def generate_QBO(self, time, countdown, lob, verbose):

            if len(self.qbo_orders) < 1:
       = False
                order = None

                osrid = self.qbo_orders[0].osrid
                biid = self.qbo_orders[0].order.orderid

                bi_order = self.qbo_orders[0].order
                qty = bi_order.qty
                price = bi_order.price

                limitprice = bi_order.limitprice
                MES = bi_order.MES

                subtype = 'QBO'

                # check if the order request has expired >0.5?
                if time - self.qbo_orders[0].time > 0.5:
           = False
                    order = Order(self.tid, self.job, "CAN", price, qty, time, None, -1, limitprice, MES, subtype, None, osrid)

           = True

                    total_price = 0
                    total_qty = 0

                    for trn in self.qbo_orders[0].trns:
                        total_price += trn['price']*trn['qty']
                        total_qty += trn['qty']

                #     price = total_price/total_qty
                #     qty = random.randint(total_qty, qty)

                    order = Order(self.tid, self.job, "LIM", price, qty, time, None, -1, limitprice, MES, subtype, 'Drk', osrid, biid)
                    self.lastquote = order

                order.myref = bi_order.myref

                del self.qbo_orders[0]

            return order
        def getorder(self, time, countdown, lob, verbose):

                if verbose: print('ZIP getorder(): LOB=%s' % lob)

                # random coefficient, multiplier on trader's own estimate of worst possible bid/ask prices
                # currently in arbitrarily chosen range [2, 5]
                worst_coeff = 2 + (3 * random.random())

                if len(self.orders) < 1:
               = False
                        order = None
               = True
                        self.limit = self.orders[0].price
                        self.job = self.orders[0].atype
                        if self.job == 'Bid':
                                # currently a buyer (working a bid order)
                                self.margin = self.margin_buy
                                # what is the worst bid price on the LOB right now?
                                if len(lob['bids']['lob']) > 0 :
                                        # take price of final entry on LOB
                                        worst_bid = lob['bids']['lob'][-1][0]
                                        # local pessimistic estimate of the worst bid price (own version of stub quote)
                                        worst_bid = max(1, int(self.limit / worst_coeff))
                                if self.worst_bidprice == None: self.worst_bidprice = worst_bid
                                elif self.worst_bidprice > worst_bid: self.worst_bidprice = worst_bid
                                # currently a seller (working a sell order)
                                self.margin = self.margin_sell
                                # what is the worst ask price on the LOB right now?
                                if len(lob['asks']['lob']) > 0 :
                                        # take price of final entry on LOB
                                        worst_ask = lob['asks']['lob'][-1][0]
                                        # local pessimistic estimate of the worst ask price (own version of stub quote)
                                        worst_ask = int(self.limit * worst_coeff)
                                if self.worst_askprice == None: self.worst_askprice = worst_ask
                                elif self.worst_askprice < worst_ask: self.worst_askprice = worst_ask

                        quoteprice = int(self.limit * (1 + self.margin))
                        self.price = quoteprice

                        # set limitprice and MES
                        limitprice = quoteprice
                        MES = 0
                        marketid = None

                        # only big block order can be BI or BDN order
                        subtype = None
                        big_block = 200

                        # cancel BI order when its reputation is lower than threshold
                        threshold = 50
                        if self.reputation < threshold:
                            self.biweight = 0

                        if self.orders[0].qty >= big_block:
                            subtype = random.choices(population=['BI','BDN', None],weights=[0.5, 0.5, 0],k=1)[0]

                        order = Order(self.tid, self.job, "LIM", quoteprice, self.orders[0].qty, time, None, -1, limitprice, MES, subtype, marketid)

                        order.myref = self.orders[0].assignmentid

                        if self.orders[0].qty < big_block:
                        if subtype != 'BI':
                            self.lastquote = order

                return order