(wdir + "/" + "infile", "w") as f:
            f.write("  %d  %d\n" % (len(seq_align), len(seq_align[0])))
            for seq in seq_align:
                f.write("%10s%s\n" % (seq.id, seq.seq.upper()))

        # Write the tree file

        Phylo.write(qtree, wdir + "/" + "intree", "newick")

        if os.path.exists(wdir + "/" + "outfile"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outfile")
        if os.path.exists(wdir + "/" + "outtree"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outtree")

        # The path to the module may reference either a .py or a .pyc file...

        ctlfile = os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".ctl") if ".pyc" in os.path.abspath(__file__) \
            else os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".py", ".ctl")

        # Check for dnaml in the current directory

        dnamlfile = os.path.abspath(__file__).replace("Dnaml.pyc", "dnaml") if ".pyc" in os.path.abspath(__file__) \
            else os.path.abspath(__file__).replace("Dnaml.py", "dnaml")

        if not os.path.exists(dnamlfile):
            dnamlfile = "dnaml"  # must be on the path somewhere

        with open(wdir + "/" + "dnaml.txt", "w") as o, open(ctlfile, "r") as i:
            subprocess.call(dnamlfile, cwd=wdir, stdin=i, stdout=o)

        if not os.path.isfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile"):
            rep("No output returned by dnaml: please check the logs for the issue."
            return None

        if os.path.isfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")
        os.rename(wdir + "/" + "outfile", wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")

        intseqs = self.__parse_outfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")

        if not intseqs:
            rep("Unexpected output returned by dnaml: please check the logs for the issue."
            return None

        # Custom sort function to put the root record first, then others supplied by the user, then intermediate nodes
        def key_ids(rec):
            if rec.id == "N%09d" % 1:
                return 'a__' + rec.id
            elif 'node_' in rec.id:
                return 'z__' + "%04d" % (int)(rec.id.split("_")[1])
                return 'l__' + rec.id

        labelled_tree = Phylo.read(wdir + "/" + "outtree", "newick")
        int_seqs = Alignment(file_name=intseqs, format="fasta")
        int_aas = Alignment()
        int_aas.read_nt(intseqs, "fasta")

        # Put back the original names in all our collections

        for seq in int_seqs:
            if seq.id in inv_dict:
                seq.id = inv_dict[seq.id]
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

        for seq in int_aas:
            if seq.id in inv_dict:
                seq.id = inv_dict[seq.id]
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

        nodeid = 1
        for clade in labelled_tree.find_clades(order="preorder"):
            if clade.name is None:
                clade.name = "node_%d" % nodeid  # This relies on our traversal using the same order as dnaml
                nodeid += 1
                if clade.name in inv_dict:
                    clade.name = inv_dict[clade.name]

        # Now we need to map the labelling of the nodes in the labelled tree to the nodes in the original tree

        self.__map_names(ptree, labelled_tree)
                    wdir + "/" + tag + "intermediates_treefile.new",

        cladenames = []
        new_int_aas = Alignment()

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:

        for rec in int_aas:
            if rec.id in cladenames:

        int_aas = new_int_aas

        copy_tree = copy.deepcopy(ptree)
        # Calculate AA diffs between each node and its parent, and write to the tree

        labels = {}

        def diffkey(diff):
            return int_aas.index_of(diff[1:-1])

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:
                parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)

                if parent is None:
                    path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                    if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                        fname = inv_dict[first]
                        parent = ptree.find_clades(

                if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                    diffs = list(int_aas.seqdiff(clade.name, parent.name))
                    diffs = "+".join(diffs)
                    if "node_" in clade.name:
                        labels[clade.name] = diffs
                        labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + " " + diffs

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                clade.name = labels[clade.name]

                    wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile.new",

        # Now write a tree with summary CDR/FR total changes

        if cdrfile is not None:
            ptree = copy.deepcopy(copy_tree)
            acdr = AnalyseCDR(int_aas, file_name=cdrfile)
            labels = {}

            for clade in ptree.find_clades():
                if clade.name is not None:
                    parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)

                    if parent is None:
                        path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                        if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                            fname = inv_dict[first]
                            parent = ptree.find_clades(

                    if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                        diffs = acdr.category_diff(clade.name, parent.name)
                        if "node_" in clade.name:
                            labels[clade.name] = diffs
                            labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + " " + diffs

            for clade in ptree.find_clades():
                if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                    clade.name = labels[clade.name]

