def __init__(self, language='en'): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N(language) # self.i18n = I18N(language) # Add a title # Callback methods now in different module self.callBacks = Callbacks(self) # Disable resizing the window, 0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.callBacks.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() # create Logger instance fullPath = path.realpath(__file__) self.log = Logger(fullPath) # create Log Level instance self.level = LogLevel()
def __init__(self, language='en'): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N(language) # self.i18n = I18N(language) # Add a title # Callback methods now in different module self.callBacks = Callbacks(self) # Disable resizing the window,0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.callBacks.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() # create Logger instance fullPath = path.realpath(__file__) self.log = Logger(fullPath) # create Log Level instance self.level = LogLevel()
def __init__(self): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N('en') self.i18n = I18N('de') # Add a title # Disable resizing the window, 0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL()
def __init__(self): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N('en') self.i18n = I18N('de') # Add a title # Disable resizing the window,0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL()
class OOP(): def __init__(self, language='en'): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N(language) # self.i18n = I18N(language) # Add a title # Callback methods now in different module self.callBacks = Callbacks(self) # Disable resizing the window, 0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.callBacks.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() # create Logger instance fullPath = path.realpath(__file__) self.log = Logger(fullPath) # create Log Level instance self.level = LogLevel() ##################################################################################### def createWidgets(self): # Tab Control introduced here -------------------------------------- tabControl = ttk.Notebook( # Create Tab Control tab1 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Create a tab # tabControl.add(tab1, text='MySQL') # Add the tab -- COMMENTED OUT FOR CH08 tab2 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Add a second tab tabControl.add(tab2, text='Widgets') # Make second tab visible tabControl.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Pack to make visible # ~ Tab Control introduced here ----------------------------------------- # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets self.mySQL = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Python Database ') self.mySQL.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Book Title:").grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book) self.bookTitle.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book1 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book1) self.bookTitle1.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book2 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book2) self.bookTitle2.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='W') # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Page:").grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber1.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber2.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky='W') # Adding a Button self.action = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Insert Quote", command=self.callBacks.insertQuote) self.action.grid(column=2, row=1) # Adding a Button self.action1 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Get Quotes", command=self.callBacks.getQuote) self.action1.grid(column=2, row=2) # Adding a Button self.action2 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Mody Quote", command=self.callBacks.modifyQuote) self.action2.grid(column=2, row=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in self.mySQL.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) quoteFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Book Quotation ') quoteFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=8, pady=4) # Using a scrolled Text control quoteW = 40 quoteH = 6 self.quote = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(quoteFrame, width=quoteW, height=quoteH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.quote.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in quoteFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) #====================================================================================================== # Tab Control 2 #====================================================================================================== # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets -- Tab2 self.widgetFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL) self.widgetFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating three checkbuttons self.chVarDis = tk.IntVar() self.check1 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.disabled, variable=self.chVarDis, state='disabled') self.check1.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarUn = tk.IntVar() self.check2 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.unChecked, variable=self.chVarUn) self.check2.deselect() self.check2.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarEn = tk.IntVar() self.check3 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.toggle, variable=self.chVarEn) self.check3.deselect() self.check3.