Пример #1
def test_custom_mongo_uri_overwrites_and_fails(config_path, config_name):
    """ verifies that setting a bad customURI overwrites other settings 
        and returns false when attempting to setup a connection

    # setup config object and moddify the customMongoURI setting
    configObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    configObj.config['connectionInfo']['customMongoURI'] = ""

    # assert that setting up a connection with a valid uri works
    ValidMongoObj = MongoHandler.MongoHandler(configObj.config)
    assert ValidMongoObj.setup_connection() is True

    ValidMongoObj.close_connection()  # close connection from the mongo server

    # moddify the custom uri to be a invalid server
        'customMongoURI'] = "mongo://www.fake.com"

    # setup mongo handler object with config
    InvalidMongoObj = MongoHandler.MongoHandler(configObj.config)

    # assert that setting up a connection fails with a bad custom uri
    assert InvalidMongoObj.setup_connection() is False

    )  # close connection from the mongo server
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, config_file_path=""):
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s -- %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
                            datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
            " ========== ETL HANDLER INITIATED for ({}) ==========".format(
        self.config_path = config_file_path
        self.config_handler = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_file_path)

        # check config handler config exists and is formatted correctly
        if self.config_handler.config == None:
                "Config json could not be loaded or is invalid, exiting ETL handler"
                "ERROR: Config json could not be loaded or is invalid, exiting"

        self.is_config_valid = self.config_handler.verify_format()

        if self.is_config_valid is False:
            logging.error("Config format is invalid, exiting ETL handler")
            print("ERROR: invalid config format, exiting")

            logging.info("Config format is valid")

        self.mongo_handler = None
        self.sql_handler = None
        self.package_queue = []  # packages to send to destination db

        # setup handlers
Пример #3
def test_check_key_optional_checks():
    """ test all the optional parameters in check_key for proper function """
    test_dict = {"key": "value"}

    # setup config object
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler()

    # assert check_key passes if expected_type is found
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", test_dict, expected_type=str)
    assert ConfigObj.valid == True

    # assert check_key fails if expected_type is not found
    ConfigObj.valid = True  # reset config status
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", test_dict, expected_type=int)
    assert ConfigObj.valid == False

    # assert check_key passes if key is in valid_values
    ConfigObj.valid = True  # reset config status
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", test_dict, valid_values=["value"])
    assert ConfigObj.valid == True

    # assert check_key fails if key is not in valid_values
    ConfigObj.valid = True  # reset config status
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", test_dict, valid_values=["wrong_value"])
    assert ConfigObj.valid == False
Пример #4
def test_verify_format_invalid(config_path, config_name):
    """ verifies an error in the config returns false """
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)

    # moddify the config to be invalid
    del ConfigObj.config['connectionInfo']

    # perform verification
    return_value = ConfigObj.verify_format()

    # assert config is not valid
    assert ConfigObj.valid == False and return_value == False
Пример #5
def test_check_data_field(config_path, config_name):
    """ verify the data field is properly handled """

    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)

    # ensure no key is named 'data' in config
    if 'data' in ConfigObj.config:
        del ConfigObj.config['data']

    # assert absense of 'data' in the config, results in a new dict

    assert 'data' in ConfigObj.config and 'last_mongo_id_pulled' in ConfigObj.config[
Пример #6
def test_check_key_simple():
    """ test that a value in a dictionary is the correct type """
    test_dict = {"key": "value"}

    # setup config object
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler()

    # assert check_key is fine with a valid key and object
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", test_dict)
    assert ConfigObj.valid == True

    # assert check_key errors with a invalid key for object
    ConfigObj.check_key("key", {"wrong_key": "value"})
    assert ConfigObj.valid == False
Пример #7
def test_push_package(config_path, config_name):
    """ test that a small valid package will insert to a sql database 
        and the function will return true if successful
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    SQLObj = SQLHandler.SQLHandler(ConfigObj.config)
    # setup simple package with data to push to a valid table
    dest = {"schema": "dbo", "db": "Sandbox1", "table": "zips.unittest"}
    PkgObj = Package.Package(dest, ["c1", "c2", "c3"], [None, None, None])
    PkgObj.data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

