Пример #1
def _InsEliminateMemLoadStore(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, base_kind: o.DK,
                              offset_kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Mem operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a ld/st is from a static location.

     Note: this function may add local registers which does not affect liveness or use-deg chains
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if opc is o.ST_MEM:
        st_offset = ops[1]
        lea_offset = ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)
        if isinstance(st_offset, ir.Const):
            st_offset, lea_offset = lea_offset, st_offset
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [scratch_reg, ops[0], lea_offset])
        ins.Init(o.ST, [scratch_reg, st_offset, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LD_MEM:
        ld_offset = ops[2]
        lea_offset = ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)
        if isinstance(ld_offset, ir.Const):
            ld_offset, lea_offset = lea_offset, ld_offset
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        # TODO: should the Zero Offset stay with the ld op?
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [scratch_reg, ops[1], lea_offset])
        ins.Init(o.LD, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ld_offset])
        return [lea, ins]
        return None
Пример #2
def _InsEliminateCopySign(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """Rewrites copysign instructions like so:
    z = copysign a  b
    aa = int(a) & 0x7f...f
    bb = int(b) & 0x80...0
    z = flt(aa | bb)

    if ins.opcode is not o.COPYSIGN:
        return None
    ops = ins.operands
    out = []
    if ops[0].kind == o.DK.F32:
        kind = o.DK.U32
        sign = 1 << 31
        mask = sign - 1
        kind = o.DK.U64
        sign = 1 << 63
        mask = sign - 1

    tmp_src1 = fun.GetScratchReg(kind, "elim_copysign1", False)
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.BITCAST, [tmp_src1, ops[1]]))
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.AND, [tmp_src1, tmp_src1, ir.Const(kind, mask)]))
    tmp_src2 = fun.GetScratchReg(kind, "elim_copysign2", False)
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.BITCAST, [tmp_src2, ops[2]]))
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.AND, [tmp_src2, tmp_src2, ir.Const(kind, sign)]))
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.OR, [tmp_src1, tmp_src1, tmp_src2]))
    out.append(ir.Ins(o.BITCAST, [ops[0], tmp_src1]))
    return out
Пример #3
def BuildExample() -> ir.Unit:
    unit = ir.Unit("fib")
    fun_fib = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("fib", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [o.DK.U32], [o.DK.U32]))
    bbl_start = fun_fib.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    bbl_difficult = fun_fib.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("difficult"))

    reg_in = fun_fib.AddReg(ir.Reg("in", o.DK.U32))
    reg_x = fun_fib.AddReg(ir.Reg("x", o.DK.U32))
    reg_out = fun_fib.AddReg(ir.Reg("out", o.DK.U32))

    bbl_start.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [reg_in]))
        ir.Ins(o.BLT, [ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 1), reg_in, bbl_difficult]))
    bbl_start.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [reg_in]))
    bbl_start.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))

    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg_out, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SUB, [reg_x, reg_in, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 1)]))

    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [reg_x]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [fun_fib]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [reg_x]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ADD, [reg_out, reg_out, reg_x]))

    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SUB, [reg_x, reg_in, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 2)]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [reg_x]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [fun_fib]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [reg_x]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ADD, [reg_out, reg_out, reg_x]))

    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [reg_out]))
    bbl_difficult.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    return unit
Пример #4
def _InsStrengthReduction(ins: ir.Ins, _fun: ir.Fun) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """Miscellaneous standard strength reduction rewrites
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if _InsIsNop1(ins):
        return [ins.Init(o.MOV, ops)]
    elif _InsIsNop2(ins):
        return [ins.Init(o.MOV, ops)]
    elif _InsIsZero(ins):
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [ops[0], ir.Const(ops[0].kind, 0)])
        return [ins]
    elif (opc is o.MUL and ops[0].IsIntReg() and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Const)
          and ops[2].IsIntPowerOfTwo()):
        shift = ops[2].IntBinaryLog()
        ins.Init(o.SHL, [ops[0], ops[1], ir.Const(ops[0].kind, shift)])
        return [ins]
    elif (opc is o.MUL and ops[0].IsIntReg() and isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const)
          and ops[1].IsIntPowerOfTwo()):
        shift = ops[1].IntBinaryLog()
        # TODO: orig_operand update
        ins.Init(o.SHL, [ops[0], ops[2], ir.Const(ops[0].kind, shift)])
        return [ins]
    # TODO: DIV for unsigned int

    return None
Пример #5
def _InsLimitShiftAmounts(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun,
                          width: int) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Stk operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a memory access is a stack access.

