Пример #1
class OpacityTable(object):
    """This object can interpolate across opacity table information.
    We use a nearest point interpolator to find the composition table that best matches the requested composition.
    A linear interpolation is then used to find requested opacity value.
    def __init__(self, fkey,load=True, filename="OPAL.yml", X=None, Y=None, snap=False, error=True, wmax=100, efkey=None):
        super(OpacityTable, self).__init__()
        # Initialize our attribute values
        # Compositional Values
        self._X = None
        self._Y = None
        self._dXc = None
        self._dXo = None
        self._interpolator = None # Object for the interpolator
        self._snap = snap   # Snap out-of-bounds objects to the grid.
        self._error = error # Use python errors, or return np.nan
        self._warnings = {
            "NaNs" : 0
        self._warnings_max = wmax
        # Logging Values:
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        # Set up the configuration
        self.fkey = fkey
        self.cfg = DottedConfiguration({})
        self.cfg.dn = DottedConfiguration
        self.table_type = self.cfg[self.fkey].get('type','single')
        self.table_comp = (X,Y)
        # Load the tables (from cached .npy files if appropriate)
        self.log.debug("Loading Tables...")
        if load:
            except IOError:
        self.log.debug("Tables Loaded: %s",repr(self._tbls.shape))

        # Make ourselves a nearest-neighbor composition interpolator
        # If we have a composition, we should use it.
        if X is not None and Y is not None:
        if efkey is not None:
            self.log.debug("Loading extension tables")
            if self.cfg[efkey].get('type','single') == 'single':
                e_comp, e_tbls = read_table_opal(efkey,cfg=self.cfg)
                self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" % self.cfg[efkey])
            elif self.cfg[efkey].get('type','single') == 'split':
                e_comp, e_tbls = read_standalone_opal(self.X,self.Z,efkey,cfg=self.cfg)
                self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" % self.cfg[efkey])
            self._tbls = merge_tables(self._comp,e_comp,self._tbls,e_tbls)
            self.log.debug("Read Extension Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" % self.cfg[efkey])
        self.log.debug("Opacity Interpolator Initialzied")
    def _composition_interpolator(self):
        """Creates the compositional (X,Y,Z) interpolator"""
        from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator
        points = self._comp[:,:4]
        values = self._comp[:,4]
        self.log.debug("Composition Interpolating in %d dimensions on %d points" % (points.shape[1],points.shape[0]))
        self.log.debug("Input Shapes: [x,y]=%r, [v]=%r" % (repr(points.shape), repr(values.shape)))
        nans = (np.sum(np.isnan(points)), np.sum(np.isnan(values)))
        if nans[0] > 0 or nans[1] > 0:
            self.log.debug("Input NaNs: [x,y]=%g, [v]=%g" % nans)
        self._table_number = NearestNDInterpolator(points,values)
    def _temperature_density_interpolator(self):
        """Creates the temperature-density interpolator"""
        from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
        self.log.debug("Initializing Main Interpolator...")
        points = self.tbl[:,:2]
        values = self.tbl[:,2]
        points = points[np.isfinite(values)]
        values = values[np.isfinite(values)]
        self.log.debug("Interpolating Opacity in %d dimensions on %d points" % (points.shape[1],points.shape[0]))
        self.log.debug(u"Input Shapes: [logR,logT]=%r, [κ]=%r" % (repr(points.shape), repr(values.shape)))
        nans = (np.sum(np.isnan(points)), np.sum(np.isnan(values)))
        if nans[0] > 0 or nans[1] > 0:
            log.debug(u"Input NaNs: [logR,logT]=%g, [κ]=%g" % nans)
        self._interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(points,values)
        self.log.debug("Created Opacity Interpolator")
    def read(self):
        """Read the opacity tables from an OPAL file."""
        if self.table_type == 'single':
            self._comp, self._tbls = read_table_opal(self.fkey,cfg=self.cfg)
            self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" % self.cfg[self.fkey])
        elif self.table_type == 'split':
            X,Y = self.table_comp
            Z = 1.0 - X - Y
            self._comp, self._tbls = read_standalone_opal(X,Z,self.fkey,cfg=self.cfg)
            self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" % self.cfg[self.fkey] % dict(X=X,Z=Z))
    def load(self):
        """Load the interpolator values from a pair of files. Will load from two numpy files the composition table and the opacity tables."""
        c = self.cfg[self.fkey]
        self._comp = np.load("%s.comp.npy" % c["filename"])
        self._tbls = np.load("%s.tbls.npy" % c["filename"])
        self.log.debug("Loaded Opacity Tables from Numpy Files: %(filename)s.*.npy" % self.cfg[self.fkey])