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky=tk.W) # trace the state of the two checkbuttons self.chVarUn.trace( 'w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2: self.checkCallback()) self.chVarEn.trace( 'w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2: self.checkCallback()) # Radiobutton list colors = self.i18n.colors self.radVar = tk.IntVar() # Selecting a non-existing index value for radVar self.radVar.set(99) # Creating all three Radiobutton widgets within one loop for col in range(3): self.curRad = 'rad' + str(col) self.curRad = tk.Radiobutton(self.widgetFrame, text=colors[col], variable=self.radVar, value=col, command=self.callBacks.radCall) self.curRad.grid(column=col, row=6, sticky=tk.W, columnspan=3) # And now adding tooltips tt.createToolTip(self.curRad, 'This is a Radiobutton control.') # Create a container to hold labels labelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.labelsFrame) labelsFrame.grid(column=0, row=7, pady=6) # Place labels into the container element - vertically ttk.Label(labelsFrame, text=self.i18n.chooseNumber).grid(column=0, row=0) self.lbl2 = tk.StringVar() self.lbl2.set(self.i18n.label2) ttk.Label(labelsFrame, textvariable=self.lbl2).grid(column=0, row=1) # Add some space around each label for child in labelsFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=1) number = tk.StringVar() self.combo = ttk.Combobox(self.widgetFrame, width=12, textvariable=number) self.combo['values'] = (1, 2, 4, 42, 100) self.combo.grid(column=1, row=7, sticky=tk.W) self.combo.current(0) self.combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self.callBacks._combo) # Adding a Spinbox widget using a set of values self.spin = Spinbox(self.widgetFrame, values=(1, 2, 4, 42, 100), width=5, bd=8, command=self.callBacks._spin) self.spin.grid(column=2, row=7, sticky='W,', padx=6, pady=1) # Using a scrolled Text control scrolW = 40 scrolH = 1 self.scr = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.widgetFrame, width=scrolW, height=scrolH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.scr.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Adding a TZ Button self.allTZs = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.timeZones, command=self.callBacks.allTimeZones) self.allTZs.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding local TZ Button self.localTZ = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.localZone, command=self.callBacks.localZone) self.localTZ.grid(column=1, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding getTime TZ Button self.dt = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.getTime, command=self.callBacks.getDateTime) self.dt.grid(column=2, row=9, sticky='WE') # Create Manage Files Frame ------------------------------------------------ mngFilesFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.mgrFiles) mngFilesFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='WE', padx=10, pady=5) # Button Callback def getFileName(): print('hello from getFileName') fDir = path.dirname(__file__) fName = fd.askopenfilename(, initialdir=fDir) print(fName) self.fileEntry.config(state='enabled') self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, fName) if len(fName) > self.entryLen: self.fileEntry.config(width=len(fName) + 3) # Add Widgets to Manage Files Frame lb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.browseTo, command=getFileName) lb.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- file = tk.StringVar() self.entryLen = scrolW - 4 self.fileEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=file) self.fileEntry.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- logDir = tk.StringVar() self.netwEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=logDir) self.netwEntry.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=tk.W) def copyFile(): import shutil src = self.fileEntry.get() file = src.split('/')[-1] dst = self.netwEntry.get() + '\\' + file try: shutil.copy(src, dst) mBox.showinfo('Copy File to Network', 'Succes: File copied.') except FileNotFoundError as err: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(err)) except Exception as ex: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(ex)) cb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.copyTo, command=copyFile) cb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=tk.E) # Add some space around each label for child in mngFilesFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=6) # Creating a Menu Bar ========================================================== menuBar = Menu(tab1) # Add menu items fileMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command( fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.exit, command=self.callBacks._quit) menuBar.add_cascade(label=self.i18n.file, menu=fileMenu) # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item helpMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) helpMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.about) menuBar.add_cascade(, menu=helpMenu) # Change the main windows icon'C:\Python34\DLLs\pyc.ico') # Using tkinter Variable Classes strData = tk.StringVar() strData.set('Hello StringVar') # It is not necessary to create a tk.StringVar() strData = tk.StringVar() strData = self.spin.get() # Place cursor into name Entry self.bookTitle.focus() # Add a Tooltip to the Spinbox tt.createToolTip(self.spin, 'This is a Spin control.') # Add Tooltips to more widgets tt.createToolTip(self.bookTitle, 'This is an Entry control.') tt.createToolTip(self.action, 'This is a Button control.') tt.createToolTip(self.scr, 'This is a ScrolledText control.')
