Пример #1
def fetch_url(url):
    """ Return the content of the given URL.

    :param url: The URL to fetch content from.
    :type url: string
    :raises: ValueError - Malformed URL
    :raises: URLError - Failure fetching URL
    :returns: string - the content of the page at the given URL """
    if '@' in url:
        mobj = re.match(r'(\w+://)([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.*)$', url)
        if not mobj:
            raise ValueError("Invalid URL")
        user = mobj.group(2)
        passwd = mobj.group(3)
        url = mobj.group(1) + mobj.group(4)
        auth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm())
        auth.add_password(None, url, user, passwd)
    return urlopen(url).read()