     Note, a stack address already implies a `sp+offset` addressing mode and risk
     ISAs do no usually support  `sp+offset+reg` addressing mode.
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if (opc is not o.SHL
            and opc is not o.SHR) or ops[0].kind.bitwidth() != width:
        return None
    amount = ops[2]
    if isinstance(amount, ir.Const):
        if 0 <= amount.value < width:
            return None
            ops[2] = ir.Const(amount.kind, amount.value % width)
            return ins
        tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(amount.kind, "shift", False)
        mask = ir.Ins(o.AND, [tmp, amount, ir.Const(amount.kind, width - 1)])
        ins.Init(opc, [ops[0], ops[1], tmp])
        return [mask, ins]
Пример #6
def ConvertIntValue(kind_dst: o.DK, val: ir.Const) -> ir.Const:
    kind_src = val.kind
    width_dst = kind_dst.bitwidth()
    width_src = kind_src.bitwidth()
    masked = val.value & ((1 << width_dst) - 1)
    if kind_dst.flavor() == o.DK_FLAVOR_U:
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, val.value & masked)
    # print ("@@@", kind_dst.name, width_dst, kind_src, width_src, num_kind, x)
    elif width_dst > width_src:
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, val.value)
        # dst is ACS and width_dst <= width_src
        will_be_negative = val.value & (1 << (width_dst - 1))
        if will_be_negative:
            return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked - (1 << width_dst))
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked)
Пример #7
def HandleRotl(dst: ir.Reg, op1: ir.Reg, op2: ir.Reg, bbl: ir.Bbl):
    assert dst != op1
    assert dst.kind is o.DK.U32 or dst.kind is o.DK.U64, f"{dst}"
    bitwidth = ir.Const(dst.kind, dst.kind.bitwidth())
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SHL, [dst, op1, op2]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SUB, [op2, bitwidth, op2]))
        o.SHR, [op1, op1, op2]))  # here the unsigned requirement kicks in
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.OR, [dst, dst, op1]))
Пример #8
def FunSpillRegs(fun: ir.Fun, offset_kind: o.DK, regs: List[ir.Reg]) -> int:
    reg_to_stk: Dict[ir.Reg, ir.Stk] = {}
    for reg in regs:
        size = ir.OffsetConst(reg.kind.bitwidth() // 8)
        stk = ir.Stk(f"$spill_{reg.name}", size, size)
        reg_to_stk[reg] = stk
    return ir.FunGenericRewrite(fun, InsSpillRegs, zero_const=ir.Const(offset_kind, 0),
Пример #9
def MakeBranch(pred: wasm_opc.Opcode, op_stack, inverse):
    if pred.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CMP:
        if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNARY in pred.flags:
            # eqz
            op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
            op2 = ir.Const(op1.kind, 0)
            return o.BNE if inverse else o.BEQ, op1, op2, False
            # std two op cmp
            op2 = op_stack.pop(-1)
            op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
            tab = WASM_CMP_TO_CWERG_CBR_INV if inverse else WASM_CMP_TO_CWERG_CBR
            br, swap, unsigned = tab[pred.basename]
            if swap:
                op1, op2 = op2, op1
            return br, op1, op2, unsigned
        op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
        op2 = ir.Const(op1.kind, 0)
        return o.BEQ if inverse else o.BNE, op1, op2, False
Пример #10
def ConvertIntValue(kind_dst: o.DK, val: ir.Const) -> ir.Const:
    kind_src = val.kind
    width_dst = kind_dst.bitwidth()
    width_src = kind_src.bitwidth()
    # print ("@@@", kind_dst.name, width_dst, kind_src, width_src, num_kind, x)
    masked = val.value & ((1 << width_dst) - 1)
    if width_dst > width_src:
        if kind_dst.flavor() == kind_src.flavor() or kind_src.flavor(
        ) == o.DK_FLAVOR_U:
            return ir.Const(kind_dst, val.value)
        # kind_dst == RK_U, kind_src == RK_S
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked)
    elif kind_dst.flavor() == o.DK_FLAVOR_U:
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked)
        # kind_dst[0] == RK_S
        sign = val.value & (1 << (width_dst - 1))
        if sign == 0:
            return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked)
        return ir.Const(kind_dst, masked - (1 << width_dst))
Пример #11
def InsEliminateImmediateViaMem(ins: ir.Ins, pos: int, fun: ir.Fun,
                                unit: ir.Unit, addr_kind: o.DK,
                                offset_kind: o.DK) -> List[ir.Ins]:
    """Rewrite instruction with an immediate as load of the immediate

    This is useful if the target architecture does not support immediate
    for that instruction, or the immediate is too large.

