def processHelper(cmd, cwd=None, msg='Error'): """ Used to run subprocess calls with an easy error window throw :param cmd: :param cwd: :param msg: :return: """ process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p_status = process.wait() out, err = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: if 'File exists' in str(err): fileExists = True else: print(err) error_window(err) if 'Resource temporarily unavailable' in str(err): time.sleep(5) processHelper(cmd, cwd, msg) time.sleep(2)
def finishWrapper(blank): """ Detatches volume, converts sparseimage to dmg segements the new dmg moves dmg files to wrapper changes the wrapper name copies the icon file changes the plist and then cleans up the tmp folder :return: """ global VARS name = VARS.setname.replace(' ','') copyWrapper() detachVolumeCMD = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'detach', name] processHelper(detachVolumeCMD, cwd='/Volumes', msg='Volume Detach Failure: ') convertToDmgCMD = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'convert', f"{name}.sparseimage", '-format', 'UDRO', '-o', f"{name}-original.dmg"] processHelper(convertToDmgCMD, cwd='/tmp', msg='Conversion to DMG failed: ') segmentCMD = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'segment', '-o', name, '-segmentSize', '1g', f'{name}-original.dmg'] processHelper(segmentCMD, cwd='/tmp', msg='Segment Failed: ') try: moveFiles() except Exception as err: error_window(err) changeWrapperName = ['/bin/mv', '', f"{VARS.setname}.app"] dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dir_path = pathlib.Path(dir_path).parent.parent processHelper(changeWrapperName, cwd=dir_path, msg='Wrapper Name Change Failed: ') # copies icon over to the package if blank == False: copyIcon(VARS) else: copyIconBlank(VARS) # Changes the Plist in the template with the proper information changePlist(VARS) #copies over pre, post and exit scripts copyScripts(VARS) #cleans up tmp dir and moves finished app to Desktop postcleanup(blank) #Shows Finished Indicator finished_window()
def copyIconBlank(VARS): """ Copies icon from source application to the wrapper app :param VARS: :return: """ name = VARS.setname dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dir_path = pathlib.Path(dir_path).parent.parent dst = f"{dir_path}/{name}.app/Contents/Resources/icon.icns" src = f"{dir_path}/temp/icon.icns" try: shutil.copy(src, dst) except Exception as err: error_window(err)
def postcleanup(): """ used to clean up the tmp folder and moves finished wrapper to desktop :return: """ global VARS setname = str(VARS.setname).replace(' ', '') os.remove(f"/tmp/{setname}.sparseimage") os.remove(f"/tmp/{setname}-original.dmg") name = VARS.setname dir_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__))).parent.parent try: dir_path = dir_path / f"{VARS.setname}.app" shutil.move(str(dir_path), str(pathlib.Path.home() / 'Desktop')) except Exception as err: print(f"{err} : Post Cleanup Failed.") error_window()
def changePlist(data): """ Edits the Plist in the wrapper app with the collected information from the original app :param data: :return: """ name = data.setname dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dir_path = pathlib.Path(dir_path).parent.parent try: plistPath = f"{dir_path}/{name}.app/Contents/Info.plist" p = plistlib.readPlist(plistPath) p['CFBundleIconFile'] = 'icon' p['CFBundleName'] = p['CFBundleShortVersionString'] = data.version p['CFBundleIdentifier'] = data.identifier plistlib.writePlist(p, plistPath) except Exception as err: error_window(err)