Пример #1
async def dg(ctx, args):
    embed = Embed(title="Suffering on demand", description="I may regret this")
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] in ['status', 's']:
        await check_status(ctx, embed)
    elif len(args) > 0 and args[0] in ['help']:
        await help_page(ctx, 'dg')
    elif id(ctx.message.author) == 'CapSora#7528':
        if len(args) == 0:
            await print_unfinished_request(ctx, embed)
        elif (args[0] in ['disable', 'd'] and STATUS) \
                or (args[0] in ['enable', 'e'] and not STATUS):
            STATUS = not STATUS
            await check_status(ctx, embed)
        elif len(args) >= 2 and args[0] in ['cooldown']:
            if args[1].isdecimal():
                COOLDOWN = int(args[1])
                embed.description = f"Cooldown set to {COOLDOWN} minute(s)."
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        elif len(args) >= 3 and args[0] in ['p', 'putting']:
            if args[1].isdecimal() and args[2].isdecimal():
                await complete_putting(ctx, embed, int(args[1]), int(args[2]))
        elif args[0] in ['override']:
        if not STATUS:
            await check_status(ctx, embed)
            await create_request(ctx, embed, ' '.join(args))
Пример #2
async def untouchable(ctx, emotes, args):
    # User check
    user = ctx.message.author
    userid = id(user)
    await new_user(ctx, userid)
    # Read data
    with open('Apps/bank.json') as f:
        bank_dict = load(f)
    # Embed
    embed = Embed(
        description=f'Test your luck! Win up to 10 Million Cor!',
    # Time data
    now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
    last_play = parse(
        tzinfos={"+00:00": tz.UTC}
    cooldown_dur = timedelta(minutes=5)
    # Logic
    if len(args) == 0:
        await instructions(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['help']:
        await help_page(ctx, "untouchable")
    elif args[0] in ['rates']:
        await rates(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['history', 'h']:
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] in bank_dict:
            userid = args[1]
        await history(ctx, embed, userid, bank_dict[userid])
    elif args[0] in ['luck', 'l']:
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] in bank_dict:
            userid = args[1]
        await percentile(ctx, embed, userid, bank_dict[userid], emotes)
    elif args[0] in ['leaderboards', 'lb']:
        num = -1
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].isnumeric():
            num = int(args[1])
        await leaderboards(ctx, embed, bank_dict, num)
    elif now - last_play < cooldown_dur:
        await cooldown(ctx, embed, cooldown_dur, now - last_play)
        if args[0] in ['random', 'r']:
            guess = f'{randrange(1000000):06}'
        elif len(args[0]) == 6 and str(args[0]).isnumeric():
            guess = str(args[0])
            await ctx.send('Please guess a 6-digit (0-9) number.')
        matches = await lottery(ctx, embed, emotes, guess)
        # Add value to bank dict
        bank_dict[userid]['cor'] += PAYOUTS[matches]
        bank_dict[userid]['untouchable']['wins'][matches] += 1
        bank_dict[userid]['untouchable']['last_played'] = str(now)
        with open('Apps/bank.json', 'w') as f:
            dump(bank_dict, f)
Пример #3
async def create_request(ctx, embed, flags):
    if unfinished_request() is not None:
        embed.description = "There is already an existing request."
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
        await ping_owner(ctx)
        await print_unfinished_request(ctx, embed)
    cd = cooldown()
    if cd > 0:
        mins = int(cd / 60)
        secs = cd % 60
        embed.description = (
            f'Cooldown active. Try again in {mins}m {secs}s. ⏱️')
        await ctx.send(embed=embed)
    sql = (
        "INSERT INTO throws(flags, distance, throw_type, userid, request_time)"
        " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)")
    flag_list = flags.split()
    if '-15' in flag_list:
        dist = '15'
    elif '-20' in flag_list:
        dist = '20'
        dist = choice(['15', '20', '20', '20'])
    if '-s' in flag_list:
        throw_type = "straddle"
    elif '-l' in flag_list:
        throw_type = "lunge"
        throw_type = choice(["Straddle", "Lunge"])
    userid = id(ctx.message.author)
    request_time = str(datetime.now(timezone.utc))
    values = (flags, dist, throw_type, userid, request_time)
    CONN.execute(sql, values)
    await ping_owner(ctx)
    await print_unfinished_request(ctx, embed, values)
    return values
Пример #4
async def stocks(ctx, emojis, args):
    # User check
    user = ctx.message.author
    userid = id(user)
    await new_user(ctx, userid)
    # Read data (only used for holdings command atm)
    with open('Apps/bank.json') as f:
        bank_dict = load(f)
    # Update stock history
    # Embed
    embed = Embed(
        title='Aincrad Stock Exchange',
        ('Good credit? Bad credit? No credit? No problem!\n'
         "Oh you dead? F*** it, GHOST CREDIT!\nр┤х'рхљ рхЇрхњРЂ┐ рхЇрхЅрхЌ рхЃ ╦брхўрхЄрхЃ╩│рхў"
    # Logic
    if len(args) == 0:
        await stock_prices(ctx, embed, emojis)
    elif args[0] in ['help']:
        await help_page(ctx, "stocks")
    elif args[0] in ['info']:
        await stock_help(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['history', 'h']:
        await stock_price_history(ctx, embed, emojis)
    elif args[0] in ['holdings', 'o']:
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] in bank_dict:
            userid = args[1]
        await view_holdings(ctx, embed, userid)
    elif args[0] in ['leaderboards', 'lb']:
        await leaderboards(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['buy', 'b']:
        await trade(ctx, embed, userid, args, buy=True)
    elif args[0] in ['sell', 's']:
        await trade(ctx, embed, userid, args, buy=False)
    elif args[0] in ['fees', 'f']:
        await fees(ctx, embed)
Пример #5
async def profile(ctx, args):
    # User check
    user = ctx.message.author
    userid = id(user)
    await new_user(ctx, userid)
    # Read bank dict
    with open('Apps/bank.json') as f:
        bank_dict = load(f)
    # Embed
    embed = Embed(
        title = userid,
        description = "No title",
        colour = 0xa600a0
    # Logic
    if len(args) == 0:
        await display_user(ctx, embed, userid)
    elif args[0] in ['help']:
        await help_page(ctx, 'profile')
    elif args[0] in bank_dict:
        embed.title = args[0]
        await display_user(ctx, embed, args[0])
Пример #6
async def roulette(ctx, args):
    cap = 1000
    # User check
    user = ctx.message.author
    userid = id(user)
    await new_user(ctx, userid)
    # Embed
    embed = Embed(title="Roulette",
                  description="Place your bets now!",
    # Logic
    if len(args) == 0:
        await instructions(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['help']:
        await help_page(ctx, "roulette")
    elif args[0] in ['rates']:
        await rates(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['table', 't']:
        await table(ctx, embed)
    elif args[0] in ['history', 'h']:
        # Read data
        with open('Apps/bank.json') as f:
            bank_dict = load(f)
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] in bank_dict:
            userid = args[1]
        await history(ctx, embed, userid)
    elif args[0] in ['leaderboards', 'lb']:
        await leaderboards(ctx, embed)
    elif len(args) < 2:
        await instructions(ctx, embed)
    elif (args[0] in TRANSLATE) \
            or (args[0].isdecimal() and int(args[0]) >= 0 \
                and int(args[0]) < 37):
        if args[1].isdecimal() and int(args[1]) > 0 and int(args[1]) <= cap:
            await bet(ctx, embed, args[0], int(args[1]), userid)
        await instructions(ctx, embed)