    This optimization is run rather late and may already see machine registers.
    # support of PUSHARG would require additional work because they need to stay consecutive
    assert ins.opcode is not o.PUSHARG
    const = ins.operands[pos]
    mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(const)
    tmp_addr = fun.GetScratchReg(addr_kind, "mem_const_addr", True)
    lea_ins = ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [tmp_addr, mem, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(const.kind, "mem_const", True)
    ld_ins = ir.Ins(o.LD, [tmp, tmp_addr, ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
    ins.operands[pos] = tmp
    return [lea_ins, ld_ins]
Пример #12
def GenerateStartup(unit: ir.Unit, global_argc, global_argv, main: ir.Fun,
                    init_global: ir.Fun, init_data: ir.Fun,
                    initial_heap_size_pages: int, addr_type: o.DK) -> ir.Fun:
    bit_width = addr_type.bitwidth()

    global_mem_base = unit.AddMem(ir.Mem("__memory_base", 0,

    fun = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("main", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [o.DK.U32], [o.DK.U32, addr_type]))
    argc = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("argc", o.DK.U32))
    argv = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("argv", addr_type))

    bbl = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [argc]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [argv]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [global_argc, ZERO, argc]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [global_argv, ZERO, argv]))

    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__wasi_init")]))
    if initial_heap_size_pages:
            ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.S32, initial_heap_size_pages)]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("dummy", o.DK.S32))]))

    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [mem_base, global_mem_base, ZERO]))

    if init_global:
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [init_global]))
    if init_data:
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [mem_base]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [init_data]))

    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [mem_base]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [main]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    return fun
Пример #13
def GenerateInitDataFun(mod: wasm.Module, unit: ir.Unit, memcpy: ir.Fun,
                        addr_type: o.DK) -> typing.Optional[ir.Fun]:
    fun = unit.AddFun(
        ir.Fun("init_data_fun", o.FUN_KIND.NORMAL, [], [addr_type]))
    bbl = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("start"))
    epilog = fun.AddBbl(ir.Bbl("end"))
    epilog.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
    section = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.DATA)

    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [mem_base]))
    if not section:
        return None

    offset = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("offset", o.DK.S32))
    src = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("src", addr_type))
    dst = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("dst", addr_type))

    for n, data in enumerate(section.items):
        assert data.memory_index == 0
        assert isinstance(data.offset, wasm.Expression)
        ins = GetInsFromInitializerExpression(data.offset)
        init = unit.AddMem(ir.Mem(f"global_init_mem_{n}", 16, o.MEM_KIND.RO))
        init.AddData(ir.DataBytes(1, data.init))
        if ins.opcode is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_GET:
            src_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{int(ins.args[0])}")
            bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [offset, src_mem, ZERO]))
        elif ins.opcode is wasm_opc.I32_CONST:
                              [offset, ir.Const(o.DK.S32, ins.args[0])]))
            assert False, f"unsupported init instructions {ins}"
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA, [dst, mem_base, offset]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [src, init, ZERO]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [ir.Const(o.DK.U32, len(data.init))]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [src]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [dst]))
        bbl.AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [memcpy]))
    return fun
Пример #14
def BblSpillRegs(bbl: ir.Bbl, fun: ir.Fun, regs: List[ir.Reg],
                 offset_kind: o.DK, prefix) -> int:
    reg_to_stk: Dict[ir.Reg, ir.Stk] = {}
    for reg in regs:
        size = reg.kind.bitwidth() // 8
        stk = ir.Stk(f"{prefix}_{reg.name}", size, size)
        reg_to_stk[reg] = stk
                         zero_const=ir.Const(offset_kind, 0),
Пример #15
def _InsMoveImmediatesToMemory(ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, unit: ir.Unit,
                               kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    inss = []
    for n, op in enumerate(ins.operands):
        if isinstance(op, ir.Const) and op.kind is kind:
            mem = unit.FindOrAddConstMem(op)
            tmp = fun.GetScratchReg(kind, "mem_const", True)
            # TODO: pass the offset kind as a parameter
            inss.append(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [tmp, mem, ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)]))
            ins.operands[n] = tmp
    if inss:
        return inss + [ins]
    return None
Пример #16
def _InsEliminateStkLoadStoreWithRegOffset(
        ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, base_kind: o.DK,
        offset_kind: o.DK) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    """This rewrite is usually applied as prep step by some backends
     to get rid of Stk operands.
     It allows the register allocator to see the scratch register but
     it will obscure the fact that a memory access is a stack access.

     Note, a stack address already implies a `sp+offset` addressing mode and risk
     ISAs do no usually support  `sp+offset+reg` addressing mode.
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if opc is o.ST_STK and isinstance(ops[1], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[0],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.ST, [scratch_reg, ops[1], ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LD_STK and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[1],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.LD, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
    elif opc is o.LEA_STK and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg):
        scratch_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(base_kind, "base", False)
        # TODO: maybe reverse the order so that we can tell that ops[0] holds a stack
        # location
        lea = ir.Ins(o.LEA_STK,
                     [scratch_reg, ops[1],
                      ir.Const(offset_kind, 0)])
        ins.Init(o.LEA, [ops[0], scratch_reg, ops[2]])
        return [lea, ins]
        return None
Пример #17
def MakeCompare(opc: wasm_opc.Opcode, op_stack):
    if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNARY in opc.flags:
        # eqz
        op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
        op2 = ir.Const(op1.kind, 0)
        return o.CMPEQ, ONE_S, ZERO_S, op1, op2, False

