Пример #1
def BSSN_or_ADM_ito_g4DD(inputvars, g4DD=None):
    # Step 0: Declare output variables as globals, to make interfacing with other modules/functions easier
    if inputvars == "ADM":
        global gammaDD, betaU, alpha
    elif inputvars == "BSSN":
        global hDD, cf, vetU, alpha
        print("inputvars = " + str(inputvars) +
              " not supported. Please choose ADM or BSSN.")

    # Step 1: declare g4DD as symmetric rank-4 tensor:
    g4DD_is_input_into_this_function = True
    if g4DD == None:
        g4DD = ixp.declarerank2("g4DD", "sym01", DIM=4)
        g4DD_is_input_into_this_function = False

    # Step 2: Compute gammaDD & betaD
    betaD = ixp.zerorank1()
    gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(3):
        betaD[i] = g4DD[0][i]
        for j in range(3):
            gammaDD[i][j] = g4DD[i + 1][j + 1]

    # Step 3: Compute betaU
    # Step 3.a: Compute gammaUU based on provided gammaDD
    gammaUU, gammaDET = ixp.symm_matrix_inverter3x3(gammaDD)

    # Step 3.b: Use gammaUU to raise betaU
    betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            betaU[i] += gammaUU[i][j] * betaD[j]

    # Step 4:   Compute alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
    # Step 4.a: Compute beta^2 = beta^k beta_k:
    beta_squared = sp.sympify(0)
    for k in range(3):
        beta_squared += betaU[k] * betaD[k]

    # Step 4.b: alpha = sqrt(beta^2 - g_{00}):
    if g4DD_is_input_into_this_function == False:
        alpha = sp.sqrt(sp.simplify(beta_squared) - g4DD[0][0])
        alpha = sp.sqrt(beta_squared - g4DD[0][0])

    # Step 5: If inputvars == "ADM", we are finished. Return.
    if inputvars == "ADM":

    # Step 6: If inputvars == "BSSN", convert ADM to BSSN
    import BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM as BitoA
    dummyBU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BitoA.betU_vetU(betaU, dummyBU)
    hDD = BitoA.hDD
    cf = BitoA.cf
    vetU = BitoA.vetU
def Convert_Spherical_or_Cartesian_ADM_to_BSSN_curvilinear(
        CoordType_in, Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz, gammaDD_inSphorCart,
        KDD_inSphorCart, alpha_inSphorCart, betaU_inSphorCart, BU_inSphorCart):
    # This routine converts the ADM variables
    #    $$\left\{\gamma_{ij}, K_{ij}, \alpha, \beta^i\right\}$$
    #    in Spherical or Cartesian basis+coordinates, first to the BSSN variables
    #    in the chosen reference_metric::CoordSystem coordinate system+basis:
    # $$\left\{\bar{\gamma}_{i j},\bar{A}_{i j},\phi, K, \bar{\Lambda}^{i}, \alpha, \beta^i, B^i\right\},$$
    #    and then to the rescaled variables:
    # $$\left\{h_{i j},a_{i j},\phi, K, \lambda^{i}, \alpha, \mathcal{V}^i, \mathcal{B}^i\right\}.$$

    # The ADM & BSSN formalisms only work in 3D; they are 3+1 decompositions of Einstein's equations.
    #    To implement axisymmetry or spherical symmetry, simply set all spatial derivatives in
    #    the relevant angular directions to zero; DO NOT SET DIM TO ANYTHING BUT 3.
    # Step P1: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3

    # Step P2: Copy gammaSphDD_in to gammaSphDD, KSphDD_in to KSphDD, etc.
    #    This ensures that the input arrays are not modified below;
    #    modifying them would result in unexpected effects outside
    #    this function.
    alphaSphorCart = alpha_inSphorCart
    betaSphorCartU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BSphorCartU = ixp.zerorank1()
    gammaSphorCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    KSphorCartDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        betaSphorCartU[i] = betaU_inSphorCart[i]
        BSphorCartU[i] = BU_inSphorCart[i]
        for j in range(DIM):
            gammaSphorCartDD[i][j] = gammaDD_inSphorCart[i][j]
            KSphorCartDD[i][j] = KDD_inSphorCart[i][j]

    # Make sure that rfm.reference_metric() has been called.
    #    We'll need the variables it defines throughout this module.
    if rfm.have_already_called_reference_metric_function == False:
            "Error. Called Convert_Spherical_ADM_to_BSSN_curvilinear() without"
            "       first setting up reference metric, by calling rfm.reference_metric()."