    def save(self):
        """Save this interpolator to a numpy file. The composition and tables will be saved to separate tables."""
        c = self.cfg[self.fkey]
        np.save("%s.comp.npy" % c["filename"],self._comp)
        np.save("%s.tbls.npy" % c["filename"],self._tbls)
        self.log.debug("Saved Opacity Tables to Numpy Files: %(filename)s.*.npy" % self.cfg[self.fkey])
    def X(self):
        """Fraction of H atoms"""
        return self._X
    def Y(self):
        """Fraction of He atoms"""
        return self._Y
    def Z(self):
        """Fraction of 'metal' atoms"""
        return (1.0 - self.X - self.Y - self.dXo - self.dXc)
    def dXo(self):
        """Fraction of oxygen greater than Z"""
        return self._dXo
    def dXc(self):
        """Fraction of carbon greater than Z"""
        return self._dXc
    def n(self):
        """Table number currently in use."""
        return self._n
    def tbl(self):
        """The table!"""
        return np.asarray(self._tbls[int(self.n)])
    def properties(self):
        """Return the properties of this object as a tuple:
        (n, X, Y, Z, dXc, dXo)
        return (self.n, self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.dXc, self.dXo)
    def composition(self,X,Y,dXc=0.0,dXo=0.0):
        ur"""Set the composition for this sytem. Composition must total to 1.0.
        Assumes that given X, Y, dXc, dXo, that
        .. math::
            X + Y + dXc + dXo = 1 - Z
        :param X: Fractional content of hydrogen.
        :param Y: Fractional content of helium.
        :param dXc: Fractional content of carbon.
        :param dXo: Fractional content of oxygen.
        This function will interpolate to the nearest composition value that it can find. As such, beware that the requested composition will be moved to the nearest acceptable composition in the current opacity tables.
        assert X + Y + dXc + dXo <= 1.0, u"Composition must be less than or equal to 1.0! ∑X=%0.1f" % (X + Y + dXc + dXo)
        if X == self.X and Y == self.Y and dXc == self.dXc and dXo == self.dXo:
            self.log.debug("Values are unchanged")
        point = np.atleast_2d(np.array([X,Y,dXc,dXo]))
        self._n = self._table_number(point)[0]
        self._X = self._comp[self.n,0]
        self._Y = self._comp[self.n,1]
        self._dXc = self._comp[self.n,2]
        self._dXo = self._comp[self.n,3]
        if X != self.X or Y != self.Y or dXc != self.dXc or dXo != self.dXo:
            self.log.warning("Interoplation reached a nearby value, not exact requested composition: X=%.4f, Y=%.4f, dXc=%.4f, dXo=%.4f" % (self.X, self.Y, self.dXc, self.dXo))
    def invert_points(cls,logR,logT):
        ur"""Return a log(rho) and log(T) for us.
        :param logR: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(R)` (Table Units).
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)` (Table Units).
        :returns: An array of [:math:`\log(\rho)`, :math:`\log(T)` ].
        logR = np.asarray(logR)
        logT = np.asarray(logT)
        R = np.power(10,logR)
        T = np.power(10,logT)
        T6 = 1e-6 * np.power(10,logT)
        rho = R * np.power(T6,3)
        logrho = np.log10(rho)
        return np.vstack((logrho,logT)).T
    def make_points(cls,logrho,logT):
        ur"""Convert the units for a point into proper table units.
        :param logrho: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(\rho)`.
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)`.
        :returns: An array of [:math:`\log(R)`, :math:`\log(T)`].
        logrho = np.asarray(logrho)
        logT = np.asarray(logT)
        T6 = 1e-6 * (np.power(10,logT))
        rho = np.power(10,logrho)
        R = rho / (np.power(T6,3))
        logR = np.log10(R)
        return np.vstack((logR,logT)).T
    def validate(self,points,RMode=False,Describe=False):
        ur"""Return a boolean if the points guessed are in the table at all.
        :param np.array points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)` to be checked.
        :param bool RMode: Whether to assume [logR,logT] (else, assume [logrho,logT])
        :returns: True if the points fit within the table.
        if not RMode:
            points = self.make_points(*points)
        except OpacityTableError as e:
            if Describe:
                return False, e.code, e.codes[e.code]
                return False
            if Describe:
                return True, 0, "No Error"
                return True
    def bounds(self,logR=None,logT=None):
        """Return the bounds of the selected opacity table."""
        top = np.array([np.max(self.tbl[:,i]) for i in xrange(2)])
        bot = np.array([np.min(self.tbl[:,i]) for i in xrange(2)])
        return np.vstack((top,bot)).T
    def snap(self,points):
        """Take a pair of points and place them back on the valid area."""
        maxes = np.array([(points[:,i] <= np.max(self.tbl[:,i])).any() for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        mines = np.array([(points[:,i] >= np.min(self.tbl[:,i])).any() for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        if (mines and maxes):
