Пример #1
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(AmiCmd, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     # Response timeout between retries
     self._sec_towait = 1
     self._re_timeout = .2
     # Stream to python object parser
     self.parser = AmiReg()
Пример #2
class AmiCmd(AmiCtl):
    AMI built-in Commands (Actions).
    # Cache for commands that return list
    _cache = {}
    # List of Command IDs waiting for response
    _pending = set()
    # End event headers of the commands that return list
    _evend = {"RegistrationsComplete", "PeerlistComplete",
              "ParkedCallsComplete", "AgentsComplete",
              "StatusComplete", "ShowDialPlanComplete",

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(AmiCmd, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        # Response timeout between retries
        self._sec_towait = 1
        self._re_timeout = .2
        # Stream to python object parser
        self.parser = AmiReg()

    def reactor(self, recv, *a, **kw):
        React, when data is received.
        cache = self._cache
        pending = self._pending
        evend = self._evend
        # Feed data to parser
        for event in self.parser.events:
            # Event as OrderedDict
            od = event.od
            # Command ID
            cid = od.get("ActionID")

            if od.get("Event") in evend and cid in pending and cid in cache:
                for x in cache[cid]:
                    print x
                del cache[cid]
            elif cid in pending and cid in cache:
            elif od.get("Response")=="Success" and cid in pending and cid not in cache:
                for x in event.d:
                    print x

    def __query(self, action, required, optional, a, kw, evend=None):
        Private helper method to handle multi-argument input.
        args_ini = {k:"" for k in required + optional}
        # If there are required args and none are supplied via 'a' or 'kw'
        if required and not any([a, kw]):
            raise ValueError("Err :-: Please supply all required arguments: (%s)" % ', '.join(required))
        if self.soc.connected:
            if all([a,kw]): return  # disallow argument mixing
            # Positional arguments can only be used for the required args input if there are any
            if a and len(a) == len(required):
                args_ini.update({k: a[required.index(k)] for k in required})
            # Make sure that all required args are supplied via kw, if kw is the input method
            if kw and len(kw) >= len(required):
                keys = kw.keys()
                if required and not all([k in keys for k in required]):
                    raise ValueError("Err :-: Please supply all required arguments: (%s)" % ', '.join(required))
                args_ini.update({k: kw.get(k) for k in required + optional})
            # Extract final set of arguments
            args = {k:v for k,v in args_ini.items() if v}
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action, **args)
            return req_id

    def Ping(self, *a, **kw):
        A 'Ping' action will ellicit a 'Pong' response.
        Used to keep the manager connection open.
        action = "Ping"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            return req_id

    def ListCommands(self, *a, **kw):
        Returns the action name and synopsis for every action that is
        available to the user.
        action = "ListCommands"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            return req_id

    def SIPshowregistry(self, *a, **kw):
        Show SIP registrations (text format).
        action = "SIPshowregistry"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            self._cache[req_id] = []
            return req_id

    def SIPpeers(self, *a, **kw):
        Lists SIP peers in text format with details on current status.
        action = "SIPpeers"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            self._cache[req_id] = []
            return req_id

    def SIPshowpeer(self, *a, **kw):
        Show one SIP peer with details on current status.
        Required args:
            - Peer: The peer name you want to check.
        action = "SIPshowpeer"
        required = ["Peer"]
        optional = []
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def SIPqualifypeer(self, *a, **kw):
        Qualify a SIP peer.
        # Required args:
            - Peer: The peer name you want to qualify.
        action = "SIPqualifypeer"
        required = ["Peer"]
        optional = []
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def ShowDialPlan(self, *a, **kw):
        Show dialplan contexts and extensions. Be aware that showing the full
        dialplan may take a lot of capacity.
        # Optional args:
            - Extension: Show a specific extension.
            - Context: Show a specific context.
        action = "ShowDialPlan"
        required = []
        optional = ["Extension", "Context"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw, evend='ShowDialPlanComplete')
        self._cache[req_id] = []
        return req_id

    def Context(self, *a, **kw):
        Custom method. List unique dialplan contexts.
        # Optional args:
            - Extension: Show a specific extension.
        return sorted({x.od['Context'] for x in self.ShowDialPlan(*a, **kw) if x.od.get('Context')})

    def Originate(self, *a, **kw):
        Generates an outgoing call to a <Extension>/<Context>/<Priority> or
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Channel name to call.

