def launchJobNB(self, commandline, inFilesPath, numProcs = None, email = None, \ passwd=None): """ launchJobNB(commandline, inFilesPath[, numProcs, email, passwd]) -> JobStatus It invokes the execution of the remote application and return. commandline: is a string containing the command line that should be executed inFilesPath: is a list of strings containing relative or absolute path to the files need to be uploaded for the execution of the application numProcs: is the number of processors that should be used to run the parallel application (this option is valid only for parallel applicaiton) email: is a string containing the email used to send notification when the application execution will finish passwd: is a string containing the passwd used to authenticate with the server @returns: a JobStatus Oject which can be used to monitor its execution""" inputFiles = [] if inFilesPath != None: for i in inFilesPath: inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') inputFile._name = os.path.basename(i) if i.startswith("http:") or i.startswith("https:"): #this is a URL inputFile._location = i elif self.isOpal2(): #use attachment this is opal2 server if == 'dos' or == 'nt': inputFile._attachment = open(i, "rb") else: inputFile._attachment = open(i, "r") else: #it's not a opal2 server don't user attachment infile = open(i, "r") inputFile._contents = infile.close() inputFiles.append(inputFile) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = commandline req._inputFile = inputFiles if email: req._sendNotification = True req._userEmail = email if passwd: req._password = passwd if numProcs : req._numProcs = numProcs jobStatus = self.appServicePort.launchJob(req) return JobStatus(self, jobStatus._jobID)
def launchJob(self, cmdLine, **kw): if self.jobID is not None or self.busy: raise RuntimeError("Job has been launched already") import chimera from AppService_client import launchJobRequest import socket req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = cmdLine for key, value in kw.iteritems(): setattr(req, key, value) if chimera.nogui: try: resp = self.appServicePort.launchJob(req) except socket.error, e: from chimera import NonChimeraError raise NonChimeraError(str(e)) self.jobID = resp._jobID self._saveStatus(resp._status)
def launchJobNB(self, commandline, inFilesPath, numProcs = None, email = None, \ passwd=None): """ invoke the execution of the remote scientific application using Opal a return right away @returns: a jobStatus Oject which can be used to monitor its execution""" inputFiles = [] if inFilesPath != None: for i in inFilesPath: inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') inputFile._name = os.path.basename(i) if i.startswith("http:") or i.startswith("https:"): #this is a URL inputFile._location = i elif self.isOpal2(): #use attachment this is opal2 server if == 'dos' or == 'nt': inputFile._attachment = open(i, "rb") else: inputFile._attachment = open(i, "r") else: #it's not a opal2 server don't user attachment infile = open(i, "r") inputFile._contents = infile.close() inputFiles.append(inputFile) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = commandline req._inputFile = inputFiles if email: req._sendNotification = True req._userEmail = email if passwd: req._password = passwd if numProcs : req._numProcs = numProcs jobStatus = self.appServicePort.launchJob(req) return JobStatus(self, jobStatus._jobID)
def mainCGI(): """ Main driver for running PDB2PQR from a web page """ print "Content-type: text/html\n" import cgi import cgitb cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() ff = form["FF"].value input = 0 apbs_input = form.has_key("INPUT") typemap = form.has_key("TYPEMAP") neutraln = form.has_key("NEUTRALN") neutralc = form.has_key("NEUTRALC") if HAVE_PDB2PQR_OPAL=="1": have_opal = True # Opal-specific import statments from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, getAppMetadataRequest, launchJobRequest, launchJobBlockingRequest, getOutputAsBase64ByNameRequest from AppService_types import ns0 from ZSI.TC import String else: have_opal = False if have_opal: options = {} options["ff"] = ff fffile = None namesfile = None else: options = {"extensions":{}} if form.has_key("DEBUMP"): options["debump"] = 1 else: options["debump"] = 0 if form.has_key("OPT"): options["opt"] = 1 else: options["opt"] = 0 if form.has_key("PROPKA"): try: ph = float(form["PH"].value) if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0: raise ValueError options["ph"] = ph except ValueError: text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid! " % form["PH"].value text += "Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0." #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) if form.has_key("PDBID"): pdbfile = getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDBID"].value elif form.has_key("PDB"): pdbfile = StringIO(form["PDB"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDB"].filename pdbfilename = re.split(r'[/\\]',pdbfilename)[-1] if form.has_key("INPUT"): input = 1 options["apbs"] = 1 if form.has_key("USERFF"): if have_opal: ffname = form["USERFF"].filename ffname = re.split(r'[/\\]',ffname)[-1] if ffname[-4:] == ".DAT": ffname = ffname[:-4] fffile = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) namesfile = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = ffname options["userff"] = fffile options["usernames"] = namesfile else: userff = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) usernames = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = "user-defined" options["userff"] = userff options["usernames"] = usernames if form.has_key("FFOUT"): if form["FFOUT"].value != "internal": options["ffout"] = form["FFOUT"].value if form.has_key("CHAIN"): options["chain"] = 1 if form.has_key("WHITESPACE"): options["whitespace"] = 1 if form.has_key("TYPEMAP"): options["typemap"] = 1 if form.has_key("NEUTRALN"): options["neutraln"] = 1 if form.has_key("NEUTRALC"): options["neutralc"] = 1 if form.has_key("LIGAND"): if have_opal: ligandfilename=str(form["LIGAND"].filename) ligandfilename=re.split(r'[/\\]',ligandfilename)[-1] # for Windows-style newline compatibility templigandfilename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] templigandfile = open(templigandfilename,'w') templigandfile.write(form["LIGAND"].value) templigandfile.close() templigandfile = open(templigandfilename,'rU') if have_opal: options["ligand"] = else: templigandstring = # this variable is used again later to write this file to output options["ligand"] = StringIO(templigandstring) templigandfile.close() if not have_opal: pdbfilestring = pdblist, errlist = readPDB(StringIO(pdbfilestring)) dummydef = Definition() dummyprot = Protein(pdblist, dummydef) if len(pdblist) == 0 and len(errlist) == 0: text = "Unable to find PDB file - Please make sure this is " text += "a valid PDB file ID!" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) elif dummyprot.numAtoms() > MAXATOMS and "opt" in options: text = "<HTML><HEAD>" text += "<TITLE>PDB2PQR Error</title>" text += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % STYLESHEET text += "</HEAD><BODY><H2>PDB2PQR Error</H2><P>" text += "Due to server limits, we are currently unable to optimize " text += "proteins of greater than MAXATOMS atoms on the server (PDB2PQR " text += "found %s atoms in the selected PDB file). If you " % dummyprot.numAtoms() text += "want to forgo optimization please try the server again.<P>" text += "Otherwise you may use the standalone version of PDB2PQR that " text += "is available from the <a href=\"\">" text += "PDB2PQR SourceForge project page</a>." text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" text += "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" text += "</script>" text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "try {" text += "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in options: text += "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, options[key]) text += "pageTracker._trackPageview();" text += "} catch(err) {}</script>" text += "</BODY></HTML>" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) try: if have_opal: ligandFile=None ffFile=None namesFile=None #else: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(apbs_input)) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(typemap)) typemapInputFile.close() if have_opal: myopts="" for key in options: if key=="opt": if options[key]==0: # user does not want optimization key="noopt" else: # pdb2pqr optimizes by default, don't bother with flag continue elif key=="debump": if options[key]==0: # user does not want debumping key="nodebump" else: # pdb2pqr debumps by default, so change this flag to --nodebump continue elif key=="ph": val=options[key] key="with-ph=%s" % val elif key=="ffout": val=options[key] key="ffout=%s" % val elif key=="ligand": val=ligandfilename key="ligand=%s" % val ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = val ligandFile._contents = options["ligand"] elif key=="apbs": key="apbs-input" elif key=="chain": key="chain" elif key=="whitespace": key="whitespace" elif key=="typemap": key="typemap" elif key=="ff": val=options[key] key="ff=%s" % val if fffile: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = val + ".DAT" ffFileString = ffFile._contents = ffFileString if namesfile: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = val + ".names" namesFileString = namesFile._contents = namesFileString if key not in ["userff", "usernames"]: myopts+="--"+str(key)+" " myopts+=str(pdbfilename)+" " if pdbfilename[-4:]==".pdb": myopts+="%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename[:-4]) else: myopts+="%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename) appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) # launch job req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = myopts inputFiles = [] pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = pdbfile.close() inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) if ligandFile: inputFiles.append(ligandFile) if ffFile: inputFiles.append(ffFile) if namesFile: inputFiles.append(namesFile) req._inputFile=inputFiles try: resp=appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception, e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print "<BODY>\n<P>" print "There was an error with your job submission<br>" print "</P>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in options: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, options[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2) #printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print redirector(name) if options.has_key("userff"): options["userff"] = ffFileString if options.has_key("usernames"): options["usernames"] = namesFileString # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write(str(options)+'\n'+str(ff)+'\n'+str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() else:
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile = inputFiles try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception, e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print "<BODY>\n<P>" print "There was an error with your job submission<br>" print "</P>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % ( key, weboptions[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2)
def mainCGI(): """ Main driver for running PDB2PQR from a web page """ global ligandFile, pdbfilestring, templigandstring, ffFileString, name, pdblist, namesFileString, launchJobRequest, AppServiceLocator, pdbfilename, namesfile, fffile, ns0, ligandfilename, pdbfile, namesFile, ffFile print("Content-type: text/html\n") import cgi import cgitb cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() ff = form["FF"].value input = 0 apbs_input = "INPUT" in form typemap = "TYPEMAP" in form neutraln = "NEUTRALN" in form neutralc = "NEUTRALC" in form if HAVE_PDB2PQR_OPAL == "1": have_opal = True # Opal-specific import statments from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 from ZSI.TC import String else: have_opal = False if have_opal: options = {"ff": ff} fffile = None namesfile = None else: options = {"extensions": {}} if "DEBUMP" in form: options["debump"] = 1 else: options["debump"] = 0 if "OPT" in form: options["opt"] = 1 else: options["opt"] = 0 if "PROPKA" in form: try: ph = float(form["PH"].value) if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0: raise ValueError options["ph"] = ph except ValueError: text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid! " % form["PH"].value text += "Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0." # print "Content-type: text/html\n" print(text) sys.exit(2) if "PDBID" in form: pdbfile = getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDBID"].value elif "PDB" in form: pdbfile = StringIO(form["PDB"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDB"].filename pdbfilename = pdbfilename.split(r'[/\\]')[-1] if "INPUT" in form: input = 1 options["apbs"] = 1 if "USERFF" in form: if have_opal: ffname = form["USERFF"].filename ffname = ffname.split(r'[/\\]')[-1] if ffname[-4:] == ".DAT": ffname = ffname[:-4] fffile = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) namesfile = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = ffname options["userff"] = fffile options["usernames"] = namesfile else: userff = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) usernames = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = "user-defined" options["userff"] = userff options["usernames"] = usernames if "FFOUT" in form: if form["FFOUT"].value != "internal": options["ffout"] = form["FFOUT"].value if "CHAIN" in form: options["chain"] = 1 if "WHITESPACE" in form: options["whitespace"] = 1 if "TYPEMAP" in form: options["typemap"] = 1 if "NEUTRALN" in form: options["neutraln"] = 1 if "NEUTRALC" in form: options["neutralc"] = 1 if "LIGAND" in form: if have_opal: ligandfilename = str(form["LIGAND"].filename) ligandfilename = ligandfilename.split(r'[/\\]')[-1] # for Windows-style newline compatibility templigandfilename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] templigandfile = open(templigandfilename, 'w') templigandfile.write(form["LIGAND"].value) templigandfile.close() templigandfile = open(templigandfilename, 'rU') if have_opal: options["ligand"] = else: templigandstring = # this variable is used again later to write this file to output options["ligand"] = StringIO(templigandstring) templigandfile.close() if not have_opal: pdbfilestring = pdblist, errlist = readPDB(StringIO(pdbfilestring)) dummydef = Definition() dummyprot = Protein(pdblist, dummydef) if len(pdblist) == 0 and len(errlist) == 0: text = "Unable to find PDB file - Please make sure this is " text += "a valid PDB file ID!" # print "Content-type: text/html\n" print(text) sys.exit(2) elif dummyprot.numAtoms() > MAXATOMS and "opt" in options: text = "<HTML><HEAD>" text += "<TITLE>PDB2PQR Error</title>" text += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % STYLESHEET text += "</HEAD><BODY><H2>PDB2PQR Error</H2><P>" text += "Due to server limits, we are currently unable to optimize " text += "proteins of greater than MAXATOMS atoms on the server (PDB2PQR " text += "found %s atoms in the selected PDB file). If you " % dummyprot.numAtoms() text += "want to forgo optimization please try the server again.<P>" text += "Otherwise you may use the standalone version of PDB2PQR that " text += "is available from the <a href=\"\">" text += "PDB2PQR SourceForge project page</a>." text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" text += "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" text += "</script>" text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "try {" text += "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in options: text += "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, options[key]) text += "pageTracker._trackPageview();" text += "} catch(err) {}</script>" text += "</BODY></HTML>" # print "Content-type: text/html\n" print(text) sys.exit(2) try: if have_opal: ligandFile = None ffFile = None namesFile = None # else: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(apbs_input)) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(typemap)) typemapInputFile.close() if have_opal: myopts = "" for key in options: if key == "opt": if options[key] == 0: # user does not want optimization key = "noopt" else: # pdb2pqr optimizes by default, don't bother with flag continue elif key == "debump": if options[key] == 0: # user does not want debumping key = "nodebump" else: # pdb2pqr debumps by default, so change this flag to --nodebump continue elif key == "ph": val = options[key] key = "with-ph=%s" % val elif key == "ffout": val = options[key] key = "ffout=%s" % val elif key == "ligand": val = ligandfilename key = "ligand=%s" % val ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = val ligandFile._contents = options["ligand"] elif key == "apbs": key = "apbs-input" elif key == "chain": key = "chain" elif key == "whitespace": key = "whitespace" elif key == "typemap": key = "typemap" elif key == "ff": val = options[key] key = "ff=%s" % val if fffile: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = val + ".DAT" ffFileString = ffFile._contents = ffFileString if namesfile: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = val + ".names" namesFileString = namesFile._contents = namesFileString if key not in ["userff", "usernames"]: myopts += "--" + str(key) + " " myopts += str(pdbfilename) + " " if pdbfilename[-4:] == ".pdb": myopts += "%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename[:-4]) else: myopts += "%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename) appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) # launch job req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = myopts inputFiles = [] pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = pdbfile.close() inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) if ligandFile: inputFiles.append(ligandFile) if ffFile: inputFiles.append(ffFile) if namesFile: inputFiles.append(namesFile) req._inputFile = inputFiles try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception as e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print("<BODY>\n<P>") print("There was an error with your job submission<br>") print("</P>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print( "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");") print( "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));") print("</script>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("try {") print("var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");") for key in options: print("pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, options[key])) print("pageTracker._trackPageview();") print("} catch(err) {}</script>") print("</BODY>") print("</HTML>") sys.exit(2) # printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print(redirector(name)) if "userff" in options: options["userff"] = ffFileString if "usernames" in options: options["usernames"] = namesFileString # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write(str(options) + '\n' + str(ff) + '\n' + str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() else: # pqrpath = startServer(name) statusfile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('running') statusfile.close() pid = os.fork() if pid: print(redirector(name)) sys.exit() else: currentdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) os.chdir(currentdir) os.close(1) # not sure if these os.close(2) # two lines are necessary pqrpath = '%s%s%s/%s.pqr' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name) options["outname"] = pqrpath options["verbose"] = "" orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stdout.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') sys.stderr = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stderr.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') header, lines, missedligands = runPDB2PQR(pdblist, ff, options) sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout = orig_stdout sys.stderr = orig_stderr endtimefile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_end_time' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') endtimefile.write(str(time.time())) endtimefile.close() pqrfile = open(pqrpath, "w") pqrfile.write(header) for line in lines: # type: object # Adding whitespaces if --whitespace is in the options if "whitespace" in options.keys() and options["whitespace"] == 1: if line[0:4] == 'ATOM': newline = line[0:16] + ' ' + line[16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % newline.strip()) elif line[0:6] == 'HETATM': newline = line[0:16] + ' ' + line[16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % newline.strip()) else: pqrfile.write("%s\n" % line.strip()) pqrfile.close() if input: from src import inputgen as Inp from src import psize as Pz method = "mg-auto" size = Pz.Psize() size.parseInput(pqrpath) size.runPsize(pqrpath) async = 0 # No async files here! myinput = Inp.Input(pqrpath, size, method, async) myinput.printInputFiles() myinput.dumpPickle() endtime = time.time() - starttime # createResults(header, input, name, endtime, missedligands) logRun(options, endtime, len(lines), ff, os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) # printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=name) if "LIGAND" in form: outputligandfile = open('%s%s%s/%s.mol2' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name), 'w') outputligandfile.write(templigandstring) outputligandfile.close() outputpdbfile = open('%s%s%s/%s.pdb' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name), 'w') outputpdbfile.write(pdbfilestring) outputpdbfile.close() statusfile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('complete\n') filelist = glob.glob('%s%s%s/%s*' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name)) for filename in filelist: statusfile.write(filename + '\n') statusfile.close() except SystemError.StandardError as details: print(details) createError(name, details)
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile=inputFiles try: resp=appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception as e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print("<BODY>\n<P>") print("There was an error with your job submission<br>") print("</P>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");") print("document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));") print("</script>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("try {") print("var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");") for key in weboptions: print("pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key])) print("pageTracker._trackPageview();") print("} catch(err) {}</script>") print("</BODY>") print("</HTML>") sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print(redirector(name, weboptions)) # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write(str(weboptions.getOptions())+'\n'+ str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() except Exception as details: print(details) createError(name, details)
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile = inputFiles try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception as e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print("<BODY>\n<P>") print("There was an error with your job submission<br>") print("</P>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print( "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" ) print( "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" ) print("</script>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("try {") print("var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");") for key in weboptions: print("pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key])) print("pageTracker._trackPageview();") print("} catch(err) {}</script>") print("</BODY>") print("</HTML>") sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print(redirector(name, weboptions)) # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write( str(weboptions.getOptions()) + '\n' + str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() except Exception as details: print(details) createError(name, details)