            return points
        for point in points:
            for ind,ele in enumerate(point):
                vmax, vmin = np.max(self.tbl[:,ind]),np.min(self.tbl[:,ind])
                if ele > vmax:
                    point[ind] = vmax
                elif ele < vmin:
                    point[ind] = vmin
        return points
    def __valid__(self,points):
        ur"""Check the range of this point compared to the opacity table range.
        :param np.array points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)` to be checked.
        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` when points are out of bounds.
        maxes = np.array([(points[:,i] <= np.max(self.tbl[:,i])).any() for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        mines = np.array([(points[:,i] >= np.min(self.tbl[:,i])).any() for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        if (mines and maxes):
            return True
        cols = {0:"logR",1:"logT"}
        for point in points:
            for ind,ele in enumerate(point):
                vmax, vmin = np.max(self.tbl[:,ind]),np.min(self.tbl[:,ind])
                if ele > vmax:
                    raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: %s=%g > %g" % (cols[ind],ele,vmax),code=2**(ind+2),val=vmax)
                elif ele < vmin:
                    raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: %s=%g < %g" % (cols[ind],ele,vmin),code=2**(ind+2)+1,val=vmin)
        raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: Error Index Unknown!!!, %r" % points,code=2**4)
    def lookup(self,points=None,logrho=None,logT=None):
        A lookup function for our interpolator. Does the pure lookup.
        :param points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)`
        :param logrho: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(\rho)` used only when `points` is not provided.
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)` used only when `points` is not provided.
        :returns: κ, an array of the rosseland mean opacity.
        if self._interpolator is None:
            raise OpacityTableError(code=2**1)
        if points is None:
            assert logrho is not None, u"Must provide a log(ρ)=?"
            assert logT is not None, u"Must provide a log(T)=?"
            logrho = np.asarray(logrho)
            logT = np.asarray(logT)
            points = self.make_points(logrho=logrho,logT=logT)
            points = self.make_points(logrho=points[:,0],logT=points[:,1])
        if self._snap:
            points = self.snap(points)
        if self._error:
        kappa = self._interpolator(points)
        return kappa
    def kappa(self,logrho=None,logT=None,rho=None,T=None):
        ur"""Return a rosseland mean opacity at a temperature and density.
        :param logrho: Logarithmic Density, base 10, :math:`\log(\rho)`
        :param rho: Density. Accepts `logrho` or `rho`.
        :param logT: Logarithmic Temperature, :math:`\log(T)`
        :param T: Temperature. Accepts `logT` or `T`.
        :returns: κ, the rosseland mean opacity.
        assert (logrho is not None) ^ (rho is not None), u"Must provide one and only one value for ρ."
        assert (logT is not None) ^ (T is not None), u"Must provide one and only one value for T"
        logT = logT if logT is not None else np.log10(T)
        logrho = logrho if logrho is not None else np.log10(rho)
        kappa = np.power(10,self.lookup(logT=logT,logrho=logrho))
        knans = np.sum(np.isnan(kappa))
        if knans > 0:
            self._warnings["NaNs"] += 1
        if knans > 0 and self._warnings["NaNs"] < self._warnings_max:
            if len(kappa) == 1:
                self.log.warning("Opacity Table Returned NaN: Kappa: %g logT: %g, logrho: %g" % (kappa,logT,logrho))
                inans = np.sum(np.isnan(logT)) + np.sum(np.isnan(logrho))
                inputs = logT.size + logrho.size
                self.log.warning("Opacity Table Returned NaNs: Kappas: %d/%d, Inputs: %d/%d" % (knans,kappa.size,inans,inputs))
            if T is not None and rho is not None:
                self.log.debug("T: %s Rho: %s" % (T,rho))
                self.log.debug("K: %s" % kappa)
        elif knans > 0 and self._warnings["NaNs"] == self._warnings_max:
            self.log.warning("Caught %d NaN Warnings. Future warnings will be suppressed." % self._warnings["NaNs"])
        if np.isnan(kappa).any() and self._error:
            raise ValueError("BOUNDS: Interpolator returned NaN")
        return kappa
Пример #2
class OpacityTable(object):
    """This object can interpolate across opacity table information.
    We use a nearest point interpolator to find the composition table that best matches the requested composition.
    A linear interpolation is then used to find requested opacity value.
    def __init__(self,
        super(OpacityTable, self).__init__()

