Пример #1
def test_tversky_distance():
    _y = np.zeros(shape=(5, ))
    _yt = np.zeros(shape=(5, ))
    _y[0:2] = 1.
    _yt[0:2] = 1.
    y = A.placeholder()
    yt = A.placeholder()
    d = A.tversky_distance(y, yt, with_logits=False)
    _d = A.run(d, {y: _y, yt: _yt})
    assert _d == 0.
Пример #2
def test_shuffle_tensor():
    # Make numerics
    numerical_tensor = np.random.uniform(size=(2, 5, 5, 2))

    # Case 1: Known ndim, axis = -1
    possible_numerical_outputs = [
        numerical_tensor, numerical_tensor[..., ::-1]
    # Make tensor and op
    tensor = A.placeholder(shape=[None] * 4)
    shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor, axis=-1)
    # Evaluate
    output = A.run(shuffled_tensor, {tensor: numerical_tensor})
    # Check if output checks out
    assert any([
        np.allclose(numerical_output, output)
        for numerical_output in possible_numerical_outputs

    # Case 2: unknown ndim, axis = 0
    possible_numerical_outputs = [
        numerical_tensor, numerical_tensor[::-1, ...]
    # Make tensor and op
    tensor = A.placeholder()
    shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor)
    # Evaluate
    output = A.run(shuffled_tensor, {tensor: numerical_tensor})
    # Check if output checks out
    assert any([
        np.allclose(numerical_output, output)
        for numerical_output in possible_numerical_outputs

    # Check whether the gradients can be computed
    tensor = A.placeholder()
    shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor, differentiable=True)
    grad_tensor = A.gradients(objective=A.reduce_(shuffled_tensor, 'mean'),
    numerical_grad_tensor = A.run(grad_tensor, {tensor: numerical_tensor})
    assert numerical_grad_tensor.values.shape == numerical_tensor.shape

    # Check whether the lookup error is raised otherwise
    with pytest.raises(LookupError):
        tensor = A.placeholder()
        shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor, differentiable=False)
        grad_tensor = A.gradients(objective=A.reduce_(shuffled_tensor, 'mean'),

    # Case 3: Unknown ndim, axis = -1
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        # Make tensor and op
        tensor = A.placeholder()
        shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor, axis=-1)

    # Case 4: Known dim, axis >= ndim
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        # Make tensor and op
        tensor = A.placeholder(shape=[None] * 4)
        shuffled_tensor = A.shuffle_tensor(tensor, axis=4)
Пример #3
def test_normalize():
    # Case 1: No mean and average known in advance
    # (other test cases should be covered in tensorflow)
    tensor = A.placeholder(shape=[None] * 2)
    normalized_tensor = A.normalize(tensor)

    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    numerical_tensor = rng.uniform(size=(10, 10), low=-1., high=5.)
    numerical_normalized_tensor = A.run(normalized_tensor,
                                        {tensor: numerical_tensor})

    assert np.allclose(np.mean(numerical_normalized_tensor), 0., atol=1e-7)
    assert np.allclose(np.std(numerical_normalized_tensor), 1., atol=1e-3)
Пример #4
def test_as_tf_op():
    # Case 1: Check with shapes
        ['float32', 'float32'],
            lambda shapes: 2 * [[shapes[0][0] + shapes[1][0]] + shapes[0][1:]])
    def my_func(x, y):
        return np.concatenate((x, y), axis=0), np.concatenate((y, x), axis=0)

    _x = A.placeholder(shape=[1, 1])
    _y = A.placeholder(shape=[1, 1])

    out1, out2 = my_func(_x, _y)
    # Check if tensor
    assert A.is_tf_tensor_or_variable(out1)
    assert A.is_tf_tensor_or_variable(out2)
    # Check shape
    assert A.shape(out1) == A.shape(out2) == [2, 1]

    # Case 2: Check with unexpected shapes
    _x = A.placeholder()
    _y = A.placeholder()

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        my_func(_x, _y)

    # Case 3: check without shapes
    @A.as_tf_op(['float32', 'float32'], stateful=False, name='py_cat')
    def my_func(x, y):
        return np.concatenate((x, y), axis=0), np.concatenate((y, x), axis=0)

    _x = A.placeholder()
    _y = A.placeholder()

    out1, out2 = my_func(_x, _y)
    # Check if tensor
    assert A.is_tf_tensor_or_variable(out1)
    assert A.is_tf_tensor_or_variable(out2)