def mainCGI(): """ Opal driver for running PDB2PQR from a web page """ serviceURL = OPALURL cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() options = {} ff = form["FF"].value options["ff"] = ff fffile = None input = 0 if form.has_key("DEBUMP"): options["debump"] = 1 else: options["debump"] = 0 if form.has_key("OPT"): options["opt"] = 1 else: options["opt"] = 0 if form.has_key("PROPKA"): try: ph = float(form["PH"].value) if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0: raise ValueError options["ph"] = ph except ValueError: text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid! " % form["PH"].value text += "Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0." # print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) if form.has_key("PDBID"): filename = form["PDBID"].value infile = getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value) elif form.has_key("PDB"): filename = form["PDB"].filename filename=re.split(r'[/\\]',filename)[-1] infile = StringIO(form["PDB"].value) if form.has_key("INPUT"): input = 1 options["apbs"] = 1 if form.has_key("USERFF"): # userff = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) # ff = "user-defined" # options["userff"] = userff ffname = form["USERFF"].filename ffname = re.split(r'[/\\]',ffname)[-1] fffile = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) options["ff"] = ffname if form.has_key("FFOUT"): if form["FFOUT"].value != "internal": options["ffout"] = form["FFOUT"].value if form.has_key("CHAIN"): options["chain"] = 1 if form.has_key("WHITESPACE"): options["whitespace"] = 1 if form.has_key("LIGAND"): ligandfilename=str(form["LIGAND"].filename) ligandfilename=re.split(r'[/\\]',ligandfilename)[-1] options["ligand"] = StringIO(form["LIGAND"].value) try: # starttime = time.time() # name = setID(starttime) name = filename ligandFile=None ffFile=None # begin SOAP changes # need to switch options from a dictionary to something resembling a command line query # such as --chain myopts="" for key in options: if key=="opt": if options[key]==0: # user does not want optimization key="noopt" else: # pdb2pqr optimizes by default, don't bother with flag continue elif key=="debump": if options[key]==0: # user does not want debumping key="nodebump" else: # pdb2pqr debumps by default, so change this flag to --nodebump continue elif key=="ph": val=options[key] key="with-ph=%s" % val elif key=="ffout": val=options[key] key="ffout=%s" % val elif key=="ligand": val=ligandfilename key="ligand=%s" % val ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = val ligandFileTemp = open(options["ligand"], "r") ligandFileString = ligandFileTemp.close() ligandFile._contents = ligandFileString elif key=="apbs": key="apbs-input" elif key=="chain": key="chain" elif key=="whitespace": key="whitespace" elif key=="ff": val=options[key] key="ff=%s" % val if fffile: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = val ffFileTemp = open(fffile, "r") ffFileString = ffFileTemp.close() ffFile._contents = ffFileString myopts+="--"+str(key)+" " myopts+=str(filename)+" " myopts+="%s.pqr" % str(name) appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(serviceURL) # launch job req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = myopts inputFiles = [] pdbFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbFile._name = filename pdbFile._contents = infile.close() inputFiles.append(pdbFile) if ligandFile: inputFiles.append(ligandFile) if ffFile: inputFiles.append(ffFile) req._inputFile=inputFiles try: resp=appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception, e: printheader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print "<BODY>\n<P>" print "There was an error with your job submission<br>" print "</P>\n</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2) printheader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",resp._jobID)
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, getAppMetadataRequest, launchJobRequest, launchJobBlockingRequest, getOutputAsBase64ByNameRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile=inputFiles try: resp=appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception, e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print "<BODY>\n<P>" print "There was an error with your job submission<br>" print "</P>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2)
def mainCGI(): """ Main driver for running PDB2PQR from a web page """ print "Content-type: text/html\n" import cgi import cgitb cgitb.enable() form = cgi.FieldStorage() ff = form["FF"].value input = 0 apbs_input = form.has_key("INPUT") typemap = form.has_key("TYPEMAP") neutraln = form.has_key("NEUTRALN") neutralc = form.has_key("NEUTRALC") if HAVE_PDB2PQR_OPAL == "1": have_opal = True # Opal-specific import statments from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, getAppMetadataRequest, launchJobRequest, launchJobBlockingRequest, getOutputAsBase64ByNameRequest from AppService_types import ns0 from ZSI.TC import String else: have_opal = False if have_opal: options = {} options["ff"] = ff fffile = None namesfile = None else: options = {"extensions": {}} if form.has_key("DEBUMP"): options["debump"] = 1 else: options["debump"] = 0 if form.has_key("OPT"): options["opt"] = 1 else: options["opt"] = 0 if form.has_key("PROPKA"): try: ph = float(form["PH"].value) if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0: raise ValueError options["ph"] = ph except ValueError: text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid! " % form["PH"].value text += "Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0." #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) if form.has_key("PDBID"): pdbfile = getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDBID"].value elif form.has_key("PDB"): pdbfile = StringIO(form["PDB"].value) pdbfilename = form["PDB"].filename pdbfilename = re.split(r'[/\\]', pdbfilename)[-1] if form.has_key("INPUT"): input = 1 options["apbs"] = 1 if form.has_key("USERFF"): if have_opal: ffname = form["USERFF"].filename ffname = re.split(r'[/\\]', ffname)[-1] if ffname[-4:] == ".DAT": ffname = ffname[:-4] fffile = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) namesfile = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = ffname options["userff"] = fffile options["usernames"] = namesfile else: userff = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value) usernames = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value) options["ff"] = "user-defined" options["userff"] = userff options["usernames"] = usernames if form.has_key("FFOUT"): if form["FFOUT"].value != "internal": options["ffout"] = form["FFOUT"].value if form.has_key("CHAIN"): options["chain"] = 1 if form.has_key("WHITESPACE"): options["whitespace"] = 1 if form.has_key("TYPEMAP"): options["typemap"] = 1 if form.has_key("NEUTRALN"): options["neutraln"] = 