    cmp, swap_op, swap_res, unsigned = WASM_CMP_TO_CWERG_CMP[opc.basename]
    op2 = op_stack.pop(-1)
    op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
    if swap_op:
        op1, op2 = op2, op1
    res1 = ONE_S
    res2 = ZERO_S
    if swap_res:
        res1, res2 = res2, res1
    return cmp, res1, res2, op1, op2, unsigned
Пример #18
                        lowering.InsEliminateImmediateViaMov(ins, pos, fun))

    return inss

def _FunRewriteOutOfBoundsImmediates(fun: ir.Fun, unit: ir.Unit) -> int:
    return ir.FunGenericRewrite(fun,

    o.DK.S8: ir.Const(o.DK.S8, 7),
    o.DK.U8: ir.Const(o.DK.U8, 7),
    o.DK.S16: ir.Const(o.DK.S16, 15),
    o.DK.U16: ir.Const(o.DK.U16, 15),
    o.DK.S32: ir.Const(o.DK.S32, 31),
    o.DK.U32: ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 31),

def _InsRewriteDivRemShifts(ins: ir.Ins,
                            fun: ir.Fun) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    opc = ins.opcode
    ops = ins.operands
    if opc is o.DIV and ops[0].kind.flavor() != o.DK_FLAVOR_F:
        # note: we could leave it to the register allocator to pick a CpuReg for ops[2]
        # but then we would somehow have to  ensure that the reg is NOT rdx.
Пример #19
from Base import canonicalize
from Base import reg_alloc
from Base import ir
from Base import liveness
from Base import lowering
from Base import opcode_tab as o
from Base import reg_stats
from Base import sanity
from Base import optimize
from Base import serialize
from CodeGenA64 import isel_tab
from CodeGenA64 import regs

_DUMMY_A32 = ir.Reg("dummy", o.DK.A32)
_ZERO_OFFSET = ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)

def _InsRewriteOutOfBoundsImmediates(
        ins: ir.Ins, fun: ir.Fun, unit: ir.Unit) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    if ins.opcode in isel_tab.OPCODES_REQUIRING_SPECIAL_HANDLING:
        return None
    inss = []
    mismatches = isel_tab.FindtImmediateMismatchesInBestMatchPattern(ins, True)
    assert mismatches != isel_tab.MATCH_IMPOSSIBLE, f"could not match opcode {ins} {ins.operands}"

    if mismatches == 0:
        return None
    for pos in range(o.MAX_OPERANDS):
        if mismatches & (1 << pos) != 0:
            const_kind = ins.operands[pos].kind
Пример #20
Convert WASM files to Cwerg

import logging
import typing
import dataclasses
import struct
from FrontEndWASM import opcode_tab as wasm_opc
import FrontEndWASM.parser as wasm
from Base import ir
from Base import opcode_tab as o
from Base import serialize
from Base import sanity

ZERO = ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 0)
ONE = ir.Const(o.DK.U32, 1)

ZERO_S = ir.Const(o.DK.S32, 0)
ONE_S = ir.Const(o.DK.S32, 1)

Пример #21
def FunRegWidthWidening(fun: ir.Fun, narrow_kind: o.DK, wide_kind: o.DK):
    Change the type of all register (and constants) of type src_kind into dst_kind.
    Add compensation code where necessary.
    dst_kind must be wider than src_kind.

    This is useful for target architectures that do not support operations
    for all operand widths.

    Note, this also widens input and output regs. So this must run
      for all functions including prototypes

      TODO: double check if we are doing the right thing with o.CONV
      TODO: there are more subtle bugs. For example
              mul x:U8  = 43 * 47    (= 229)
              div y:u8  = x   13      (= 17)
              mul x:U16  = 43 * 47    (= 2021)
              div y:u16  = x   13      (= 155)

      Other problematic operations: rem, popcnt, ...
    assert ir.FUN_FLAG.STACK_FINALIZED not in fun.flags
    fun.input_types = [
        wide_kind if x == narrow_kind else x for x in fun.input_types
    fun.output_types = [
        wide_kind if x == narrow_kind else x for x in fun.output_types

    assert narrow_kind.flavor() == wide_kind.flavor()
    assert narrow_kind.bitwidth() < wide_kind.bitwidth()
    narrow_regs = {
        for reg in fun.reg_syms.values() if reg.kind == narrow_kind

    for reg in narrow_regs:
        reg.kind = wide_kind

    count = 0
    for bbl in fun.bbls:
        inss = []

        for ins in bbl.inss:
            ops = ins.operands
            kind = ins.opcode.kind

            for n, reg in enumerate(ops):
                if n == 2 and kind is o.OPC_KIND.ST or n == 0 and kind is o.OPC_KIND.LD:
                if isinstance(reg, ir.Const) and reg.kind is narrow_kind:
                    # if ins.opcode.constraints[n] == o.TC.OFFSET:
                    #    continue
                    ops[n] = ir.Const(wide_kind, reg.value)
            kind = ins.opcode.kind
            if kind is o.OPC_KIND.LD and ops[0] in narrow_regs:
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [ops[0], tmp_reg]))
                ops[0] = tmp_reg
            elif (kind is o.OPC_KIND.ST and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg)
                  and ops[2] in narrow_regs):
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp_reg, ops[2]]))
                ops[2] = tmp_reg

