Пример #1
    def get_instrument_values(self,inst_id=None,position=None,ts=None):
        """ given an instrument id and either a position name or timestamp
        return a list of (pvname,values) tuples for all PVs in that instrument.
        returns list_of_pv_values
        where list_of_pv_values is a list of (pvname,values)

        Note that the values returned may be None, meaning 'unknown'
        if position is not None:
                pos_id,pos_name,ts,a = self.get_positions(inst_id=inst_id,name=position)[0]
            except IndexError:
                ts = None

        if ts is None:
            return ([], 0)

        pvs = [i['pvname'] for i in self.inst_pvs.select(where="inst=%i" % inst_id)]

        data = dict.fromkeys(pvs,None)

        a = Archiver()

        for pvname in pvs:
            for d in a.get_data(pvname,ts-3600.0,ts)[0]:
                if d[0] <= ts:  data[pvname] = d[1]

        pvnames = data.keys()
        vals = [(p,data[p]) for p in pvnames]
        return vals,ts