def IMU(): try: from BNO055 import BNO055 return BNO055() except Exception as e: print "Failed to Initialize Sparkfun IMU" print "Error: %s" % e.message print "Using Mock IMU" from IMU_Mock import IMU as IMU_Mock return IMU_Mock()
def __init__(self): motLA = 7 motLB = 6 motRA = 5 motRB = 4 minSpeed = 11 maxSpeed = 100 self.wheels = DifferentialDrive(motLA, motLB, motRA, motRB, minSpeed, maxSpeed) self.imu = BNO055() self.battery = ADS1000() = Camera()
class HeadingSensor: """ Keeps track of heading using the BNO055 """ __imu = BNO055() __debug = False def __init__(self, isDebug=False): self.__debug = isDebug if not self.__imu.begin(): raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to initialize BNO055! Is the sensor connected?') def get_heading(self): heading, roll, pitch = bno.getVector(0x1A) return heading def save_as_start_heading(self): heading, roll, pitch = bno.getVector(0x1A)
#!/usr/bin/env python from BNO055 import BNO055 import time bno = BNO055() CAL_TIME = 10 timer = time.time() while True: sys, gyro, accel, mag = bno.get_calibration_status() if sys == 3 and gyro == 3 and accel == 3 and mag == 3: print("Settling...{}".format(int(CAL_TIME - (time.time() - timer)))) # Must stay calibrated for 3 seconds if time.time() - timer > CAL_TIME: print("calibrated. Calibration vector:") print(bno.get_calibration()) break else: print("sys: {}/3, gyro: {}/3, accel: {}/3, mag: {}/3").format( sys, gyro, accel, mag) timer = time.time() time.sleep(0.3)
IMU_PUB_RATE = 50 def message_received(msg): # This runs on a seperate thread from the pub pass if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node('i2c_node') imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('imu_data', imu_msg, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(IMU_PUB_RATE) temp_pub = rospy.Publisher('temp_data', temp_msg, queue_size=1) depth_pub = rospy.Publisher('depth_data', depth_msg, queue_size=1) try: imu_sens = BNO055() temp_sens = TSYS01() depth_sens = MS5837() temp_sens.init() except: #add mock classes to return 0 and continue and alert pilots pass while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # using imu rate to poll the temp sensor as well beacuse IMU updates faster if imu_sens.update(): # imu sensor update out_message = imu_msg() out_message.gyro = [ imu_sens.pitch(),
from BNO055 import BNO055 sys.path.append('.') import RTIMU import os.path import time import math from std_msgs.msg import Int8MultiArray, Bool from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu from sensor_msgs.msg import MagneticField from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler imu = BNO055.BNO055() rospy.init_node('holly_imu') rate = rospy.Rate(25) def calibration_update_callback(data): global updateCalibration updateCalibration = rospy.Subscriber("/imu/save_cal", Bool, calibration_update_callback) # setup publisher and classes imuPub = rospy.Publisher('imu/data', Imu, queue_size=5) msg = Imu()
#!/usr/bin/python from BNO055 import BNO055 import time sensor = BNO055(0x29) while True: sensor.readEul() print("X: {:.1f}, Y: {:.1f}, Z: {:.1f}".format(sensor.euler['x'], sensor.euler['y'], sensor.euler['z'])) time.sleep(0.010)
pitch_servo = servo(23) roll_servo = servo(18, offset=-7) yaw_servo = servo(19) throttle_servo = servo(5) # I2C I2C_bus = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21)) # bmp180 bmp180 = BMP180(I2C_bus) bmp180.oversample_sett = 2 bmp180.baseline = 101325 alt_init = bmp180.altitude # BNO055 bno055 = BNO055(I2C_bus) pitch_init = bno055.readEuler().angle_x pitch_init = pitch_init+180 if pitch_init <= 0 else pitch_init-180 roll_init = bno055.readEuler().angle_y # Write to file with open("/Web/www/autre.json", "r") as f: autre_file = ujson.load(f) with open("/Web/www/autre.json", "w") as f: autre_file[2]["data"]["target"] = pitch_init autre_file[1]["data"]["target"] = roll_init ujson.dump(autre_file, f) # Airspeed speed = airspeed(bmp180) speed_init = 10
import time import pigpio from BNO055 import BNO055 import numpy as np import pickle # Create and configure the BNO sensor connection. Make sure only ONE of the # below 'bno = ...' lines is uncommented: # Raspberry Pi configuration with serial UART and RST connected to GPIO 18: pi = pigpio.pi() bno = BNO055(pi=pi, rst=18, address=0x28, bus=1) # Print system status and self test result. status, self_test, error = bno.get_system_status() print('System status: {0}'.format(status)) print('Self test result (0x0F is normal): 0x{0:02X}'.format(self_test)) # Print out an error if system status is in error mode. if status == 0x01: print('System error: {0}'.format(error)) print('See datasheet section 4.3.59 for the meaning.') # Print BNO055 software revision and other diagnostic data. sw, bl, accel, mag, gyro = bno.get_revision() print('Software version: {0}'.format(sw)) print('Bootloader version: {0}'.format(bl)) print('Accelerometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(accel)) print('Magnetometer ID: 0x{0:02X}'.format(mag)) print('Gyroscope ID: 0x{0:02X}\n'.format(gyro)) input('Press enter to begin reading BNO055 data, press Ctrl-C to quit...')
import pigpio from BNO055 import BNO055 import time servos = pigpio.pi() bno = BNO055(address = 0x28) if bno.begin() is not True: print "Error initializing device" exit() time.sleep(1) bno.setExternalCrystalUse(True) for i in range(1,40): vector = bno.getVector(BNO055.VECTOR_EULER) time.sleep(0.1) print(vector) print("done!") try: while True: vector = bno.getVector(BNO055.VECTOR_EULER) roll = vector[2] pitch = vector[1] servo_pitch_val = int(1600+8.88*(pitch)) servo_roll_val = int(1250 + 9.44 * roll + 0.0123 * roll**2)