        count += len(inss) - len(bbl.inss)
        bbl.inss = inss
    return count
Пример #22
def GenerateFun(unit: ir.Unit, mod: wasm.Module, wasm_fun: wasm.Function,
                fun: ir.Fun, global_table, addr_type):
    # op_stack contains regs produced by GetOpReg (it may only occur a the position encoding in its name
    op_stack: typing.List[typing.Union[ir.Reg, ir.Const]] = []
    block_stack: typing.List[Block] = []
    bbls: typing.List[ir.Bbl] = []
    bbl_count = 0
    jtb_count = 0


    loc_index = 0
    assert fun.input_types[0] is addr_type
    mem_base = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg("mem_base", addr_type))
    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [mem_base]))
    for dk in fun.input_types[1:]:
        reg = fun.AddReg(ir.Reg(f"$loc_{loc_index}", dk))
        loc_index += 1
        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [reg]))

    for locals in wasm_fun.impl.locals_list:
        for i in range(locals.count):
            reg = fun.AddReg(
            loc_index += 1
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, ir.Const(reg.kind, 0)]))

    DEBUG = False
    if DEBUG:
            f"# {fun.name} #ins:{len(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions)} in:{fun.input_types} out:{fun.output_types}"

    opc = None
    last_opc = None
    for n, wasm_ins in enumerate(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions):
        last_opc = opc
        opc = wasm_ins.opcode
        args = wasm_ins.args
        op_stack_size_before = len(op_stack)
        if DEBUG:
            print(f"#@@ {opc.name}", args, len(op_stack))
        if opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CONST:
            # breaks for floats
            # breaks for floats
            kind = OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type]
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [dst, ir.Const(kind, args[0])]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.NOP:
        elif opc is wasm_opc.DROP:
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_GET:
            loc = GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0]))
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, loc.kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [dst, loc]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_SET:
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                                   [GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0])), op]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOCAL_TEE:
            op = op_stack[-1]  # no pop!
                                   [GetLocalReg(fun, int(args[0])), op]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_GET:
            var_index = int(args[0])
            var: wasm.Glob = mod.sections.get(
            dst = GetOpReg(fun,
            var_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{var_index}")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD_MEM, [dst, var_mem, ZERO]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.GLOBAL_SET:
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            var_index = int(args[0])
            var_mem = unit.GetMem(f"global_vars_{var_index}")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST_MEM, [var_mem, ZERO, op]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.ALU:
            if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNARY in opc.flags:
                opcode, arg_factory = WASM_ALU1_TO_CWERG[opc.basename]
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, op.kind, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(opcode, [dst] + arg_factory(op)))
                op2 = op_stack.pop(-1)
                op1 = op_stack.pop(-1)
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, op1.kind, len(op_stack))
                alu = WASM_ALU_TO_CWERG[opc.basename]
                if wasm_opc.FLAGS.UNSIGNED in opc.flags:
                    tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 1)
                    tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 2)
                    tmp3 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 3)
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                    if isinstance(alu, o.Opcode):
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(alu, [tmp3, tmp1, tmp2]))
                        alu(tmp3, tmp1, tmp2, bbls[-1])
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [dst, tmp3]))
                    if isinstance(alu, o.Opcode):
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(alu, [dst, op1, op2]))
                        alu(dst, op1, op2, bbls[-1])
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CONV:
            conv, dst_unsigned, src_unsigned = WASM_CONV_TO_CWERG[opc.name]
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            if src_unsigned:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op.kind),
                               op_stack_size_before + 1)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, op]))
                op = tmp
            if dst_unsigned:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(dst.kind),
                               op_stack_size_before + 1)
                dst, tmp = tmp, dst
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(conv, [dst, op]))
            if dst_unsigned:
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, dst]))
                dst = tmp
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.BITCAST:
            assert opc.name in SUPPORTED_BITCAST
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BITCAST, [dst, op]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.CMP:
            # this always works because of the sentinel: "end"
            succ = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n + 1]
            if succ.opcode not in {
                    wasm_opc.IF, wasm_opc.BR_IF, wasm_opc.SELECT
                cmp, res1, res2, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeCompare(
                    opc, op_stack)
                if unsigned:
                    tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 1)
                    tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                    op_stack_size_before + 2)
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                    op1 = tmp1
                    op2 = tmp2
                dst = GetOpReg(fun, o.DK.S32, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(cmp, [dst, res1, res2, op1, op2]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.LOOP or opc is wasm_opc.BLOCK:
                MakeBlock(bbl_count, opc, args, fun, op_stack, mod))
            bbl_count += 1
        elif opc is wasm_opc.IF:
            # note we do set the new bbl right away because we add some instructions to the old one
            # this always works because the stack cannot be empty at this point
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, True)
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
                MakeBlock(bbl_count, opc, args, fun, op_stack, mod))
            # assert len(block_stack[-1].param_types) == 0
            bbl_count += 1
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, block_stack[-1].else_bbl]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.ELSE:
            block = block_stack[-1]
            assert block.opcode is wasm_opc.IF
            block.FinalizeIf(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun, last_opc
                             in {wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR})
            if DEBUG:
                print(f"#@@ AFTER STACK RESTORE", len(op_stack))
            op_stack = op_stack[0:block.stack_start]
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BRA, [block.end_bbl]))
            assert block.else_bbl is not None
            block.else_bbl = None
        elif opc is wasm_opc.END:
            if block_stack:
                block = block_stack.pop(-1)
                    op_stack, bbls[-1], fun, last_opc
                    in {wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR})
                if block.else_bbl:
                # end of function
                assert n + 1 == len(wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions)
                pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
                if pred not in {
                        wasm_opc.RETURN, wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE, wasm_opc.BR
                    for x in reversed(fun.output_types):
                        op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                        assert op.kind == x, f"outputs: {fun.output_types} mismatch {op.kind} vs {x}"
                        bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
                    bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))