class OOP(): def __init__(self, language='en'): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N(language) # self.i18n = I18N(language) # Add a title # Callback methods now in different module self.callBacks = Callbacks(self) # Disable resizing the window,0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.callBacks.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() # create Logger instance fullPath = path.realpath(__file__) self.log = Logger(fullPath) # create Log Level instance self.level = LogLevel() ##################################################################################### def createWidgets(self): # Tab Control introduced here -------------------------------------- tabControl = ttk.Notebook( # Create Tab Control tab1 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Create a tab # tabControl.add(tab1, text='MySQL') # Add the tab -- COMMENTED OUT FOR CH08 tab2 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Add a second tab tabControl.add(tab2, text='Widgets') # Make second tab visible tabControl.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Pack to make visible # ~ Tab Control introduced here ----------------------------------------- # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets self.mySQL = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Python Database ') self.mySQL.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Book Title:").grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book) self.bookTitle.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book1 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book1) self.bookTitle1.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book2 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book2) self.bookTitle2.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='W') # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Page:").grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber1.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber2.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky='W') # Adding a Button self.action = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Insert Quote", command=self.callBacks.insertQuote) self.action.grid(column=2, row=1) # Adding a Button self.action1 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Get Quotes", command=self.callBacks.getQuote) self.action1.grid(column=2, row=2) # Adding a Button self.action2 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Mody Quote", command=self.callBacks.modifyQuote) self.action2.grid(column=2, row=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in self.mySQL.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) quoteFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Book Quotation ') quoteFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=8, pady=4) # Using a scrolled Text control quoteW = 40; quoteH = 6 self.quote = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(quoteFrame, width=quoteW, height=quoteH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.quote.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in quoteFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) #====================================================================================================== # Tab Control 2 #====================================================================================================== # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets -- Tab2 self.widgetFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL) self.widgetFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating three checkbuttons self.chVarDis = tk.IntVar() self.check1 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.disabled, variable=self.chVarDis, state='disabled') self.check1.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarUn = tk.IntVar() self.check2 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.unChecked, variable=self.chVarUn) self.check2.deselect() self.check2.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W ) self.chVarEn = tk.IntVar() self.check3 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.toggle, variable=self.chVarEn) self.check3.deselect() self.check3.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky=tk.W) # trace the state of the two checkbuttons self.chVarUn.trace('w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2 : self.checkCallback()) self.chVarEn.trace('w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2 : self.checkCallback()) # Radiobutton list colors = self.i18n.colors self.radVar = tk.IntVar() # Selecting a non-existing index value for radVar self.radVar.set(99) # Creating all three Radiobutton widgets within one loop for col in range(3): self.curRad = 'rad' + str(col) self.curRad = tk.Radiobutton(self.widgetFrame, text=colors[col], variable=self.radVar, value=col, command=self.callBacks.radCall) self.curRad.grid(column=col, row=6, sticky=tk.W, columnspan=3) # And now adding tooltips tt.createToolTip(self.curRad, 'This is a Radiobutton control.') # Create a container to hold labels labelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.labelsFrame) labelsFrame.grid(column=0, row=7, pady=6) # Place labels into the container element - vertically ttk.Label(labelsFrame, text=self.i18n.chooseNumber).grid(column=0, row=0) self.lbl2 = tk.StringVar() self.lbl2.set(self.i18n.label2) ttk.Label(labelsFrame, textvariable=self.lbl2).grid(column=0, row=1) # Add some space around each label for child in labelsFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=1) number = tk.StringVar() self.combo = ttk.Combobox(self.widgetFrame, width=12, textvariable=number) self.combo['values'] = (1, 2, 4, 42, 100) self.combo.grid(column=1, row=7, sticky=tk.W) self.combo.current(0) self.combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self.callBacks._combo) # Adding a Spinbox widget using a set of values self.spin = Spinbox(self.widgetFrame, values=(1, 2, 4, 42, 100), width=5, bd=8, command=self.callBacks._spin) self.spin.grid(column=2, row=7, sticky='W,', padx=6, pady=1) # Using a scrolled Text control scrolW = 40; scrolH = 1 self.scr = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.widgetFrame, width=scrolW, height=scrolH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.scr.