def cargarArchivoAvion(self, archivo): f = open(archivo, 'r') diccionario = json.loads( for avion in diccionario['Aviones']: Av = Avion() Av.crearAvion(avion['codigoUnico'], avion['cantidadDePasajerosMaxima'], avion['cantidadDeTripulacionNecesaria']) self.agregarAvionALista(Av)
def printAvion(): t = int(tipo.get()) anyo = str(anno.get()) a = Avion(t) y = a.annos[anyo] year = Tk() year.title(f"{a.tipo} {anyo}") year.geometry("500x400+600+150") Label(year, text=f"Año {anyo}", height=2, font="Helvetica 25", bg="lightblue").pack(fill=X) dia = Label(year, font="Helvetica 20", anchor=W) dia.pack(fill=X, padx=50, pady=10) hActividad = Label(year, font="Helvetica 16", anchor=W) hActividad.pack(fill=X, padx=75) grupo = Label(year, font="Helvetica 16", anchor=W) grupo.pack(fill=X, padx=75) hIns = Label(year, font="Helvetica 16", anchor=W) hIns.pack(fill=X, padx=75) tIns = Label(year, font="Helvetica 16", anchor=W) tIns.pack(fill=X, padx=75) prev = Button(year, text="Anterior", font="Helvetica 15") next = Button(year, text="Siguiente", font="Helvetica 15") prev.pack() next.pack(pady=5) def printDay(i=0): if i < len(y["dia"]): dia["text"] = f"Día {y['dia'][i]}:" hActividad["text"] = f" - Horas de actividad: {y['hAct'][i]}" grupo["text"] = f" - Grupo: {y['gActivo'][i]}." hIns["text"] = f" - Horas motor grupo: {y['hIns'][i]}." tIns["text"] = f" - Tipo inspección: {y['tipoIns'][i]}.\n" else: ins = a.annoIns(anyo) label = [hActividad, grupo, hIns, tIns] dia["text"] = "TOTAL INSPECCIONES" for j in range(len(label)): if j < len(ins["tiposIns"]): label[j][ "text"] = f" - Inspecciones {ins['tiposIns'][j]}h: {ins['cant'][j]}" else: label[j]["text"] = "" next["command"] = "" if i > 0: prev["command"] = lambda: printDay(i - 1) if i < len(y["dia"]): next["command"] = lambda: printDay(i + 1) printDay() year.mainloop()
class Joueur: i = 1 def __init__(self,idAvion): = Joueur.i Joueur.i += 1 self.avion = Avion(idAvion) self.avance = True self.positionX = 32 self.positionY = 12*16 self.numExplosion = 0 self.explose = False self.getTouches() def getAvion(self): if self.avance: return self.avion.droite else: return self.avion.gauche def getExplosion(self): self.numExplosion +=1 if self.numExplosion > 6: return False return self.avion.getExplosion(self.numExplosion) def getTouches(self): with open("touches.txt", "r") as touches: for i,ligne in enumerate(touches): if i+1 == csv = ligne.split(",") self.touches = {"LEFT" : eval("pygame.K_" + csv[0]), "RIGHT" : eval("pygame.K_" + csv[1]), "UP" : eval("pygame.K_" + csv[2]),"DOWN" : eval("pygame.K_" + csv[3])}
def __init__(self,idAvion): = Joueur.i Joueur.i += 1 self.avion = Avion(idAvion) self.avance = True self.positionX = 32 self.positionY = 12*16 self.numExplosion = 0 self.explose = False self.getTouches()
def setUp(self): # Vols self.paris_newyork = Vol("Paris CDG", "New York", 6000, 500) self.paris_hongkong = Vol("Paris CDG", "Hong Kong", 9620, 200) # Avions disponible self.airbus_a350 = Avion() self.hawker_siddley_748 = Avion(reservoir=4000, nb_passenger=48, poids=21) self.boeing_737_max = Avion(reservoir=150000, nb_passenger=120, poids=118) self.boeing_737_max_2 = Avion(reservoir=150000, nb_passenger=140, poids=118)
from Avion import Avion # Modo Consola while True: print("1. Diamonds 2. Pipers 3. Acrobáticas") tipo = int(input("Modelo de Avión: ")) - 1 while tipo < 0 or tipo >= 3: tipo = int(input("Respuesta inválida.\n Modelo de Avión: ")) - 1 anno = int(input("Año (2021-2030): ")) while anno < 2021 or anno > 2030: anno = int(input("Respuesta inválida.\n Año (2021-2030): ")) a = Avion(tipo) a.printAnno(anno) seguir = input("¿Continuar? (y/n)\n") while seguir != "y" and seguir != "n": seguir = input("Respuesta inválida.\n ¿Continuar? (y/n)\n") if seguir == "n": break print("\n\n==========================================================\n\n")