                        wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile_sum.new",

        # And write a tree with counts of total AA changes

        ptree = copy.deepcopy(copy_tree)
        labels = {}

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:
                parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)

                if parent is None:
                    path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                    if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                        fname = inv_dict[first]
                        parent = ptree.find_clades(

                if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                    diffs = list(int_aas.seqdiff(clade.name, parent.name))
                    if "node_" in clade.name:
                        labels[clade.name] = str(
                            len(diffs)) if len(diffs) > 0 else ""
                        labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + (
                            " " + str(len(diffs)) if len(diffs) > 0 else "")

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                clade.name = labels[clade.name]

                    wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile_tot.new",

        f = open(wdir + "/" + tag + "aa_alignment.txt", "w")

        f = open(wdir + "/" + tag + "nt_alignment.txt", "w")

        for rec in int_aas:
            rec.description = ""

        AlignIO.write(int_aas, wdir + "/" + tag + "aa_alignment.fa", "fasta")
        AlignIO.write(int_seqs, wdir + "/" + tag + "nt_alignment.fa", "fasta")
        return int_aas
Пример #2
    def run_dnaml(self, seq_align, ptree, seqpattern, cdrfile, wdir, rep, tag=""):
        """Run dnaml. Arguments are:
           seq_align: the input nt sequences (MultipleSequenceAlignment)
           ptree: phylogenetic tree (Bio.Phylo)
           seqpattern: A list of sequence number directives, in the format accepted by Alignment.set_position_numbers
           wdir: the name of a directory that run_paml should use. This must exist already.
           rep: a function that takes a string as an argument. This will be called should an error or warning be
                necessary (may be called multiple times in one invocation).
           tag: an optional tag to prefix filenames with

           Sequences in seq_align must be the same length, must start on a codon boundary, and be an integral number
           of codons in length. The first sequence must be the ancestral sequence or outgroup. Exactly he same sequence
           names must occur in the alignment and the tree. Sequence name format is pretty flexible (sequences are
           mapped to names acceptable to PAML and remapped after PAML has run).
        root_id = seq_align[0].id

        # Translate clade names to something safe
        namedict = {}
        serial = 1

        for seq in seq_align:
            namedict[seq.id] = "N%09d" % serial
            seq.id = namedict[seq.id]
            serial += 1

        qtree = copy.deepcopy(ptree)

        for clade in qtree.get_terminals():
            if clade.name and clade.name in namedict:
                clade.name = namedict[clade.name]

        # Root the tree on the first record

        first = "N%09d" % 1
            raise ValueError("Error: root sequence not found in tree.")
            inv_dict = {v: k for k, v in namedict.items()}
            Phylo.write(ptree, wdir + "/" + "input_treefile.new", "newick", plain=False)
            raise ValueError("Error rooting trees: check for corrupt tree file or duplicated sequences.")    

        # Write the sequences, in PHYLIP format (real PHYLIP format, as used by PHYLIP!)

        with open(wdir + "/" + "infile", "w") as f:
            f.write("  %d  %d\n" % (len(seq_align), len(seq_align[0])))
            for seq in seq_align:
                f.write("%10s%s\n" % (seq.id, seq.seq.upper()))

        # Write the tree file

        Phylo.write(qtree, wdir + "/" + "intree", "newick")

        if os.path.exists(wdir + "/" + "outfile"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outfile")
        if os.path.exists(wdir + "/" + "outtree"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outtree")

        # The path to the module may reference either a .py or a .pyc file...
        ctlfile = os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".ctl") if ".pyc" in os.path.abspath(__file__) \
            else os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".py", ".ctl")
        # Check for dnaml in the current directory
        dnamlfile = os.path.abspath(__file__).replace("Dnaml.pyc", "dnaml") if ".pyc" in os.path.abspath(__file__) \
            else os.path.abspath(__file__).replace("Dnaml.py", "dnaml")
        if not os.path.exists(dnamlfile):
            dnamlfile = "dnaml" # must be on the path somewhere
        with open(wdir + "/" + "dnaml.txt", "w") as o, open(ctlfile, "r") as i:
            subprocess.call(dnamlfile, cwd=wdir, stdin = i, stdout=o)

        if not os.path.isfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile"):
            rep("No output returned by dnaml: please check the logs for the issue.")
            return None

        if os.path.isfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt"):
            os.remove(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")
        os.rename(wdir + "/" + "outfile", wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")

        intseqs = self.__parse_outfile(wdir + "/" + "outfile.txt")

        if not intseqs:
            rep("Unexpected output returned by dnaml: please check the logs for the issue.")
            return None