    # Step 1: All input quantitiefs are in terms of r,th,ph or x,y,z. We want them in terms
    #         of xx0,xx1,xx2, so here we call sympify_integers__replace_rthph() to replace
    #         r,th,ph or x,y,z, respectively, with the appropriate functions of xx0,xx1,xx2
    #         as defined for this particular reference metric in reference_metric.py's
    #         xxSph[] or xx_to_Cart[], respectively:

    # Note that substitution only works when the variable is not an integer. Hence the
    #         if isinstance(...,...) stuff:
    def sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(obj, rthph_or_xyz,
        if isinstance(obj, int):
            return sp.sympify(obj)
        return obj.subs(rthph_or_xyz[0], rthph_or_xyz_of_xx[0]).\
            subs(rthph_or_xyz[1], rthph_or_xyz_of_xx[1]).\
            subs(rthph_or_xyz[2], rthph_or_xyz_of_xx[2])

    r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx = []
    if CoordType_in == "Spherical":
        r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx = rfm.xxSph
    elif CoordType_in == "Cartesian":
        r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx = rfm.xx_to_Cart
            "Error: Can only convert ADM Cartesian or Spherical initial data to BSSN Curvilinear coords."

    alphaSphorCart = sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(
        alphaSphorCart, Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz, r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx)
    for i in range(DIM):
        betaSphorCartU[i] = sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(
            betaSphorCartU[i], Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz,
        BSphorCartU[i] = sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(
            BSphorCartU[i], Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz, r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx)
        for j in range(DIM):
                j] = sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(
                    gammaSphorCartDD[i][j], Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz,
            KSphorCartDD[i][j] = sympify_integers__replace_rthph_or_Cartxyz(
                KSphorCartDD[i][j], Sph_r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz,

    # Step 2: All ADM initial data quantities are now functions of xx0,xx1,xx2, but
    #         they are still in the Spherical or Cartesian basis. We can now directly apply
    #         Jacobian transformations to get them in the correct xx0,xx1,xx2 basis:

    # Make these globals so we can recover the ADM quantities in the destination basis if desired.
    global alpha, betaU, BU, gammaDD, KDD

    # alpha is a scalar, so no Jacobian transformation is necessary.
    alpha = alphaSphorCart

    Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            # Converting UIUCBlackHole ID to Cartesian coords takes 66.8s if the following isn't simplified:
            # Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[i][j] = sp.diff(r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx[i],rfm.xx[j])
            # ... but when we simplify each term, the total conversion time is reduced to 60.93s
            Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[i][j] = sp.simplify(
                sp.diff(r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_of_xx[i], rfm.xx[j]))

    Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD, dummyDET = ixp.generic_matrix_inverter3x3(

    betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    KDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            betaU[i] += Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD[i][j] * betaSphorCartU[j]
            BU[i] += Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD[i][j] * BSphorCartU[j]
            for k in range(DIM):
                for l in range(DIM):
                    gammaDD[i][j] += Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[k][
                        i] * Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[l][j] * gammaSphorCartDD[
                    KDD[i][j] += Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[k][
                        i] * Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[l][j] * KSphorCartDD[k][l]

    # Step 3: All ADM quantities were input into this function in the Spherical or Cartesian
    #         basis, as functions of r,th,ph or x,y,z, respectively. In Steps 1 and 2 above,
    #         we converted them to the xx0,xx1,xx2 basis, and as functions of xx0,xx1,xx2.
    #         Here we convert ADM quantities in the "rfm" basis to their BSSN Curvilinear
    #         counterparts:

    import BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM as BitoA
    BitoA.trK_AbarDD_aDD(gammaDD, KDD)
    BitoA.betU_vetU(betaU, BU)

    # Step 4: Return the BSSN Curvilinear variables in the desired xx0,xx1,xx2
    #         basis, and as functions of the consistent xx0,xx1,xx2 coordinates.
    return BitoA.cf, BitoA.hDD, BitoA.lambdaU, BitoA.aDD, BitoA.trK, alpha, BitoA.vetU, BitoA.betU
def Convert_Spherical_or_Cartesian_ADM_to_BSSN_curvilinear(CoordType_in, ADM_input_function_name,
                                                           Ccodesdir = "BSSN", pointer_to_ID_inputs=False,loopopts=",oldloops"):
    # The ADM & BSSN formalisms only work in 3D; they are 3+1 decompositions of Einstein's equations.
    #    To implement axisymmetry or spherical symmetry, simply set all spatial derivatives in
    #    the relevant angular directions to zero; DO NOT SET DIM TO ANYTHING BUT 3.