        # Initialize our attribute values

        # Compositional Values
        self._X = None
        self._Y = None
        self._dXc = None
        self._dXo = None

        self._interpolator = None  # Object for the interpolator
        self._snap = snap  # Snap out-of-bounds objects to the grid.
        self._error = error  # Use python errors, or return np.nan
        self._warnings = {"NaNs": 0}
        self._warnings_max = wmax

        # Logging Values:
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Set up the configuration
        self.fkey = fkey
        self.cfg = DottedConfiguration({})
        self.cfg.load(filename, silent=False)
        self.cfg.dn = DottedConfiguration
        self.table_type = self.cfg[self.fkey].get('type', 'single')
        self.table_comp = (X, Y)

        # Load the tables (from cached .npy files if appropriate)
        self.log.debug("Loading Tables...")
        if load:
            except IOError:
        self.log.debug("Tables Loaded: %s", repr(self._tbls.shape))

        # Make ourselves a nearest-neighbor composition interpolator

        # If we have a composition, we should use it.
        if X is not None and Y is not None:
            self.composition(X, Y)

        if efkey is not None:
            self.log.debug("Loading extension tables")
            if self.cfg[efkey].get('type', 'single') == 'single':
                e_comp, e_tbls = read_table_opal(efkey, cfg=self.cfg)
                self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" %
            elif self.cfg[efkey].get('type', 'single') == 'split':
                e_comp, e_tbls = read_standalone_opal(self.X,
                self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" %
            self._tbls = merge_tables(self._comp, e_comp, self._tbls, e_tbls)
            self.log.debug("Read Extension Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" %

        self.log.debug("Opacity Interpolator Initialzied")

