def __init__(self, setup): BuiltinCore.__init__(self, setup) if setup['children'] is None: setup['children'] = multiprocessing.cpu_count() #: A dict of child name -> one end of the #: :class:`multiprocessing.Pipe` object used to communicate #: with that child. (The child is given the other end of the #: Pipe.) self.pipes = dict() #: A queue that keeps track of which children are available to #: render a configuration. A child is popped from the queue #: when it starts to render a config, then it's pushed back on #: when it's done. This lets us use a blocking call to #: :func:`Queue.Queue.get` when waiting for an available #: child. self.available_children = Queue(maxsize=self.setup['children']) # sigh. multiprocessing was added in py2.6, which is when the # camelCase methods for threading objects were deprecated in # favor of the Pythonic under_score methods. So # multiprocessing.Event *only* has is_set(), while # threading.Event has *both* isSet() and is_set(). In order # to make the core work with Python 2.4+, and with both # multiprocessing and threading Event objects, we just # monkeypatch self.terminate to have isSet(). self.terminate = DualEvent(threading_event=self.terminate)
def shutdown(self): BuiltinCore.shutdown(self) for child in multiprocessing.active_children(): self.logger.debug("Shutting down child %s" % child.join(self.shutdown_timeout) if child.is_alive(): self.logger.error("Waited %s seconds to shut down %s, " "terminating" % (self.shutdown_timeout, child.terminate() else: self.logger.debug("Child %s shut down" % self.logger.debug("All children shut down")
def _run(self): for cnum in range(self.setup['children']): name = "Child-%s" % cnum (mainpipe, childpipe) = multiprocessing.Pipe() self.pipes[name] = mainpipe self.logger.debug("Starting child %s" % name) childcore = ChildCore(self.setup, childpipe, self.terminate) child = multiprocessing.Process(, name=name) child.start() self.logger.debug("Child %s started with PID %s" % (name, self.available_children.put(name) return BuiltinCore._run(self)