        elif opc is wasm_opc.CALL:
            wasm_callee = mod.functions[int(wasm_ins.args[0])]
            callee = unit.GetFun(wasm_callee.name)
            assert callee, f"unknown fun: {wasm_callee.name}"
            EmitCall(fun, bbls[-1], ir.Ins(o.BSR, [callee]), op_stack,
                     mem_base, callee)
        elif opc is wasm_opc.CALL_INDIRECT:
            assert isinstance(args[1], wasm.TableIdx), f"{type(args[1])}"
            assert int(args[1]) == 0, f"only one table supported"
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.TypeIdx), f"{type(args[0])}"
            type_sec = mod.sections.get(wasm.SECTION_ID.TYPE)
            func_type: wasm.FunctionType = type_sec.items[int(args[0])]
            arguments = [addr_type] + TranslateTypeList(func_type.args)
            returns = TranslateTypeList(func_type.rets)
            # print (f"# @@@@ CALL INDIRECT {returns} <- {arguments}  [{int(args[0])}] {func_type}")
            signature = FindFunWithSignature(unit, arguments, returns)
            table_reg = GetOpReg(fun, addr_type, len(op_stack))
            code_type = o.DK.C32 if addr_type is o.DK.A32 else o.DK.C64
            fun_reg = GetOpReg(fun, code_type, len(op_stack) + 1)
            index = op_stack.pop(-1)
            assert index.kind is o.DK.S32

