Пример #1
class TweetStoringToHDFS(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.listen_topic = "sentiment_tweet"

        self.is_listening = True
        self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(
            value_deserializer=lambda x: loads(x.decode('utf-8')))

        self.send_topic = "new_tweet"
        self.hdfsUtil = HDFSUtil()
        self.curFile = ""
        self.df = None
        self.save_at_batches = 1000  # control how frequent we save our file

    def write_tweet(self):
        while self.is_listening:
            for message in self.consumer:
                # get current datetime as file name
                date_str = datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                file_name = 'tweets_{0}.csv'.format(date_str)

                if self.curFile == "" or self.curFile != file_name:
                    # Load current HDFS file as df
                    if self.hdfsUtil.is_file_exist(file_name):
                        self.df, _ = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_dataframe(
                        self.curFile = file_name
                        # TODO: Write to HDFS before creating new one, if contain data
                        # HDFS file does not exist, create empty data frame
                        self.curFile = file_name
                        self.df = pd.DataFrame()

                # Read json object and load it into data frame
                json_object = dict(message.value)
                cur_df = pd.DataFrame(list(json_object.values())).T
                cur_df.columns = list(json_object.keys())

                # Append the new tweet
                frames = [self.df, cur_df]
                self.df = pd.concat(frames)

                # saving the result at 1000 new tweets
                print(f"{len(self.df)} / {self.save_at_batches}")
                if (len(self.df) % self.save_at_batches) > 0 and len(
                        self.df) >= self.save_at_batches:
                    temp_path = os.path.join("../HDFS",
                    self.df.to_csv(temp_path, index=False)
                    self.hdfsUtil.write_file(temp_path, file_name)
                    self.df = pd.DataFrame()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
        self.hdfsUtil = HDFSUtil()
        self.df, self.df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_dataframe("tweets_20-02-2020.csv")
        self.model = api.load("glove-wiki-gigaword-50", return_path=False)

        # SparkCode
        sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
        self.sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
        self.vector_list = []
    def __init__(self):

        self.listen_topic = "sentiment_tweet"

        self.is_listening = True
        self.consumer = KafkaConsumer(
            value_deserializer=lambda x: loads(x.decode('utf-8')))

        self.send_topic = "new_tweet"
        self.hdfsUtil = HDFSUtil()
        self.curFile = ""
        self.df = None
        self.save_at_batches = 1000  # control how frequent we save our file
Пример #4
class SampleNLP(object):
    Fixing JAVA version issue: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53583199/pyspark-error-unsupported-class-file-major-version-55

    def __init__(self):
        self.nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
        self.hdfsUtil = HDFSUtil()
        self.df, self.df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_dataframe("tweets_20-02-2020.csv")
        self.model = api.load("glove-wiki-gigaword-50", return_path=False)

        # SparkCode
        sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
        self.sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
        self.vector_list = []

    def spark_word_cloud(self, data, max_row=500):
        Faster extract tokens and count them. Will look for both tweet and rss.
        :param max_row: Limit number of rows to extract
        :return: count token dictionary
        start_date = data['start_date']
        if "end_date" in data.keys():
            end_date = data['end_date']
            end_date = None

        # Loading from Tweets
        sample_text1 = ""
        tweet_df, tweet_df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,
        if tweet_df is not None or tweet_df_schema is not None:
            tweet_df = self.sqlContext.createDataFrame(tweet_df, tweet_df_schema)
            sample_text1 = " ".join(
                text.text for text in tweet_df.select("text").rdd.takeSample(False, max_row, seed=42))

        # Loading from RSS
        sample_text2 = ""
        rss_df, rss_df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type='rss')
        if rss_df is not None or rss_df_schema is not None:
            rss_df = self.sqlContext.createDataFrame(rss_df, rss_df_schema)
            sample_text2 = " ".join(
                text.title for text in rss_df.select("title").rdd.takeSample(False, max_row, seed=42))

        sample_text = f"{sample_text1} {sample_text2}"

        # Extract tokens
        doc = self.nlp(sample_text)
        tokens = [str(token.lemma_.lower()) for token in doc if not token.is_stop
                  and not token.is_punct
                  and not token.is_space
                  and len(token) >= 3
                  and not token.like_url
                  and token.is_alpha]

        # Count tokens
        token_dic = {}
        token_set = set(tokens)
        for t in token_set:
            token_dic[t] = 0

        for t in tokens:
            token_dic[t] += 1

        return token_dic

    def word_cloud(self, data):
        start_date = data['start_date']
        if "end_date" in data.keys():
            end_date = data['end_date']
            end_date = None
        self.df = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type='tweet')

        if self.df is None:
            return {'status': "200", "message": "No file found"}

        tokens = []
        for idx, row in self.df.iterrows():
            doc = self.nlp(row['text'])
            for token in doc:
                if token.is_alpha and not token.is_stop:

        token_dic = {}
        token_set = set(tokens)
        for t in token_set:
            token_dic[t] = 0

        for t in tokens:
            token_dic[t] += 1

        return token_dic

    def contain_word(self, word):
        return word in self.model.vocab.keys()

    def sentence_vector(self, sentence, negative=None, positive=None):
        Use either negative or positive sentences to guide sentence vector
        if negative:
            negative = list(tokenize(negative))
            negative = [word for word in negative if word not in sentence]
            # print(negative)
            neg_vectors = [self.model[word] for word in negative if self.contain_word(word)]