        # Optional args:
            - Exten: Extension to use (requires 'Context' and 'Priority')
            - Context: Context to use (requires 'Exten' and 'Priority')
            - Priority: Priority to use (requires 'Exten' and 'Context')
            - Application: Application to execute.
            - Data: Data to use (requires 'Application').
            - Timeout: How long to wait for call to be answered (in ms.).
            - CallerID: Caller ID to be set on the outgoing channel.
            - Variable: Channel variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed.
            - Account: Account code.
            - Async: Set to 'true' for fast origination.
            - Codecs: Comma-separated list of codecs to use for this call.

        e.g. dict(Channel="SIP/965", Exten="965", Context="default",
                  Priority="1", CallerID="666", Timeout="10000", Async="Yes")
             dict(Channel="SIP/965", CallerID="666", Timeout="10000", Async="Yes")
        action = "Originate"
        required = ["Channel"]
        optional = ["Exten", "Context", "Priority", "Application", "Data", "Timeout",
                    "CallerID", "Variable", "Account", "Async", "Codecs"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def Hangup(self, *a, **kw):
        Hangup channel.
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Channel name to be hangup.

        # Optional args:
            - Cause: Numeric hangup cause.
        action = "Hangup"
        required = ["Channel"]
        optional = ["Cause"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def Redirect(self, *a, **kw):
        Redirect (transfer) a call.
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Channel to redirect.
            - Exten: Extension to transfer to.
            - Context: Context to transfer to.
            - Priority: Priority to transfer to.

        # Optional args:
            - ExtraChannel: Second call leg to transfer (optional).
            - ExtraExten: Extension to transfer extrachannel to (optional).
            - ExtraContext: Context to transfer extrachannel to (optional).
            - ExtraPriority: Priority to transfer extrachannel to (optional).
        action = "Redirect"
        required = ["Channel", "Exten", "Context", "Priority"]
        optional = ["ExtraChannel", "ExtraExten", "ExtraContext", "ExtraPriority"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def Atxfer(self, *a, **kw):
        Attended transfer.
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Transferer's channel.
            - Exten: Extension to transfer to.
            - Context: Context to transfer to.
            - Priority: Priority to transfer to.
        action = "Atxfer"
        required = ["Channel", "Exten", "Context", "Priority"]
        optional = []
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def PlayDTMF(self, *a, **kw):
        Play DTMF digit (signal) on a specific channel.
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Channel name to send digit to.
            - Digit: The DTMF digit to play.
        action = "PlayDTMF"
        required = ["Channel", "Digit"]
        optional = []
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def Bridge(self, *a, **kw):
        Bridge together two channels already in the PBX.
        # Required args:
            - Channel1: Channel to Bridge to Channel2.
            - Channel2: Channel to Bridge to Channel1.

        # Optional args:
            - Tone: Play courtesy tone to Channel2 (yes/no).
        action = "Bridge"
        required = ["Channel1", "Channel2"]
        optional = ["Tone"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def Park(self, *a, **kw):
        Park a channel.
        # Required args:
            - Channel: Channel name to park.
            - Channel2: Channel to return to if timeout.

        # Optional args:
            - Timeout: Number of milliseconds to wait before callback.
            - Parkinglot: Specify in which parking lot to park the channel.
        action = "Park"
        required = ["Channel", "Channel2"]
        optional = ["Timeout", "Parkinglot"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def ParkedCalls(self, *a, **kw):
        List parked calls.
        action = "ParkedCalls"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            self._cache[req_id] = []
            return req_id

    def Queues(self, *a, **kw):
        Show queues information. Check the log for the output
        action = "Queues"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)

    def Agents(self, *a, **kw):
        Will list info about all possible agents.
        if self.soc.connected:
            action = "Agents"
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            self._cache[req_id] = []
            return req_id

    def CoreShowChannels(self, *a, **kw):
        List currently defined channels and some information about them.
        action = "CoreShowChannels"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            self._cache[req_id] = []
            return req_id

    def CoreStatus(self, *a, **kw):
        Show PBX core status variables.
        action = "CoreStatus"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            return req_id

    def CoreSettings(self, *a, **kw):
        Show PBX core settings (version etc).
        action = "CoreSettings"
        if self.soc.connected:
            # Send command to AMI and capture request id
            req_id = self.cmd(action)
            return req_id

    def Status(self, *a, **kw):
        Will return the status information of each channel along with the
        value for the specified channel variables.
        # Optional args:
            - Channel: The name of the channel to query for status.
            - Variables: Comma ',' separated list of variable to include.
        action = "Status"
        required = []
        optional = ["Channel", "Variables"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw, evend="StatusComplete")
        self._cache[req_id] = []
        return req_id

    def GetConfig(self, *a, **kw):
        This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category
        and contents or optionally by specified category only.
        # Required args:
            - Filename: Configuration filename (e.g. "foo.conf").

        # Optional args:
            - Category: Category in configuration file.
        action = "GetConfig"
        required = ["Filename"]
        optional = ["Category"]
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id

    def GetConfigJSON(self, *a, **kw):
        This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category
        and contents in JSON format. This only makes sense to be used using rawman
        over the HTTP interface.
        # Required args:
            - Filename: Configuration filename (e.g. "foo.conf").
        action = "GetConfigJSON"
        required = ["Filename"]
        optional = []
        req_id = self.__query(action, required, optional, a=a, kw=kw)
        return req_id