    # assert the assumed valid package inserts to sql and the function returns true
    assert SQLObj.push_package(PkgObj) == True
Пример #8
def test_setup_connection_pos(config_path, config_name):
    """ positive unit test: verify that valid information connects a returns
        true from setup_connection 

    # setup config object and mongo object
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    MongoObj = MongoHandler.MongoHandler(ConfigObj.config)

    # setup connection and assert its valid
    response = MongoObj.setup_connection()
    assert response == True

    # close connection
Пример #9
def test_setup_connection_neg(config_path, config_name):
    """ negative unit test: verify that invalid information does not connect and
        returns false from setup_connection 

    # setup config object and mongo object
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    ConfigObj.config['connectionInfo']['mongoServerHost'] = "www.fake.com"
    MongoObj = MongoHandler.MongoHandler(ConfigObj.config)

    # setup connection and assert its valid
    response = MongoObj.setup_connection()
    assert response == False

    # close connection
Пример #10
def test_pull_required_value_missing(config_path, config_name):
    """ verify that int,str,list and dict are properly handled when casting """

    # setup config object and mongo object
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    ConfigObj.config['mapping'][0]['sql_cols']['grade'] = {
        "mongo_path": "grades[0].grade",
        "required": True
    MongoObj = MongoHandler.MongoHandler(ConfigObj.config)

    # setup connection and assert its valid

    # assert a pull will fail because not all documents will have a value for zipcode
    assert MongoObj.pull_collection() == []

    # close connection
Пример #11
def test_push_packages(config_path, config_name):
    """ verify that pushing multiple valid packages returns true """

    # setup objects
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    SQLObj = SQLHandler.SQLHandler(ConfigObj.config)

    # setup simple packages with data to push to a valid table
    dest = {"schema": "dbo", "db": "Sandbox1", "table": "zips.unittest"}
    PkgObj1 = Package.Package(dest, ["c1", "c2", "c3"], [None, None, None])
    PkgObj1.data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

    dest = {"schema": "dbo", "db": "Sandbox1", "table": "zips.unittest"}
    PkgObj2 = Package.Package(dest, ["c1", "c2", "c3"], [None, None, None])
    PkgObj2.data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

    pkg_list = [PkgObj1, PkgObj2]

    # assert pushing multiple valid packages returns true
    assert SQLObj.push_packages(pkg_list) == True
Пример #12
def test_generate_sql_update(config_path, config_name):
    """ verify that an expected string is returned from the function """

    # expected output string
    expectedReturnTuple = (
        "UPDATE [Sandbox1].[dbo].[unittest] SET  [type] = ?, [color] = ? WHERE  [id] = ? AND [number] = ?",
        ['Ostrich', 'Mustang brown', '54323fhwa', 54])

    # sql_dest to test
    dest = "[Sandbox1].[dbo].[unittest]"
    primaryKeys = ['id', 'number']
    columns = ['id', 'type', 'number', 'color']
    values = ['54323fhwa', 'Ostrich', 54, 'Mustang brown']

    # setup objects
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    SQLObj = SQLHandler.SQLHandler(ConfigObj.config)

    # check that the expected value is returned
    assert expectedReturnTuple == SQLObj.generate_sql_update(
        dest, primaryKeys, columns, values)
Пример #13
def test_empty_config_format(config_path, config_name):
    """ verifies an empty dictionary for the config is not valid """
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    ConfigObj.config = {}
    assert ConfigObj.verify_format() == False
Пример #14
def test_setup_connection(config_path, config_name):
    """ assert that a valid sqlhandler object is not none upon setup"""
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    SQLObj = SQLHandler.SQLHandler(ConfigObj.config)
    assert SQLObj != None
Пример #15
def test_valid_config_setup(config_path, config_name):
    """ verify that a valid config file opens and is not None """
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    assert ConfigObj != None
Пример #16
def test_verify_format_simple(config_path, config_name):
    """ verifies a simple config is valid """
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    return_value = ConfigObj.verify_format()
    assert ConfigObj.valid == True and return_value == True
Пример #17
def test_valid_config_format(config_path, config_name):
    """ verifies that a valid config passes the formatting test """
    ConfigObj = ConfigHandler.ConfigHandler(config_path)
    return_value = ConfigObj.verify_format()
    assert return_value == True