            # tokenize sentence, we need sentence as a string to extract additional words in negative
            sentence = list(tokenize(sentence))
            vectors = [self.model[word] for word in sentence if self.contain_word(word)]
            vectors = np.mean(vectors, axis=0)

            if len(neg_vectors) == 0:
                neg_vectors = np.zeros(vectors.shape)

            return vectors - np.mean(neg_vectors, axis=0)

        elif positive:
            positive = list(tokenize(positive))
            positive = [word for word in positive if word not in sentence]
            # print(positive)
            pos_vectors = [self.model[word] for word in positive if self.contain_word(word)]

            # tokenize sentence, we need sentence as a string to extract additional words in positive
            sentence = list(tokenize(sentence))
            vectors = [self.model[word] for word in sentence if self.contain_word(word)]
            vectors = np.mean(vectors, axis=0)

            if len(pos_vectors) == 0:
                pos_vectors = np.zeros(vectors.shape)

            return vectors + np.mean(pos_vectors, axis=0)

            sentence = list(tokenize(sentence))
            vectors = [self.model[word] for word in sentence if self.contain_word(word)]
            if not vectors:
                return np.zeros(50)
            return np.mean(vectors, axis=0)

    def search_doc(self, query, context=None, top_n=3):
            # get the top result in dataframe
            query_vector = self.sentence_vector(query, positive=context)
            # result = self.model.cosine_similarities(query_vector, [v for v in self.df['vector'].values])
            result = self.model.cosine_similarities(query_vector, self.vector_list)
            self.df['score'] = result
            top_result = self.df.sort_values('score', ascending=False)[:top_n]

            # get the closes sentences
            final_result = {}
            result = []
            for idx, row in top_result.iterrows():
                meta = {}
                sents = self.nlp(row['text']).sents
                sents = list(sents)
                sents_vectors = []
                for sent in sents:
                    vector = self.sentence_vector(str(sent))
                scores = self.model.cosine_similarities(query_vector, sents_vectors)
                scores[np.isnan(scores)] = 0

                datetime = parser.parse(str(row['date']))
                meta["sentence"] = str(sents[int(np.argmax(scores))])
                meta["score"] = str(scores[np.argmax(scores)])
                meta["doc"] = str(row['text'])
                meta['date'] = str(datetime.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S"))
                meta['author'] = str(row['source'])

            final_result['result'] = result
            result_str = json.dumps(final_result)
            result_str = result_str.encode('utf8')
            return re.sub(rb'[^\x00-\x7f]', rb' ', result_str)
        except Exception as e:
            return "No result."

    def query_sentence(self, data):
        start_date = data['start_date']
        if "end_date" in data.keys():
            end_date = data['end_date']
            end_date = None

        query = data['query']
        if "context" in data.keys():
            context = data['context']
            context = None

        if "top_n" in data.keys():
            top_n = data['top_n']
            top_n = 3

        # LOADING tweets
        sample_size = 5000
        self.vector_list = []
        df_tweet, tweet_df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,
        if df_tweet is None:
            df_tweet = pd.DataFrame()
            if len(df_tweet) > sample_size:
                df_tweet = df_tweet.sample(n=sample_size)

            # compute tweet document vectors
            for doc in df_tweet['text']:
                vector = self.sentence_vector(doc)

            df_tweet = df_tweet[["text", "screen_name", "created_at"]]
            df_tweet.columns = ['text', "source", "date"]

        # LOADING rss
        df_rss, res_df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, data_type="rss")
        if df_rss is not None:
            # df_rss = df_rss.sample(n=sample_size)
            # compute rss document vectors
            for doc in df_rss['title']:
                vector = self.sentence_vector(doc)

            df_rss = df_rss[['title', 'link', 'published']]
            df_rss.columns = ['text', "source", "date"]
            df_rss = pd.DataFrame()

        # No result found
        if len(df_tweet) == 0 and len(df_rss) == 0:
            return "{}"

        # Combine tweet and rss into single data frame
        self.df = pd.concat([df_tweet, df_rss])

        # Search for  the closet document
        return self.search_doc(query, context, top_n)

    def get_sentiment(self, data):
        start_date = data['start_date']
        if "end_date" in data.keys():
            end_date = data['end_date']
            end_date = None

        is_positive = data['is_positive']
        top_n = data['top_n']

        df_tweet, tweet_df_schema = self.hdfsUtil.read_file_date(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date,
        sample_size = 10000
        if df_tweet is not None and len(df_tweet) > sample_size:
            df_tweet = df_tweet.sample(n=sample_size)

        if "compound" in list(df_tweet.columns) and is_positive:
            df_result = df_tweet.sort_values(by=['compound'], ascending=False)[:top_n]
            df_result = df_tweet.sort_values(by=['compound'], ascending=True)[:top_n]

        df_result = df_result[["text", "screen_name", "created_at", "compound"]]
        return df_result.to_json(orient="records")