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Adding a TZ Button self.allTZs = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.timeZones, command=self.callBacks.allTimeZones) self.allTZs.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding local TZ Button self.localTZ = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.localZone, command=self.callBacks.localZone) self.localTZ.grid(column=1, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding getTime TZ Button self.dt = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.getTime, command=self.callBacks.getDateTime) self.dt.grid(column=2, row=9, sticky='WE') # Create Manage Files Frame ------------------------------------------------ mngFilesFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.mgrFiles) mngFilesFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='WE', padx=10, pady=5) # Button Callback def getFileName(): print('hello from getFileName') fDir = path.dirname(__file__) fName = fd.askopenfilename(, initialdir=fDir) print(fName) self.fileEntry.config(state='enabled') self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, fName) if len(fName) > self.entryLen: self.fileEntry.config(width=len(fName) + 3) # Add Widgets to Manage Files Frame lb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.browseTo, command=getFileName) lb.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- file = tk.StringVar() self.entryLen = scrolW - 4 self.fileEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=file) self.fileEntry.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- logDir = tk.StringVar() self.netwEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=logDir) self.netwEntry.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=tk.W) def copyFile(): import shutil src = self.fileEntry.get() file = src.split('/')[-1] dst = self.netwEntry.get() + '\\'+ file try: shutil.copy(src, dst) mBox.showinfo('Copy File to Network', 'Succes: File copied.') except FileNotFoundError as err: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(err)) except Exception as ex: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(ex)) cb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.copyTo, command=copyFile) cb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=tk.E) # Add some space around each label for child in mngFilesFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=6) # Creating a Menu Bar ========================================================== menuBar = Menu(tab1) # Add menu items fileMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command( fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.exit, command=self.callBacks._quit) menuBar.add_cascade(label=self.i18n.file, menu=fileMenu) # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item helpMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) helpMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.about) menuBar.add_cascade(, menu=helpMenu) # Change the main windows icon'C:\Python34\DLLs\pyc.ico') # Using tkinter Variable Classes strData = tk.StringVar() strData.set('Hello StringVar') # It is not necessary to create a tk.StringVar() strData = tk.StringVar() strData = self.spin.get() # Place cursor into name Entry self.bookTitle.focus() # Add a Tooltip to the Spinbox tt.createToolTip(self.spin, 'This is a Spin control.') # Add Tooltips to more widgets tt.createToolTip(self.bookTitle, 'This is an Entry control.') tt.createToolTip(self.action, 'This is a Button control.') tt.createToolTip(self.scr, 'This is a ScrolledText control.')
class OOP(): def __init__(self): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N('en') self.i18n = I18N('de') # Add a title # Disable resizing the window,0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() def defaultFileEntries(self): self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, 'Z:\\') # bogus path self.fileEntry.config(state='readonly') self.netwEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.netwEntry.insert(0, 'Z:\\Backup') # bogus path # Combobox callback def _combo(self, val=0): value = self.combo.get() self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, value + '\n') # Spinbox callback def _spin(self): value = self.spin.get() self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, value + '\n') # Checkbox callback def checkCallback(self, *ignoredArgs): # only enable one checkbutton if self.chVarUn.get(): self.check3.configure(state='disabled') else: self.check3.configure(state='normal') if self.chVarEn.get(): self.check2.configure(state='disabled') else: self.check2.configure(state='normal') # Radiobutton callback function def radCall(self): radSel=self.radVar.get() if radSel == 0: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[0]) elif radSel == 1: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[1]) elif radSel == 2: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[2]) # Exit GUI cleanly def _quit(self): exit() def methodInAThread(self, numOfLoops=10): for idx in range(numOfLoops): sleep(1) self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, str(idx) + '\n') sleep(1) print('methodInAThread():', self.runT.isAlive()) # Running methods in Threads def createThread(self, num): self.runT = Thread(target=self.methodInAThread, args=[num]) self.runT.setDaemon(True) self.runT.start() print(self.runT) print('createThread():', self.runT.isAlive()) # textBoxes are the Consumers of Queue data writeT = Thread(target=self.useQueues, daemon=True) writeT.start() # Create Queue instance def useQueues(self): # Now using a class member Queue while True: qItem = self.guiQueue.get() print(qItem) self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, qItem + '\n') # Button callback def insertQuote(self): title = self.bookTitle.get() page = self.pageNumber.get() quote = self.quote.get(1.0, tk.END) print(title) print(quote) self.mySQL.insertBooks(title, page, quote) # Button callback def getQuote(self): allBooks = self.mySQL.showBooks() print(allBooks) self.quote.insert(tk.INSERT, allBooks) # Button callback def modifyQuote(self): raise NotImplementedError("This still needs to be implemented for the SQL command.") # TZ Button callback def allTimeZones(self): for tz in all_timezones: self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, tz + '\n') # TZ Local Button callback def localZone(self): from tzlocal import get_localzone self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, get_localzone()) # Format local US time with TimeZone info def getDateTime(self): fmtStrZone = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z" # Get Coordinated Universal Time utc ='UTC')) print(utc.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # Convert UTC datetime object to Los Angeles TimeZone la = utc.astimezone(timezone('America/Los_Angeles')) print(la.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # Convert UTC datetime object to New York TimeZone ny = utc.astimezone(timezone('America/New_York')) print(ny.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # update GUI label with NY Time and Zone self.lbl2.set(ny.strftime(fmtStrZone)) ##################################################################################### def createWidgets(self): # Tab Control introduced here -------------------------------------- tabControl = ttk.Notebook( # Create Tab Control tab1 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Create a tab # tabControl.add(tab1, text='MySQL') # Add the tab -- COMMENTED OUT FOR CH08 tab2 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Add a second tab tabControl.add(tab2, text='Widgets') # Make second tab visible tabControl.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Pack to make visible # ~ Tab Control introduced here ----------------------------------------- # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets self.mySQL = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Python Database ') self.mySQL.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Book Title:").grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book) self.bookTitle.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book1 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book1) self.bookTitle1.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book2 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book2) self.bookTitle2.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='W') # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Page:").grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber1.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber2.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky='W') # Adding a Button self.action = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Insert Quote", command=self.insertQuote) self.action.grid(column=2, row=1) # Adding a Button self.action1 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Get Quotes", command=self.getQuote) self.action1.grid(column=2, row=2) # Adding a Button self.action2 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Mody Quote", command=self.modifyQuote) self.action2.grid(column=2, row=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in self.mySQL.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) quoteFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Book Quotation ') quoteFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=8, pady=4) # Using a scrolled Text control quoteW = 40; quoteH = 6 self.quote = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(quoteFrame, width=quoteW, height=quoteH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.quote.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in quoteFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) #====================================================================================================== # Tab Control 2 #====================================================================================================== # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets -- Tab2 self.widgetFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL) self.widgetFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating three checkbuttons self.chVarDis = tk.IntVar() self.check1 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.disabled, variable=self.chVarDis, state='disabled') self.check1.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarUn = tk.IntVar() self.check2 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.unChecked, variable=self.chVarUn) self.check2.deselect() self.check2.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W ) self.chVarEn = tk.IntVar() self.check3 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.toggle, variable=self.chVarEn) self.check3.deselect() self.check3.