1 if form.has_key("NEUTRALC"): options["neutralc"] = 1 if form.has_key("LIGAND"): if have_opal: ligandfilename = str(form["LIGAND"].filename) ligandfilename = re.split(r'[/\\]', ligandfilename)[-1] # for Windows-style newline compatibility templigandfilename = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] templigandfile = open(templigandfilename, 'w') templigandfile.write(form["LIGAND"].value) templigandfile.close() templigandfile = open(templigandfilename, 'rU') if have_opal: options["ligand"] = else: templigandstring = ) # this variable is used again later to write this file to output options["ligand"] = StringIO(templigandstring) templigandfile.close() if not have_opal: pdbfilestring = pdblist, errlist = readPDB(StringIO(pdbfilestring)) dummydef = Definition() dummyprot = Protein(pdblist, dummydef) if len(pdblist) == 0 and len(errlist) == 0: text = "Unable to find PDB file - Please make sure this is " text += "a valid PDB file ID!" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) elif dummyprot.numAtoms() > MAXATOMS and "opt" in options: text = "<HTML><HEAD>" text += "<TITLE>PDB2PQR Error</title>" text += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % STYLESHEET text += "</HEAD><BODY><H2>PDB2PQR Error</H2><P>" text += "Due to server limits, we are currently unable to optimize " text += "proteins of greater than MAXATOMS atoms on the server (PDB2PQR " text += "found %s atoms in the selected PDB file). If you " % dummyprot.numAtoms( ) text += "want to forgo optimization please try the server again.<P>" text += "Otherwise you may use the standalone version of PDB2PQR that " text += "is available from the <a href=\"\">" text += "PDB2PQR SourceForge project page</a>." text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" text += "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" text += "</script>" text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "try {" text += "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in options: text += "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % ( key, options[key]) text += "pageTracker._trackPageview();" text += "} catch(err) {}</script>" text += "</BODY></HTML>" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) try: if have_opal: ligandFile = None ffFile = None namesFile = None #else: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(apbs_input)) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(typemap)) typemapInputFile.close() if have_opal: myopts = "" for key in options: if key == "opt": if options[key] == 0: # user does not want optimization key = "noopt" else: # pdb2pqr optimizes by default, don't bother with flag continue elif key == "debump": if options[key] == 0: # user does not want debumping key = "nodebump" else: # pdb2pqr debumps by default, so change this flag to --nodebump continue elif key == "ph": val = options[key] key = "with-ph=%s" % val elif key == "ffout": val = options[key] key = "ffout=%s" % val elif key == "ligand": val = ligandfilename key = "ligand=%s" % val ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = val ligandFile._contents = options["ligand"] elif key == "apbs": key = "apbs-input" elif key == "chain": key = "chain" elif key == "whitespace": key = "whitespace" elif key == "typemap": key = "typemap" elif key == "ff": val = options[key] key = "ff=%s" % val if fffile: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = val + ".DAT" ffFileString = ffFile._contents = ffFileString if namesfile: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = val + ".names" namesFileString = namesFile._contents = namesFileString if key not in ["userff", "usernames"]: myopts += "--" + str(key) + " " myopts += str(pdbfilename) + " " if pdbfilename[-4:] == ".pdb": myopts += "%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename[:-4]) else: myopts += "%s.pqr" % str(pdbfilename) appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) # launch job req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = myopts inputFiles = [] pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = pdbfile.close() inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) if ligandFile: inputFiles.append(ligandFile) if ffFile: inputFiles.append(ffFile) if namesFile: inputFiles.append(namesFile) req._inputFile = inputFiles try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception, e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print "<BODY>\n<P>" print "There was an error with your job submission<br>" print "</P>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in options: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % ( key, options[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2) #printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print redirector(name) if options.has_key("userff"): options["userff"] = ffFileString if options.has_key("usernames"): options["usernames"] = namesFileString # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write( str(options) + '\n' + str(ff) + '\n' + str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() else:
def execApbs(vars=None, argv=None): """ Executes APBS and regulates checking of job status and retrieval of data if job is successfully completed. """ if argv is None: # i.e. if it is a local run argv = sys.argv webRun = False else: webRun = True custom_service_url = None if vars != None: if vars.has_key('service_url'): custom_service_url = vars['service_url'] vars = initRemoteVars(argv) if custom_service_url != None: vars['service_url'] = custom_service_url global service_url #*argument parser # command-line arguments vars['inFile'] = argv[-1] # parses input file if(vars['inFile'].find("/")==-1): directory="" else: directory = os.path.dirname(vars['inFile'])+'/' vars['inFile'] = os.path.basename(vars['inFile']) nprocs = 1 if not vars.has_key('service_url'): # find out if it's sequential or parallel tempFile = open(directory+vars['inFile'], 'r') version_check_flag = True for line in tempFile: # remove whitespace line=line.strip() if(line[:5]=='pdime'): dimension_array = line.split() nprocs = int(dimension_array[1])*int(dimension_array[2])*int(dimension_array[3]) global parallel_service_url vars['service_url'] = parallel_service_url version_check_flag = False if(line[:5]=='async'): vars['service_url'] = service_url version_check_flag = True break if version_check_flag: vars['service_url'] = service_url tempFile.close() else: version_check_flag = True # Enable version checking for custom defined Opal service as well service_url = vars['service_url'] # Retrieve a reference to the AppServicePort #*this is also from the path to the service appServicePort = AppServiceLocator().getAppServicePort(vars['service_url']) # Set up remote job launch req = launchJobRequest() # Checks version compatibility (but currently only works for sequential calculations) if version_check_flag: opal_version = AppServicePortTypeSoapBindingSOAP(vars['service_url']).getAppMetadata(getAppMetadataRequest())._usage.split()[-1] if opal_version != local_version: stderr.write("WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!