                ir.Ins(o.MUL, [
                    index, index,
                             code_type.bitwidth() // 8)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LEA_MEM, [table_reg, global_table, ZERO]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [fun_reg, table_reg, index]))
            EmitCall(fun, bbls[-1], ir.Ins(o.JSR, [fun_reg, signature]),
                     op_stack, mem_base, signature)
        elif opc is wasm_opc.RETURN:
            for x in reversed(fun.output_types):
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
                assert op.kind == x, f"outputs: {fun.output_types} mismatch {op.kind} vs {x}"
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.RET, []))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR:
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.LabelIdx)
            block = GetTargetBlock(block_stack, args[0])
            target = block.start_bbl
            if block.opcode is not wasm_opc.LOOP:
                target = block.end_bbl
                block.FinalizeResultsCopy(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BRA, [target]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR_IF:
            assert isinstance(args[0], wasm.LabelIdx)
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, False)
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
            block = GetTargetBlock(block_stack, args[0])
            target = block.start_bbl
            if block.opcode is not wasm_opc.LOOP:
                target = block.end_bbl
                block.FinalizeResultsCopy(op_stack, bbls[-1], fun)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, target]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.SELECT:
            pred = wasm_fun.impl.expr.instructions[n - 1].opcode
            br, op1, op2, unsigned = MakeBranch(pred, op_stack, False)
            val_f = op_stack.pop(-1)
            val_t = op_stack.pop(-1)
            assert val_f.kind == val_t.kind
            reg = GetOpReg(fun, val_f.kind, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, val_t]))
            bbl_count += 1
            if unsigned:
                tmp1 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 1)
                tmp2 = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op1.kind),
                                op_stack_size_before + 2)
                bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp1, op1]))
                bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp2, op2]))
                op1 = tmp1
                op2 = tmp2
            bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(br, [op1, op2, bbls[-1]]))
            bbls[-2].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.MOV, [reg, val_f]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.STORE:
            val = op_stack.pop(-1)
            offset = op_stack.pop(-1)
            if args[1] != 0:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, offset.kind, len(op_stack))
                           [tmp, offset,
                            ir.Const(offset.kind, args[1])]))
                offset = tmp
            dk_tmp = STORE_TO_CWERG_TYPE.get(opc.name)
            if dk_tmp is not None:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, dk_tmp, len(op_stack) + 1)
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp, val]))
                val = tmp
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.ST, [mem_base, offset, val]))
        elif opc.kind is wasm_opc.OPC_KIND.LOAD:
            offset = op_stack.pop(-1)
            if args[1] != 0:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, offset.kind, len(op_stack))
                           [tmp, offset,
                            ir.Const(offset.kind, args[1])]))
                offset = tmp
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, OPC_TYPE_TO_CWERG_TYPE[opc.op_type],
            dk_tmp = LOAD_TO_CWERG_TYPE.get(opc.basename)
            if dk_tmp:
                tmp = GetOpReg(fun, dk_tmp, len(op_stack))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [tmp, mem_base, offset]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [dst, tmp]))
                bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.LD, [dst, mem_base, offset]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.BR_TABLE:
            bbl_tab = {
                n: GetTargetBbl(block_stack, x)
                for n, x in enumerate(args[0])
            bbl_def = GetTargetBbl(block_stack, args[1])
            op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            tab_size = ir.Const(ToUnsigned(op.kind), len(bbl_tab))
            jtb_count += 1
            jtb = fun.AddJtb(
                ir.Jtb(f"jtb_{jtb_count}", bbl_def, bbl_tab, tab_size.value))
            reg_unsigned = GetOpReg(fun, ToUnsigned(op.kind), len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [reg_unsigned, op]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BLE, [tab_size, reg_unsigned, bbl_def]))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.SWITCH, [reg_unsigned, jtb]))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.UNREACHABLE:
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.TRAP, []))
        elif opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_GROW or opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_SIZE:
            op = ZERO_S
            if opc is wasm_opc.MEMORY_GROW:
                op = op_stack.pop(-1)
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.PUSHARG, [op]))
            assert unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.BSR, [unit.GetFun("__memory_grow")]))
            dst = GetOpReg(fun, o.DK.S32, len(op_stack))
            bbls[-1].AddIns(ir.Ins(o.POPARG, [dst]))
            assert False, f"unsupported opcode [{opc.name}]"
    assert not op_stack, f"op_stack not empty in {fun.name}: {op_stack}"
    assert not block_stack, f"block_stack not empty in {fun.name}: {block_stack}"
    assert len(bbls) == len(fun.bbls)
    fun.bbls = bbls
Пример #23
def EvaluatateALU1(opcode: o.Opcode, op: ir.Const) -> Optional[ir.Const]:
    evaluator = _EVALUATORS_ALU1.get(opcode)
    assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {opcode}"
    return ir.Const(op.kind, _truncate(op.kind, evaluator(op.kind, op.value)))
Пример #24
def EvaluatateALU(opcode: o.Opcode, op1: ir.Const, op2: ir.Const) -> ir.Const:
    evaluator = _EVALUATORS_ALU.get(opcode)
    assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {opcode}"
    return ir.Const(op1.kind, _truncate(op1.kind, evaluator(op1.value, op2.value)))
Пример #25
    def testA(self):
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.U32, ir.Const(o.DK.U16,
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.U32, ir.Const(o.DK.U8,

            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.S32, ir.Const(o.DK.S16,
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.S32, ir.Const(o.DK.S8,
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.S32, ir.Const(o.DK.S8,

            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.S8, ir.Const(o.DK.S32,
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.S8, ir.Const(o.DK.S32,

            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.U32, ir.Const(o.DK.S16,
            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.U16, ir.Const(o.DK.S16,

            reaching_defs.ConvertIntValue(o.DK.U32, ir.Const(o.DK.S32,
Пример #26
def _InsConstantFold(ins: ir.Ins, bbl: ir.Bbl, _fun: ir.Fun,
                     allow_conv_conversion: bool) -> Optional[List[ir.Ins]]:
    Try combining the constant from ins_def with the instruction in ins

    Return 1 iff a change was made

    Note: None of the transformations must change the def register - otherwise
    the reaching_defs will be stale

    ops = ins.operands
    kind = ins.opcode.kind
    if kind is o.OPC_KIND.COND_BRA:
        if not isinstance(ops[0], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        # TODO: implement this, needs access to BBL for CFG changes
        evaluator = _EVALUATORS_COND_BRA.get(ins.opcode)
        assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {ins} {ins.operands}"
        branch_taken = evaluator(ops[0].value, ops[1].value)
        target = ops[2]
        assert len(bbl.edge_out) == 2
        if branch_taken:
            succ_to_drop = bbl.edge_out[1] if bbl.edge_out[0] == target else \
            succ_to_drop = target
        return []
    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU1:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        assert False, f"Evaluator NYI for ALU1: {ins} {ins.operands}"

    elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.ALU:
        if not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const) or not isinstance(
                ops[2], ir.Const):
            return None
        evaluator = _EVALUATORS_ALU.get(ins.opcode)
        assert evaluator, f"Evaluator NYI for: {ins} {ins.operands}"
        val = ir.Const(ops[1].kind, evaluator(ops[1].value, ops[2].value))
        ins.opcode = o.MOV
        ins.operands[1] = val
        ins.operand_defs[1] = ir.INS_INVALID
        return [ins]
    elif ins.opcode is o.CONV:
        # TODO: this needs some  more thought generally but in
        # particular when we apply register widening
        # transformations, conv instructions end up being the only
        # ones with narrow width regs which simplifies
        # code generation. By allowing this to be converted into a
        # mov instruction we may leak the narrow register.
        if not allow_conv_conversion or not isinstance(ops[1], ir.Const):
            return None
        dst: ir.Reg = ops[0]
        src = ops[1]
        if not o.RegIsAddrInt(src.kind) or not o.RegIsAddrInt(dst.kind):
            return None
        new_val = ConvertIntValue(dst.kind, src)
        ins.Init(o.MOV, [dst, new_val])
        return [ins]
        return None
Пример #27
def FunRegWidthWidening(fun: ir.Fun, narrow_kind: o.DK, wide_kind: o.DK):
    Change the type of all register (and constants) of type src_kind into dst_kind.
    Add compensation code where necessary.
    dst_kind must be wider than src_kind.

    This is useful for target architectures that do not support operations
    for all operand widths.

    Note, this also widens input and output regs. So this must run
      for all functions including prototypes

      TODO: double check if we are doing the right thing with o.CONV
      TODO: there are more subtle bugs. For example
              mul x:U8  = 43 * 47    (= 229)
              div y:u8  = x   13      (= 17)
              mul x:U16  = 43 * 47    (= 2021)
              div y:u16  = x   13      (= 155)

      Other problematic operations: rem, popcnt, ...

      The invariant we are maintaining is this one:
      if reg a gets widened into reg b with bitwidth(a) = w then
      the lower w bits of reg b will always contain the same data as reg a would have.
    assert ir.FUN_FLAG.STACK_FINALIZED not in fun.flags
    fun.input_types = [
        wide_kind if x == narrow_kind else x for x in fun.input_types
    fun.output_types = [
        wide_kind if x == narrow_kind else x for x in fun.output_types

    assert narrow_kind.flavor() == wide_kind.flavor()
    assert narrow_kind.bitwidth() < wide_kind.bitwidth()
    narrow_regs = {
        for reg in fun.reg_syms.values() if reg.kind == narrow_kind

    for reg in narrow_regs:
        reg.kind = wide_kind

    count = 0
    for bbl in fun.bbls:
        inss = []

        for ins in bbl.inss:
            ops = ins.operands
            kind = ins.opcode.kind
            changed = False
            for n, reg in enumerate(ops):
                if isinstance(reg, ir.Const) and reg.kind is narrow_kind:
                    if kind is o.OPC_KIND.ST and n == 2:
                    ops[n] = ir.Const(wide_kind, reg.value)
                    changed = True
                if isinstance(reg, ir.Reg) and reg in narrow_regs:
                    changed = True
            if not changed:
            kind = ins.opcode.kind
            if ins.opcode is o.SHL or ins.opcode is o.SHR:
                # deal with the shift amount which is subject to an implicit modulo "bitwidth -1"
                # by changing the width of the reg - we lose this information
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(wide_kind, "tricky", False)
                    ir.Ins(o.AND, [
                        tmp_reg, ops[2],
                                 narrow_kind.bitwidth() - 1)
                ops[2] = tmp_reg
                if ins.opcode is o.SHR and isinstance(ops[1], ir.Reg):
                    # for SHR we also need to make sure the new high order bits are correct
                    tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                    inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp_reg, ops[1]]))
                    # the implicit understanding is that this will become nop or a move and not modify the
                    # high-order bit we just set in the previous instruction
                    inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [ops[1], tmp_reg]))
            elif ins.opcode is o.CNTLZ:
                excess = wide_kind.bitwidth() - narrow_kind.bitwidth()
                           [ops[0], ops[0],
                            ir.Const(wide_kind, excess)]))
            elif ins.opcode is o.CNTTZ:
                    ir.Ins(o.CMPLT, [
                        ops[0], ops[0],
                        ir.Const(wide_kind, narrow_kind.bitwidth()), ops[0],
                        ir.Const(wide_kind, narrow_kind.bitwidth())
            elif kind is o.OPC_KIND.LD and ops[0] in narrow_regs:
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [ops[0], tmp_reg]))
                ops[0] = tmp_reg
            elif (kind is o.OPC_KIND.ST and isinstance(ops[2], ir.Reg)
                  and ops[2] in narrow_regs):
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp_reg, ops[2]]))
                ops[2] = tmp_reg
            elif ins.opcode is o.CONV:
                tmp_reg = fun.GetScratchReg(narrow_kind, "narrowed", True)
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [tmp_reg, ops[1]]))
                inss.append(ir.Ins(o.CONV, [ops[0], tmp_reg]))

        count += len(inss) - len(bbl.inss)
        bbl.inss = inss
    return count