    def _composition_interpolator(self):
        """Creates the compositional (X,Y,Z) interpolator"""
        from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator
        points = self._comp[:, :4]
        values = self._comp[:, 4]
            "Composition Interpolating in %d dimensions on %d points" %
            (points.shape[1], points.shape[0]))
        self.log.debug("Input Shapes: [x,y]=%r, [v]=%r" %
                       (repr(points.shape), repr(values.shape)))
        nans = (np.sum(np.isnan(points)), np.sum(np.isnan(values)))
        if nans[0] > 0 or nans[1] > 0:
            self.log.debug("Input NaNs: [x,y]=%g, [v]=%g" % nans)
        self._table_number = NearestNDInterpolator(points, values)

    def _temperature_density_interpolator(self):
        """Creates the temperature-density interpolator"""
        from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
        self.log.debug("Initializing Main Interpolator...")
        points = self.tbl[:, :2]
        values = self.tbl[:, 2]
        points = points[np.isfinite(values)]
        values = values[np.isfinite(values)]
        self.log.debug("Interpolating Opacity in %d dimensions on %d points" %
                       (points.shape[1], points.shape[0]))
        self.log.debug(u"Input Shapes: [logR,logT]=%r, [κ]=%r" %
                       (repr(points.shape), repr(values.shape)))

        nans = (np.sum(np.isnan(points)), np.sum(np.isnan(values)))
        if nans[0] > 0 or nans[1] > 0:
            log.debug(u"Input NaNs: [logR,logT]=%g, [κ]=%g" % nans)
        self._interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(points, values)
        self.log.debug("Created Opacity Interpolator")

    def read(self):
        """Read the opacity tables from an OPAL file."""
        if self.table_type == 'single':
            self._comp, self._tbls = read_table_opal(self.fkey, cfg=self.cfg)
            self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" %
        elif self.table_type == 'split':
            X, Y = self.table_comp
            Z = 1.0 - X - Y
            self._comp, self._tbls = read_standalone_opal(X,
            self.log.debug("Read Opacity Tables from %(filename)s" %
                           self.cfg[self.fkey] % dict(X=X, Z=Z))

    def load(self):
        """Load the interpolator values from a pair of files. Will load from two numpy files the composition table and the opacity tables."""
        c = self.cfg[self.fkey]
        self._comp = np.load("%s.comp.npy" % c["filename"])
        self._tbls = np.load("%s.tbls.npy" % c["filename"])
            "Loaded Opacity Tables from Numpy Files: %(filename)s.*.npy" %

    def save(self):
        """Save this interpolator to a numpy file. The composition and tables will be saved to separate tables."""
        c = self.cfg[self.fkey]
        np.save("%s.comp.npy" % c["filename"], self._comp)
        np.save("%s.tbls.npy" % c["filename"], self._tbls)
            "Saved Opacity Tables to Numpy Files: %(filename)s.*.npy" %

    def X(self):
        """Fraction of H atoms"""
        return self._X

    def Y(self):
        """Fraction of He atoms"""
        return self._Y

    def Z(self):
        """Fraction of 'metal' atoms"""
        return (1.0 - self.X - self.Y - self.dXo - self.dXc)

    def dXo(self):
        """Fraction of oxygen greater than Z"""
        return self._dXo

    def dXc(self):
        """Fraction of carbon greater than Z"""
        return self._dXc

    def n(self):
        """Table number currently in use."""
        return self._n

    def tbl(self):
        """The table!"""
        return np.asarray(self._tbls[int(self.n)])

    def properties(self):
        """Return the properties of this object as a tuple:
        (n, X, Y, Z, dXc, dXo)
        return (self.n, self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.dXc, self.dXo)