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky=tk.W) # trace the state of the two checkbuttons self.chVarUn.trace('w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2 : self.checkCallback()) self.chVarEn.trace('w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2 : self.checkCallback()) # Radiobutton list colors = self.i18n.colors self.radVar = tk.IntVar() # Selecting a non-existing index value for radVar self.radVar.set(99) # Creating all three Radiobutton widgets within one loop for col in range(3): curRad = 'rad' + str(col) curRad = tk.Radiobutton(self.widgetFrame, text=colors[col], variable=self.radVar, value=col, command=self.radCall) curRad.grid(column=col, row=6, sticky=tk.W, columnspan=3) # And now adding tooltips tt.createToolTip(curRad, 'This is a Radiobutton control.') # Create a container to hold labels labelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.labelsFrame) labelsFrame.grid(column=0, row=7, pady=6) # Place labels into the container element - vertically ttk.Label(labelsFrame, text=self.i18n.chooseNumber).grid(column=0, row=0) self.lbl2 = tk.StringVar() self.lbl2.set(self.i18n.label2) ttk.Label(labelsFrame, textvariable=self.lbl2).grid(column=0, row=1) # Add some space around each label for child in labelsFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=1) number = tk.StringVar() self.combo = ttk.Combobox(self.widgetFrame, width=12, textvariable=number) self.combo['values'] = (1, 2, 4, 42, 100) self.combo.grid(column=1, row=7, sticky=tk.W) self.combo.current(0) self.combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self._combo) # Adding a Spinbox widget using a set of values self.spin = Spinbox(self.widgetFrame, values=(1, 2, 4, 42, 100), width=5, bd=8, command=self._spin) self.spin.grid(column=2, row=7, sticky='W,', padx=6, pady=1) # Using a scrolled Text control scrolW = 40; scrolH = 1 self.scr = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.widgetFrame, width=scrolW, height=scrolH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.scr.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Adding a TZ Button self.allTZs = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.timeZones, command=self.allTimeZones) self.allTZs.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding local TZ Button self.localTZ = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.localZone, command=self.localZone) self.localTZ.grid(column=1, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding getTime TZ Button self.dt = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.getTime, command=self.getDateTime) self.dt.grid(column=2, row=9, sticky='WE') # Create Manage Files Frame ------------------------------------------------ mngFilesFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.mgrFiles) mngFilesFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='WE', padx=10, pady=5) # Button Callback def getFileName(): print('hello from getFileName') fDir = path.dirname(__file__) fName = fd.askopenfilename(, initialdir=fDir) print(fName) self.fileEntry.config(state='enabled') self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, fName) if len(fName) > self.entryLen: self.fileEntry.config(width=len(fName) + 3) # Add Widgets to Manage Files Frame lb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.browseTo, command=getFileName) lb.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- file = tk.StringVar() self.entryLen = scrolW - 4 self.fileEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=file) self.fileEntry.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- logDir = tk.StringVar() self.netwEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=logDir) self.netwEntry.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=tk.W) def copyFile(): import shutil src = self.fileEntry.get() file = src.split('/')[-1] dst = self.netwEntry.get() + '\\'+ file try: shutil.copy(src, dst) mBox.showinfo('Copy File to Network', 'Succes: File copied.') except FileNotFoundError as err: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(err)) except Exception as ex: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(ex)) cb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.copyTo, command=copyFile) cb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=tk.E) # Add some space around each label for child in mngFilesFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=6) # Creating a Menu Bar ========================================================== menuBar = Menu(tab1) # Add menu items fileMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command( fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.exit, command=self._quit) menuBar.add_cascade(label=self.i18n.file, menu=fileMenu) # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item helpMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) helpMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.about) menuBar.add_cascade(, menu=helpMenu) # Change the main windows icon'C:\Python34\DLLs\pyc.ico') # Using tkinter Variable Classes strData = tk.StringVar() strData.set('Hello StringVar') # It is not necessary to create a tk.StringVar() strData = tk.StringVar() strData = self.spin.get() # Place cursor into name Entry self.bookTitle.focus() # Add a Tooltip to the Spinbox tt.createToolTip(self.spin, 'This is a Spin control.') # Add Tooltips to more widgets tt.createToolTip(self.bookTitle, 'This is an Entry control.') tt.createToolTip(self.action, 'This is a Button control.') tt.createToolTip(self.scr, 'This is a ScrolledText control.')
class OOP(): def __init__(self): # Create instance = tk.Tk() self.i18n = I18N('en') self.i18n = I18N('de') # Add a title # Disable resizing the window, 0) # Create a Queue self.guiQueue = Queue() self.createWidgets() # populate Tab 2 Entries self.defaultFileEntries() # create MySQL instance self.mySQL = MySQL() def defaultFileEntries(self): self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, 'Z:\\') # bogus path self.fileEntry.config(state='readonly') self.netwEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.netwEntry.insert(0, 'Z:\\Backup') # bogus path # Combobox callback def _combo(self, val=0): value = self.combo.get() self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, value + '\n') # Spinbox callback def _spin(self): value = self.spin.get() self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, value + '\n') # Checkbox callback def checkCallback(self, *ignoredArgs): # only enable one checkbutton if self.chVarUn.get(): self.check3.configure(state='disabled') else: self.check3.configure(state='normal') if self.chVarEn.get(): self.check2.configure(state='disabled') else: self.check2.configure(state='normal') # Radiobutton callback function def