    # Step 0: Set spatial dimension (must be 3 for BSSN)
    DIM = 3

    # Step 1: All ADM initial data quantities are now functions of xx0,xx1,xx2, but
    #         they are still in the Spherical or Cartesian basis. We can now directly apply
    #         Jacobian transformations to get them in the correct xx0,xx1,xx2 basis:

    #         All input quantities are in terms of r,th,ph or x,y,z. We want them in terms
    #         of xx0,xx1,xx2, so here we call sympify_integers__replace_rthph() to replace
    #         r,th,ph or x,y,z, respectively, with the appropriate functions of xx0,xx1,xx2
    #         as defined for this particular reference metric in reference_metric.py's
    #         xxSph[] or xx_to_Cart[], respectively:

    # Define the input variables:
    gammaSphorCartDD = ixp.declarerank2("gammaSphorCartDD", "sym01")
    KSphorCartDD = ixp.declarerank2("KSphorCartDD", "sym01")
    alphaSphorCart = sp.symbols("alphaSphorCart")
    betaSphorCartU = ixp.declarerank1("betaSphorCartU")
    BSphorCartU = ixp.declarerank1("BSphorCartU")

    # Make sure that rfm.reference_metric() has been called.
    #    We'll need the variables it defines throughout this module.
    if rfm.have_already_called_reference_metric_function == False:
        print("Error. Called Convert_Spherical_ADM_to_BSSN_curvilinear() without")
        print("       first setting up reference metric, by calling rfm.reference_metric().")

    r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx = []
    if CoordType_in == "Spherical":
        r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx = rfm.xxSph
    elif CoordType_in == "Cartesian":
        r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx = rfm.xx_to_Cart
        print("Error: Can only convert ADM Cartesian or Spherical initial data to BSSN Curvilinear coords.")

    # Step 2: All ADM initial data quantities are now functions of xx0,xx1,xx2, but
    #         they are still in the Spherical or Cartesian basis. We can now directly apply
    #         Jacobian transformations to get them in the correct xx0,xx1,xx2 basis:

    # alpha is a scalar, so no Jacobian transformation is necessary.
    alpha = alphaSphorCart

    Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[i][j] = sp.diff(r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx[i], rfm.xx[j])

    Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD, dummyDET = ixp.generic_matrix_inverter3x3(Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD)

    betaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    BU = ixp.zerorank1()
    gammaDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    KDD = ixp.zerorank2()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            betaU[i] += Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD[i][j] * betaSphorCartU[j]
            BU[i] += Jac_dUrfm_dDSphorCartUD[i][j] * BSphorCartU[j]
            for k in range(DIM):
                for l in range(DIM):
                    gammaDD[i][j] += Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[k][i] * Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[l][j] * \
                    KDD[i][j] += Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[k][i] * Jac_dUSphorCart_dDrfmUD[l][j] * KSphorCartDD[k][l]

    # Step 3: All ADM quantities were input into this function in the Spherical or Cartesian
    #         basis, as functions of r,th,ph or x,y,z, respectively. In Steps 1 and 2 above,
    #         we converted them to the xx0,xx1,xx2 basis, and as functions of xx0,xx1,xx2.
    #         Here we convert ADM quantities in the "rfm" basis to their BSSN Curvilinear
    #         counterparts, for all BSSN quantities *except* lambda^i:
    import BSSN.BSSN_in_terms_of_ADM as BitoA
    BitoA.trK_AbarDD_aDD(gammaDD, KDD)
    BitoA.betU_vetU(betaU, BU)
    hDD = BitoA.hDD
    trK = BitoA.trK
    aDD = BitoA.aDD
    cf = BitoA.cf
    vetU = BitoA.vetU
    betU = BitoA.betU

    # Step 4: Compute $\bar{\Lambda}^i$ (Eqs. 4 and 5 of
    #         [Baumgarte *et al.*](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.6632.pdf)),
    #         from finite-difference derivatives of rescaled metric
    #         quantities $h_{ij}$:

    # \bar{\Lambda}^i = \bar{\gamma}^{jk}\left(\bar{\Gamma}^i_{jk} - \hat{\Gamma}^i_{jk}\right).

    # The reference_metric.py module provides us with analytic expressions for
    #         $\hat{\Gamma}^i_{jk}$, so here we need only compute
    #         finite-difference expressions for $\bar{\Gamma}^i_{jk}$, based on
    #         the values for $h_{ij}$ provided in the initial data. Once
    #         $\bar{\Lambda}^i$ has been computed, we apply the usual rescaling
    #         procedure:

    # \lambda^i = \bar{\Lambda}^i/\text{ReU[i]},

    # and then output the result to a C file using the NRPy+
    #         finite-difference C output routine.

    # We will need all BSSN gridfunctions to be defined, as well as
    #     expressions for gammabarDD_dD in terms of exact derivatives of
    #     the rescaling matrix and finite-difference derivatives of
    #     hDD's. This functionality is provided by BSSN.BSSN_unrescaled_and_barred_vars,
    #     which we call here to overwrite above definitions of gammabarDD,gammabarUU, etc.
    Bq.gammabar__inverse_and_derivs() # Provides gammabarUU and GammabarUDD
    gammabarUU    = Bq.gammabarUU
    GammabarUDD   = Bq.GammabarUDD

    # Next evaluate \bar{\Lambda}^i, based on GammabarUDD above and GammahatUDD
    #       (from the reference metric):
    LambdabarU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        for j in range(DIM):
            for k in range(DIM):
                LambdabarU[i] += gammabarUU[j][k] * (GammabarUDD[i][j][k] - rfm.GammahatUDD[i][j][k])

    # Finally apply rescaling:
    # lambda^i = Lambdabar^i/\text{ReU[i]}
    lambdaU = ixp.zerorank1()
    for i in range(DIM):
        lambdaU[i] = LambdabarU[i] / rfm.ReU[i]

    if ADM_input_function_name == "DoNotOutputADMInputFunction":
        return hDD,aDD,trK,vetU,betU,alpha,cf,lambdaU

    # Step 5.A: Output files containing finite-differenced lambdas.
    outCparams = "preindent=1,outCfileaccess=a,outCverbose=False,includebraces=False"
    lambdaU_expressions = [lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("in_gfs", "lambdaU0"), rhs=lambdaU[0]),
                           lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("in_gfs", "lambdaU1"), rhs=lambdaU[1]),
                           lhrh(lhs=gri.gfaccess("in_gfs", "lambdaU2"), rhs=lambdaU[2])]

    desc = "Output lambdaU[i] for BSSN, built using finite-difference derivatives."
    name = "ID_BSSN_lambdas"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict xx[3],REAL *restrict in_gfs"
    preloop = ""
    if "oldloops" in loopopts:
        params = "const int Nxx[3],const int Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS[3],REAL *xx[3],const REAL dxx[3],REAL *in_gfs"
        preloop = """
const REAL invdx0 = 1.0/dxx[0];
const REAL invdx1 = 1.0/dxx[1];
const REAL invdx2 = 1.0/dxx[2];
        outfile=os.path.join(Ccodesdir, name + ".h"), desc=desc, name=name, params=params,
        body=fin.FD_outputC("returnstring", lambdaU_expressions, outCparams),
        loopopts="InteriorPoints,Read_xxs"+loopopts, enableCparameters=enableCparameters)

    # Step 5: Output all ADM-to-BSSN expressions to a C function. This function
    #         must first call the ID_ADM_SphorCart() defined above. Using these
    #         Spherical or Cartesian data, it sets up all quantities needed for
    #         BSSNCurvilinear initial data, *except* $\lambda^i$, which must be
    #         computed from numerical data using finite-difference derivatives.
    ID_inputs_param = "ID_inputs other_inputs,"
    if pointer_to_ID_inputs == True:
        ID_inputs_param = "ID_inputs *other_inputs,"