    def composition(self, X, Y, dXc=0.0, dXo=0.0):
        ur"""Set the composition for this sytem. Composition must total to 1.0.
        Assumes that given X, Y, dXc, dXo, that
        .. math::
            X + Y + dXc + dXo = 1 - Z
        :param X: Fractional content of hydrogen.
        :param Y: Fractional content of helium.
        :param dXc: Fractional content of carbon.
        :param dXo: Fractional content of oxygen.
        This function will interpolate to the nearest composition value that it can find. As such, beware that the requested composition will be moved to the nearest acceptable composition in the current opacity tables.
        assert X + Y + dXc + dXo <= 1.0, u"Composition must be less than or equal to 1.0! ∑X=%0.1f" % (
            X + Y + dXc + dXo)
        if X == self.X and Y == self.Y and dXc == self.dXc and dXo == self.dXo:
            self.log.debug("Values are unchanged")
        point = np.atleast_2d(np.array([X, Y, dXc, dXo]))
        self._n = self._table_number(point)[0]
        self._X = self._comp[self.n, 0]
        self._Y = self._comp[self.n, 1]
        self._dXc = self._comp[self.n, 2]
        self._dXo = self._comp[self.n, 3]
        if X != self.X or Y != self.Y or dXc != self.dXc or dXo != self.dXo:
                "Interoplation reached a nearby value, not exact requested composition: X=%.4f, Y=%.4f, dXc=%.4f, dXo=%.4f"
                % (self.X, self.Y, self.dXc, self.dXo))


    def invert_points(cls, logR, logT):
        ur"""Return a log(rho) and log(T) for us.
        :param logR: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(R)` (Table Units).
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)` (Table Units).
        :returns: An array of [:math:`\log(\rho)`, :math:`\log(T)` ].
        logR = np.asarray(logR)
        logT = np.asarray(logT)
        R = np.power(10, logR)
        T = np.power(10, logT)
        T6 = 1e-6 * np.power(10, logT)
        rho = R * np.power(T6, 3)
        logrho = np.log10(rho)
        return np.vstack((logrho, logT)).T

    def make_points(cls, logrho, logT):
        ur"""Convert the units for a point into proper table units.
        :param logrho: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(\rho)`.
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)`.
        :returns: An array of [:math:`\log(R)`, :math:`\log(T)`].
        logrho = np.asarray(logrho)
        logT = np.asarray(logT)
        T6 = 1e-6 * (np.power(10, logT))
        rho = np.power(10, logrho)
        R = rho / (np.power(T6, 3))
        logR = np.log10(R)
        return np.vstack((logR, logT)).T

    def validate(self, points, RMode=False, Describe=False):
        ur"""Return a boolean if the points guessed are in the table at all.
        :param np.array points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)` to be checked.
        :param bool RMode: Whether to assume [logR,logT] (else, assume [logrho,logT])
        :returns: True if the points fit within the table.
        if not RMode:
            points = self.make_points(*points)
        except OpacityTableError as e:
            if Describe:
                return False, e.code, e.codes[e.code]
                return False
            if Describe:
                return True, 0, "No Error"
                return True

    def bounds(self, logR=None, logT=None):
        """Return the bounds of the selected opacity table."""
        top = np.array([np.max(self.tbl[:, i]) for i in xrange(2)])
        bot = np.array([np.min(self.tbl[:, i]) for i in xrange(2)])
        return np.vstack((top, bot)).T

    def snap(self, points):
        """Take a pair of points and place them back on the valid area."""
        maxes = np.array([(points[:, i] <= np.max(self.tbl[:, i])).any()
                          for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        mines = np.array([(points[:, i] >= np.min(self.tbl[:, i])).any()
                          for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        if (mines and maxes):
            return points

        for point in points:
            for ind, ele in enumerate(point):
                vmax, vmin = np.max(self.tbl[:, ind]), np.min(self.tbl[:, ind])
                if ele > vmax:
                    point[ind] = vmax
                elif ele < vmin:
                    point[ind] = vmin