def step_given_avion(context, nb_passagers, reservoir, poids): context.avion = Avion(float(reservoir), float(nb_passagers), float(poids))
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Vols self.paris_newyork = Vol("Paris CDG", "New York", 6000, 500) self.paris_hongkong = Vol("Paris CDG", "Hong Kong", 9620, 200) # Avions disponible self.airbus_a350 = Avion() self.hawker_siddley_748 = Avion(reservoir=4000, nb_passenger=48, poids=21) self.boeing_737_max = Avion(reservoir=150000, nb_passenger=120, poids=118) self.boeing_737_max_2 = Avion(reservoir=150000, nb_passenger=140, poids=118) def test_add_passenger(self): # Arrange self.airbus_a350.set_passenger(10) # Act self.airbus_a350.add_passenger(10) # Assert self.assertEqual(20, self.airbus_a350.get_passenger()) # Act self.airbus_a350.add_passenger(15) # Assert self.assertEqual(35, self.airbus_a350.get_passenger()) def test_calcul_consommer(self): # Arrange self.airbus_a350.set_passenger(150) self.airbus_a350.set_poids(118) self.airbus_a350.set_reservoir(10000) # Act self.airbus_a350.add_vol(self.paris_newyork) # Assert self.assertAlmostEqual(1330, self.airbus_a350.calcul_consommation(), places=0) def test_calcul_distance_avec_plusieurs_vols(self): # Arrange self.airbus_a350.set_passenger(150) self.airbus_a350.set_poids(118) self.airbus_a350.set_reservoir(150000) # Act self.airbus_a350.add_vol(self.paris_newyork) self.airbus_a350.add_vol(self.paris_hongkong) # Assert self.assertAlmostEqual(11278.195, self.airbus_a350.calcul_distance(), places=3) def test_crash_distance(self): # Arrange self.hawker_siddley_748.add_vol(self.paris_newyork) # Assert self.assertEqual(0, self.hawker_siddley_748.calcul_distance()) def test_nb_passenger_autorise(self): # Arrange self.paris_newyork.add_avion(self.boeing_737_max) self.paris_newyork.add_avion(self.boeing_737_max_2) # Assert self.assertEqual(True, self.paris_newyork.is_max_passenger()) def test_nb_passenger_autorise_depasse(self): # Arrange self.paris_hongkong.add_avion(self.boeing_737_max) self.paris_hongkong.add_avion(self.boeing_737_max_2) # Assert self.assertEqual(False, self.paris_hongkong.is_max_passenger())
'x': 3.7, 'y': 0, 'z': 0 } nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['AileGaucheFlap']['GouverneType'] = 'Flap' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['AileDroiteFlap']['GouverneType'] = 'Flap' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['StabGauche']['GouverneType'] = 'Profondeur' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['StabDroite']['GouverneType'] = 'Profondeur' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['AileGaucheAileron'][ 'GouverneType'] = 'RoulisGauche' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['AileDroiteAileron'][ 'GouverneType'] = 'RoulisDroite' nouvelAvion['ElmAero']['Gouverne']['GouverneType'] = 'Lacet' CurrentPlane = Avion(nouvelAvion) # Initialisation du vol ParamInit = {} ParamInit['vitesse'] = [56, 0.0, 0] # Repère Global ParamInit['vitRot'] = [0, 0, 0] ParamInit['position'] = [0.0, 0.0, 100.0] ParamInit['assiette'] = 0.717 ParamInit['inclinaison'] = 0 ParamInit['course'] = 0 ParamInit['Fmot'] = 1635 * 0.449 ParamInit['masse'] = 1000.0 commandesVol = {} commandesVol['Profondeur'] = 0
def step_given_avion(context): context.lst_avion = [] for row in context.table: context.lst_avion.append( Avion(float(row['reservoir']), float(row['nb_passagers']), float(row['poids'])))