    desc = "Write BSSN variables in terms of ADM variables at a given point xx0,xx1,xx2"
    name = "ID_ADM_xx0xx1xx2_to_BSSN_xx0xx1xx2__ALL_BUT_LAMBDAs"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params, "
    if "oldloops" in loopopts:
        params = ""
    params += "const int i0i1i2[3], const REAL xx0xx1xx2[3]," + ID_inputs_param + """
                    REAL *hDD00,REAL *hDD01,REAL *hDD02,REAL *hDD11,REAL *hDD12,REAL *hDD22,
                    REAL *aDD00,REAL *aDD01,REAL *aDD02,REAL *aDD11,REAL *aDD12,REAL *aDD22,
                    REAL *trK,
                    REAL *vetU0,REAL *vetU1,REAL *vetU2,
                    REAL *betU0,REAL *betU1,REAL *betU2,
                    REAL *alpha,  REAL *cf"""
    outCparams = "preindent=1,outCverbose=False,includebraces=False"
        outfile=os.path.join(Ccodesdir, name + ".h"), desc=desc, name=name, params=params,
      REAL gammaSphorCartDD00,gammaSphorCartDD01,gammaSphorCartDD02,
      REAL KSphorCartDD00,KSphorCartDD01,KSphorCartDD02,
      REAL alphaSphorCart,betaSphorCartU0,betaSphorCartU1,betaSphorCartU2;
      REAL BSphorCartU0,BSphorCartU1,BSphorCartU2;
      const REAL xx0 = xx0xx1xx2[0];
      const REAL xx1 = xx0xx1xx2[1];
      const REAL xx2 = xx0xx1xx2[2];
      REAL xyz_or_rthph[3];\n""" +
             outputC(r_th_ph_or_Cart_xyz_oID_xx[0:3], ["xyz_or_rthph[0]", "xyz_or_rthph[1]", "xyz_or_rthph[2]"],
                     outCparams + ",CSE_enable=False") + "      " + ADM_input_function_name + """(params,i0i1i2, xyz_or_rthph, other_inputs,
      // Next compute all rescaled BSSN curvilinear quantities:\n""" +
             outputC([hDD[0][0], hDD[0][1], hDD[0][2], hDD[1][1], hDD[1][2], hDD[2][2],
                      aDD[0][0], aDD[0][1], aDD[0][2], aDD[1][1], aDD[1][2], aDD[2][2],
                      trK, vetU[0], vetU[1], vetU[2], betU[0], betU[1], betU[2],
                      alpha, cf],
                     ["*hDD00", "*hDD01", "*hDD02", "*hDD11", "*hDD12", "*hDD22",
                      "*aDD00", "*aDD01", "*aDD02", "*aDD11", "*aDD12", "*aDD22",
                      "*trK", "*vetU0", "*vetU1", "*vetU2", "*betU0", "*betU1", "*betU2",
                      "*alpha", "*cf"], "returnstring", params=outCparams),

    # Step 5.a: Output the driver function for the above
    #           function ID_ADM_xx0xx1xx2_to_BSSN_xx0xx1xx2__ALL_BUT_LAMBDAs()
    # Next write the driver function for ID_ADM_xx0xx1xx2_to_BSSN_xx0xx1xx2__ALL_BUT_LAMBDAs():
    desc = """Driver function for ID_ADM_xx0xx1xx2_to_BSSN_xx0xx1xx2__ALL_BUT_LAMBDAs(),
which writes BSSN variables in terms of ADM variables at a given point xx0,xx1,xx2"""
    name = "ID_BSSN__ALL_BUT_LAMBDAs"
    params = "const paramstruct *restrict params,REAL *restrict xx[3]," + ID_inputs_param + "REAL *in_gfs"
    enableCparameters = True
    funccallparams = "params, "
    idx3replace   = "IDX3S"
    idx4ptreplace = "IDX4ptS"
    if "oldloops" in loopopts:
        params = "const int Nxx_plus_2NGHOSTS[3],REAL *xx[3]," + ID_inputs_param + "REAL *in_gfs"
        enableCparameters = False
        funccallparams = ""
        idx3replace   = "IDX3"
        idx4ptreplace = "IDX4pt"
        outfile=os.path.join(Ccodesdir, name + ".h"), desc=desc, name=name, params=params,
const int idx = IDX3(i0,i1,i2);
const int i0i1i2[3] = {i0,i1,i2};
const REAL xx0xx1xx2[3] = {xx0,xx1,xx2};
        loopopts="AllPoints,Read_xxs"+loopopts, enableCparameters=enableCparameters)