\n") stderr.write("It appears that the remote server version of APBS (%s) does not match\nthe local version (%s)!\n" % (opal_version,local_version)) stderr.write("Proceed at your own risk!!\n") stderr.write("WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!\n") if webRun: return False if(vars.has_key('argList')): vars['argList'] = vars['argList'] + " " + vars['inFile'] else: vars['argList']=vars['inFile'] req._argList = vars['argList'] req._numProcs = nprocs # append all input files in this manner - in this case we have two of them inputFiles = [] #*this is where is read in inputFiles.append(ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile')) #*this must be the same as req._argList is defined to be inputFiles[-1]._name = vars['inFile'] tempFile = open(directory+vars['inFile'], 'r') inputFiles[-1]._contents = tempFile.close() # this is where the rest of the files to read in are determined start = False tempFile = open(directory+vars['inFile'], 'r') for line in tempFile: # remove whitespace line=line.strip() if(line=="end"): break if(start and line.find("#")!=0): # eliminates lines with just comments # remove comment if(line.find("#")!=-1): line = line[:line.find("#")] # re-remove whitespace (left after comment removal) line=line.strip() # remove everything except file name count = -1 while line[count]!=' ': count = count-1 fileName=line[count+1:] inputFiles.append(ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile')) inputFiles[-1]._name=fileName tempFile2 = open(directory+fileName, "r") inputFiles[-1]._contents = tempFile2.close() if(line=="read"): start = True tempFile.close() # req's inputFile variable is the array of input files created in the lines directly above req._inputFile = inputFiles if vars['typeOfRun']=='remote': appServicePort.launchJob(req) return [appServicePort, appServicePort.launchJob(req)] # Launch job, and retrieve job ID print "Launching remote APBS job" try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except ZSI.FaultException, errstr: stderr.write("Error! Failed to execute Opal job. Please send the entire output to the APBS development team.\n") stderr.write("%s\n" % errstr.fault.AsSoap()) sys.exit(13)
) from AppService_types import ns0 from os import mkdir from time import sleep from ZSI.TC import String # Set the location of our service # A list of NBCR services can be found at serviceURL = "" # Instantiate a new service object to interact with. Pass it the service location appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(serviceURL) # Instantiate a new non-blocking job request req = launchJobRequest() # Set the command-line arguments for the job. # Use DNA alphabet, and find 3 motifs. req._argList = "meme crp0.fasta -dna -mod zoops -nmotifs 3" # Get contents of local file to be used as input fastaFile = open("./crp0.fasta", "r") fastaFileContents = fastaFile.close() # Set name and content of remote input file. # Only one input file is used, the FASTA file. inputFiles = [] inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def("inputFile") inputFile._name = "crp0.fasta"
def ws_compute(self): if self._port_list[0][3]['url'] != None: url = self._port_list[0][3]['url'] adv = self._port_list[0][3]['adv'] else: url = "" print "ERROR: There are no input arguments provided for this web service" cmdline = "" numProcs = None tagged = [] untagged = [] flags = [] files = [] for i in self._port_list: pn = i[0] meta = i[3] if ((self.hasInputFromPort(pn) and self.getInputFromPort(pn) != "") or meta['default'] != None) and adv == True: # print "META" # print meta if meta['type'] == 'FLAG': if self.hasInputFromPort(pn): if self.getInputFromPort(pn) == True: flags.append(meta['arg']) elif meta['default'] == 'True': flags.append(meta['arg']) elif meta['type'] == 'TAGGED': if self.hasInputFromPort(pn): val = self.getInputFromPort(pn) elif meta['default'] != None: val = meta['default'] if meta['file'] == True: file_an = core.modules.basic_modules.File.translate_to_string(val) file_bn = os.path.basename(file_an) tagged.append(meta['arg'] + file_bn) files.append(file_an) else: tagged.append(meta['arg'] + val) elif meta['type'] == 'UNTAGGED': if self.hasInputFromPort(pn): val = self.getInputFromPort(pn) elif meta['default'] != None: val = meta['default'] if meta['file'] == True: file_an = core.modules.basic_modules.File.translate_to_string(val) file_bn = os.path.basename(file_an) untagged.append(file_bn) files.append(file_an) else: untagged.append(val) cmdline = "" for i in flags: cmdline += i + " " for i in tagged: cmdline += i + " " for i in untagged: cmdline += i + " " inputFiles = [] for i in files: inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') inputFile._name = os.path.basename(i) inputFile._attachment = open(i, "r") inputFiles.append(inputFile) if cmdline == "": if self.hasInputFromPort('commandLine'): cmdline = self.getInputFromPort('commandLine') if self.hasInputFromPort('numProcs'): numProcs = self.getInputFromPort('numProcs') if self.hasInputFromPort("inFiles"): inFilesPath = self.getInputFromPort("inFiles") if inFilesPath != None: for i in inFilesPath: inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') inputFile._name = os.path.basename(i) inputFile._attachment = open(i, "r") inputFiles.append(inputFile) print os.path.basename(url) + " from " + os.path.dirname(url) + " is going to