radCall(self): radSel = self.radVar.get() if radSel == 0: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[0]) elif radSel == 1: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[1]) elif radSel == 2: self.widgetFrame.configure(text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL + self.i18n.colorsIn[2]) # Exit GUI cleanly def _quit(self): exit() def methodInAThread(self, numOfLoops=10): for idx in range(numOfLoops): sleep(1) self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, str(idx) + '\n') sleep(1) print('methodInAThread():', self.runT.isAlive()) # Running methods in Threads def createThread(self, num): self.runT = Thread(target=self.methodInAThread, args=[num]) self.runT.setDaemon(True) self.runT.start() print(self.runT) print('createThread():', self.runT.isAlive()) # textBoxes are the Consumers of Queue data writeT = Thread(target=self.useQueues, daemon=True) writeT.start() # Create Queue instance def useQueues(self): # Now using a class member Queue while True: qItem = self.guiQueue.get() print(qItem) self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, qItem + '\n') # Button callback def insertQuote(self): title = self.bookTitle.get() page = self.pageNumber.get() quote = self.quote.get(1.0, tk.END) print(title) print(quote) self.mySQL.insertBooks(title, page, quote) # Button callback def getQuote(self): allBooks = self.mySQL.showBooks() print(allBooks) self.quote.insert(tk.INSERT, allBooks) # Button callback def modifyQuote(self): raise NotImplementedError( "This still needs to be implemented for the SQL command.") # TZ Button callback def allTimeZones(self): for tz in all_timezones: self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, tz + '\n') # TZ Local Button callback def localZone(self): from tzlocal import get_localzone self.scr.insert(tk.INSERT, get_localzone()) # Format local US time with TimeZone info def getDateTime(self): fmtStrZone = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z" # Get Coordinated Universal Time utc ='UTC')) print(utc.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # Convert UTC datetime object to Los Angeles TimeZone la = utc.astimezone(timezone('America/Los_Angeles')) print(la.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # Convert UTC datetime object to New York TimeZone ny = utc.astimezone(timezone('America/New_York')) print(ny.strftime(fmtStrZone)) # update GUI label with NY Time and Zone self.lbl2.set(ny.strftime(fmtStrZone)) ##################################################################################### def createWidgets(self): # Tab Control introduced here -------------------------------------- tabControl = ttk.Notebook( # Create Tab Control tab1 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Create a tab # tabControl.add(tab1, text='MySQL') # Add the tab -- COMMENTED OUT FOR CH08 tab2 = ttk.Frame(tabControl) # Add a second tab tabControl.add(tab2, text='Widgets') # Make second tab visible tabControl.pack(expand=1, fill="both") # Pack to make visible # ~ Tab Control introduced here ----------------------------------------- # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets self.mySQL = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Python Database ') self.mySQL.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Book Title:").grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book) self.bookTitle.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book1 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book1) self.bookTitle1.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget book2 = tk.StringVar() self.bookTitle2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=34, textvariable=book2) self.bookTitle2.grid(column=0, row=3, sticky='W') # Creating a Label ttk.Label(self.mySQL, text="Page:").grid(column=1, row=0, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber1 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber1.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky='W') # Adding a Textbox Entry widget page = tk.StringVar() self.pageNumber2 = ttk.Entry(self.mySQL, width=6, textvariable=page) self.pageNumber2.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky='W') # Adding a Button self.action = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Insert Quote", command=self.insertQuote) self.action.grid(column=2, row=1) # Adding a Button self.action1 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Get Quotes", command=self.getQuote) self.action1.grid(column=2, row=2) # Adding a Button self.action2 = ttk.Button(self.mySQL, text="Mody Quote", command=self.modifyQuote) self.action2.grid(column=2, row=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in self.mySQL.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) quoteFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab1, text=' Book Quotation ') quoteFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, padx=8, pady=4) # Using a scrolled Text control quoteW = 40 quoteH = 6 self.quote = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(quoteFrame, width=quoteW, height=quoteH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.quote.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Add some space around each widget for child in quoteFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=2, pady=4) #====================================================================================================== # Tab Control 2 #====================================================================================================== # We are creating a container frame to hold all other widgets -- Tab2 self.widgetFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.WIDGET_LABEL) self.widgetFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=8, pady=4) # Creating three checkbuttons self.chVarDis = tk.IntVar() self.check1 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.disabled, variable=self.chVarDis, state='disabled') self.check1.