Пример #1
    def __updateSandBox( self, jobid, output ):

      jobInfo = BigDataDB.getJobIDInfo( jobid )
      result = self.sshConnect.scpCall( 100, output, output, False )

      if not result['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Error to get the data from BigData Software DFS:', result )

      file_paths = []
      file_paths.append( output )
      outputSandbox = file_paths

      resolvedSandbox = self.__resolveOutputSandboxFiles( outputSandbox )
      if not resolvedSandbox['OK']:
        self.log.warn( 'Output sandbox file resolution failed:' )
        self.log.warn( resolvedSandbox['Message'] )
        self.__report( 'Failed', 'Resolving Output Sandbox' )
      fileList = resolvedSandbox['Value']['Files']
      missingFiles = resolvedSandbox['Value']['Missing']
      if missingFiles:
        self.jobReport.setJobParameter( 'OutputSandboxMissingFiles', ', '.join( missingFiles ), sendFlag = False )

      if fileList and jobid:
        self.outputSandboxSize = getGlobbedTotalSize( fileList )
        self.log.info( 'Attempting to upload Sandbox with limit:', self.sandboxSizeLimit )

        result = self.sandboxClient.uploadFilesAsSandboxForJob( fileList, jobid,
                                                           'Output', self.sandboxSizeLimit ) # 1024*1024*10
        if not result['OK']:
          self.log.error( 'Output sandbox upload failed with message', result['Message'] )
          if result.has_key( 'SandboxFileName' ):
            outputSandboxData = result['SandboxFileName']
            self.log.info( 'Attempting to upload %s as output data' % ( outputSandboxData ) )
            outputData.append( outputSandboxData )
            self.jobReport.setJobParameter( 'OutputSandbox', 'Sandbox uploaded to grid storage', sendFlag = False )
            self.jobReport.setJobParameter( 'OutputSandboxLFN',
                                            self.__getLFNfromOutputFile( outputSandboxData )[0], sendFlag = False )
            self.log.info( 'Could not get SandboxFileName to attempt upload to Grid storage' )
            return S_ERROR( 'Output sandbox upload failed and no file name supplied for failover to Grid storage' )
          # Do not overwrite in case of Error
          if not self.failedFlag:
            self.__report( 'Completed', 'Output Sandbox Uploaded' )
          self.log.info( 'Sandbox uploaded successfully' )

      return "OK"
Пример #2
    def __updateSandBox(self, jobid, software, version, hll, hllversion, cli):
        jobInfo = BigDataDB.getJobIDInfo(jobid)

        source = (
            + str(jobid)
            + "/InputSandbox"
            + str(jobid)
            + "/"
            + self.__getJobName(jobInfo[0][0]).replace(" ", "")
            + "_"
            + str(jobid)
        dest = (
            + str(jobid)
            + "/"
            + self.__getJobName(jobInfo[0][0]).replace(" ", "")
            + "_"
            + str(jobid)
        result = 0
        if (software == "hadoop") and (version == "hdv1") and (hll == "none"):
            result = cli.getData(source, dest)
        if (software == "hadoop") and (version == "hdv2") and (hll == "none"):
            result = cli.getData(source, dest)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Error to get the data from BigData Software DFS:", result)

        result = cli.getdata(dest, dest)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Error to get the data from BigData Cluster to DIRAC:", result)

        outputSandbox = self.get_filepaths(dest)

        resolvedSandbox = self.__resolveOutputSandboxFiles(outputSandbox)
        if not resolvedSandbox["OK"]:
            self.log.warn("Output sandbox file resolution failed:")
            self.__report("Failed", "Resolving Output Sandbox")
        self.fileList = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Files"]
        missingFiles = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Missing"]
        if missingFiles:
            self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandboxMissingFiles", ", ".join(missingFiles), sendFlag=False)

        if self.fileList and jobid:
            self.outputSandboxSize = getGlobbedTotalSize(self.fileList)
            self.log.info("Attempting to upload Sandbox with limit:", self.sandboxSizeLimit)

