Пример #1
        camPos = Vec3(10.0, 20.0, 10.0)
        lookAt = Vec3(0.0, -3.0, 0.0)
        camera = createNewCameraHandle()
        primitives.apiCall( ILBCreatePerspectiveCamera(scene, 
                                                                       vecmath.normalize(lookAt - camPos),
                                                                       Vec3(0.0,  0.0, -1.0)),
                                                       camera) )

        apiCall( ILBSetFov(camera, M_PI/4.0, 1.0) )

        # Create a textured diffuse material for sphere 0
        sm0 = createNewMaterialHandle()
        tex = textures.createXorTexture( bmh, "Tex1", ColorRGB(0.6, 0.6, 0.3) ) 
        apiCall( ILBCreateMaterial(scene, "Textured", sm0) )

        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialTexture(sm0, ILB_CC_DIFFUSE, tex) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialOverrides(sphereInstances[0], sm0, 1) )

        # Create a textured specular material for sphere 1
        sm1 = createNewMaterialHandle()
        apiCall( ILBCreateMaterial(scene, "TexturedSpec", sm1) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialTexture(sm1, ILB_CC_DIFFUSE, tex) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialColor(sm1, ILB_CC_SPECULAR, ColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0)) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialScale(sm1, ILB_CC_SHININESS, 25.0) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialOverrides(sphereInstances[1], sm1, 1) )

Пример #2
        apiCall( ILBCreateManager( beastCacheFolder + r'/temp/lightsources', ILB_CS_LOCAL, bmh) )
        # Set the path to the Beast binaries
        apiCall( ILBSetBeastPath(bmh, beastBinFolder) )

        # Waste the cache from previous runs if present
        apiCall( ILBClearCache(bmh) )

        # Create ball and a plane meshes
        sphereMatName = 'SphereMaterial'
        floorMatName = 'FloorMaterial'
        floorMesh = primitives.createPlaneSimple(bmh, 'Floor', floorMatName)
        sphereMesh = primitives.createSphere(bmh, 'Sphere', sphereMatName, 30, 15)

        goboTex = textures.createXorTexture(bmh, "xorTex", ColorRGB(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
        lsTypes = 7
        scenes = []
        cameras = []

        for lightType in range(lsTypes):
            scene = createNewSceneHandle()
            sceneName = "SceneInstance_" + str(lightType)
            apiCall( ILBBeginScene(bmh, sceneName, scene) )

            skylight = createNewLightHandle()
            primitives.apiCall( ILBCreateSkyLight( scene, 'SkyLight', vecmath.identity(), ColorRGB(0.21, 0.21, 0.3), skylight) )

            # Create an instance of the plane that will be a floor
            floorInstance = createNewInstanceHandle()
Пример #3
        sphereRad = 2.0
        spherePosRadius = 5.0
        M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
        for i in range(spheres):
            angle = (M_PI * 2.0 * i) / spheres
            x = math.cos(angle) * spherePosRadius
            z = math.sin(angle) * spherePosRadius

            trans = vecmath.scaleTranslation(Vec3(sphereRad, sphereRad, sphereRad), 
                                             Vec3(x, -3.0, z))
            tempInstance = createNewInstanceHandle()
            sphereName = 'SphereInstance_' + str(i)
            apiCall( ILBCreateInstance(scene, sphereMesh, sphereName, trans, tempInstance) )

        # Create a texture for the floor
        floorTex = textures.createXorTexture(bmh, 'xorTexture', ColorRGB(0.9, 0.7, 0.7))

        floorMat = createNewMaterialHandle()
        apiCall( ILBCreateMaterial(scene, floorMatName, floorMat) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialTexture(floorMat, ILB_CC_DIFFUSE, floorTex) )

        sphereMat = createNewMaterialHandle()
        apiCall( ILBCreateMaterial(scene, sphereMatName, sphereMat) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialColor(sphereMat, ILB_CC_DIFFUSE, ColorRGBA(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0)) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialColor(sphereMat, ILB_CC_SPECULAR, ColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialScale(sphereMat, ILB_CC_REFLECTION, 0.1) )
        apiCall( ILBSetMaterialScale(sphereMat, ILB_CC_SHININESS, 15.0) )

        light = createNewLightHandle()
        apiCall( ILBCreateDirectionalLight( scene, 'Sun', vecmath.directionalLightOrientation(Vec3(1.0, -1.0, -1.0)), ColorRGB(1.0, 1.0, 0.8), light) )