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarUn = tk.IntVar() self.check2 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.unChecked, variable=self.chVarUn) self.check2.deselect() self.check2.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) self.chVarEn = tk.IntVar() self.check3 = tk.Checkbutton(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.toggle, variable=self.chVarEn) self.check3.deselect() self.check3.grid(column=2, row=0, sticky=tk.W) # trace the state of the two checkbuttons self.chVarUn.trace( 'w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2: self.checkCallback()) self.chVarEn.trace( 'w', lambda unused0, unused1, unused2: self.checkCallback()) # Radiobutton list colors = self.i18n.colors self.radVar = tk.IntVar() # Selecting a non-existing index value for radVar self.radVar.set(99) # Creating all three Radiobutton widgets within one loop for col in range(3): curRad = 'rad' + str(col) curRad = tk.Radiobutton(self.widgetFrame, text=colors[col], variable=self.radVar, value=col, command=self.radCall) curRad.grid(column=col, row=6, sticky=tk.W, columnspan=3) # And now adding tooltips tt.createToolTip(curRad, 'This is a Radiobutton control.') # Create a container to hold labels labelsFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.labelsFrame) labelsFrame.grid(column=0, row=7, pady=6) # Place labels into the container element - vertically ttk.Label(labelsFrame, text=self.i18n.chooseNumber).grid(column=0, row=0) self.lbl2 = tk.StringVar() self.lbl2.set(self.i18n.label2) ttk.Label(labelsFrame, textvariable=self.lbl2).grid(column=0, row=1) # Add some space around each label for child in labelsFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=1) number = tk.StringVar() self.combo = ttk.Combobox(self.widgetFrame, width=12, textvariable=number) self.combo['values'] = (1, 2, 4, 42, 100) self.combo.grid(column=1, row=7, sticky=tk.W) self.combo.current(0) self.combo.bind('<<ComboboxSelected>>', self._combo) # Adding a Spinbox widget using a set of values self.spin = Spinbox(self.widgetFrame, values=(1, 2, 4, 42, 100), width=5, bd=8, command=self._spin) self.spin.grid(column=2, row=7, sticky='W,', padx=6, pady=1) # Using a scrolled Text control scrolW = 40 scrolH = 1 self.scr = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.widgetFrame, width=scrolW, height=scrolH, wrap=tk.WORD) self.scr.grid(column=0, row=8, sticky='WE', columnspan=3) # Adding a TZ Button self.allTZs = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.timeZones, command=self.allTimeZones) self.allTZs.grid(column=0, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding local TZ Button self.localTZ = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.localZone, command=self.localZone) self.localTZ.grid(column=1, row=9, sticky='WE') # Adding getTime TZ Button self.dt = ttk.Button(self.widgetFrame, text=self.i18n.getTime, command=self.getDateTime) self.dt.grid(column=2, row=9, sticky='WE') # Create Manage Files Frame ------------------------------------------------ mngFilesFrame = ttk.LabelFrame(tab2, text=self.i18n.mgrFiles) mngFilesFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='WE', padx=10, pady=5) # Button Callback def getFileName(): print('hello from getFileName') fDir = path.dirname(__file__) fName = fd.askopenfilename(, initialdir=fDir) print(fName) self.fileEntry.config(state='enabled') self.fileEntry.delete(0, tk.END) self.fileEntry.insert(0, fName) if len(fName) > self.entryLen: self.fileEntry.config(width=len(fName) + 3) # Add Widgets to Manage Files Frame lb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.browseTo, command=getFileName) lb.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- file = tk.StringVar() self.entryLen = scrolW - 4 self.fileEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=file) self.fileEntry.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=tk.W) #----------------------------------------------------- logDir = tk.StringVar() self.netwEntry = ttk.Entry(mngFilesFrame, width=self.entryLen, textvariable=logDir) self.netwEntry.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=tk.W) def copyFile(): import shutil src = self.fileEntry.get() file = src.split('/')[-1] dst = self.netwEntry.get() + '\\' + file try: shutil.copy(src, dst) mBox.showinfo('Copy File to Network', 'Succes: File copied.') except FileNotFoundError as err: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(err)) except Exception as ex: mBox.showerror('Copy File to Network', '*** Failed to copy file! ***\n\n' + str(ex)) cb = ttk.Button(mngFilesFrame, text=self.i18n.copyTo, command=copyFile) cb.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky=tk.E) # Add some space around each label for child in mngFilesFrame.winfo_children(): child.grid_configure(padx=6, pady=6) # Creating a Menu Bar ========================================================== menuBar = Menu(tab1) # Add menu items fileMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) fileMenu.add_command( fileMenu.add_separator() fileMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.exit, command=self._quit) menuBar.add_cascade(label=self.i18n.file, menu=fileMenu) # Add another Menu to the Menu Bar and an item helpMenu = Menu(menuBar, tearoff=0) helpMenu.add_command(label=self.i18n.about) menuBar.add_cascade(, menu=helpMenu) # Change the main windows icon'C:\Python34\DLLs\pyc.ico') # Using tkinter Variable Classes strData = tk.StringVar() strData.set('Hello StringVar') # It is not necessary to create a tk.StringVar() strData = tk.StringVar() strData = self.spin.get() # Place cursor into name Entry self.bookTitle.focus() # Add a Tooltip to the Spinbox tt.createToolTip(self.spin, 'This is a Spin control.') # Add Tooltips to more widgets tt.createToolTip(self.bookTitle, 'This is an Entry control.') tt.createToolTip(self.action, 'This is a Button control.') tt.createToolTip(self.scr, 'This is a ScrolledText control.')