t = 0
side = 4.0
thk = 0.3
s2 = 2*side - thk
s3 = 2*side + thk
board = Arduino(port="COM14")                  #Create an object for the Serial port. Adjust 'com11' to whatever port your arduino is sending to.
#measuringRod = cylinder( radius= .1, length=6, pos=vector(-3,-2,0))
#lengthLabel = label(pos=vector(0,3,0), text='Target Distance is: ', box=False, height=40)
#target=box(pos=vector(0,-.5,0), length=.2, width=3, height=3, color=color.blue)
box(length=.100, width=15,height=1, pos=vector(-9.5,0,0),color=color.blue) 
box (pos=vector(-14.5, 0, 4), size=vector(s3, thk, s3),  color = color.red)
sphere(pos=vector(-12.5, 0, -4),size=vector(s3, thk, s3),color=color.yellow, radius=2.2)
box(pos=vector(-9,0,9), size=vector(3, 5, -3),color=color.yellow)

target=box(length=.1, width=10,height=5, pos=vector(-6,0,0),color=color.blue)     #Create the object that will represent your target (which is a colored card for our project)
myBoxEnd=box(length=.1, width=10,height=5, pos=vector(-8.5,0,0),color=color.blue) #This object is the little square that is the back of the ultrasonic sensor
myTube2=cylinder(pos=vector(-8.5,0,-2.5), radius=1.5,length=2.5 )   #One of the 'tubes' in the front of the ultrasonic sensor
myTube3=cylinder(pos=vector(-8.5,0,2.5), radius=1.5,length=2.5 )    #Other tube
myBall=sphere(color=color.yellow,size=vector(s3, thk, s3), radius=.4)
while True :                                   #Create a loop that continues to read and display the data
    rate(3/dt)                                 #Tell vpython to run this loop 20 times a second
    myData = str(board.Distance_Sense(13,11))  #Check to see if a data point 
    #print (myData) #Print the measurement to confirm things are working
    distance = float(myData)                   #convert reading to a floating point number
    print (distance)                           #Print the measurement to confirm things are working   
    #myLabel= 'Target Distance is: ' + myData   #Create label by appending string myData to string
    #lengthLabel.text = myLabel                 #display updated myLabel on your graphic
    #target.pos=vector(-6 + distance,0,0)   
    t = t+dt
Пример #2
from Arduino import Arduino
import time
'''distance sensor control led brightness '''

def my_map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    return int((x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) +

board = Arduino(port="COM14")  #com口根据实际情况修改
while True:
    value = board.Distance_Sense(13, 11)  #Distance_Sense(trig_pin,echo_pin)
    #time.sleep(0.6)                 #Delay for some time
    value = value
    #time.sleep(0.06)                #Delay for some time
Пример #3
#box (pos=vector(-14.5, 0, 4), size=vector(s3, thk, s3),  color = color.red)
#sphere(pos=vector(-12.5, 0, -4),size=vector(s3, thk, s3),color=color.yellow, radius=2.2)
#box(pos=vector(-9,0,9), size=vector(3, 5, -3),color=color.yellow)
dt = 0.0002
t = 0
board = Arduino(
)  #Create sensorData object to read serial port data coming from arduino

while True:  #This is a while loop that will loop forever, since True is always True.
    )  #We need to tell Vpython how fast to go through the loop. 25 times a second works pretty well
    textline = str(
        board.Distance_Sense(13, 11)
    )  #textline= sensorData.readline()     # read the entire line of text
    # dataNums=textline.split(',')       #Remember to split the line of text into an array at the commas
    # red=float(dataNums[0])             #Make variables for Red, Blue, Green. Remember
    # green=float(dataNums[1])           #the array was read as text, so must be converted
    # blue=float(dataNums[2])            #to numbers with float command
    float(textline)  #last number in the list is the distance
    #blue=blue*.7                                  #On my sensor, blue is always a little too strong, so I tone it down a little
    #if (dist>=1.5 and dist<=2.25):                #only change color or target if target is between 1.5 and 2.25 inches from sensor
    #target.color=(red/255., green/255., blue/255.)#This keeps color from flickering.
    target.pos = vector(
        -6 + textline, 0, 0
    )  #Adjust the position of the target object to match the distance of the real target from the real sensor
    #t = t+dt