run with arguments:\n " + cmdline appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(url) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = cmdline req._inputFile = inputFiles if numProcs != None: req._numProcs = numProcs resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) self.jobID = resp._jobID print "Job outputs URL: " + resp._status._baseURL # urlparse.urljoin(url, '/' + self.jobID) status = resp._status._code while (status != 4 and status != 8): status = appServicePort.queryStatus(queryStatusRequest(self.jobID))._code time.sleep(5) if (status == 8): resp = appServicePort.getOutputs(getOutputsRequest(self.jobID)) outurls = [str(resp._stdOut), str(resp._stdErr)] if (resp._outputFile != None): for i in resp._outputFile: outurls.append(str(i._url)) print "Opal job completed successfully" else: print "ERROR: Opal job failed" resp = appServicePort.getOutputs(getOutputsRequest(self.jobID)) outurls = [str(resp._stdOut), str(resp._stdErr)] self.setResult("outurls", tuple(outurls))
launchJobBlockingRequest, getOutputAsBase64ByNameRequest from AppService_types import ns0 from os import mkdir from time import sleep from ZSI.TC import String # Set the location of our service # A list of NBCR services can be found at serviceURL = "" # Instantiate a new service object to interact with. Pass it the service location appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(serviceURL) # Instantiate a new non-blocking job request req = launchJobRequest() # Set the command-line arguments for the job. # Use DNA alphabet, and find 3 motifs. req._argList = "meme crp0.fasta -dna -mod zoops -nmotifs 3" # Get contents of local file to be used as input fastaFile = open("./crp0.fasta", "r") fastaFileContents = fastaFile.close() # Set name and content of remote input file. # Only one input file is used, the FASTA file. inputFiles = [] inputFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') inputFile._name = 'crp0.fasta'
def execApbs(vars=None, argv=None): """ Executes APBS and regulates checking of job status and retrieval of data if job is successfully completed. """ if argv is None: # i.e. if it is a local run argv = sys.argv webRun = False else: webRun = True custom_service_url = None if vars != None: if vars.has_key('service_url'): custom_service_url = vars['service_url'] vars = initRemoteVars(argv) if custom_service_url != None: vars['service_url'] = custom_service_url global service_url #*argument parser # command-line arguments vars['inFile'] = argv[-1] # parses input file if (vars['inFile'].find("/") == -1): directory = "" else: directory = os.path.dirname(vars['inFile']) + '/' vars['inFile'] = os.path.basename(vars['inFile']) nprocs = 1 if not vars.has_key('service_url'): # find out if it's sequential or parallel tempFile = open(directory + vars['inFile'], 'r') version_check_flag = True for line in tempFile: # remove whitespace line = line.strip() if (line[:5] == 'pdime'): dimension_array = line.split() nprocs = int(dimension_array[1]) * int( dimension_array[2]) * int(dimension_array[3]) global parallel_service_url vars['service_url'] = parallel_service_url version_check_flag = False if (line[:5] == 'async'): vars['service_url'] = service_url version_check_flag = True break if version_check_flag: vars['service_url'] = service_url tempFile.close() else: version_check_flag = True # Enable version checking for custom defined Opal service as well service_url = vars['service_url'] # Retrieve a reference to the AppServicePort #*this is also from the path to the service appServicePort = AppServiceLocator().getAppServicePort(vars['service_url']) # Set up remote job launch req = launchJobRequest() # Checks version compatibility (but currently only works for sequential calculations) if version_check_flag: opal_version = AppServicePortTypeSoapBindingSOAP( vars['service_url']).getAppMetadata( getAppMetadataRequest())._usage.split()[-1] if opal_version != local_version: stderr.write( "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!\n" ) stderr.write( "It appears that the remote server version of APBS (%s) does not match\nthe local version (%s)!\n" % (opal_version, local_version)) stderr.write("Proceed at your own risk!!\n") stderr.write( "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!\n" ) if webRun: return False if (vars.has_key('argList')): vars['argList'] = vars['argList'] + " " + vars['inFile'] else: vars['argList'] = vars['inFile'] req._argList = vars['argList'] req._numProcs = nprocs # append all input files in this manner - in this case we have two of them inputFiles = [] #*this is where is read in inputFiles.append(ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile')) #*this must be the same as req._argList is defined to be inputFiles[-1]._name = vars['inFile'] tempFile = open(directory + vars['inFile'], 'r') inputFiles[-1]._contents = tempFile.close() # this is where the rest of the files to read in are determined start = False tempFile = open(directory + vars['inFile'], 'r') for line in tempFile: # remove whitespace line = line.strip() if (line == "end"): break if (start and line.find("#") != 0): # eliminates lines with just comments # remove comment if (line.find("#") != -1): line = line[:line.find("#")] # re-remove whitespace (left after comment removal) line = line.strip() # remove everything except file name count = -1 while line[count] != ' ': count = count - 1 fileName = line[count + 1:] inputFiles.append(ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile')) inputFiles[-1]._name = fileName tempFile2 = open(directory + fileName, "r") inputFiles[-1]._contents = tempFile2.close() if (line == "read"): start = True tempFile.close() # req's inputFile variable is the array of input files created in the lines directly above req._inputFile = inputFiles if vars['typeOfRun'] == 'remote': appServicePort.launchJob(req) return [appServicePort, appServicePort.launchJob(req)] # Launch job, and retrieve job ID print "Launching remote APBS job" try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except ZSI.FaultException, errstr: stderr.write( "Error! Failed to execute Opal job. Please send the entire output to the APBS development team.\n" ) stderr.write("%s\n" % errstr.fault.AsSoap()) sys.exit(13)