        return points

    def __valid__(self, points):
        ur"""Check the range of this point compared to the opacity table range.
        :param np.array points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)` to be checked.
        :raises: :exc:`ValueError` when points are out of bounds.
        maxes = np.array([(points[:, i] <= np.max(self.tbl[:, i])).any()
                          for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        mines = np.array([(points[:, i] >= np.min(self.tbl[:, i])).any()
                          for i in xrange(2)]).all()
        if (mines and maxes):
            return True

        cols = {0: "logR", 1: "logT"}

        for point in points:
            for ind, ele in enumerate(point):
                vmax, vmin = np.max(self.tbl[:, ind]), np.min(self.tbl[:, ind])
                if ele > vmax:
                    raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: %s=%g > %g" %
                                            (cols[ind], ele, vmax),
                                            code=2**(ind + 2),
                elif ele < vmin:
                    raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: %s=%g < %g" %
                                            (cols[ind], ele, vmin),
                                            code=2**(ind + 2) + 1,

        raise OpacityTableError(msg="BOUNDS: Error Index Unknown!!!, %r" %

    def lookup(self, points=None, logrho=None, logT=None):
        A lookup function for our interpolator. Does the pure lookup.
        :param points: An array of :math:`\log(\rho)` and :math:`\log(T)`
        :param logrho: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(\rho)` used only when `points` is not provided.
        :param logT: An array (or single value) of :math:`\log(T)` used only when `points` is not provided.
        :returns: κ, an array of the rosseland mean opacity.
        if self._interpolator is None:
            raise OpacityTableError(code=2**1)

        if points is None:
            assert logrho is not None, u"Must provide a log(ρ)=?"
            assert logT is not None, u"Must provide a log(T)=?"
            logrho = np.asarray(logrho)
            logT = np.asarray(logT)
            points = self.make_points(logrho=logrho, logT=logT)
            points = self.make_points(logrho=points[:, 0], logT=points[:, 1])

        if self._snap:
            points = self.snap(points)
        if self._error:
        kappa = self._interpolator(points)
        return kappa

    def kappa(self, logrho=None, logT=None, rho=None, T=None):
        ur"""Return a rosseland mean opacity at a temperature and density.
        :param logrho: Logarithmic Density, base 10, :math:`\log(\rho)`
        :param rho: Density. Accepts `logrho` or `rho`.
        :param logT: Logarithmic Temperature, :math:`\log(T)`
        :param T: Temperature. Accepts `logT` or `T`.
        :returns: κ, the rosseland mean opacity.
        assert (logrho is not None) ^ (
            rho is not None), u"Must provide one and only one value for ρ."
        assert (logT is not None) ^ (
            T is not None), u"Must provide one and only one value for T"

        logT = logT if logT is not None else np.log10(T)
        logrho = logrho if logrho is not None else np.log10(rho)
        kappa = np.power(10, self.lookup(logT=logT, logrho=logrho))
        knans = np.sum(np.isnan(kappa))
        if knans > 0:
            self._warnings["NaNs"] += 1
        if knans > 0 and self._warnings["NaNs"] < self._warnings_max:
            if len(kappa) == 1:
                    "Opacity Table Returned NaN: Kappa: %g logT: %g, logrho: %g"
                    % (kappa, logT, logrho))
                inans = np.sum(np.isnan(logT)) + np.sum(np.isnan(logrho))
                inputs = logT.size + logrho.size
                    "Opacity Table Returned NaNs: Kappas: %d/%d, Inputs: %d/%d"
                    % (knans, kappa.size, inans, inputs))
            if T is not None and rho is not None:
                self.log.debug("T: %s Rho: %s" % (T, rho))
                self.log.debug("K: %s" % kappa)
        elif knans > 0 and self._warnings["NaNs"] == self._warnings_max:
                "Caught %d NaN Warnings. Future warnings will be suppressed." %
        if np.isnan(kappa).any() and self._error:
            raise ValueError("BOUNDS: Interpolator returned NaN")
        return kappa