def post(self): customer_names = request.json["names"] email = request.json["email"] contact = request.json["contact"] profile_picture = request.json["profile_picture"] password = request.json["password"] customer_details = Customer()(name=customer_names, email=email, contact=contact, profile_picture=profile_picture, password=password) if customer_details: customer = Customer().google_sign_in(email=email) return customer
def post(self): args = forgot_password_args.parse_args() user = Customer.read_customer(email=args["email"]) if user != None: token_gen = TokenGenerator(user=user) token = token_gen.generate_password_reset_token() mail_ = reset_email mail_.context = dict(, token=token) mail_.recipients = [] mail_.text = "To reset your password visit the following link " + url_for( 'set_new_password', token=token, _external=True ) + "\n if you did not request for this email then ignore." mail_.send() return jsonify( status="success", message="Check your email inbox for password reset link.", data=0) else: email = args["email"] return jsonify( status="error", message="This email: {} is not registered with clickeat". format(email), data=0)
def dashboard(): product_sales_today = Sales.read_sales_sum( Sales.amount, Sales.sales_day == DateUtil(), Sales.sales_month == DateUtil().current_date.month, Sales.sales_year == DateUtil().current_date.year, ) commission_sales_today = Sales.read_sales_sum( Sales.commision_amount, Sales.sales_day == DateUtil(), Sales.sales_month == DateUtil().current_date.month, Sales.sales_year == DateUtil().current_date.year, ) customer_count = Customer.read_customer_count() vendors_count = Resturant.read_restaurants_count() products_count = Products.read_products_count() orders_count = Order.read_orders_count() total_revenue = Sales.read_sales_sum(Sales.amount) context = dict(product_sales_today=product_sales_today, commission_sales_today=commission_sales_today, total_revenue=total_revenue, shipping_sales_today=0, standard_shipping_sales_td=0, pickup_station_sales_td=0, vendors_count=vendors_count, customer_count=customer_count, products_count=products_count, orders_count=orders_count) return render_template('dashboard.html', **context)
def signup(): next_ = request.args.get("next") signup_form = SignupForm(next_=next_) if signup_form.validate_on_submit(): data = name = data["name"] email = data["email"] telephone_code = data["telephone_code"] telephone = data["telephone"] password = data["password"] customer = Customer(name=name, email=email, contact=join_telephone(telephone_code, telephone), password=password) session.add(customer) session.commit() if customer: login_user(customer, duration=timedelta(1)) flash("Your account has been created.", "success") else: flash("There was an error creating your account.", "danger") if data['next_']: return redirect(data['next_']) return redirect(url_for('index_bp.index')) login_form = LoginForm(next_=next_) return render_template("signin_signup/signin-signup.html", show_signup=True, signup_form=signup_form, login_form=login_form)
def post(self): product_id = request.json["product_id"] customer_id = request.json["customer_id"] product_name = request.json["product_name"] product_image = request.json["product_image"] unit_price = request.json["unit_price"] quantity = request.json["quantity"] served_with = "none" if "served_with" in request.json: served_with = request.json["served_with"] try: if "free_delivery" in request.json: free_delivery = request.json["free_delivery"] except: free_delivery = False try: if "restaurant" in request.json: restaurant = request.json["restaurant"] except: restaurant = "clickEat" customer = Customer.read_customer(id=customer_id) if customer: cart_item = Cart()( product_id=product_id, customer_id=customer_id, product_name=product_name, product_image=product_image, unit_price=unit_price, quantity=quantity, served_with=served_with, free_delivery=free_delivery, restaurant=restaurant ) if cart_item: cart_size = str(Cart.cart_total_quantity_or_item_count(customer_id)) return jsonify( status = "success", message = "Product added to cart successfully!!.", data = cart_size ) else: return jsonify( status = "failure", message = "Error Whilst adding Product to Cart!!.", data = 0 ) else: return jsonify(status="failure",message="Customer doesnot exits!!.",data=0)
def post(self): print(request.json) customer_names = request.json["names"] email = request.json["email"] contact = request.json["contact"] profile_picture = request.json["profile_picture"] password = request.json["password"] customer_details = Customer()(name=customer_names, email=email, contact=contact, profile_picture=profile_picture, password=password) if customer_details: response = { "status": "success", "message": "Your Information was stored successfully!", "data": 0 } return response else: customer = Customer().read_customer(contact=contact) if customer: response = { "status": "failure", "message": "User already exists!!", "data": 0 } return response else: response = { "status": "failure", "message": "Your Information was not saved!", "data": 0 } return response
def put(self, id): customer_names = request.json["names"] email = request.json["email"] contact = request.json["contact"] second_contact = request.json["secondContact"] customer = Customer.read_customer(id=id) if customer: if (customer.update_customer(name=customer_names, email=email, contact=contact, second_contact=second_contact)): new_user_info = customer.serializer() new_user_info["token"] = "clickEattokenmissing" return new_user_info
def put(self, id): old_password = request.json["oldPassword"] new_password = request.json["newPassword"] customer = Customer.read_customer(id=id) if customer: if (customer.change_password(old_password=old_password, new_password=new_password)): return { "status": "success", "message": "Password was updated successfully!!.", "data": 0 } else: return { "status": "error", "message": "Password was not updated successfully!!.", "data": 0 }
def set_new_password(token): form = NewPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): token_gen = TokenGenerator() token_gen.verify_password_token(token) user = token_gen.user if user != None: customer = Customer.read_customer( if customer: customer.password = else: user.password = pwd_context.hash( session.commit() flash( "Your new password has been reset. Please try to log in with the new password.", "success") else: flash( "Please request a new password reset. Either this link is invalid or expired.", "danger") context = dict(form=form, token=token) return render_template("new_password.html", **context)
def forgot_password(user_type): form = ForgotPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if user_type == "customer": user = Customer.read_customer( else: flash("Failed to send password reset.", "danger") return redirect(url_for(".forgot_password", user_type=user_type)) if user is not None: token_gen = TokenGenerator(user=user) token = token_gen.generate_password_reset_token() mail_ = reset_email mail_.context = dict(, token=token) mail_.recipients = [] mail_.send() flash( "If you provided a right email, check your email inbox for password reset link.", "success") return redirect(url_for(".forgot_password", user_type=user_type)) context = dict(form=form, user_type=user_type) return render_template("reset.html", **context)
def forgot_password(user_type): form = ForgotPasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if user_type == "customer": user = Customer.read_customer( elif user_type == "clickeat_employee": user = StaffAccounts.read_user( else: flash("Failed to send password reset.", "danger") return redirect(url_for(".forgot_password", user_type=user_type)) if user is not None: try: token_gen = TokenGenerator(user=user) token = token_gen.generate_password_reset_token() mail_ = reset_email # mail_.context = dict( #, # token=token # ) mail_.text = "To reset your password visit the following link " + url_for( 'set_new_password', token=token, _external=True ) + "\n if you did not request for this email then ignore." mail_.recipients = [] mail_.send() flash( "If you provided a right email, check your email inbox for password reset link.", "success") return redirect( url_for(".forgot_password", user_type=user_type)) except Exception as e: print("Error whilst sending email: ", e) context = dict(form=form, user_type=user_type) return render_template("reset.html", **context)
def post(self): telephone = request.json["telephone"] password = request.json["password"] customer_details = Customer.check_user(telephone=telephone, password=password) return customer_details
def post(self): email = request.json["email"] if email: customer = Customer().google_sign_in(email=email) return customer