        # Custom sort function to put the root record first, then others supplied by the user, then intermediate nodes
        def key_ids(rec):
            if rec.id == "N%09d" % 1:
                return 'a__' + rec.id
            elif 'node_' in rec.id:
                return 'z__' + "%04d" % (int)(rec.id.split("_")[1])
                return 'l__' + rec.id

        labelled_tree = Phylo.read(wdir + "/" + "outtree", "newick")
        int_seqs = Alignment(file_name=intseqs, format="fasta")
        int_aas = Alignment()
        int_aas.read_nt(intseqs, "fasta")
        int_aas.set_position_numbers(position_numbers = seqpattern)

        # Put back the original names in all our collections

        for seq in int_seqs:
            if seq.id in inv_dict:
                seq.id = inv_dict[seq.id]
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

        for seq in int_aas:
            if seq.id in inv_dict:
                seq.id = inv_dict[seq.id]
            seq.name = ""
            seq.description = ""

        nodeid = 1
        for clade in labelled_tree.find_clades(order="preorder"):
            if clade.name is None:
                clade.name = "node_%d" % nodeid            # This relies on our traversal using the same order as dnaml
                nodeid += 1
                if clade.name in inv_dict:
                    clade.name = inv_dict[clade.name]

        # Now we need to map the labelling of the nodes in the labelled tree to the nodes in the original tree

        self.__map_names(ptree, labelled_tree)
        Phylo.write(ptree, wdir + "/" + tag + "intermediates_treefile.new", "newick", plain=False)

        cladenames = []
        new_int_aas = Alignment()

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:

        for rec in int_aas:
            if rec.id in cladenames:

        int_aas = new_int_aas
        int_aas.set_position_numbers(position_numbers = seqpattern)

        copy_tree = copy.deepcopy(ptree)
        # Calculate AA diffs between each node and its parent, and write to the tree

        labels = {}

        def diffkey(diff):
            return int_aas.index_of(diff[1:-1])

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:
                parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)

                if parent is None:
                    path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                    if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                        fname = inv_dict[first]
                        parent = ptree.find_clades(name = re.escape(fname)).next()

                if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                    diffs = list(int_aas.seqdiff(clade.name, parent.name))
                    diffs.sort(key = diffkey)
                    diffs = "+".join(diffs)
                    if "node_" in clade.name:
                        labels[clade.name] = diffs
                        labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + " " + diffs

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                clade.name = labels[clade.name]

        Phylo.write(ptree, wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile.new", "newick", plain=False)

        # Now write a tree with summary CDR/FR total changes

        if cdrfile is not None:
            ptree = copy.deepcopy(copy_tree)
            acdr = AnalyseCDR(int_aas, file_name=cdrfile)
            labels = {}
            for clade in ptree.find_clades():
                if clade.name is not None:
                    parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)
                    if parent is None:
                        path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                        if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                            fname = inv_dict[first]
                            parent = ptree.find_clades(name = re.escape(fname)).next()
                    if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                        diffs = acdr.category_diff(clade.name, parent.name)
                        if "node_" in clade.name:
                            labels[clade.name] = diffs
                            labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + " " + diffs
            for clade in ptree.find_clades():
                if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                    clade.name = labels[clade.name]
            Phylo.write(ptree, wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile_sum.new", "newick", plain=False)

        # And write a tree with counts of total AA changes

        ptree = copy.deepcopy(copy_tree)
        labels = {}

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None:
                parent = self.__get_parent(ptree, clade)

                if parent is None:
                    path = ptree.get_path(clade)
                    if len(path) == 1 and clade.name != first:
                        fname = inv_dict[first]
                        parent = ptree.find_clades(name = re.escape(fname)).next()

                if parent is not None and parent.name is not None:
                    diffs = list(int_aas.seqdiff(clade.name, parent.name))
                    if "node_" in clade.name:
                        labels[clade.name] = str(len(diffs)) if len(diffs) > 0 else ""
                        labels[clade.name] = str(clade.name) + (" " + str(len(diffs)) if len(diffs) > 0 else "")

        for clade in ptree.find_clades():
            if clade.name is not None and clade.name in labels:
                clade.name = labels[clade.name]

        Phylo.write(ptree, wdir + "/" + tag + "annotated_treefile_tot.new", "newick", plain=False)

        f = open(wdir + "/" + tag + "aa_alignment.txt", "w")
        f = open(wdir + "/" + tag + "nt_alignment.txt", "w")

        for rec in int_aas:
            rec.description = ""

        AlignIO.write(int_aas, wdir + "/" + tag + "aa_alignment.fa", "fasta")
        AlignIO.write(int_seqs, wdir + "/" + tag + "nt_alignment.fa", "fasta")
        return int_aas