            result = self.sandboxClient.uploadFilesAsSandboxForJob(
                self.fileList, jobid, "Output", self.sandboxSizeLimit
            )  # 1024*1024*10
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Output sandbox upload failed with message", result["Message"])
                if result.has_key("SandboxFileName"):
                    outputSandboxData = result["SandboxFileName"]
                    self.log.info("Attempting to upload %s as output data" % (outputSandboxData))
                    self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandbox", "Sandbox uploaded to grid storage", sendFlag=False)
                        "OutputSandboxLFN", self.__getLFNfromOutputFile(outputSandboxData)[0], sendFlag=False
                    self.log.info("Could not get SandboxFileName to attempt upload to Grid storage")
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Output sandbox upload failed and no file name supplied for failover to Grid storage"
                # Do not overwrite in case of Error
                if not self.failedFlag:
                    self.__report("Completed", "Output Sandbox Uploaded")
                self.log.info("Sandbox uploaded successfully")

        return "OK"
Пример #3
    def __updateInteractiveSandBox(self, jobid, software, version, hll, hllversion, cli):
        # Detele content of InputSandbox

        jobInfo = BigDataDB.getJobIDInfo(jobid)
        source = self.__tmpSandBoxDir + str(jobid) + "/*_out"
        dest = self.__tmpSandBoxDir + str(jobid)
        result = 0

        result = cli.delHadoopData(self.__tmpSandBoxDir + str(jobid) + "/InputSandbox" + str(jobid))
        self.log.debug("ATENTION::Deleting InputSandBox Contain:", result)

        result = cli.getdata(dest, source)
        self.log.debug("Step 0:getting data from hadoop:", result)
        if not result["OK"]:
            self.log.error("Error to get the data from BigData Cluster to DIRAC:", result)

        outputSandbox = self.get_filepaths(self.__tmpSandBoxDir + str(jobid))
        self.log.debug("Step:2:OutputSandBox:", self.__tmpSandBoxDir + str(jobid))
        self.log.debug("Step:2:OutputSandBox:", outputSandbox)
        resolvedSandbox = self.__resolveOutputSandboxFiles(outputSandbox)

        self.log.debug("Step:3:ResolveSandbox:", resolvedSandbox)
        if not resolvedSandbox["OK"]:
            self.log.warn("Output sandbox file resolution failed:")
            self.__report("Failed", "Resolving Output Sandbox")
        self.fileList = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Files"]
        missingFiles = resolvedSandbox["Value"]["Missing"]
        if missingFiles:
            self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandboxMissingFiles", ", ".join(missingFiles), sendFlag=False)

        if self.fileList and jobid:
            self.outputSandboxSize = getGlobbedTotalSize(self.fileList)
            self.log.info("Attempting to upload Sandbox with limit:", self.sandboxSizeLimit)

            result = self.sandboxClient.uploadFilesAsSandboxForJob(
                self.fileList, jobid, "Output", self.sandboxSizeLimit
            )  # 1024*1024*10
            if not result["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Output sandbox upload failed with message", result["Message"])
                if result.has_key("SandboxFileName"):
                    outputSandboxData = result["SandboxFileName"]
                    self.log.info("Attempting to upload %s as output data" % (outputSandboxData))
                    self.jobReport.setJobParameter("OutputSandbox", "Sandbox uploaded to grid storage", sendFlag=False)
                        "OutputSandboxLFN", self.__getLFNfromOutputFile(outputSandboxData)[0], sendFlag=False
                    self.log.info("Could not get SandboxFileName to attempt upload to Grid storage")
                    return S_ERROR(
                        "Output sandbox upload failed and no file name supplied for failover to Grid storage"
                # Do not overwrite in case of Error
                if not self.failedFlag:
                    self.__report("Completed", "Output Sandbox Uploaded")
                self.log.info("Sandbox uploaded successfully")

        return "OK"